Ethics of care

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The complexity of metastatic breast cancer, its rapidly evolving treatment, and the changing trajectory toward long-term survivorship create unique challenges for the provision of supportive care. The experiences of health professionals enacting supportive care in contexts of those living long-term with incurable cancer have received limited research attention. This qualitative study aimed to gain further insight into health professionals\' experiences of supportive care in this context.
    METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted via phone and online with 25 health and community-care professionals who support people living with metastatic breast cancer in Australia. A mix of sampling strategies was used. Thematic analysis was undertaken. Findings were interpreted through an ethics of care lens.
    RESULTS: Three key themes were identified. First, participants experienced supportive care as highly relational. Second, they encountered numerous moral and ethical dilemmas in enacting supportive care. Finally, enacting supportive care was complicated by fragmented and sporadic provision in a system in which supportive care is differentially valued across professions and settings.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings draw attention to complexities in enacting supportive care in the context of metastatic breast cancer, with implications to patients and professionals. To improve the quality of care provided to patients and minimise the risk of professional burnout, greater attention is needed in supportive care guidelines to the ethical, moral, and emotional complexities experienced by professionals in this context.
    CONCLUSIONS: People living with metastatic breast cancer are a growing proportion of cancer survivors. The knowledge gained through this study may help professionals to better meet the supportive care needs of people living with metastatic breast cancer, a treatable but not curable condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article we use an existential media framework to explore the asynchronous, written and digital form of GP-patient communication that takes place through e-consultations in a Danish general practice context. This approach acknowledges e-consultation as more than a tool for information delivery and frames GP and patient not as skilful media users but as dependent co-existers: Both thrown into and trying to navigate the digital healthcare ecology. Through a thematic analysis of 38 semi-structured qualitative interviews with patients and GPs we carve out three themes unpacking the existential dimensions of e-consultation: 1. Patient and GP are placed in a Culture of non-stop connectivity and we show the ambivalences arising herein fostering both relief, reassurance and new insecurities. 2. Ethical challenges of responsible co-existence points to dilemmas of boundary setting and caring for self and co-exister in the digital encounter. 3. We-experiences illustrates the potential of e-consultation to signal GP presence, even when the GP is silent. We also discuss the existential ethics of care emerging from the contemporary digital healthcare ecology and call for empirically grounded studies of the existential dimensions tied to encounters in contemporary digital care infrastructures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, I propose an ethical analysis of assistive domestic robots for older users. In doing so, I illustrate my inquiry with the example of ROB-IN assistive robot. ROB-IN is a Spanish project which is devoted to developing a robot that will perform in the private home of nondependent, aged users. It is aimed to help people in their daily activities and contribute to appropriate health monitoring. One of their potentially most useful features is related to data gathering and sharing. For the inquiry on the ethical underpinnings of this case, I develop a framework for domestic assistive robots for competent older adults drawn on the ethics of care. I assess that this type of robots could be ethically appraised attending to their impact on the well-being and autonomy of users. I approach autonomy from a relational perspective, and I delve into the relationship between autonomy and well-being through the concept of paternalism. I argue that this type of assistive robots should never act paternalistically. Given ROB-IN great implications regarding privacy, I subsequently explore the ways in which the privacy of users should be respected in their interaction with assistive robots, focusing on the relation with autonomy and well-being. Lastly, I highlight the need for avoiding ageism. This investigation focuses on aged users, but it is suggested that the situation of caregivers should be also the object of further investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Healthcare services are increasingly being shifted to home settings for patients nearing end-of-life. Consequently, the burden on family caregivers is significant. Their vulnerable situation remains poorly understood and there is little information available regarding their experiences of dignity.
    OBJECTIVE: This study seeks to understand the experiences of family caregivers related to dignity and loss of dignity, aiming to provide a deeper insight into their situation when caring for a home-dwelling family member nearing end-of-life.
    METHODS: This exploratory study consists of a second analysis combining data from two primary studies, including 24 family caregivers of a family member nearing end-of-life, and is founded upon Gadamer\'s philosophical hermeneutics.
    METHODS: Approval was obtained from the Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research and was based on voluntary participation, informed consent, and confidentiality.
    RESULTS: The following three main themes were identified: Having a meaningful existence within the living environment, being seen and valued as a family caregiver in relation with others and suffering in a space of loneliness. These contextual, relational, and existential perspectives were found to be closely interrelated.
    UNASSIGNED: The dignity of family caregivers was closely tied to being seen as unique individuals, not merely caregivers, thereby requiring healthcare professionals (HCPs) to understand their personal needs. This study highlights the emotional distress and loneliness family caregivers feel in their dual role within the healthcare system, thereby calling for HCPs to adopt an attitude of gentleness and recognition to impart dignity-preserving care in homecare practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gerontechnologies are increasingly used in the care for older people. Many studies on their acceptability and ethical implications are conducted, but mainly from the perspective of principlism. This narrows our ethical gaze on the implications the use of these technologies have.
    OBJECTIVE: How do participants speak about the impact that gerontechnologies have on the different phases of care, and care as a process? What are the moral implications from an ethic of care perspective?
    METHODS: Secondary analysis of semi-structure interviews, whose segments on specific technologies were analysed through reflexive thematic analysis.
    METHODS: Sixty-seven Swiss stakeholders involved in the use of gerontechnologies, including professional caregivers, informal caregivers, and older persons themselves.
    METHODS: The research study was evaluated by the Ethics Commission of Northwest and Central Switzerland (EKNZ). All participants received an information document before the interview date detailing the purpose, procedure, and anonymization measures. After explaining the study during the agreed upon interview time and upon receiving their written informed consent, the interview process began.
    RESULTS: Four themes are identified: Identifying care needs, Taking responsibility, Hands-on work, Responding to care. As part of these themes, many codes highlighting the ambivalent impact of gerontechnologies are created, ranging from \'Expanded capacity for…identifying care needs\' to \'Create new & (un)necessary…hands-on work\'. The moral implications of these results from the care ethics perspective are discussed, through the ethical elements of: attentiveness, responsibility, competence, and responsiveness.
    CONCLUSIONS: The moral implications of gerontechnologies on care phases from the care ethics perspective open up several questions on whether they actually help give care a central role in social life and provide more competent care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Good care in social policy statements is commonly implied as familial and person-centred, provided by family members and focused on upholding the autonomy, dignity and respect of the care recipient. Policy consideration of the relational nature of caregiving, the sociomaterial determinants of good care, the practical knowledge of caregivers and responsibilities of the state, is limited. Drawing on the ethics of care theory and a care ecology framework, which conceptualises the dynamic interactions between formal and informal care \"systems,\" we analysed ethnographic data of the interactions of 21 caregivers and their older care recipients in South Africa to understand how they conceptualised good care. Conceptualisations of good care included: having the right, altruistic and reciprocal, motivations; providing care frequently and consistently; and demonstrating hope for a better future through practical action. Caregivers also considered restricting autonomy a feature of good care, when doing so was perceived to be in the care recipient\'s best interest. Conceptualisations of good care were influenced by but also countered policy and cultural ideals. When they subverted policy values and practices, by overriding autonomy, for instance, caregivers\' conceptualisations reflected their practical experiences of caregiving amidst gross material inadequacies, underpinned by deficiencies in the formal care system. We highlight the need for policies, interventions and theories of care that focus broadly on the care ecology and particularly on the \"carescape\" (formal care system). We advocate relational approaches that consider and balance the needs, desires and rights of caregivers and care recipients, and recognise caregivers\' experiential knowledge, rather than person-centred approaches that focus exclusively on the care recipient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The complexities surrounding aging, dementia, and care are timely issues that transcend beyond institutional boundaries, evincing a critical debate on later life across disciplines. The aim of this study is to offer fresh insights into the intricate paradigms of living and growing older with dementia. The study focuses on the Nobel Prize-winning author Annie Ernaux\'s memoir I Remain in Darkness (1999), which provides a candid account of her mother\'s journey through dementia from its onset to the gradual decline.
    This article employs the theoretical frameworks of literary gerontology, illness narratives and life writing to address the challenges of aging, dementia and care that are represented in Ernaux\'s memoir. It also addresses societal attitudes and stigma associated with aging and dementia by exploring the embarrassment that individuals and families experience when confronted with the deteriorating mental health of their loved ones.
    Ernaux\'s memoir explores the nuances of dementia and caregiving within both the familial and institutional context, and sheds light on the complex relationship between a mother and a daughter. Through the act of witnessing, Ernaux embarks on a path of healing, which allows her to confront her past wounds and better navigate the challenges that lie ahead. However, Ernaux\'s confessional memoir also troubles the ethics of life writing and identity issues, and seems to perpetuate the pathologizing medical gaze through the exposure of her mother\'s vulnerability and intimacy in the face of dementia and care.
    Ernaux\'s account of her mother\'s dementia and aging is both a confessional piece of writing and a narrative therapy, which reveals the challenges of aging, illness, and unresolved family tensions. Her work illuminates the interconnectedness between the past, present, and future, and shows that illness narratives can act as a catalyst for transformative change, identity formation, and self-reflection. The article addresses the intricacies of old age, showcasing how life writing and humanities-based inquiry can bring to the fore key aspects of the latest stages in life, which are often unvoiced because they represent the most unpleasant and feared aspects of aging in contemporary society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ethical questioning is a framework for considering the ethical implications and practices in research and is used as a tool for thinking about the connections between art and health. It enables researchers and practitioners to gain a deeper understanding of the emotional dimensions in the field of art and health. In this paper, we propose that ethical questioning, grounded in the principles of ethics of care, can foster a more reflexive and holistic approach to understanding the concept of well-being. We also propose that adopting ethical questioning as a methodology, which requires intentional self-reflection and recognition of positionality, can expose and challenge conventional knowledge hierarchies, resulting in more ethical research outcomes and relationships between researchers and participants. Ultimately, our hypothesis proposes that ethical questioning holds the potential to offer an actionable practice that demonstrates ethics of care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic emphasises the importance of care for our societies, yet underscores the inferiority of relational caring practices. During this time, we studied the participatory work of artists working with older adults using participant observations, in-depth interviews and visual ethnography. In this article, we present a case study of one arts initiative, a theatre company engaging seniors in the Netherlands, using ethics and aesthetics of care as sensitising concepts. The findings reveal that this work can promote relational forms of care. This study makes visible how different forms of care can be identified in a participatory art project.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Participation of citizens and service users is increasingly commonplace in research, policy and technology development. Alongside this development, social scientists have become increasingly incorporated into large-scale research and innovation projects to facilitate participatory spaces. This requires reflection on the mechanisms, outcomes and, ultimately, the accountabilities of participation. In this paper, we propose the lens of care framework for approaching such reflections. We illustrate its value by using it to account for our role in establishing participatory spaces as part of a European Horizon 2020-funded research and innovation project, entitled EmERGE. We describe the codesign processes we developed and implemented with the aim of enabling heterogeneous voices, distinct experiences and multiple ideas to be articulated to inform the development and implementation of a digital platform for HIV care. We show how the lens of care framework enables us to trouble participation along prior theoretical distinctions between patients/citizens roles, invited/uninvited spaces and inclusive/scientistic voices and provides novel lines of inquiry to capture the relational and emergent processes of participation in digital health innovation. In the EmERGE project, spaces of participation were co-created within and by the community, whose members skilfully arranged the material, social and temporal set-up. Within these spaces we were able to articulate voices, deliberate knowledge and study the potentialities of technology so that initial technological inscriptions of empowerment through information-push were challenged and were, eventually, replaced by more interactive forms of clinician-patient engagement in digital HIV care. Through the lens of care, this paper aims to provide a reflective tool for researchers and practitioners who are involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of participatory projects.





