Externally visible characteristics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most significant genetic influence on eye color pigmentation is attributed to the intronic SNP rs12913832 in the HERC2 gene, which interacts with the promoter region of the contiguous OCA2 gene. This interaction, through the formation of a chromatin loop, modulates the transcriptional activity of OCA2, directly affecting eye color pigmentation. Recent advancements in technology have elucidated the precise spatial organization of the genome within the cell nucleus, with chromatin architecture playing a pivotal role in regulating various genome functions. In this study, we investigated the organization of the chromatin close to the HERC2/OCA2 locus in human lymphocyte nuclei using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) data. The 3 Mb of genomic DNA that belonged to the chromosomal region 15q12-q13.1 revealed the presence of three contiguous chromatin loops, which exhibited a different level of compaction depending on the presence of the A or G allele in the SNP rs12913832. Moreover, the analysis of the genomic organization of the genes has demonstrated that this chromosomal region is evolutionarily highly conserved, as evidenced by the analysis of syntenic regions in species from other Vertebrate classes. Thus, the role of rs12913832 variant is relevant not only in determining the transcriptional activation of the OCA2 gene but also in the chromatin compaction of a larger region, underscoring the critical role of chromatin organization in the proper regulation of the involved genes. It is crucial to consider the broader implications of this finding, especially regarding the potential regulatory role of similar polymorphisms located within intronic regions, which do not influence the same gene by modulating the splicing process, but they regulate the expression of adjacent genes. Therefore, caution should be exercised when utilizing whole-exome sequencing for diagnostic purposes, as intron sequences may provide valuable gene regulation information on the region where they reside. Thus, future research efforts should also be directed towards gaining a deeper understanding of the precise mechanisms underlying the role and mode of action of intronic SNPs in chromatin loop organization and transcriptional regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping technologies can generate investigative leads for human remains identification, including estimation of biological sex, biogeographical ancestry (BGA), externally visible characteristics (EVCs), identity, uniparental lineage and extended kinship. The ForenSeq® Kintelligence Kit provides forensic laboratories with the ability to apply this suite of genetic tools to forensic samples using one panel targeting 10,230 SNPs (including 56 ancestry-informative, 24 phenotype-informative, 94 identity-informative, 106 X chromosome, 85 Y chromosome and 9867 kinship-informative SNPs) sequenced on the MiSeq FGx® Sequencing System. The ForenSeq® Kintelligence Kit has been internally validated, optimised and operationalised by the Australian Federal Police National DNA Program for Unidentified and Missing Persons (AFP Program) for coronial casework. The internal validation was conducted according to the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods guidelines (excluding mixture analysis), focussing on sample types typically encountered in human remains identification casework, such as bones, teeth, nail, blood and hair. The workflow was optimised for a high throughput library preparation and sequencing workflow, and additional analytical thresholds were developed to improve genotyping accuracy for low DNA input samples. Additionally, the genetic intelligence generated from the kit was compared to the self-declared biological sex, EVCs and BGA of the DNA donors to assess concordance. The kit was able to produce high quality SNP profiles from 1.0 ng down to 0.1 ng of DNA, with high repeatability and reproducibility, and minimal background noise. The prediction accuracy for biological sex (95%), hair colour (58%), eye colour (74%) and BGA inferences (consistent: 74%; partially consistent: 10%; inconclusive: 16%) was determined based on self-declared data. Additionally, SNP profiles from a volunteer family group of ten related individuals were uploaded to GEDmatch PRO™ to assess kinship accuracy. The kit was capable of detecting (97%) and accurately classifying (90%) genetic relationships spanning from first to fifth degree. The Kintelligence Kit provides the AFP Program with a robust and reliable genetic intelligence tool for unidentified and missing persons investigations, which has been designed to sequence multiple challenging samples in a single multiplexed assay using existing laboratory instrumentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent decades, the use of genetic polymorphisms related to specific phenotypes, such as eye color, has greatly contributed to the development of the research field called forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP), enabling the investigators of crime cases to reduce the number of suspects, making their work faster and more precise. Eye color is a polygenic phenotype, and many genetic variants have been highlighted, with the major contributor being the HERC2-OCA2 locus, where many single nucleotide variations (SNPs) were identified. Interestingly, the HERC2-OCA2 locus, containing the intronic SNP rs12913832, the major eye color determinant, shows a high level of evolutionary conservation across many species of vertebrates. Currently, there are some genetic panels to predict eye color by genomic DNA analysis, even if the exact role of the SNP variants in the formation of eye color is still poorly understood, with a low level of predictivity in the so-called intermediate eye color. Many variants in OCA2, HERC2, and other genes lie in introns or correspond to synonymous variants, highlighting greater complexity in the mechanism of action of such genes than a simple missense variation. Here, we show the main genes involved in oculocutaneous pigmentation and their structural and functional features, as well as which genetic variants show the highest level of eye color predictivity in currently used FDP assays. Despite the great recent advances and impact of FDP in criminal cases, it is necessary to enhance scientific research to better understand the mechanism of action behind each genetic variant involved in eye color, with the goal of obtaining higher levels of prediction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In his famous 1972 paper, Richard Lewontin used \'classical\' protein-based markers to show that greater than 85% of human genetic diversity was contained within, rather than between, populations. At that time, these same markers also formed the basis of forensic technology aiming to identify individuals. This review describes the evolution of forensic genetic methods into DNA profiling, and how the field has accounted for the apportionment of genetic diversity in considering the weight of forensic evidence. When investigative databases fail to provide a match to a crime-scene profile, specific markers can be used to seek intelligence about a suspect: these include inferences on population of origin (biogeographic ancestry) and externally visible characteristics, chiefly pigmentation of skin, hair and eyes. In this endeavour, ancestry and phenotypic variation are closely entangled. The markers used show patterns of inter- and intrapopulation diversity that are very atypical compared to the genome as a whole, and reinforce an apparent link between ancestry and racial divergence that is not systematically present otherwise. Despite the legacy of Lewontin\'s result, therefore, in a major area in which genetics coincides with issues of public interest, methods tend to exaggerate human differences and could thereby contribute to the reification of biological race. This article is part of the theme issue \'Celebrating 50 years since Lewontin\'s apportionment of human diversity\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP) has provided better understanding of various phenotypic features (e.g., height, skin colour, eye colour, structure and shape of scalp hair, baldness, facial features etc.) and associated genetic variations. The current study was designed to investigate the genetic variants and their potential contribution towards accurate phenotype prediction systems. Short Tandem Repeat (STR) based DNA typing method can be uninformative or with little potential to solve a crime in absence of suspect DNA profile in the database. Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP), prediction of externally visible characteristics (EVCs) from the crime scene DNA would certainly provide a new dimension to personal identification. The aim of this review paper is to highlight the significance and future prospects of FDP.
    RESULTS: A comprehensive literature review was conducted using PubMed and similar e-databases with keywords from two main components-phenotype and the associated genetic variants. To ensure a thorough literature review, searches were extended using the snowballing technique from reference lists. Key data extracted were type of study, sample characteristics (sample size, age, geographical location and ancestry), details of SNPs studied and prediction accuracies.
    CONCLUSIONS: Phenotyping tools based on genotyping and statistical analysis for the prediction of human pigmentation are propitious in solving cold cases. This indicates the inevitability of future studies for the identification of new genetic markers for accurate prediction of phenotype or EVCs via genome-wide association study (GWAS) in diverse global populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The advent of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) applications focused on the generation of forensic-quality full mitochondrial genome sequences led to a popularization of the technique on a global scale. However, the lack of forensic-graded population databases has refrained a wider adoption of full genome sequences as the industry standard, despite its better discrimination capacity of individual maternal lineages.
    This work describes a forensic-oriented full mtDNA genome database comprised of 480 samples from a Southern Brazilian population.
    A collection of mitochondrial sequences were obtained from low-pass, full genome DNA sequencing results. The complete sample set was evaluated regarding haplotype composition and distribution. Summary statistics and forensic parameters were calculated and are presented for the database, with detailed information concerning the impact of removing genetic information in the form of specific variants or increasingly larger genomic regions. Interpopulational analysis comparing haplotypical diversity in Brazilian and 26 worldwide populations was also performed. The association between mitochondrial genetic variability and phenotypic diversity was also evaluated in populations, with self-declared ancestry and three distinct phenotypic pigmentation traits (eyes, skin and hair colors) as parameters.
    The presented database can be used to evaluate mitochondrial-related genetic evidence, providing LR values of up to 20,465 for unobserved haplotypes. Haplotype distribution in Southern Brazil seems to be different than the remaining of the country, with a larger contribution of maternal lines with European origin. Despite association can be found between lighter and darker phenotypes or self-declared ancestry and haplotype distribution, prediction models cannot be reliably proposed due to the admixed nature of the Brazilian population.
    The proposed database provides a basis for statistical calculation and frequency estimation of full mitochondrial genomes, and can be part of an integrated, representative, national database comprising most of the genetic diversity of maternal lineages in the country.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skin pigmentation is one of the most prominent and variable phenotypes in humans. We compared the alleles of 163 SNPs and indels from the Human Pigmentation (HuPi) AmpliSeq™ Custom panel, and biogeographic ancestry with the quantitative skin pigmentation levels on the upper arm, lower arm, and forehead of 299 Pakistani individuals from three subpopulations: Baloch, Pashtun, and Punjabi. The biogeographic ancestry of each individual was estimated using the Precision ID Ancestry Panel. All individuals were mainly of mixed South-Central Asian and European ancestry. However, the Baloch individuals also had an average proportion of Sub-Saharan African ancestry of approximately 10%, whereas it was <1% in the Punjabi and Pashtun individuals. The pairwise genetic distances between the Pashtun, Punjabi, and Baloch subpopulations based on the ancestry markers were statistically significantly different. Individuals from the Pashtun subpopulation had statistically significantly lower skin pigmentation than individuals from the Punjabi and Baloch subpopulations (p < 0.05). The proportions of European and Sub-Saharan African ancestry and five SNPs (rs1042602, rs10831496, rs1426654, rs16891982, and rs12913832) were statistically significantly associated with skin pigmentation at either the upper arm, lower arm or forehead in the Pakistani population after correction for multiple testing (p < 10-3). A model based on four of these SNPs (rs1426654, rs1042602, rs16891982, and rs12913832) explained 33% of the upper arm skin pigmentation. The four SNPs and the proportions of European and Sub-Saharan African ancestry explained 37% of the upper arm skin pigmentation. Our results indicate that the four likely causative SNPs, rs1426654, rs1042602, rs16891982, and rs12913832 located in SLC24A5, TYR, SLC45A2, and HERC2, respectively, are essential for skin color variation in the admixed Pakistani subpopulations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prediction of human externally visible characteristics (EVCs) based solely on DNA information has become an established approach in forensic and anthropological genetics in recent years. While for a large set of EVCs, predictive models have already been established using multinomial logistic regression (MLR), the prediction performances of other possible classification methods have not been thoroughly investigated thus far. Motivated by the question to identify a potential classifier that outperforms these specific trait models, we conducted a systematic comparison between the widely used MLR and three popular machine learning (ML) classifiers, namely support vector machines (SVM), random forest (RF) and artificial neural networks (ANN), that have shown good performance outside EVC prediction. As examples, we used eye, hair and skin color categories as phenotypes and genotypes based on the previously established IrisPlex, HIrisPlex, and HIrisPlex-S DNA markers. We compared and assessed the performances of each of the four methods, complemented by detailed hyperparameter tuning that was applied to some of the methods in order to maximize their performance. Overall, we observed that all four classification methods showed rather similar performance, with no method being substantially superior to the others for any of the traits, although performances varied slightly across the different traits and more so across the trait categories. Hence, based on our findings, none of the ML methods applied here provide any advantage on appearance prediction, at least when it comes to the categorical pigmentation traits and the selected DNA markers used here.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prediction of appearance traits by use of solely genetic information has become an established approach and a number of statistical prediction models have already been developed for this purpose. However, given limited knowledge on appearance genetics, currently available models are incomplete and do not include all causal genetic variants as predictors. Therefore such prediction models may benefit from the inclusion of additional information that acts as a proxy for this unknown genetic background. Use of priors, possibly informed by trait category prevalence values in biogeographic ancestry groups, in a Bayesian framework may thus improve the prediction accuracy of previously predicted externally visible characteristics, but has not been investigated as of yet. In this study, we assessed the impact of using trait prevalence-informed priors on the prediction performance in Bayesian models for eye, hair and skin color as well as hair structure and freckles in comparison to the respective prior-free models. Those prior-free models were either similarly defined either very close to the already established ones by using a reduced predictive marker set. However, these differences in the number of the predictive markers should not affect significantly our main outcomes. We observed that such priors often had a strong effect on the prediction performance, but to varying degrees between different traits and also different trait categories, with some categories barely showing an effect. While we found potential for improving the prediction accuracy of many of the appearance trait categories tested by using priors, our analyses also showed that misspecification of those prior values often severely diminished the accuracy compared to the respective prior-free approach. This emphasizes the importance of accurate specification of prevalence-informed priors in Bayesian prediction modeling of appearance traits. However, the existing literature knowledge on spatial prevalence is sparse for most appearance traits, including those investigated here. Due to the limitations in appearance trait prevalence knowledge, our results render the use of trait prevalence-informed priors in DNA-based appearance trait prediction currently infeasible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wasted Chances? The Current Political Debate on DNA Phenotyping and Biogeographical Ancestry Analysis in Criminal Investigation in Germany. This paper discusses diverse understandings of ‘responsible science’ in heated political debates. It takes a current public debate around a German law amendment draft concerning the use of novel forensic genetic techniques, namely DNA‐phenotyping and biogeographical ancestry analysis, as an example. A distinction is being made between an understanding that emphasizes scientific debate and precision, and another one that focuses on political agency. The paper also addresses the question whether and how science studies scholars, given their depth of expertise in the analysis of complex problems spanning disciplinary boundaries, should contribute to national debates in policy fields where no such dialogue exists yet.





