Errores de medicación

Errores de medicaci ó n
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess the implementation of safe medication practices in hospital emergency services, in order to understand the points of greatest risk as well as the safety challenges faced by these departments, and to plan collaboratively improvement initiatives.
    METHODS: Multicentric and descriptive study based on completion of the \"Medication safety self-assessment of emergency services\" from 5/16/2023 to 11/16/2023, at voluntarily participating emergency services. The survey contained 93 items grouped into 10 key elements. Mean score and mean percentages based on the maximum possible values for the overall survey, for the key elements and for each individual item of evaluation, were assessed.
    RESULTS: A total of 72 emergency services completed the questionnaire. The mean score obtained for the overall questionnaire was 428.3 points (51.1% of the maximum score). Results showed a large variation among the scores of the participating services (range: 164-620.5). Four key elements had values below 50%, corresponding to competence and training of professionals in safety practices (38.4%); incorporation of pharmacists in emergency departments (42.1%), availability and accessibility of information about patients (43.1%), and patient education (48.1%). The highest values corresponded to labeling, packaging, and naming of medications (69.2%) and communication of prescriptions and other medication information (64%). No differences were found between emergency services in the key elements according to the dependency or size of the hospital, or the type of service, except for the item referring to the incorporation of pharmacists in the emergency service, where differences were observed between hospitals with less than 200 beds (28.9%) and those with more than 500 (52.2%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The application of the specific self-assessment questionnaire has made it possible to identify safety practices that are insufficiently implemented into emergency services in our country and to identify critical points for improvement for which planning collaborative initiatives to reduce medication errors in these departments should become a priority.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medication errors, potentially causing harm and causing harm, increase significantly in newborns cared for in intensive care settings. In this sense, this work carries out a systematic review to analyze the most current evidence in relation to medication errors in neonatal intensive care, discussing the topics that refer to health technology from smart pumps, cost-effectiveness of medications, the practice of nursing professionals on the medication administration process and quality improvement models. In this way, it could be considered a useful tool to promote quality and safety in neonatal intensive care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The main objective was to analyze unjustified discrepancies during the medication reconciliation process in patients admitted to the Hematology Service of our hospital and the pharmaceutical interventions. As a secondary objective, to detect possible points of the procedure to be perfected with a view to protocolizing the medication reconciliation process in hematological patients that adapts to the conditions of our center.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional observational pilot study carried out in a reference hospital in hematology for a population of 800,000 inhabitants. Adult inpatients admitted to the Hematology Service between August and October 2022 whose medication had been reconciled were included. The main variables were: number and type of unjustified discrepancy, proposed pharmaceutical intervention, and acceptance rate.
    RESULTS: 36 conciliation processes were analyzed, 34 admissions and 2 intrahospital transfer. 58.3% of the patients presented at least one unjustified discrepancy. 38 unjustified discrepancies were detected, with an acceptance of pharmaceutical interventions of 97.4%. The most common types of discrepancy were medication omission (56.8%) and drug interaction (24.3%). The most frequent pharmaceutical interventions were reintroducing medication (48.6%) and treatment discontinuation (16.2%). Polypharmacy and chemotherapy multiplied by 4 the probability of presenting drug interactions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The most common unjustified discrepancies in the medication reconciliation process in hospitalized hematology patients are: Medication omission and drug interactions. The reintroduction of medication and suspension of the prescription are the most frequent accepted pharmaceutical interventions. Polypharmacy is related to an increase in unjustified discrepancies. The factors that promote the appearance of interactions are admissions to receive chemotherapy treatment and polypharmacy. The main point of improvement detected is the need to create a circuit that allows conciliation to be carried out on discharge. Medication reconciliation contribute to improving patient safety by reducing medication errors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The continuous development of medicine in most fields requires physicians to apply the latest methods and technology to ensure patients\' safety. In the field of anesthesiology we are pioneers in the application of measures that guarantee the security of our patients, making possible the greatest reduction in mortality seen among all other specialties. This objective has been achieved thanks to the introduction of changes such as the one presented in this review article. The specific NRFit® connections for neuraxial and other regional anesthesia applications prevent wrong route medication errors to occur. These medication errors have been related to a high morbidity and mortality rate. This article reviews this new technology based in our own two-year experience at Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid) as well as a literature review using PubMed, UpToDate and ClinicalKey.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    BACKGROUND: Medication reconciliation (MC) is one of the main strategies to reduce medication errors in care transitions. In Spain, several guidelines have been published with recommendations for the implementation and development of MC aimed at the adult population, although paediatric patients are not included. In 2018, a study was carried out that led to the subsequent publication of a document with criteria for selecting paediatric patients in whom CM should be prioritised.
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of paediatric patients most likely to suffer from errors of reconciliation (EC), to confirm whether the results of a previous study can be extrapolated.
    METHODS: Prospective, multicentre study of paediatric inpatients. We analysed the CE detected during the performance of the CM on admission. The best possible pharmacotherapeutic history of the patient was obtained using different sources of information and confirmed by an interview with the patient/caregiver.
    RESULTS: 1043 discrepancies were detected, 544 were identified as CD, affecting 317 patients (43%). Omission of a drug was the most common error (51%). The majority of CD were associated with drugs in groups A (31%), N (23%) and R (11%) of the ATC classification. Polymedication and onco-haematological based disease were the risk factors associated with the presence of CD with statistical significance.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study allow prioritisation of CM in a specific group of paediatric patients, favouring the efficiency of the process. Onco-haematological patients and polymedication are confirmed as the main risk factors for the appearance of CD in the paediatric population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary objective of this study is to describe the design and implementation of a mobile application (App) for tracking preparations compounded in the Pharmacy Department. Secondary objectives include: i) evaluating the time spent on resolving incidents related to the distribution of preparations before and after implementation, ii) assessing users satisfaction with the application, and iii) establishing a panel of quality indicators based on the data extracted from the App.
    1) Defining application requirements, identifying drugs to be included in the software and outlining different workflows. 2) Developing the App in collaboration with the supplier and integrating it with the computer programs involved in prescription and validation. Additionally, QR codes were created to identify delivery points at destination units, and suitable mobile devices were acquired. The initial phase involved user training in the application and a pilot test conducted in a hospital ward. 3) The subsequent phase focused on expansion and consolidation.
    The system includes 86.9% of all sterile preparations prepared in the Hospital Pharmacy, encompassing chemotherapy, adult parenteral nutrition, and other non-hazardous sterile preparations. Furthermore, the application has been implemented in all hospitalisation wards, day care units and two external sites. On average, 5403 preparations were tracked per month (SD = 297.3). The time required to address incidents related to the distribution of preparations has decreased by 83% (from 38.9 to 6.6 min per day). The App regularly provides valuable management data for optimising workflow in the compounding area. Additionally, users have expressed satisfaction with the application.
    The proposed application enables hospital staff to easily and intuitively track preparations compounded in the Pharmacy, irrespective of the computer program used for prescription. It has significantly reduced the need for manual record-keeping and has mitigated incidents associated with the distribution of sterile preparations.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    To assess the degree of implementation of medication error prevention practices in Spanish hospitals.
    Descriptive multicenter study of the degree of implementation of the safety practices included in the \"Medication use-system safety self-assessment for hospitals. Version. II\". Spanish hospitals that completed the questionnaire between October/2021 and September/2022 participated. The survey contains 265 items for evaluation grouped into 10 key elements. Mean score and mean percentages based on the maximum possible values for the overall survey, for the key elements and for each individual item of evaluation were calculated. The results were compared with those of the previous 2011 study.
    A total of 131 hospitals from 15 autonomous regions participated in the study. The mean score of the overall questionnaire in all hospitals was 898.2 (57.4% of the maximum possible score). No differences were found according to dependency, size or type of hospital, either in the overall questionnaire or in the key elements. The lowest values were found for key elements 8, 1 and 6, on competence and training of health professionals in safety practices (45.1%), availability and accessibility of essential information on patients (48%), and devices for administering drugs (52.3%). With respect to 2011, significant increases were found both in the overall questionnaire and in the key elements, except 5 and 7, referring to standardization, storage and distribution of medications, and environmental factors and human resources. Several evaluation items on the safe management of high-risk drugs, medication reconciliation, incorporation of clinical pharmacists into the healthcare teams and implementation of technologies that allow full traceability throughout the medication system, showed low percentages CONCLUSIONS: There has been appreciable progress in the degree of implementation of some medication error prevention practices in Spanish hospitals, but many proven efficacy practices recommended by the World Health Organization and safety organizations are still poorly implemented. The information obtained can be useful for prioritizing the practices to be addressed and as a new baseline for monitoring progress.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    To assess the degree of implementation of medication error prevention practices in Spanish hospitals.
    Descriptive multicenter study of the degree of implementation of the safety practices included in the \"Medication use-system safety self-assessment for hospitals. Version. II\". Spanish hospitals that completed the questionnaire between October, 2021 and September, 2022 participated. The survey contains 265 items for evaluation grouped into 10 key elements. Mean score and mean percentages based on the maximum possible values for the overall survey, for the key elements, and for each individual item of evaluation were calculated. The results were compared with those of the previous 2011 study.
    A total of 131 hospitals from 15 autonomous regions participated in the study. The mean score of the overall questionnaire in all hospitals was 898.2 (57.4% of the maximum possible score). No differences were found according to dependency, size, or type of hospital, either in the overall questionnaire or in the key elements. The lowest values were found for key elements VIII, I and VI, on competence and training of health professionals in safety practices (45.1%), availability and accessibility of essential information on patients (48%), and devices for administering drugs (52.3%). With respect to 2011, significant increases were found both in the overall questionnaire and in the key elements, except V and VII, referring to standardization, storage, and distribution of medications, and environmental factors and human resources. Several evaluation items on the safe management of high-risk drugs, medication reconciliation, incorporation of clinical pharmacists into the healthcare teams, and implementation of technologies that allow full traceability throughout the medication system, showed low percentages.
    There has been appreciable progress in the degree of implementation of some medication error prevention practices in Spanish hospitals, but many proven efficacy practices recommended by the World Health Organization and safety organizations are still poorly implemented. The information obtained can be useful for prioritizing the practices to be addressed and as a new baseline for monitoring progress.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    To determine the prevalence of reconciliation errors on admission to hospital in the pediatric onco-hematological population in order to check whether they are similarly susceptible to these reconciliation errors as adults and to describe the characteristics of the patients who suffer them.
    A 12-month prospective, multicentre study of medication reconciliation on admission in the pediatric onco-hematological population to assess the incidence of reconciliation errors and to describe the characteristics of the patients.
    Medication reconciliation was performed in 157 patients. At least a medication discrepancy was detected in 96 patients. Of the discrepancies detected, 52.1% were related to patient\'s new clinical situation or by the physician, while 48.9% were determined to be reconciliation errors. The most frequent type of reconciliation error was the \"omission of a medication\", followed by \"a different dose, frequency or route of administration\". A total of 77 pharmaceutical interventions were carried out, 94.2% of which were accepted. In the group of patients with a number equal to or greater than 4 drugs in home treatment, there was a 2.1-fold increase in the probability of suffering a reconciliation error.
    In order to avoid or reduce errors in one of the critical safety points such as transitions of care, there are measures such as medication reconciliation. In the case of complex chronic pediatric patients, such as onco-hematological patients, the number of drugs as part of home treatment is the variable that has been associated with the presence of medication reconciliation errors on admission to hospital, and the omission of some medication was the main cause of these errors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary objective of this study is to describe the design and implementation of a mobile application (App) for tracking preparations compounded in the Pharmacy Department. Secondary objectives include evaluating the time spent on resolving incidents related to the distribution of preparations before and after implementation, assessing users satisfaction with the application, and establishing a panel of quality indicators based on the data extracted from the App.
    Defining application requirements, identifying drugs to be included in the software and outlining different workflows. Developing the App in collaboration with the supplier and integrating it with the computer programs involved in prescription and validation. Additionally, QR codes were created to identify delivery points at destination units, and suitable mobile devices were acquired. The initial phase involved user training in the application and a pilot test conducted in a hospital ward. The subsequent phase focused on expansion and consolidation.
    The system includes 86.9% of all sterile preparations prepared in the Hospital Pharmacy, encompassing chemotherapy, adult parenteral nutrition, and other non-hazardous sterile preparations. Furthermore, the application has been implemented in all hospitalization wards, day care units and two external sites. On average, 5,403 preparations were tracked per month (SD = 297.3). The time required to address incidents related to the distribution of preparations has decreased by 83% (from 38.9 to 6.6 minutes per day). The App regularly provides valuable management data for optimizing workflow in the compounding area. Additionally, users have expressed satisfaction with the application.
    The proposed application enables hospital staff to easily and intuitively track preparations compounded in the pharmacy, irrespective of the computer program used for prescription. It has significantly reduced the need for manual record-keeping and has mitigated incidents associated with the distribution of sterile preparations.





