Euglena gracilis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paramylon is a polysaccharide primarily composed of β-1,3-glucan, characterized by its high crystallinity and insolubility in water. Enhancing its water solubility through structural modifications presents an effective strategy to unlock its biological activity. In this study, carboxymethylation was employed to produce carboxymethylated paramylon (CEP) with varying carboxyl concentrations. The successful introduction of carboxyl groups led to a notable improvement in water solubility. In vivo experiments demonstrated that CEP reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 24.42 %, improved oral glucose tolerance, and enhanced insulin sensitivity in diabetic mice. Additionally, CEP regulated lipid homeostasis and ameliorated liver damage. Through modulation of the adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase/phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B pathway and the glucose-6-phosphatase/phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase pathway, CEP effectively regulated hepatic glucose absorption and production. Furthermore, CEP mitigated diabetes-induced lipid metabolism disorders. These findings suggest that CEP holds significant promise in ameliorating glucose metabolism disorder, indicating its potential as a novel hypoglycemic functional food.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microalgal oil production represents a promising renewable biofuel source. Metabolic engineering can enhance its utility, transforming it into an improved biofuel and expanding its applications as a feedstock for commodity chemicals, thereby increasing their value in biorefineries. This study focused on anaerobic wax ester production by the microalga Euglena gracilis, aiming to develop stable mutant strains with altered wax ester profiles through genome editing. Two enzymes in the fatty acid beta-oxidation pathway involved in wax ester production were targeted-3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase and acyl-CoA dehydrogenase-using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/Cas9. The results revealed one genetic mutation that lengthened and three that shortened the distribution of wax ester compositions compared to the wild-type (WT). The triple-knockout mutant, combining mutations that shorten wax ester chains, produced wax esters with acyl chains two carbons shorter than WT. This study established a methodology to stably modify wax ester composition in E. gracilis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Efficient removal and recovery of phosphorus from aquaculture tailwater is challenging due to increasing strict water environment restrictions. This study presents a sustainable approach by using microalgae-waste-derived hydrogels/membranes for phosphorus adsorption and microalgae cultivation. Waste from Euglena gracilis (or Haematococcus pluvialis), modified with magnesium, was converted into biochars (abbreviated as MEBC or MHBC). This biochars were then combined with sodium alginate to fabricate hydrogels and with polyvinyl chloride to create membranes. Due to the almost 100 % phosphorus removal of MEBC (or MHBC) biochar, the as-obtained hydrogels/membranes demonstrated excellent phosphate adsorption, reducing total phosphorus in real aquaculture tailwater from 11 mg/L to 0. Additionally, the phosphorus-saturated hydrogel served as a phosphorus source for microalgae cultivation, while the membranes facilitated microalgae harvesting with a water flux over 40 L/m2/h. This study provides an eco-friendly solution for using microalgae-waste-derived materials to effectively address phosphorus removal and recovery challenges in aquaculture tailwater.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unlike plants and animals, the phytoflagellate Euglena gracilis lacks catalase and contains a non-selenocysteine glutathione peroxidase-like protein (EgGPXL), two peroxiredoxins (EgPrx1 and EgPrx4), and one ascorbate peroxidase in the cytosol to maintain reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis. In the present study, the full-length cDNA of three cytosolic EgGPXLs was obtained and further characterized biochemically and functionally. These EgGPXLs used thioredoxin instead of glutathione as an electron donor to reduce the levels of H2O2 and t-BOOH. The specific peroxidase activities of these enzymes for H2O2 and t-BOOH were 1.3 to 4.9 and 0.79 to 3.5 µmol/min/mg protein, respectively. Cytosolic EgGPXLs and EgPrx1/EgPrx4 were silenced simultaneously to investigate the synergistic effects of these genes on the physiological function of E. gracilis. The suppression of cytosolic EgGPXL genes was unable to induce any critical phenomena in Euglena under normal (100 μmol photons m-2 s-1) and high-light conditions (350 μmol photons m-2 s-1) at both autotrophic and heterotrophic states. Unexpectedly, the suppression of EgGPXL genes was able to rescue the EgPrx1/EgPrx4-silenced cell line from a critical situation. This study explored the potential resilience of Euglena to ROS, even with restriction of the cytosolic antioxidant system, indicating the involvement of some compensatory mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    Euglena gracilis (E. gracilis), pivotal in the study of photosynthesis, endosymbiosis, and chloroplast development, is also an industrial microalga for paramylon production. Despite its importance, E. gracilis genome exploration faces challenges due to its intricate nature. In this study, we achieved a chromosome-level de novo assembly (2.37 Gb) using Illumina, PacBio, Bionano, and Hi-C data. The assembly exhibited a contig N50 of 619 Kb and scaffold N50 of 1.12 Mb, indicating superior continuity. Approximately 99.83% of the genome was anchored to 46 chromosomes, revealing structural insights. Repetitive elements constituted 58.84% of the sequences. Functional annotations were assigned to 39,362 proteins, enhancing interpretative power. BUSCO analysis confirmed assembly completeness at 80.39%. This first high-quality E. gracilis genome offers insights for genetics and genomics studies, overcoming previous limitations. The impact extends to academic and industrial research, providing a foundational resource.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microalgae are considered to be more useful and effective to use in biomass production than other photosynthesis organisms. However, microalgae need to be altered to acquire more desirable traits for the relevant purpose. Although neutron radiation is known to induce DNA mutations, there have been few studies on its application to microalgae, and the optimal relationship between irradiation intensity and mutation occurrence has not been established. In this study, using the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae as a model, we analyzed the relationship between the absorbed dose of two types of neutrons, high-energy (above 1 MeV) and thermal (around 25 meV) neutrons, and mutation occurrence while monitoring mutations in URA5.3 gene encoding UMP synthase. As a result, the highest mutational occurrence was observed when the cells were irradiated with 20 Gy of high-energy neutrons and 13 Gy of thermal neutrons. Using these optimal neutron irradiation conditions, we next attempted to improve the lipid accumulation of Euglena gracilis, which is a candidate strain for biofuel feedstock production. As a result, we obtained several strains with a maximum 1.3-fold increase in lipid accumulation compared with the wild-type. These results indicate that microalgae breeding by neutron irradiation is effective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Euglena gracilis, a fascinating organism in the scientific realm, exhibits characteristics of both animals and plants. It maintains redox homeostasis through a variety of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant molecules. In contrast to mammals, Euglena possesses nonselenocysteine glutathione peroxidase homologues that regulate its intracellular pools of reactive oxygen species. In the present study, a full-length cDNA of chloroplastic EgGPXL-1 was isolated and subjected to biochemical and functional characterization. Recombinant EgGPXL-1 scavenged H2O2 and t-BOOH, utilizing thioredoxin as an electron donor rather than glutathione. Despite its monomeric nature, EgGPXL-1 exhibits allosteric behavior with H2O2 as the electron acceptor and follows typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics with t-BOOH. Suppression of EgGPXL-1 gene expression under normal and high-light conditions did not induce critical situations in E. gracilis, suggesting the involvement of compensatory mechanisms in restoring normal conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nuclear introns in Euglenida have been understudied. This study aimed to investigate nuclear introns in Euglenida by identifying a large number of introns in Euglena gracilis (E. gracilis), including cis-spliced conventional and nonconventional introns, as well as trans-spliced outrons. We also examined the sequence characteristics of these introns.
    RESULTS: A total of 28,337 introns and 11,921 outrons were identified. Conventional and nonconventional introns have distinct splice site features; the former harbour canonical GT/C-AG splice sites, whereas the latter are capable of forming structured motifs with their terminal sequences. We observed that short introns had a preference for canonical GT-AG introns. Notably, conventional introns and outrons in E. gracilis exhibited a distinct cytidine-rich polypyrimidine tract, in contrast to the thymidine-rich tracts observed in other organisms. Furthermore, the SL-RNAs in E. gracilis, as well as in other trans-splicing species, can form a recently discovered motif called the extended U6/5\' ss duplex with the respective U6s. We also describe a novel type of alternative splicing pattern in E. gracilis. The tandem repeat sequences of introns in this protist were determined, and their contents were comparable to those in humans.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the unique features of E. gracilis introns and provide insights into the splicing mechanism of these introns, as well as the genomics and evolution of Euglenida.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past decade, the autotrophic and heterotrophic protist Euglena gracilis (E. gracilis) has gained popularity across the studies of environmental science, biosynthesis experiments, and nutritional substitutes. The unique physiology and versatile metabolism of E. gracilis have been a recent topic of interest to many researchers who continue to understand the complexity and possibilities of using E. gracilis biomolecule production. In this review, we present a comprehensive representation of recent literature outlining the various uses of biomolecules derived from E. gracilis across the fields of natural product biosynthesis, as a nutritional substitute, and as bioremediation tools. In addition, we highlight effective strategies for altering metabolite production using abiotic stressors and growth conditions. To better understand metabolite biosynthesis and its role in E. gracilis, integrated studies involving genomics, metabolomics, and proteomics should be considered. Together, we show how the ongoing advancements in E. gracilis related research continue to broaden applications in the biosynthetic sector and highlight future works that would strengthen our understanding of overall Euglena metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considering the differences in molecular structure and function, the effects of β-1,3-glucans from Euglena gracilis and β-1,3/1,6-glucans from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on immune and inflammatory activities in dogs were compared. Four diets were compared: control without β-glucans (CON), 0.15 mg/kg BW/day of β-1,3/1,6-glucans (Β-Y15), 0.15 mg/kg BW/day of β-1,3-glucans (Β-S15), and 0.30 mg/kg BW/day of β-1,3-glucans (Β-S30). Thirty-two healthy dogs (eight per diet) were organized in a block design. All animals were fed CON for a 42-day washout period and then sorted into one of four diets for 42 days. Blood and faeces were collected at the beginning and end of the food intake period and analysed for serum and faecal cytokines, ex vivo production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO), phagocytic activity of neutrophils and monocytes, C-reactive protein (CRP), ex vivo production of IgG, and faecal concentrations of IgA and calprotectin. Data were evaluated using analysis of covariance and compared using Tukey\'s test (P<0.05). Dogs fed Β-Y15 showed higher serum IL-2 than dogs fed Β-S30 (P<0.05). A higher phagocytic index of monocytes was observed in dogs fed the B-S15 diet than in those fed the other diets, and a higher neutrophil phagocytic index was observed for B-S15 and B-Y15 than in dogs fed the CON diet (P<0.05). Monocytes from dogs fed B-S15 and B-S30 produced more NO and less H2O2 than those from the CON and B-Y15 groups (P<0.05). Despite in the reference value, CRP levels were higher in dogs fed B-S15 and B-S30 diets (P<0.05). β-1,3/1,6-glucan showed cell-mediated activation of the immune system, with increased serum IL-2 and neutrophil phagocytic index, whereas β-1,3-glucan acted on the immune system by increasing the ex vivo production of NO by monocytes, neutrophil phagocytic index, and serum CRP. Calprotectin and CRP levels did not support inflammation or other health issues related to β-glucan intake. In conclusion, both β-glucan sources modulated some immune and inflammatory parameters in dogs, however, different pathways have been suggested for the recognition and action of these molecules, reinforcing the necessity for further mechanistic studies, especially for E. gracilis β-1,3-glucan.





