
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic prompted the launch of the US Department of Health and Human Services\' COVID-19 Public Education Campaign to boost vaccine confidence and uptake among adults, as vaccines are key to preventing severe illness and death.
    OBJECTIVE: Past segmentation research relevant to COVID-19 behavior has found important differences in attitudes, sociodemographics, and subsequent COVID-19 prevention behaviors across population segments. This study extends prior work by incorporating a more comprehensive set of attitudes, behaviors, and sociodemographic variables to identify population segments by differing levels of COVID-19 vaccine confidence and evaluate differences in their subsequent uptake of COVID-19 prevention behaviors.
    METHODS: Data were obtained from 5 waves (January 2021 to June 2022) of a web-based longitudinal, probability-based panel survey of US adults (N=4398) administered in English and in Spanish. Participants were recruited from NORC at the University of Chicago\'s national AmeriSpeak panel and were invited to participate across multiple waves. Latent class cluster analysis estimated segments of respondents based on over 40 COVID-19 attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and sociodemographics as reported in wave 1. Survey-weighted cross-tabulations and bivariate regression analyses assessed differences in COVID-19 vaccine uptake, booster uptake, mask use, and social distancing in all segments across all 5 survey waves.
    RESULTS: A total of 6 segments (hardline nonintenders, prevention-compliant nonintenders, burned-out waiters, anxious waiters, skeptical confidents, and ready confidents) were identified, which differed by their COVID-19 vaccine confidence, prevention-related attitudes and behaviors, and sociodemographics. Cross-tabulations and regression results indicated significant segment membership differences in COVID-19 vaccine and booster timing, mask use, and social distancing. Results from survey-weighted cross-tabulations comparing COVID-19 vaccine and booster uptake across segments indicate statistically significant differences in these outcomes across the 6 segments (P<.001). Results were statistically significant for each segment (P<.01 for booster uptake among burned-out waiters; P<.001 for all other coefficients), indicating that, on average, respondents in segments with lower intentions to vaccinate reported later receipt of COVID-19 vaccines and boosters relative to the timing of vaccine and booster uptake among ready confidents.
    CONCLUSIONS: Results extend previous research by showing that initial beliefs and behaviors relevant to COVID-19 vaccination, mask use, and social distancing are important for understanding differences in subsequent compliance with recommended COVID-19 prevention measures. Specifically, we found that across respondent segments, the probability of vaccine and booster uptake corresponded with both COVID-19 vaccine confidence and mask use and social distancing compliance; more compliant segments were more likely to get vaccinated or boosted than less compliant segments given similar levels of vaccine confidence. These findings help identify appropriate audiences for campaigns. Results highlight the use of a comprehensive list of attitudes, behaviors, and other individual-level characteristics that can serve as a basis for future segmentation efforts relevant to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the cognitive and affective factors associated with cross-cultural differences in arithmetic tasks.
    METHODS: A total of 404 third- and fourth- graders were recruited from China and Italy to complete exact arithmetic, arithmetic estimation and cognitive tasks (i.e., short-term memory, executive functions, and fluid reasoning). Their mathematical anxiety was also measured.
    RESULTS: The results showed that Chinese children performed better than Italian children in both arithmetic tasks and in shifting task. Italian children performed better in visuospatial updating task and reported higher levels of mathematical anxiety than their Chinese peers. Multi-group path analyses showed that the patterns of relations among cognitive factors (i.e., short-term memory, inhibition and shifting), mathematical anxiety, and arithmetic performance were similar across groups. The only exception was that visuospatial updating uniquely predicted arithmetic estimation for Chinese but not for Italian children.
    CONCLUSIONS: Chinese children outperformed their Italian peers in the exact arithmetic task, likely due to the greater emphasis on arithmetic fluency in Chinese mathematics education, both in schools and at home. They also had a slight advantage than Italian peers in the arithmetic estimation task. The unique link between updating and arithmetic estimation found in Chinese children but not Italian children suggests that, although arithmetic estimation is not emphasized in the curricula of either country, instruction and practice in exact arithmetic may enhance Chinese children\'s efficiency in solving arithmetic estimation problems.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Goal: Poor arousal management may lead to reduced cognitive performance. Specifying a model and decoder to infer the cognitive arousal and performance contributes to arousal regulation via non-invasive actuators such as music. Methods: We employ a Bayesian filtering approach within an expectation-maximization framework to track the hidden states during the [Formula: see text]-back task in the presence of calming and exciting music. We decode the arousal and performance states from the skin conductance and behavioral signals, respectively. We derive an arousal-performance model based on the Yerkes-Dodson law. We design a performance-based arousal decoder by considering the corresponding performance and skin conductance as the observation. Results: The quantified arousal and performance are presented. The existence of Yerkes-Dodson law can be interpreted from the arousal-performance relationship. Findings display higher matrices of performance within the exciting music. Conclusions: The performance-based arousal decoder has a better agreement with the Yerkes-Dodson law. Our study can be implemented in designing non-invasive closed-loop systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper investigates a novel category of probability distributions and a specific member within this category. We have formulated a new family of trigonometric distributions by utilizing the odds ratio derived from the distribution function of a base distribution. This newly devised distribution family termed the \"Sine pie-power odd-G family\" of distributions, is constructed through a transformation involving the sine function. The paper presents an overview of the fundamental characteristics inherent to this proposed distribution family. Using the Weibull distribution as a base reference, we have introduced a member belonging to the proposed distribution family. This member demonstrates various hazard functions such as j, reverse-j, increasing, decreasing, or bathtub shapes. The paper examines essential statistical attributes of this newly introduced distribution. The estimation of the distribution\'s parameters is carried out via the maximum likelihood estimation method. The accuracy of the parameter estimation procedure is validated through Monte Carlo simulations. The outcomes of these simulations reveal a reduction in biases and mean square errors as sample sizes increase, even for small samples. Two sets of real-engineering data are considered to demonstrate the proposed distribution\'s applicability. The performance of the suggested distribution is evaluated using some model selection criteria and goodness-of-fit test statistics. Empirical evidence from these evaluations substantiates that the proposed model outperforms six existing models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many realistic phylogenetic models lack tractable likelihood functions, prohibiting their use with standard inference methods. We present phyddle, a pipeline-based toolkit for performing phylogenetic modeling tasks using likelihood-free deep learning approaches. phyddle coordinates modeling tasks through five analysis steps (Simulate, Format, Train, Estimate, and Plot) that transform raw phylogenetic datasets as input into numerical and visualized model-based output. Benchmarks show that phyddle accurately performs a range of inference tasks, such as estimating macroevolutionary parameters, selecting among continuous trait evolution models, and passing coverage tests for epidemiological models, even for models that lack tractable likelihoods. phyddle has a flexible command-line interface, making it easy to integrate deep learning approaches for phylogenetics into research workflows. Learn more about phyddle at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measuring dairy cattle methane (CH4) emissions using traditional recording technologies is complicated and expensive. Prediction models, which estimate CH4 emissions based on proxy information, provide an accessible alternative. This review covers the different modeling approaches taken in the prediction of dairy cattle CH4 emissions and highlights their individual strengths and limitations. Following the guidelines set out by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA); Scopus, EBSCO, Web of Science, PubMed and PubAg were each queried for papers with titles that contained search terms related to a population of \"Bovine,\" exposure of \"Statistical Analysis or Machine Learning,\" and outcome of \"Methane Emissions\". The search was executed in December 2022 with no publication date range set. Eligible papers were those that investigated the prediction of CH4 emissions in dairy cattle via statistical or machine learning (ML) methods and were available in English. 299 papers were returned from the initial search, 55 of which, were eligible for inclusion in the discussion. Data from the 55 papers was synthesized by the CH4 emission prediction approach explored, including mechanistic modeling, empirical modeling, and machine learning. Mechanistic models were found to be highly accurate, yet they require difficult-to-obtain input data, which, if imprecise, can produce misleading results. Empirical models remain more versatile by comparison, yet suffer greatly when applied outside of their original developmental range. The prediction of CH4 emissions on commercial dairy farms can utilize any approach, however, the traits they use must be procurable in a commercial farm setting. Milk fatty acids (MFA) appear to be the most popular commercially accessible trait under investigation, however, MFA-based models have produced ambivalent results and should be consolidated before robust accuracies can be achieved. ML models provide a novel methodology for the prediction of dairy cattle CH4 emissions through a diverse range of advanced algorithms, and can facilitate the combination of heterogenous data types via hybridization or stacking techniques. In addition to this, they also offer the ability to improve dataset complexity through imputation strategies. These opportunities allow ML models to address the limitations faced by traditional prediction approaches, as well as enhance prediction on commercial farms.
    This review provides a comprehensive overview of the different modeling approaches taken in the prediction of dairy cattle methane emissions. Mechanistic models, which mathematically simulate the methane production process of the dairy cattle rumen, are both accurate and adaptable, yet their necessary input data is difficult to obtain and if imprecise, can produce misinformative results. Empirical models, which statistically quantify the relationships between methane emissions and production factors, are a more accessible alternative to mechanistic models, yet their accessible structure limits them to the same range of data on which they were originally developed. Machine learning models, which are based on a particular learning pattern, can be trained to identify trends in methane production and use these lessons to make accurate predictions. Their application in the prediction of dairy cattle methane emissions remains scarce, yet those that have been show promising potential. Commercially deployable models can utilize any of the previous approaches, as long as the traits they use are obtainable in a commercial farm setting. Those developed favor the use of milk fatty acids, yet the variation in their results needs to be consolidated before robust predictions of methane emissions on commercial farms can be achieved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Height is known to be a classically heritable trait controlled by complex polygenic factors. Numerous height-associated genetic variants across the genome have been identified so far. It is also a representative of externally visible characteristics (EVC) for predicting appearance in forensic science. When biological evidence at a crime scene is deficient in identifying an individual, the examination of forensic DNA phenotyping using some genetic variants could be considered. In this study, we aimed to predict \'height\', a representative forensic phenotype, by using a small number of genetic variants when short tandem repeat (STR) analysis is hard with insufficient biological samples. Our results not only replicated previous genetic signals but also indicated an upward trend in polygenic score (PGS) with increasing height in the validation and replication stages for both genders. These results demonstrate that the established SNP sets in this study could be used for height estimation in the Korean population. Specifically, since the PGS model constructed in this study targets only a small number of SNPs, it contributes to enabling forensic DNA phenotyping even at crime scenes with a minimal amount of biological evidence. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first study to evaluate a PGS model for height estimation in the Korean population using GWAS signals. Our study offers insight into the polygenic effect of height in East Asians, incorporating genetic variants from non-Asian populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The estimands framework outlined in ICH E9 (R1) describes the components needed to precisely define the effects to be estimated in clinical trials, which includes how post-baseline \'intercurrent\' events (IEs) are to be handled. In late-stage clinical trials, it is common to handle IEs like \'treatment discontinuation\' using the treatment policy strategy and target the treatment effect on outcomes regardless of treatment discontinuation. For continuous repeated measures, this type of effect is often estimated using all observed data before and after discontinuation using either a mixed model for repeated measures (MMRM) or multiple imputation (MI) to handle any missing data. In basic form, both these estimation methods ignore treatment discontinuation in the analysis and therefore may be biased if there are differences in patient outcomes after treatment discontinuation compared with patients still assigned to treatment, and missing data being more common for patients who have discontinued treatment. We therefore propose and evaluate a set of MI models that can accommodate differences between outcomes before and after treatment discontinuation. The models are evaluated in the context of planning a Phase 3 trial for a respiratory disease. We show that analyses ignoring treatment discontinuation can introduce substantial bias and can sometimes underestimate variability. We also show that some of the MI models proposed can successfully correct the bias, but inevitably lead to increases in variance. We conclude that some of the proposed MI models are preferable to the traditional analysis ignoring treatment discontinuation, but the precise choice of MI model will likely depend on the trial design, disease of interest and amount of observed and missing data following treatment discontinuation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modern science is dependent on imaging on the nanoscale, often achieved through processes that detect secondary electrons created by a highly focused incident charged particle beam. Multiple types of measurement noise limit the ultimate trade-off between the image quality and the incident particle dose, which can preclude useful imaging of dose-sensitive samples. Existing methods to improve image quality do not fundamentally mitigate the noise sources. Furthermore, barriers to assigning a physically meaningful scale make the images qualitative. Here, we introduce ion count-aided microscopy (ICAM), which is a quantitative imaging technique that uses statistically principled estimation of the secondary electron yield. With a readily implemented change in data collection, ICAM substantially reduces source shot noise. In helium ion microscopy, we demonstrate 3[Formula: see text] dose reduction and a good match between these empirical results and theoretical performance predictions. ICAM facilitates imaging of fragile samples and may make imaging with heavier particles more attractive.





