Erythroid Precursor Cells

  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are generated through the reprogramming of somatic cells to an embryonic-like state by activating specific genes. They closely resemble embryonic stem cells (ESCs), in various aspects, including the expression of key stem cell genes, potency, and differentiation capabilities. iPSCs can be derived from various cell types such as fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The ease of obtaining origin cells through non-invasive methods simplifies the generation of human iPSCs. Therefore, PBMCs are commonly preferred, with erythroid progenitor cells (EPCs) obtained through EPC enrichment being used as origin cells in this protocol. The EPC enrichment performed in this protocol not only reduces costs but also increases efficiency by enhancing the percentage of reprogrammable cells with progenitor characteristics. Human iPSCs are incredibly valuable for in vitro research, cell therapy, drug discovery, and tissue engineering. The outlined procedures below provide a general framework for inducing iPSCs from erythroid progenitor cells, pluripotency confirmation experiments, and cultivating them for downstream experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Red blood cells (RBCs) comprise a critical component of the cardiovascular network, which constitutes the first functional organ system of the developing mammalian embryo. Examination of circulating blood cells in mammalian embryos revealed two distinct types of erythroid cells: large, nucleated \"primitive\" erythroblasts followed by smaller, enucleated \"definitive\" erythrocytes. This review describes the current understanding of primitive and definitive erythropoiesis gleaned from studies of mouse and human embryos and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Primitive erythropoiesis in the mouse embryo comprises a transient wave of committed primitive erythroid progenitors (primitive erythroid colony-forming cells, EryP-CFC) in the early yolk sac that generates a robust cohort of precursors that mature in the bloodstream and enucleate. In contrast, definitive erythropoiesis has two distinct developmental origins. The first comprises a transient wave of definitive erythroid progenitors (burst-forming units erythroid, BFU-E) that emerge in the yolk sac and seed the fetal liver where they terminally mature to provide the first definitive RBCs. The second comprises hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)-derived BFU-E that terminally mature at sites colonized by HSCs particularly the fetal liver and subsequently the bone marrow. Primitive and definitive erythropoiesis are derived from endothelial identity precursors with distinct developmental origins. Although they share prototypical transcriptional regulation, primitive and definitive erythropoiesis are also characterized by distinct lineage-specific factors. The exquisitely timed, sequential production of primitive and definitive erythroid cells is necessary for the survival and growth of the mammalian embryo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Erythropoiesis occurs first in the yolk sac as a transit \"primitive\" form, then is gradually replaced by the \"definitive\" form in the fetal liver (FL) during fetal development and in the bone marrow (BM) postnatally. While it is well known that differences exist between primitive and definitive erythropoiesis, the similarities and differences between FL and BM definitive erythropoiesis have not been studied. Here we performed comprehensive comparisons of erythroid progenitors and precursors at all maturational stages sorted from E16.5 FL and adult BM. We found that FL cells at all maturational stages were larger than their BM counterparts. We further found that FL BFU-E cells divided at a faster rate and underwent more cell divisions than BM BFU-E. Transcriptome comparison revealed that genes with increased expression in FL BFU-Es were enriched in cell division. Interestingly, the expression levels of glucocorticoid receptor Nr3c1, Myc and Myc downstream target Ccna2 were significantly higher in FL BFU-Es, indicating the role of the Nr3c1-Myc-Ccna2 axis in the enhanced proliferation/cell division of FL BFU-E cells. At the CFU-E stage, the expression of genes associated with hemoglobin biosynthesis were much higher in FL CFU-Es, indicating more hemoglobin production. During terminal erythropoiesis, overall temporal patterns in gene expression were conserved between the FL and BM. While biological processes related to translation, the tricarboxylic acid cycle and hypoxia response were upregulated in FL erythroblasts, those related to antiviral signal pathway were upregulated in BM erythroblasts. Our findings uncovered previously unrecognized differences between FL and BM definitive erythropoiesis and provide novel insights into erythropoiesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extramedullary erythropoiesis is not expected in healthy adult mice, but erythropoietic gene expression was elevated in lineage-depleted spleen cells from Cd47-/- mice. Expression of several genes associated with early stages of erythropoiesis was elevated in mice lacking CD47 or its signaling ligand thrombospondin-1, consistent with previous evidence that this signaling pathway inhibits expression of multipotent stem cell transcription factors in spleen. In contrast, cells expressing markers of committed erythroid progenitors were more abundant in Cd47-/- spleens but significantly depleted in Thbs1-/- spleens. Single-cell transcriptome and flow cytometry analyses indicated that loss of CD47 is associated with accumulation and increased proliferation in spleen of Ter119-CD34+ progenitors and Ter119+CD34- committed erythroid progenitors with elevated mRNA expression of Kit, Ermap, and Tfrc. Induction of committed erythroid precursors is consistent with the known function of CD47 to limit the phagocytic removal of aged erythrocytes. Conversely, loss of thrombospondin-1 delays the turnover of aged red blood cells, which may account for the suppression of committed erythroid precursors in Thbs1-/- spleens relative to basal levels in wild-type mice. In addition to defining a role for CD47 to limit extramedullary erythropoiesis, these studies reveal a thrombospondin-1-dependent basal level of extramedullary erythropoiesis in adult mouse spleen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inherited non-hemolytic anemia is a group of rare bone marrow disorders characterized by erythroid defects. Although concerted efforts have been made to explore the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms of these diseases, the understanding of the causative mutations are still incomplete. Here we identify in a diseased pedigree that a gain-of-function mutation in toll-like receptor 8 (TLR8) is implicated in inherited non-hemolytic anemia. TLR8 is expressed in erythroid lineage and erythropoiesis is impaired by TLR8 activation whereas enhanced by TLR8 inhibition from erythroid progenitor stage. Mechanistically, TLR8 activation blocks annexin A2 (ANXA2)-mediated plasma membrane localization of STAT5 and disrupts EPO signaling in HuDEP2 cells. TLR8 inhibition improves erythropoiesis in RPS19+/- HuDEP2 cells and CD34+ cells from healthy donors and inherited non-hemolytic anemic patients. Collectively, we identify a gene implicated in inherited anemia and a previously undescribed role for TLR8 in erythropoiesis, which could potentially be explored for therapeutic benefit in inherited anemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: CD8+T cell tolerance plays an important role in tumor escape. Recent studies have shown that CD45+ erythroid progenitor cells (CD45+EPCs) generated through splenic extramedullary erythropoiesis suppress tumor immunity. However, the mechanism underlying how CD45+EPCs mediate CD8+T cell tolerance remains incompletely understood and requires further research.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, the antigen-processing abilities of CD45+EPCs was verified through both in vitro and in vivo experiments. We have used the method of co-culture in vitro and adoptive transfer experiments in vivo to explore the effects of CD45+EPCs on CD8+T cell tolerance. RNA-sequencing analysis and blocking experiments were used to evaluate the role of ROS in the CD45+EPC mediated tolerance of CD8+T cells. Finally, we incorporated uric acid into the adoptive transfer experiments to rescue the CD45+EPC mediated tumor-promoting effect.
    UNASSIGNED: We found that CD45+EPCs take up soluble proteins, present antigenic epitopes on their surface, and induce antigen-specific CD8+T cell anergy. In addition, we found that CD45+EPC directly nitrates tyrosine within the TCR/CD8 complex via the production of reactive oxygen species and peroxynitrite, preventing CD8+ T cells from responding to their specific peptide antigens. Furthermore, uric acid treatment effectively abolished the immunosuppressive effects of CD45+EPCs during CD8+T cell adoptive transfer, thereby enhancing the anti-tumor efficacy. These results demonstrated that CD8+T cell tolerance in tumor-bearing mice is induced by CD45+EPCs. The results of this study have direct implications for tumor immunotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microcephaly is a common feature in inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, prompting investigations into shared pathways between neurogenesis and hematopoiesis. To understand this association, we studied the role of the microcephaly gene Mcph1 in hematological development. Our research revealed that Mcph1-knockout mice exhibited congenital macrocytic anemia due to impaired terminal erythroid differentiation during fetal development. Anemia\'s cause is a failure to complete cell division, evident from tetraploid erythroid progenitors with DNA content exceeding 4n. Gene expression profiling demonstrated activation of the p53 pathway in Mcph1-deficient erythroid precursors, leading to overexpression of Cdkn1a/p21, a major mediator of p53-dependent cell cycle arrest. Surprisingly, fetal brain analysis revealed hypertrophied binucleated neuroprogenitors overexpressing p21 in Mcph1-knockout mice, indicating a shared pathophysiological mechanism underlying both erythroid and neurological defects. However, inactivating p53 in Mcph1-/- mice failed to reverse anemia and microcephaly, suggesting that p53 activation in Mcph1-deficient cells resulted from their proliferation defect rather than causing it. These findings shed new light on Mcph1\'s function in fetal hematopoietic development, emphasizing the impact of disrupted cell division on neurogenesis and erythropoiesis - a common limiting pathway.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The transcription factor GATA-1 is essential for erythroid differentiation. Recently, FAM210B, which encodes a mitochondrial inner membrane protein, has been identified as a novel target of GATA-1. To clarify the role of FAM210B, we depleted endogenous FAM210B in human iPS-derived erythroid progenitor (HiDEP-1) cells, and found that erythroid differentiation was more pronounced in the FAM210B depleted cells. Comprehensive metabolite analysis revealed a decline in mitochondrial function accompanied by increased lactate production, indicative of anaerobic glycolysis. Mass spectrometry revealed that FAM210B could interact with multiple subunits of mitochondrial ATP synthases, such as subunit alpha (ATP5A) and beta (ATP5B). Our results suggested that FAM210B contributes prominently to erythroid differentiation by regulating mitochondrial energy metabolism. This review will discuss the potential association between mitochondrial metabolism and erythropoiesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Erythropoiesis in the adult bone marrow relies on mitochondrial membrane transporters to facilitate heme and hemoglobin production. Erythrocytes in the bone marrow are produced although the differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells that originate from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Whether and how mitochondria transporters potentiate HSCs and affect their differentiation toward erythroid lineage remains unclear. Here, we show that the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter 10 (Abcb10), located on the inner mitochondrial membrane, is essential for HSC maintenance and erythroid-lineage differentiation. Induced deletion of Abcb10 in adult mice significantly increased erythroid progenitor cell and decreased HSC number within the bone marrow (BM). Functionally, Abcb10-deficient HSCs exhibited significant decreases in stem cell potential but with a skew toward erythroid-lineage differentiation. Mechanistically, deletion of Abcb10 rendered HSCs with excess mitochondrial iron accumulation and oxidative stress yet without alteration in mitochondrial bioenergetic function. However, impaired hematopoiesis could not be rescued through the in vivo administration of a mitochondrial iron chelator or antioxidant to Abcb10-deficient mice. Abcb10-mediated mitochondrial iron transfer is thus pivotal for the regulation of physiologic HSC potential and erythroid-lineage differentiation.





