Event-related potentials

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An improved understanding of the factors associated with suicidal attempts in youth suffering from depression is crucial for the identification and prevention of future suicide risk. However, there is limited understanding of how neural activity is modified during the process of decision-making. Our study aimed to investigate the neural responses in suicide attempters with major depressive disorder (MDD) during decision-making. Electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded from 79 individuals aged 16-25 with MDD, including 39 with past suicide attempts (SA group) and 40 without (NSA group), as well as from 40 age- and sex- matched healthy controls (HCs) during the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). All participants completed diagnostic interviews, self-report questionnaires. Our study examined feedback processing by measuring the feedback-related negativity (FRN), ΔFN (FRN-loss minus FRN-gain), and the P300 as electrophysiological indicators of feedback evaluation. The SA group showed poorest IGT performance. SA group and NSA group, compared with HC group, exhibited specific deficits in decision-making (i.e., exhibited smaller (i.e., blunted) ΔFN). Post hoc analysis found that the SA group was the least sensitive to gains and the most sensitive to losses. In addition, we also found that the larger the value of ΔFN, the better the decision-making ability and the lower the impulsivity. Our study highlights the link between suicide attempts and impaired decision-making in individuals with major depressive disorder. These findings constitute an important step in gaining a better understanding of the specific reward-related abnormalities that could contribute to the young MDD patients with suicide attempts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In environments teeming with distractions, the ability to selectively focus on relevant information is crucial for advanced cognitive processing. Existing research using event-related potential (ERP) technology has shown active suppression of irrelevant stimuli during the consolidation phase of visual working memory (VWM). In previous studies, participants have always been given sufficient time to consolidate VWM, while suppressing distracting information. However, it remains unclear whether the suppression of irrelevant distractors requires continuous effort throughout their presence or whether this suppression is only necessary after the consolidation of task-relevant information. To address this question, our study examines whether distractor suppression is necessary in scenarios where consolidation time is limited. This research investigates the effect of varying presentation durations on the filtering of distractors in VWM. We tasked participants with memorizing two color stimuli and ignoring four distractors, presented for either 50 ms or 200 ms. Using ERP technology, we discovered that the distractor-induced distractor positivity (PD) amplitude is larger during longer presentation durations compared to shorter ones. These findings underscore the significant impact of presentation duration on the efficacy of distractor suppression in VWM, as prolonged exposure results in a stronger suppression effect on distractors. This study sheds light on the temporal dynamics of attention and memory, emphasizing the critical role of stimulus timing in cognitive tasks. These findings provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying VWM and have significant implications for models of attention and memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Much of our understanding of how the brain processes dynamic faces comes from research that compares static photographs to dynamic morphs, which exhibit simplified, computer-generated motion. By comparing static, video recorded, and dynamic morphed expressions, we aim to identify the neural correlates of naturalistic facial dynamism, using time-domain and time-frequency analysis. Dynamic morphs were made from the neutral and peak frames of video recorded transitions of happy and fearful expressions, which retained expression change and removed asynchronous and non-linear features of naturalistic facial motion. We found that dynamic morphs elicited increased N400 amplitudes and lower LPP amplitudes compared to other stimulus types. Video recordings elicited higher LPP amplitudes and greater frontal delta activity compared to other stimuli. Thematic analysis of participant interviews using a large language model revealed that participants found it difficult to assess the genuineness of morphed expressions, and easier to analyse the genuineness of happy compared to fearful expressions. Our findings suggest that animating real faces with artificial motion may violate expectations (N400) and reduce the social salience (LPP) of dynamic morphs. Results also suggest that delta oscillations in the frontal region may be involved with the perception of naturalistic facial motion in happy and fearful expressions. Overall, our findings highlight the sensitivity of neural mechanisms required for face perception to subtle changes in facial motion characteristics, which has important implications for neuroimaging research using faces with simplified motion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Attentional processes are influenced by both stimulus characteristics and individual factors such as mood or personal experience. Research has suggested that attentional biases to socially relevant stimuli may occur in individuals with a history of peer victimization in childhood and adolescence. Based on this, the present study aimed to examine attentional processes in response to emotional faces at both the behavioral and neurophysiological levels in participants with experiences of peer victimization.
    METHODS: In a sample of 60 adult participants with varying severity of retrospectively reported peer victimization in childhood and adolescence, the dot-probe task was administered with angry, disgusted, sad, and happy facial expressions. In addition to behavioral responses, physiological responses (i.e., event-related potentials) were analyzed.
    RESULTS: Analyses of mean P100 and P200 amplitudes revealed altered P200 amplitudes in individuals with higher degrees of peer victimization. Higher levels of relational peer victimization were associated with increased P200 amplitudes in response to facial expressions, particularly angry and disgusted facial expressions. Hierarchical regression analyses showed no evidence for an influence of peer victimization experiences on reaction times or P100 amplitudes in response to the different emotions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cortical findings suggest that individuals with higher levels of peer victimization mobilize more attentional resources when confronted with negative emotional social stimuli. Peer victimization experiences in childhood and adolescence appear to influence cortical processes into adulthood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    EEG的时频(T-F)分析是表征神经活动频谱变化的常用技术。本研究探讨了由于挑战而利用常规光谱技术检查循环事件相关皮质活动的局限性,包括高的试验间变异性。介绍循环频率(C-F)分析,我们旨在加强对周期锁定呼吸事件的评估.对于模拟周期锁定运动前活动的合成脑电图,与传统的T-F分析相比,C-F具有更准确的频率和时间定位,即使试验数量显著减少和呼吸节律的变化。在无负荷呼吸和有负荷呼吸(唤起运动前活动)期间使用真实EEG数据的初步验证表明使用C-F方法的潜在益处。特别是在将时间单位标准化为循环活动阶段以及完善基线位置和持续时间方面。提出的方法可以为有节奏的神经活动的研究提供新的见解,补充T-F分析。 .
    Time-Frequency (T-F) analysis of EEG is a common technique to characterise spectral changes in neural activity. This study explores the limitations of utilizing conventional spectral techniques in examining cyclic event-related cortical activities due to challenges, including high inter-trial variability. Introducing the Cycle-Frequency (C-F) analysis, we aim to enhance the evaluation of cycle-locked respiratory events. For synthetic EEG that mimicked cycle-locked pre-motor activity, C-F had more accurate frequency and time localization compared to conventional T-F analysis, even for a significantly reduced number of trials and a variability of breathing rhythm. Preliminary validations using real EEG data during both unloaded breathing and loaded breathing (that evokes pre-motor activity) suggest potential benefits of using the C-F method, particularly in normalizing time units to cyclic activity phases and refining baseline placement and duration. The proposed approach could provide new insights for the study of rhythmic neural activities, complementing T-F analysis. .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the psychological antecedents of socioeconomic status (SES) on pro-environmental behavior is crucial for effectively encouraging individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds to address environmental issues. Previous research has separately examined the influence of SES and social observation on pro-environmental behavior. However, little is known about whether social observation moderates the influence of SES on pro-environmental behavior, and the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms remain uncharacterized. Using event-related potential (ERPs), we adopted the green purchase paradigm and manipulated subjective SES, to examine whether the influence of SES on pro-environmental behavior is moderated by social observation. The behavioral results revealed that individuals of high SES tended to purchase more eco-friendly products under the observable condition than those in the non-observable condition. The ERP results revealed that participants with high SES exhibited more negative N2 and N400 amplitude during environmental decisions in the non-observable condition than in the observable condition, indicating that high SES individuals experience less cognitive conflict during environmental decisions, which may reflect the attenuated cost-benefit trade-off due to reputational incentives in the presence of observers. Additionally, individuals with high SES exhibited greater reputational motivation when observed, as indicated by larger P3 amplitude. However, these differences were not observed among individuals with low SES. These findings suggest that SES is associated with distinct psychological and behavioral differences in pro-environmental behavior, moderated by social observation, evident across both the early and later stages of environmental decisions in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.This study investigates the impact of conversation on the performance of visual event-related potential (ERP)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), considering distractions in real life environment. The research aims to understand how cognitive distractions from speaking and listening activities affect ERP-BCI performance.Approach.The experiment employs a dual-task paradigm where participants control a smart light using visual ERP-BCIs while simultaneously conducting speaking or listening tasks.Main results.The findings reveal that speaking notably degrades BCI accuracy and the amplitude of ERP components, while increases the latency variability of ERP components and occipital alpha power. In contrast, listening and simple syllable repetition tasks have a lesser impact on these variables. The results suggest that speaking activity significantly distracts visual attentional processes critical for BCI operationSignificance. This study highlights the need to take distractions by daily conversation into account of the design and implementation of ERP-BCIs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Research on cognitive and emotional functions during pregnancy challenges the prevalent perception of cognitive decline in pregnant women. This study investigates the behavioral and neural dynamics of cognitive-affective processing in third-trimester pregnant women, comparing them with non-pregnant controls.
    METHODS: Using a 64-channel EEG-ERP system, we recorded brain activity as participants engaged in an emotional word recognition task. This task involved initially viewing a sequence of emotional and neutral words, followed by a recognition test where participants identified each word as \'new\' or \'previously seen\'.
    RESULTS: Contrary to widespread beliefs about diminished recognition ability during late pregnancy, our results revealed no significant differences in error rates between groups. However, pregnant participants demonstrated slower reaction times. In terms of neural responses, pregnant women exhibited increased amplitudes in the N1, P2, and N400 ERP components, suggesting that they may require additional brain resources compared with non-pregnant individuals to process perceptual information. A significant interaction was observed between pregnancy status and the emotional valence of stimuli. Pregnant women showed heightened N1 and N400 responses to negative words, indicating increased sensitivity to stimuli potentially representing threat. This enhanced response was not observed for positive or neutral words. Furthermore, there was an amplified N1 response to \'new\' words, but not to \'old\' words.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that late pregnancy is characterized by heightened responsiveness to new and particularly negative stimuli, potentially leading to a more cautious behavioral approach. Heightened vigilance and sensitivity could offer evolutionary advantages, optimizing fetal development and enhancing maternal well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While it is widely known that humans are typically highly accurate at recognizing familiar faces, it is less clear how efficiently recognition is achieved. In a series of three experiments, we used event-related brain potentials (ERP) in a repetition priming paradigm to examine the efficiency of familiar face recognition. Specifically, we varied the presentation time of the prime stimulus between 500 ms and 33 ms (Experiments 1 and 2), and additionally used backward masks (Experiment 3) to prevent the potential occurrence of visual aftereffects. Crucially, to test for the recognition of facial identity rather than a specific picture, we used different images of the same facial identities in repetition conditions. We observed clear ERP repetition priming effects between 300 and 500 ms after target onset at all prime durations, which suggests that the prime stimulus was sufficiently well processed to allow for facilitated recognition of the target in all conditions. This finding held true even in severely restricted viewing conditions including very brief prime durations and backward masks. We conclude that the facial recognition system is both highly effective and efficient, thus allowing for our impressive ability to recognise the faces that we know.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virtual reality (VR) allows to create controlled scenarios in which the quantity of stimuli can be modulated, as happen in real-life, where humans are subjected to various multisensory-often overlapping-stimuli. The present research aimed to study changes in attentional processes within an auditory oddball paradigm during a virtual exploration, while varying the amount of distractors. Twenty healthy volunteers underwent electroencephalography (EEG) during three different experimental conditions: an auditory oddball without VR (No-VR condition), an auditory oddball during VR exploration without distractors (VR-Empty condition), and an auditory oddball during VR exploration with a high level of distractors (VR-Full condition). Event-related potentials (ERPs) were computed averaging epochs of EEGs and analyzing peaks at 100 ms (N100) and 300 ms (P300) latencies. Results showed modulation of N100 amplitude in Fz and of P300 amplitude in Pz. Statistically significant differences in latency were observed only for P300 where the latency results delayed from the No-VR to VR-Full. The scalp topography revealed for P100 no significant differences between frequent and rare stimuli in either the No-VR and VR-Empty conditions. However, significant results were found in N100 in VR-Full condition. For P300, results showed differences between frequent and rare stimuli, in every condition. However, this difference is gradually less widespread from No-VR condition to the VR-Full. The emerging integration of VR with EEG may have important implications for studying brain attentional processing.





