
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Enhancing detection of cryptic snakes is critical for the development of conservation and management strategies; yet, finding methods that provide adequate detection remains challenging. Issues with detecting snakes can be particularly problematic for some species, like the invasive Burmese python (Python bivittatus) in the Florida Everglades.
    UNASSIGNED: Using multiple survey methods, we predicted that our ability to detect pythons, larger snakes and all other snakes would be enhanced with the use of live mammalian lures (domesticated rabbits; Oryctolagus cuniculus). Specifically, we used visual surveys, python detection dogs, and time-lapse game cameras to determine if domesticated rabbits were an effective lure.
    UNASSIGNED: Time-lapse game cameras detected almost 40 times more snakes (n = 375, treatment = 245, control = 130) than visual surveys (n = 10). We recorded 21 independent detections of pythons at treatment pens (with lures) and one detection at a control pen (without lures). In addition, we found larger snakes, and all other snakes were 165% and 74% more likely to be detected at treatment pens compared to control pens, respectively. Time-lapse cameras detected almost 40 times more snakes than visual surveys; we did not detect any pythons with python detection dogs.
    UNASSIGNED: Our study presents compelling evidence that the detection of snakes is improved by coupling live mammalian lures with time-lapse game cameras. Although the identification of smaller snake species was limited, this was due to pixel resolution, which could be improved by changing the camera focal length. For larger snakes with individually distinctive patterns, this method could potentially be used to identify unique individuals and thus allow researchers to estimate population dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphometric allometry, the effect of size on morphological variation, has been of great interest for evolutionary biologist and is currently used in fields such as wildlife ecology to inform management and conservation. We assessed American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) morphological static allometry across the Greater Everglades ecosystem in South Florida, United States using a robust dataset (~ 22 years) and investigated effects of sex, habitat, and sampling area on morphological relationships. Regression models showed very strong evidence of a linear relationship between variables explaining equal to or above 92% of the variation in the data. Most trait-size relationships (8 out of 11 assessed) showed hyperallometry (positive allometry) with slope deviations from isometry between 0.1 and 0.2 units while the other three relationships were isometric. Sampling area, type of habitat, and in a lesser extent sex influenced allometric coefficients (slope and intercept) across several relationships, likely as result of differing landscapes and ecosystem dynamic alterations and sexual dimorphism. We discuss our findings in terms of the biology of the species as well as the usefulness of our results in the context of ecosystem restoration and conservation of the species. Finally, we provide recommendations when using trait-length relationships to infer population nutritional-health condition and demographics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mercury (Hg) is a toxic metal that is easily released into the atmosphere as a gas or a particulate. Since Hg has serious health impacts based on human exposure, it is a major concern where it accumulates. Southern Florida is a region of high Hg deposition in the United States. It has entered the southern Florida environment for over 56 MY. For the past 3000 to 8000 years, Hg has accumulated in the Everglades peatlands, where approximately 42.3 metric tons of Hg was deposited. The pre-industrial source of mercury that was deposited into the Everglades was from the atmosphere, consisting of combined Saharan dust and marine evasion. Drainage and the development of the Everglades for agriculture, and other mixed land uses have caused a 65.7% reduction in the quantity of peat, therefore releasing approximately 28 metric tons of Hg into the southern Florida environment over a period of approximately 133 years. Both natural and man-made fires have facilitated the Hg release. The current range in mercury release into the southern Florida environment lies between 994.9 and 1249 kg/yr. The largest source of Hg currently entering the Florida environment is from combined atmospheric sources, including Saharan dust, aerosols, sea spray, and ocean flux/evasion at 257.1-514.2 kg/yr. The remobilization of Hg from the Everglades peatlands and fires is approximately 215 kg/yr. Other large contributors include waste to energy incinerators (204.1 kg/yr), medical waste and crematory incinerators (159.7+ kg/yr), and cement plant stack discharge (150.6 kg/yr). Minor emissions include fuel emissions from motorized vehicles, gas emissions from landfills, asphalt plants, and possible others. No data are available on controlled fires in the Everglades in sugar farming, which is lumped with the overall peatland loss of Hg to the environment. Hg has impacted wildlife in southern Florida with recorded excess concentrations in fish, birds, and apex predators. This bioaccumulation of Hg in animals led to the adoption of regulations (total maximum loads) to reduce the impacts on wildlife and warnings were given to consumers to avoid the consumption of fish that are considered to be contaminated. The deposition of atmospheric Hg in southern Florida has not been studied sufficiently to ascertain where it has had the greatest impacts. Hg has been found to accumulate on willow tree leaves in a natural environment in one recent study. No significant studies of the potential impacts on human health have been conducted in southern Florida, which should be started based on the high rates of Hg fallout in rainfall and known recycling for organic sediments containing high concentrations of Hg.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water flow (discharge) can affect water quality by influencing the concentration and transport of waterborne contaminants. The effects of discharge on phosphorus (P) and particle concentrations in managed canals, were described using concentration-discharge (C-Q) relationships, accumulation of suspended and settling particles, and the physicochemical characteristics of these particles and bed sediments. Piecewise regression analysis on C-Q relationships revealed slope inflections that denoted thresholds, where P-behavior changed from low to high discharge. The C-Q relationships generally showed higher concentrations at higher discharges. In three of the four Lower Everglades canals studied, long-term (1995-2019) lower temporal resolution data (daily to weekly) was adequate to describe the influence of discharge on P concentrations. However, in one site, the L-29 Canal, higher temporal resolution data (minutes to hours over weeks), derived from acoustic sensors, was necessary to produce C-Q relationships. In the L-29 Canal, discharge affected the transport, settling, and sediment accrual at distances from the S333 inflow structure. Sediment traps showed higher discharge led to a greater accumulation of suspended particles that were transported and settled farther downstream. Generally, downstream surface sediments in the L-29 Canal had greater organic matter, lower bulk density and higher TP than those of the upstream site, reflecting long-term effects of discharge. Understanding the effects of discharge on particles and associated nutrients, especially at discharge thresholds that lead to concentration increases, can inform the operation of managed canals to reduce contaminant loading to downstream sensitive ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In September 2017, Hurricane Irma made landfall in South Florida, causing a great deal of damage to mangrove forests along the southwest coast. A combination of hurricane strength winds and high storm surge across the area resulted in canopy defoliation, broken branches, and downed trees. Evaluating changes in mangrove forest structure is significant, as a loss or change in mangrove forest structure can lead to loss in the ecosystems services that they provide. In this study, we used lidar remote sensing technology and field data to assess damage to the South Florida mangrove forests from Hurricane Irma. Lidar data provided an opportunity to investigate changes in mangrove forests using 3D high-resolution data to assess hurricane-induced changes at different tree structure levels. Using lidar data in conjunction with field observations, we were able to model aboveground necromass (AGN; standing dead trees) on a regional scale across the Shark River and Harney River within Everglades National Park. AGN estimates were higher in the mouth and downstream section of Shark River and higher in the downstream section of the Harney River, with higher impact observed in Shark River. Mean AGN estimates were 46 Mg/ha in Shark River and 38 Mg/ha in Harney River and an average loss of 29% in biomass, showing a significant damage when compared to other areas impacted by Hurricane Irma and previous disturbances in our study region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal wetlands, such as the Everglades, are increasingly being exposed to stressors that have the potential to modify their existing ecological processes because of global climate change. Their soil microbiomes include a population of organisms important for biogeochemical cycling, but continual stresses can disturb the community\'s composition, causing functional changes. The Everglades feature wetlands with varied salinity levels, implying that they contain microbial communities with a variety of salt tolerances and microbial functions. Therefore, tracking the effects of stresses on these populations in freshwater and brackish marshes is critical. The study addressed this by utilizing next generation sequencing (NGS) to construct a baseline soil microbial community. The carbon and sulfur cycles were studied by sequencing a microbial functional gene involved in each process, the mcrA and dsrA functional genes, respectively. Saline was introduced over two years to observe the taxonomic alterations that occurred after a long-term disturbance such as seawater intrusion. It was observed that saltwater dosing increased sulfite reduction in freshwater peat soils and decreased methylotrophy in brackish peat soils. These findings add to the understanding of microbiomes by demonstrating how changes in soil qualities impact communities both before and after a disturbance such as saltwater intrusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mercury (Hg) is a globally distributed pollutant. Its sub-lethal effects on reproduction of birds have been used as indicators of contamination and of potential demographic effects. However, studies typically used single endpoints that might not be representative of entire reproductive cycle. To estimate timing and net cumulative effects of Hg exposure under field conditions, we used observational data over 11 years from >1200 nests of great egrets breeding under temporally and spatially varying food availability and Hg exposures in the Florida Everglades. We collected measures of fish biomass and availability (>100 locations annually) and used four avian reproductive endpoints that represented the entire breeding cycle. We calculated net reproductive loss by adding estimated Hg effects on failures prior to egg laying, clutch size, hatching success and nestling survival in response to food availability and Hg exposure. To validate and assess results of the observational egret study, we ran the same analyses with data of captive breeding white ibises experimentally exposed to Hg with ad libitum food over 3 years. We found large (>50 %) reductions in great egret offspring with high Hg exposure (18 μg/g dw THg nestling feather, ~0.7 μg/g ww whole egg THg) and high food availability, and even larger reductions (up to 100 %) with high Hg exposure and low food. Timing and the relative contribution of different endpoints to overall reproductive failure varied with food availability. Failures prior to egg laying were relevant at all food availabilities and proportionally most important during high food availability (~70 % of total losses). Under high food, post-hatching failures increased moderately with increasing exposure (~10 % of total losses), and under low food, hatching failures became dominant (~50 % of total losses). Patterns of failure of captive white ibis fed ad libitum resembled those of great egrets under high food availability but differed in total magnitude. We suggest that, a) net reproductive effects of Hg in free-ranging animals are probably much higher than generally reported in studies using single endpoints, b) Hg effect sizes vary considerably among different endpoints and c) food availability is a strong driver of timing and net effects of Hg exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mercury (Hg) contamination has been a persistent concern in the Florida Everglades for over three decades due to elevated atmospheric deposition and the system\'s propensity for methylation and rapid bioaccumulation. Given declines in atmospheric Hg concentrations in the conterminous United States and efforts to mitigate nutrient release to the greater Everglades ecosystem, it was vital to assess how Hg dynamics responded on temporal and spatial scales. This study used a multimedia approach (water and biota) to examine Hg and methylmercury (MeHg) dynamics across a 76-site network within the southernmost portion of the region, Everglades National Park (ENP), from 2008 to 2018. Hg concentrations across matrices showed that air, water, and biota from the system were inextricably linked. Temporal patterns across matrices were driven primarily by hydrologic and climatic changes in the park and no evidence of a decline in atmospheric Hg deposition from 2008 to 2018 was observed, unlike other regions of the United States. In the Shark River Slough (SRS), excess dissolved organic carbon and sulfate were also consistently delivered from upgradient canals and showed no evidence of decline over the study period. Within the SRS a strong positive correlation was observed between MeHg concentrations in surface water and resident fish. Within distinct geographic regions of ENP (SRS, Marsh, Coastal), the geochemical controls on MeHg dynamics differed and highlighted regions susceptible to higher MeHg bioaccumulation, particularly in the SRS and Coastal regions. This study demonstrates the strong influence that dissolved organic carbon and sulfate loads have on spatial and temporal distributions of MeHg across ENP. Importantly, improved water quality and flow rates are two key restoration targets of the nearly 30-year Everglades restoration program, which if achieved, this study suggests would lead to reduced MeHg production and exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate prediction of evapotranspiration (ET) in wetlands is critical for understanding the coupling effects of water, carbon, and energy cycles in terrestrial ecosystems. Multiple years of eddy covariance (EC) tower ET measurements at five representative wetland ecosystems in the subtropical Big Cypress National Preserve (BCNP), Florida (USA) provide a unique opportunity to assess the performance of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) ET operational product MOD16A2 and upscale tower measured ET to generate local/regional wetland ET maps. We developed an object-based machine learning ensemble approach to evaluate and map wetland ET by linking tower measured ET with key predictors from MODIS products and meteorological variables. The results showed MOD16A2 had poor performance in characterizing ET patterns and was unsatisfactory for estimating ET over four wetland communities where Nash-Sutcliffe model Efficiency (NSE) was less than 0.5. In contrast, the site-specific machine learning ensemble model had a high predictive power with a NSE larger than 0.75 across all EC sites. We mapped the ET rate for two distinctive seasons and quantified the prediction diversity to identify regions easier or more challenging to estimate from model-based analyses. An integration of MODIS products and other datasets through the machine learning upscaling paradigm is a promising tool for local wetland ET mapping to guide regional water resource management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid human-driven changes in the environment during the Anthropocene have placed extreme stress on many plants and animals. Beneficial interactions with microorganisms may be crucial for ameliorating these stressors and facilitating the ecosystem services host organisms provide. Foliar endophytes, microorganisms that reside within leaves, are found in essentially all plants and can provide important benefits (e.g., enhanced drought tolerance or resistance to herbivory). However, it remains unclear how important the legacy effects of the abiotic stressors that select on these microbiomes are for affecting the degree of stress amelioration provided to their hosts. To elucidate foliar endophytes\' role in host-plant salt tolerance, especially if salinity experienced in the field selects for endophytes that are better suited to improve the salt tolerance of their hosts, we combined field collections of 90 endophyte communities from 30 sites across the coastal Everglades with a manipulative growth experiment assessing endophyte inoculation effects on host-plant performance. Specifically, we grew >350 red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) seedlings in a factorial design that manipulated the salinity environment the seedlings experienced (freshwater vs. saltwater), the introduction of field-collected endophytes (live vs. sterilized inoculum), and the legacy of salinity stress experienced by these introduced endophytes, ranging from no salt stress (0 parts per thousand [ppt] salinity) to high salt stress (40 ppt) environments. We found that inoculation with field-collected endophytes significantly increased mangrove performance across almost all metrics examined (15%-20% increase on average), and these beneficial effects typically occurred when the endophytes were grown in saltwater. Importantly, our study revealed the novel result that endophyte-conferred salinity tolerance depended on microbiome salinity legacy in a key coastal foundation species. Salt-stressed mangroves inoculated with endophyte microbiomes from high-salinity environments performed, on average, as well as plants grown in low-stress freshwater, while endophytes from freshwater environments did not relieve host salinity stress. Given the increasing salinity stress imposed by sea level rise and the importance of foundation species like mangroves for ecosystem services, our results indicate that consideration of endophytic associations and their salinity legacy may be critical for the successful restoration and management of coastal habitats.





