Error correction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The utilization of long reads for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) phasing has become popular, providing substantial support for research on human diseases and genetic studies in animals and plants. However, due to the complexity of the linkage relationships between SNP loci and sequencing errors in the reads, the recent methods still cannot yield satisfactory results.
    RESULTS: In this study, we present a graph-based algorithm, GCphase, which utilizes the minimum cut algorithm to perform phasing. First, based on alignment between long reads and the reference genome, GCphase filters out ambiguous SNP sites and useless read information. Second, GCphase constructs a graph in which a vertex represents alleles of an SNP locus and each edge represents the presence of read support; moreover, GCphase adopts a graph minimum-cut algorithm to phase the SNPs. Next, GCpahse uses two error correction steps to refine the phasing results obtained from the previous step, effectively reducing the error rate. Finally, GCphase obtains the phase block. GCphase was compared to three other methods, WhatsHap, HapCUT2, and LongPhase, on the Nanopore and PacBio long-read datasets. The code is available from .
    CONCLUSIONS: Experimental results show that GCphase under different sequencing depths of different data has the least number of switch errors and the highest accuracy compared with other methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the current study, we investigated how long the effects of one single collaboration session continue to influence individual memory. Participants learned categorized word lists and prose passages individually, and then they were instructed to recall learned materials either collaboratively or individually. Following initial recall, participants completed an individual recall test after a delay of 5 min, 48 h, or 1 week. On the initial recall test, we found that collaboration reduced recall of correct items on both word lists and prose passages (collaborative inhibition), and that collaboration reduced false recall on both word lists and prose passages (error correction). However, on the subsequent individual memory test after a delay, the pattern of post collaborative effects differed across veridical and false recall. For both word lists and prose passages, post collaborative benefits on correct recall lasted 1 week. However, there were no lasting effects of error correction on subsequent false recall. These results suggest that the time course of post collaborative benefits can be long lasting, but they are selective to veridical recall. The results are explained by theories of reexposure and error correction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With postsecondary education opportunities for adult students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) on the rise, it is important to find socially validated research-based methods that are appropriate for the university or other community-based postsecondary instructional settings. The present research examines the effects of using flashcards with descriptive feedback and opportunities to respond, to teach one student with intellectual disabilities, enrolled in a postsecondary education-training program, commonly used industrial kitchen equipment. Results showed that discrete trail instruction, which included an error correction strategy of descriptive feedback plus opportunities to correctly respond was highly effective in mastery and maintenance of kitchen equipment identification, and generalization when asked to locate those items in the university kitchen lab.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Error correction is central to many biological systems and is critical for protein function and cell health. During mitosis, error correction is required for the faithful inheritance of genetic material. When functioning properly, the mitotic spindle segregates an equal number of chromosomes to daughter cells with high fidelity. Over the course of spindle assembly, many initially erroneous attachments between kinetochores and microtubules are fixed through the process of error correction. Despite the importance of chromosome segregation errors in cancer and other diseases, there is a lack of methods to characterize the dynamics of error correction and how it can go wrong. Here, we present an experimental method and analysis framework to quantify chromosome segregation error correction in human tissue culture cells with live cell confocal imaging, timed premature anaphase, and automated counting of kinetochores after cell division. We find that errors decrease exponentially over time during spindle assembly. A coarse-grained model, in which errors are corrected in a chromosome-autonomous manner at a constant rate, can quantitatively explain both the measured error correction dynamics and the distribution of anaphase onset times. We further validated our model using perturbations that destabilized microtubules and changed the initial configuration of chromosomal attachments. Taken together, this work provides a quantitative framework for understanding the dynamics of mitotic error correction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The high-fidelity (HiFi) long-read sequencing technology developed by PacBio has greatly improved the base-level accuracy of genome assemblies. However, these assemblies still contain base-level errors, particularly within the error-prone regions of HiFi long reads. Existing genome polishing tools usually introduce overcorrections and haplotype switch errors when correcting errors in genomes assembled from HiFi long reads. Here, we describe an upgraded genome polishing tool - NextPolish2, which can fix base errors remaining in those \"highly accurate\" genomes assembled from HiFi long reads without introducing excessive overcorrections and haplotype switch errors. We believe that NextPolish2 has a great significance to further improve the accuracy of telomere-to-telomere (T2T) genomes. NextPolish2 is freely available at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We build on the view of the Exact Renormalization Group (ERG) as an instantiation of Optimal Transport described by a functional convection-diffusion equation. We provide a new information-theoretic perspective for understanding the ERG through the intermediary of Bayesian Statistical Inference. This connection is facilitated by the Dynamical Bayesian Inference scheme, which encodes Bayesian inference in the form of a one-parameter family of probability distributions solving an integro-differential equation derived from Bayes\' law. In this note, we demonstrate how the Dynamical Bayesian Inference equation is, itself, equivalent to a diffusion equation, which we dub Bayesian Diffusion. By identifying the features that define Bayesian Diffusion and mapping them onto the features that define the ERG, we obtain a dictionary outlining how renormalization can be understood as the inverse of statistical inference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Mps1 and Aurora B kinases regulate and monitor kinetochore attachment to spindle microtubules during cell division, ultimately ensuring accurate chromosome segregation. In yeast, the critical spindle attachment components are the Ndc80 and Dam1 complexes (Ndc80c and DASH/Dam1c, respectively). Ndc80c is a 600-Å-long heterotetramer that binds microtubules through a globular \"head\" at one end and centromere-proximal kinetochore components through a globular knob at the other end. Dam1c is a heterodecamer that forms a ring of 16-17 protomers around the shaft of the single kinetochore microtubule in point-centromere yeast. The ring coordinates the approximately eight Ndc80c rods per kinetochore. In published work, we showed that a site on the globular \"head\" of Ndc80c, including residues from both Ndc80 and Nuf2, binds a bipartite segment in the long C-terminal extension of Dam1. Results reported here show, both by in vitro binding experiments and by crystal structure determination, that the same site binds a conserved segment in the long N-terminal extension of Mps1. It also binds, less tightly, a conserved segment in the N-terminal extension of Ipl1 (yeast Aurora B). Together with results from experiments in yeast cells and from biochemical assays reported in two accompanying papers, the structures and graded affinities identify a communication hub for ensuring uniform bipolar attachment and for signaling anaphase onset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Faithful chromosome segregation requires that sister chromatids establish bi-oriented kinetochore-microtubule attachments. The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) prevents premature anaphase onset with incomplete attachments. However, how microtubule attachment and checkpoint signaling are coordinated remains unclear. The conserved kinase Mps1 initiates SAC signaling by localizing transiently to kinetochores in prometaphase and is released upon bi-orientation. Using biochemistry, structure predictions, and cellular assays, we shed light on this dynamic behavior in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A conserved N-terminal segment of Mps1 binds the neck region of Ndc80:Nuf2, the main microtubule receptor of kinetochores. Mutational disruption of this interface, located at the backside of the paired CH domains and opposite the microtubule-binding site, prevents Mps1 localization, eliminates SAC signaling, and impairs growth. The same interface of Ndc80:Nuf2 binds the microtubule-associated Dam1 complex. We demonstrate that the error correction kinase Ipl1/Aurora B controls the competition between Dam1 and Mps1 for the same binding site. Thus, binding of the Dam1 complex to Ndc80:Nuf2 may release Mps1 from the kinetochore to promote anaphase onset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sub-Nyquist synthetic aperture radar (SAR) based on pseudo-random time-space modulation has been proposed to increase the swath width while preserving the azimuthal resolution. Due to the sub-Nyquist sampling, the scene can be recovered by an optimization-based algorithm. However, these methods suffer from some issues, e.g., manually tuning difficulty and the pre-definition of optimization parameters, and a low signal-noise ratio (SNR) resistance. To address these issues, a reweighted optimization algorithm, named pseudo-ℒ0-norm optimization algorithm, is proposed for the sub-Nyquist SAR system in this paper. A modified regularization model is first built by applying the scene prior information to nearly acquire the number of nonzero elements based on Bayesian estimation, and then this model is solved by the Cauchy-Newton method. Additionally, an error correction method combined with our proposed pseudo-ℒ0-norm optimization algorithm is also present to eliminate defocusing in the motion-induced model. Finally, experiments with simulated signals and strip-map TerraSAR-X images are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed algorithm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the relationship between the EFL teachers\' beliefs about oral. corrective feedback (OCF) and their actual teaching practices in the context of. synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC). It aimed to understand the. extent of in/consistency between the teachers\' OCF practices and beliefs. regarding the significance of OCF, types of OCF strategies and the types of errors. receiving OCF.Data were collected through two instruments: observations for the. purpose of exploring the teachers\' actual OCF practices and a questionnaire to. uncover OCF beliefs.It was found that the teachers expressed strong beliefs. about their awareness of the significance of OCF, which, however, was not. reflected in the frequency of OCF provision. The results also indicated that recasts. were the most frequently employed form of feedback, which is in line with the overall. preferences reported by the teachers in the questionnaire. Additionally, the teachers considered. pronunciation errors the most significant target of OCF. Nevertheless, vocabulary errors had a substantially higher frequency of corrections. It was also noted that the. teachers stated to adapt their OCF provision in SCMC contexts compared to F2F. classroom settings. The observed in/consistencies were discussed considering the. impact of various belief systems on classroom behaviors and several contextual factors.





