Estrus Synchronization

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the effects of the preovulatory follicle (POF) size on the accuracy of Doppler-based early pregnancy detection, and (2) to determine whether the removal of PGF2α (PGF) treatment during the resynchronisation protocol would affect fertility in beef cows. In Experiment 1, Nelore suckling cows (n = 224) were enrolled in an estradiol-progesterone-based timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol. At TAI, cows were separated based on the range of POF diameters, as follows: ≤11.0 mm (n = 50), 11.1-12.9 mm (n = 64), 13.0-14.4 mm (n = 62) and ≥14.5 mm (n = 48). On day 22 after TAI, the corpus luteum (CL) blood flow (CLBF) of all cows was examined by colour Doppler ultrasonography to diagnose nonpregnant cows. The cows with the largest POF had the greatest positive predictive value (88.6%; 31 of 35) and diagnostic accuracy (91.7%; 44 of 48). In Experiment 2, Nelore cows (n = 233) were subjected to the same TAI protocol. Fourteen days after TAI, all cows were started on a resynchronisation protocol. Cows diagnosed as nonpregnant based on CLBF, on day 22, received 0.5 mg estradiol cypionate intramuscular (im) and were assigned to receive either 150 μg of PGF (PGF; n = 50) or 2 mL of saline (control; n = 47). Cows treated with PGF had a P/AI of 30.0% compared with a 48.9% P/AI in controls (p = 0.06). Our findings demonstrate that the POF size affects the accuracy of a CLBF-based early pregnancy diagnosis and that the removal of PGF treatment from the resynchronisation protocol tended to increase P/AI of the second TAI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of the study was to compare the effectiveness of CIDR vs. PRID-Delta devices for use in a 5-day Ovsynch protocol for TAI in lactating Holstein cows that were either not in estrus after the end of the voluntary waiting period or non-pregnant and not returning to estrus following the previous AI. Cows fitted with a collar-mounted automated activity monitoring system (Alta Cow Watch) were subjected to a standard 5-d Ovsynch protocol [100 μg of gonadorelin (GnRH) on Day 0 and 500 μg of cloprostenol on Days 5 and 6] and allocated randomly to receive either an intravaginal device containing 1.35 g (CIDR; n = 304) or 1.55 g (PRID ® DELTA; n = 304) of progesterone between Day 0 and 5. All cows received a second administration of GnRH at approximately 56 h and timed-AI (TAI) 72 h after intravaginal device removal. Inseminations were done using conventional frozen-thawed semen. Estrus events prior to TAI were recorded and transrectal ultrasonography was done on Day 0 to determine presence of a corpus luteum (CL) and 33 and 61 d post-TAI, respectively, to diagnose and confirm pregnancy. Cows had an average of 2.2 lactations, 124.3 days in milk, and a milk yield of 43.6 kg/d at enrollment. The overall percentage of cows with a CL at initiation of treatment was 68.8 % and did not differ between treatment groups. Cows with a CL had greater pregnancy per AI (P/AI) at 33 and 61 d post-TAI than cows without a CL (P < 0.01; 46.9 and 42.3 % vs. 32.1 and 27.4 %, respectively). The overall percentage of cows that expressed estrus prior to TAI was 24.8 % and did not differ between treatment groups; however, estrus expression prior to TAI affected P/AI at 33 and 61 d post-TAI (P < 0.01; 53.6 and 49.0 % vs. 38.5 and 33.9 % for those expressing or not expressing estrus, respectively). Pregnancy per AI at 33 d post-TAI tended to differ between treatment groups (P = 0.08; 46.1 vs. 38.5 % for PRID and CIDR groups, respectively) and P/AI at 61 d post-TAI was greater (P < 0.01) for PRID-treated cows (43.8 %) compared to CIDR-treated cows (31.6 %). Thus, PRID-treated cows had lower pregnancy loss than CIDR-treated cows (P < 0.01; 5.0 vs. 17.9 %). Also, treatment with a PRID tended (P = 0.08) to result in fewer twin pregnancies (7.9 vs. 14.5 % for PRID and CIDR treated cows, respectively). In conclusion, lactating dairy cows subjected to a 5-d Ovsynch TAI protocol plus a PRID-Delta had greater P/AI at 61 d post-TAI, lower pregnancy loss between 33 and 61 d post-TAI, and fewer twin pregnancies compared to cows subjected to a 5-d Ovsynch protocol plus a CIDR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hormonal protocols based on progestogens and equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) are efficient for estrus and ovulation synchronization in ewes. Although eCG is indispensable during seasonal anestrus, it may not be necessary during the breeding season. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that GnRH is effective in replacing eCG during the breeding season allowing satisfactory ovulation rate, luteal function and conception rates after timed artificial insemination (TAI). Ewes (n = 134) with a minimum body condition score of 2.5 (0-5 scale) were treated with intravaginal devices (IVD) containing 60 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) for seven days and received 0.26 mg of sodium cloprostenol at the time of IVD removal. In Exp. 1, at IVD removal, ewes (n = 29) were allocated to three groups: eCG (200 IU at IVD removal; n = 10); eCG+GnRH (200 IU eCG at IVD removal and 4 µg of buserelin 36 h later; n = 10); or GnRH (buserelin 36 h after IVD removal; n = 9). Blood samples were collected 2, 6 and 12 days after TAI moment (54 h after IVD removal), for progesterone (P4) analysis. In Exp 2, the ewes were allocated to eCG (n = 10) or GnRH (n = 10) groups, as above described, and ovulation moment was evaluated 54, 66 and 78 h after IVD removal. In Exp 3, TAI was performed in ewes from eCG (n = 45) and GnRH (n = 40) groups using 100 × 106 motile spermatozoa from a pool of semen collected from four rams. In Exp. 1, based on P4 levels, we confirmed that all the ewes ovulated (29/29) and there was no significant effect of group (P = 0.89) or group x day (P = 0.18) on P4 concentration, being observed a significant effect of day (P = 0.0001). In Exp. 2, the maximum DF diameter (P = 0.26) and ovulation moment (P = 0.69) did not differ between groups. In Exp. 3, pregnancy rate was significantly lower (P = 0.02) in GnRH (22.5 %; 9/40) compared to eCG (46.7 %; 21/45). The results indicate that, although ovulation and luteal function were not altered after eCG, eCG+GnRH or GnRH treatment, GnRH alone before TAI cannot be used to replace eCG treatment during the breeding season.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study compared reproductive outcomes among two protocols for synchronization of ovulation that provide for a lengthened proestrus with the conventional oestradiol-based protocol currently used for timed-AI (TAI). Holstein heifers (13-15 months) at one location were assigned randomly to one of three TAI protocols. Heifers (n = 150) in the 7-day oestradiol benzoate (EB) group received a progesterone device (Cue-Mate) and 2 mg EB on Day 0; 500 μg of cloprostenol (PGF) and Cue-Mate removal on Day 7; 1 mg of EB on Day 8 and TAI on Day 9 (54 h after Cue-Mate removal). Heifers (n = 150) in the 5-day CO-Synch (CO) group received a Cue-Mate and 100 μg of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on Day 2; Cue-Mate removal and PGF (twice, 12 h apart) on Day 7; and GnRH along with TAI on Day 10 (72 h after Cue-Mate removal). Heifers (n = 150) in the J-Synch (JS) group received a Cue-Mate and 2 mg of EB on Day 1; PGF and Cue-Mate removal on Day 7; GnRH and TAI on Day 10 (72 h after Cue-Mate removal). Heifers were inseminated by one technician with frozen-thawed conventional semen from one of four commercially available sires. Plasma progesterone (P4) concentrations (ng/mL) were determined at Cue-Mate removal and TAI. Ovarian ultrasonography was done in a subset of 217 heifers at the initiation of protocols, at Cue-Mate removal; TAI; and 7 days after TAI. Approximately, 28 and 50 days after TAI pregnancy status was determined by ultrasonography. Mean (±SEM) plasma P4 concentration at Cue-Mate removal was greater (p < .01) in CO (6.02 ± 0.2) and JS (6.51 ± 0.2) compared to EB heifers (4.53 ± 0.2). Mean (±SEM) plasma P4 concentration at TAI was lowest in the JS (0.28 ± 0.05), intermediate in CO (0.46 ± 0.02), and greatest in EB heifers (0.66 ± 0.05, p < .01). The diameter of the ovulatory follicle (mean ± SEM) was the smallest in the JS group compared to that in the CO and EB groups (15.8 ± 0.5; 13.9 ± 0.5; and 12.7 ± 0.5 mm for EB, CO and JS, respectively). More (p < .01) heifers in the JS group had their oestrous cycle synchronized (50.0, 78.8 and 82.4% for EB, CO and JS groups), and were pregnant at 28 (40.3, 51.3 and 63.3% for EB, CO and JS groups) and 50 days after TAI (32.6, 46.0 and 60.0% for EB, CO and JS groups). In summary, heifers subjected to the J-Synch TAI protocol had lower P4 at TAI, and better overall response to hormonal treatments, which resulted in increased P/AI at 28 and 50 days after TAI compared to those heifers subjected to either a 7-day EB protocol or a 5-day CO-synch protocol.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study determined the effects of administering a glycoprotein with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG)-like activity (eCG-like) on corpus luteum (CL) area, serum progesterone concentrations, incidence of multiple ovulations (MOV), estrus expression rate (EER), and pregnancy to timed AI (P/TAI) in Angus cattle synchronized with a 5-d Co-Synch protocol. On Day -8, cattle were body condition scored (BCS), and received a 1.0 g progesterone intravaginal device (IVD) and 100 μg GnRH. On Day -3, the IVDs were removed and 500 μg cloprostenol was administered intramuscularly (i.m.). Cattle were randomly assigned into one of two groups: eCG-like (heifers, n = 232, primiparous, n = 148, and multiparous cows = 485; 300 IU (heifers) and 400 IU (cows) eCG-like i.m. on Day -3), or Control (heifers, n = 240, primiparous, n = 151, and multiparous cows, n = 478; no eCG-like). On Day -2, cattle received a second dose of 500 μg cloprostenol, and on Day 0, 100 μg GnRH was given concurrently with TAI. Estrus expression rate was assessed by observing the tail paint rubbed off in a subset of heifers (n = 372) and all cows on Day 0. Transrectal ultrasonography was used to evaluate the presence of CL on Day -8 and to diagnose P/TAI on Day 30-35. In a subset of cattle (heifers = 194 and multiparous cows = 87), CL area, serum progesterone concentrations, and incidence of MOV were evaluated on Day 7. Heifers, primiparous, and multiparous cows were analyzed separately. Treatment with eCG-like did not affect (P > 0.1) EER in heifers. Estrus expression rate was increased (P ≤ 0.03) in primiparous (68.9 % vs 45.0 %) and multiparous (75.5 % vs. 68.8 %) cows treated with eCG-like compared with Controls. Pregnancy/TAI was increased (P < 0.01) in heifers (65.2 % vs 48.3 %) and primiparous cows (48.3 % vs. 35.1 %) treated with eCG-like than Controls. In multiparous cows with a BCS ≤4 P/TAI was increased (P = 0.03) in the eCG-like group (47.7 %) than the Control group (34.8 %) but was similar (P > 0.1) between treatment groups in multiparous cows with a BCS ≥4.5. The eCG-like treatment increased (P < 0.05) CL area in heifers and multiparous cows and tended (P = 0.10) to elevate serum progesterone concentrations only in heifers. However, it did not affect (P > 0.1) the incidence of MOV in heifers and multiparous cows. Glycoprotein eCG-like administration increased fertility in heifers and primiparous cows, but in multiparous the effect of eCG-like on fertility was associated with BCS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of a novel recombinant eCG (reCG) on pregnancy rates to AI (P/AI) in suckled beef cows of different breeds that were synchronized with an estradiol/progesterone (P4)-based protocol for fixed-time AI (TAI). In experiment 1, 1244 Bos taurus suckled cows were used. On Day 0 all cows received an intravaginal P4 device (600 mg P4) and 2 mg of estradiol benzoate. On Day 7, devices were removed, and all cows received 0.150 mg of D-cloprostenol plus 1 mg of estradiol cypionate and were randomly divided to receive 140 IU or 105 IU of reCG or no reCG treatment (controls) at that time. Cows were tail painted for estrus detection and those in estrus by 48 h after P4 device removal were inseminated; whereas those not showing estrus were also inseminated and received GnRH at the same time. In experiment 2, 818 Bos taurus x Bos indicus crossbred suckled cows received the same FTAI protocol used in Experiment 1. Cows were randomly divided at the time of P4 device removal into 4 groups to receive 140 IU, 105 IU or 84 IU of reCG or no reCG treatment. In experiment 3, 345 Bos indicus suckled cows were submitted to the same FTAI protocol as those in previous experiments and were randomly divided into three groups to receive 140 IU or 105 IU of reCG, or 300 IU of serum derived eCG (PMSG). In Experiment 1, estrus rate and P/AI was greater (P < 0.05) in cows treated with reCG (79.9 and 53.5 %, 76.9 and 52.3 % for the 105 UI and 140 UI reCG groups, respectively) than those in the control group (69.9 and 44.4 %, respectively). In Experiment 2, cows treated with reCG tended (P < 0.1) to achieve a greater P/AI than control cows (38.6 %, 37.1 %, 36.2 % and 28.2 % for those receiving 84 IU, 105 IU,140 IU of reCG, and those in the control group); but when P/AI of all cows treated with reCG was contrasted to that of control cows, the difference was significant (P < 0.01). In Experiment 3, P/AI in cows treated with 84 IU of reCG (54 %) did not differ from that of cows treated with serum derived eCG (59 %) but both were greater (P < 0.05) than cows treated with 105 UI of reCG (41 %). In conclusion, treatment with reCG improved fertility in suckled Bos taurus and Bos taurus x Bos indicus beef cows. In suckled Bos indicus cows, although treatment with reCG and serum derived eCG were comparable, the higher dosage of reCG was detrimental to their P/AI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endometrial-derived uterine histotroph is a critical component of nutrient supply to a growing conceptus throughout gestation; however, the effect of nutritional plane on histotroph nutrient composition remains unknown in multiparous cows. We hypothesized that differing planes of nutrition would alter histotroph and serum nutrient composition in beef cattle. Thus, we evaluated serum and histotroph amino acid and glucose composition, and serum non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) in cows individually fed to maintain body weight (BW; 0 kd/d, n = 9; CON) compared with those losing moderate BW (-0.7 kg/d, n = 9; NEG). After 49 d of differing nutritional planes, cows were subjected to the 7-d CoSynch + controlled internal drug release device estrus synchronization protocol and then slaughtered on day 62. Blood serum (days 0 and 62) and uterine histotroph [day 62; from uterine horns ipsilateral and contralateral to the corpus luteum (CL)] were collected and analyzed for concentrations of amino acids, glucose, and NEFA. Performance characteristics, body composition via ultrasound (days 0 and 62), and carcass characteristics were collected. Body condition score, change in BW, average daily gain, dry matter intake, and gain:feed were decreased (P ≤ 0.05) in NEG vs. CON cows. There were no differences in body composition or carcass characteristics, except an increase (P ≤ 0.05) in dressing percentage in NEG cows due to differences in gut fill, consistent with study design. Serum NEFA increased (P ≤ 0.05) in the NEG group, but there were no differences between NEG vs. CON in glucose or BUN. Serum histidine increased (P ≤ 0.05) and alanine, isoleucine, and tryptophan decreased (P ≤ 0.05) in NEG vs. CON cows. Compared with that of the uterine horn ipsilateral to the CL, histotroph from the uterine horn contralateral to the CL had increased (P ≤ 0.05) isoleucine, asparagine, and proline concentrations in NEG cows, and decreased (P ≤ 0.05) tryptophan as a proportion of essential and total amino acids. There were no differences in glucose concentrations of histotroph contralateral or ipsilateral to the CL. Cow nutritional plane does alter serum and histotroph amino acid composition, although the presence of an embryo may be necessary to fully elucidate these changes. Differences in serum and histotroph tryptophan should be given consideration in future studies due to its importance as an essential amino acid in protein synthesis and bioactive affects.
    Amino acids are important in protein synthesis and bioactive affects. Maternal diet could impact histotroph amino acid composition which serves as a nutrient supply to the conceptus throughout pregnancy and is especially critical during early pregnancy, before the placenta is fully functional. Cows were subjected to their diets for 62 d, resulting in decreased body condition, average daily gain, dry matter intake, G:F, and a greater change in body weight (BW) among moderate loss cows. These data demonstrate our model for moderate BW loss was successful. Moderate BW loss cows exhibited alterations in serum and histotroph amino acid composition in the uterine horn contralateral to the corpus luteum (CL). However, in the present study, histotroph amino acid alterations were in the uterine horn contralateral to the CL, which would be opposite of the developing conceptus. Nevertheless, because the 2 uterine horns communicate via the common uterine body, the pre-implantation conceptus should have access to the histotroph from the contralateral uterine horn. Thus, future studies are needed to fully elucidate effects of nutritional plane on histotroph nutrient composition, and its potential impact on pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Follicular wave synchronization and follicular superstimulation with FSH are commonly used in OPU-IVP programs to increase oocyte developmental competence. Factors like Growth Differentiation Factor 9 (GDF9) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 (BMP15), from the TGF beta superfamily, are produced by the oocyte and modulate follicular function. The aim of this study was to analyze the FSH-induced effects on (1) embryo production in dual-purpose Simmental cattle, and (2) TGF beta-mediated effects on oocyte-granulosa cell communication. Simmental heifers (n = 12, age 484 ± 62 days) underwent two OPU-IVP cycles in a cross-over design. Follicular waves were synchronized using 0.5 mg cloprostenol on Day 0, followed by 10 μg buserelin on Day 2. Subsequently, half of the heifers were randomly assigned to receive FSH/LH (four injections of 75 IU FSHp and 75IU LHp, 12 h apart on Days 4 and 5) before the first OPU, while the remaining heifers received FSH/LH before the second OPU. At the time of OPU, i.e. 7 days after the start of synchronization, granulosa cells were collected for RT-qPCR analysis. FSH treatment did not affect the number of oocytes collected (17.3 vs. 13.3, P > 0.05), but increased the percentage of quality 1 oocytes compared to controls (45.7 % vs. 22.0 %, P < 0.001). Neither cleavage (86.4 % vs. 85.7 %), nor blastocyst (42.1 % vs. 39.3 %) rate, or the number of transferable embryos produced by IVP (4.1 vs 4.8) was influenced by FSH treatment (P > 0.05 in all cases). FSH treatment increased HIF1A and FSHR levels in granulosa cells, while STAR was decreased (P = 0.008 in all cases). FSH treatment did not affect BMP15 or GDF9 mRNA expression (P > 0.05) but appeared to modulate the expression of genes involved in the BMP signaling pathway. Transcriptional levels of BMP15 receptor (BMPR1A, P = 0.016), and its downstream signaling factor SMAD1 (P = 0.008) were affected by FSH treatment. Our results demonstrated no benefit of this FSH stimulation protocol on IVP results in Simmental heifers. Further, our results suggest that the effects of FSH on bovine oocytes during acquisition of developmental competence may be mediated through BMP, but do not involve the regulation of transcriptional availability of GDF9, providing new insights into possible paracrine effects of the oocyte on granulosa cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Twin pregnancies compromise the health and well-being of dairy cattle. A recent genomic prediction model for twin pregnancies has been developed based on twin calving or abortion. However, the incidence of double ovulation is significantly higher than that of twin births. This study aimed to evaluate whether genomic prediction values for twin pregnancies are associated with the incidence of double ovulation in primiparous dairy cows. Factors influencing the double ovulation rate were analysed using binary logistic regression on 676 cows: 475 (70.3%) inseminated at spontaneous estrus and 201 following one of two different estrus synchronization protocols for fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). The odds ratio for double ovulations was 0.92 (p = .002) per unit increase in prediction value and 2 (p = .01) for cows subjected to an FTAI protocol. Our findings suggest that genomic prediction values for twin pregnancies can effectively identify the risk of double ovulation at the herd level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated the relationship between CL features assessed by ultrasound (luteal tissue area and blood flow, BF) or rectal palpation (size), uterine tone (UT), plasma progesterone (P4) concentration on Day 7 (D7) and subsequent pregnancy outcomes in bovine embryo recipients. A total of 163 cows and heifers were included in this study. The expected day of ovulation after the synchronization protocol was designated as D0. On D7, ovaries and uterus were examined by ultrasonography and rectal palpation, and subjective scores (1-3 scale) were assigned for CL size, area and BF, and for UT. Blood samples were collected for further P4 analysis. Each embryo recipient then received a grade I frozen-thawed in vivo-produced blastocyst, which was transferred to the uterine horn ipsilateral to the CL. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed on D35, and the results were retrospectively compared with the assigned scores for CL and UT. We observed a significant (p < .02) interaction between CL size and UT, with a progressive increase in the likelihood of pregnancy for recipients bearing a large CL among those with turgid UT. Ultrasound scoring of the CL using B-mode and Doppler-mode did not significantly predict pregnancy rates on D35 (p < .6 and p < .5, respectively). However, logistic regression analysis revealed a trend towards a quadratic effect (p < .08 and p < .06) indicating that the probability of pregnancy varied according to the area of luteal tissue and P4 concentrations, respectively. No significant (p > .05) association was found between the probability of pregnancy and the BF area of the CL. In summary, UT before embryo transfer may reflect successful recipient synchronization. Elevated P4 levels, assessed by CL size, may offset uterine contractility, mitigating adverse effects. Additionally, the CL area may be more important than its vascularization area when evaluating recipients D7 after ovulation.





