Equity of access

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) has been clinically available in Australia on a user-pays basis since 2012. There are numerous providers, with available tests ranging from targeted NIPT (only trisomies 21, 18, and 13 +/- sex chromosome aneuploidy) to genome-wide NIPT. While NIPT is being implemented in the public health care systems of other countries, in Australia, the implementation of NIPT has proceeded without public funding. The aim of this study was to investigate how NIPT has been integrated into antenatal care across Australia and reveal the successes and challenges in its implementation in this context.
    METHODS: An anonymous online survey was conducted from September to October 2022. Invitations to participate were sent to healthcare professionals (HCPs) involved in the provision of NIPT in Australia through professional society mailing lists and networks. Participants were asked questions on their knowledge of NIPT, delivery of NIPT, and post-test management of results.
    RESULTS: A total of 475 HCPs responded, comprising 232 (48.8%) obstetricians, 167 (35.2%) general practitioners, 32 (6.7%) midwives, and 44 (9.3%) genetic specialists. NIPT was most commonly offered as a first-tier test, with most HCPs (n = 279; 60.3%) offering it to patients as a choice between NIPT and combined first-trimester screening. Fifty-three percent (n = 245) of respondents always offered patients a choice between NIPT for the common autosomal trisomies and expanded (including genome-wide) NIPT. This choice was understood as supporting patient autonomy and informed consent. Cost was seen as a major barrier to access to NIPT, for both targeted and expanded tests. Equitable access, increasing time demands on HCPs, and staying up to date with advances were frequently reported as major challenges in delivering NIPT.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate substantial variation in the clinical implementation of NIPT in Australia, including in the offers of expanded screening options. After a decade of clinical use, Australian clinicians still report ongoing challenges in the clinical and equitable provision of NIPT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The National Liver Offering Scheme (NLOS) was introduced in the UK in 2018 to offer livers from deceased donors to patients on the national waiting list based, for most patients, on calculated transplant benefit. Before NLOS, livers were offered to transplant centres by geographic donor zones and, within centres, by estimated recipient need for a transplant.
    METHODS: UK Transplant Registry data on patient registrations and transplants were analysed to build statistical models for survival on the list (M1) and survival post-transplantation (M2). A separate cohort of registrations - not seen by the models before - was analysed to simulate what liver allocation would have been under M1, M2 and a transplant benefit score (TBS) model (combining both M1 and M2), and to compare these allocations to what had been recorded in the UK Transplant Registry. The number of deaths on the waiting list and patient life years were used to compare the different simulation scenarios and to select the optimal allocation model. Registry data were monitored, pre- and post-NLOS, to understand the performance of the scheme.
    RESULTS: The TBS was identified as the optimal model to offer donation after brain death (DBD) livers to adult and large paediatric elective recipients. In the first 2 years of NLOS, 68% of DBD livers were offered using the TBS to this type of recipient. Monitoring data indicate that mortality on the waiting list post-NLOS significantly decreased compared with pre-NLOS (p <0.0001), and that patient survival post-listing was significantly greater post- compared to pre-NLOS (p = 0.005).
    CONCLUSIONS: In the first two years of NLOS offering, waiting list mortality fell while post-transplant survival was not negatively impacted, delivering on the scheme\'s objectives.
    UNASSIGNED: The National Liver Offering Scheme (NLOS) was introduced in the UK in 2018 to increase transparency of the deceased donor liver offering process, maximise the overall survival of the waiting list population, and improve equity of access to liver transplantation. To our knowledge, it is the first scheme that offers organs based on statistical prediction of transplant benefit: the transplant benefit score. The results are important to the transplant community - from healthcare practitioners to patients - and demonstrate that, in the first two years of NLOS offering, waiting list mortality fell while post-transplant survival was not negatively impacted, thus delivering on the scheme\'s objectives. The scheme continues to be monitored to ensure that the transplant benefit score remains up-to-date and that signals that suggest the possible disadvantage of some patients are investigated.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Proton beam therapy (PBT) is one of the most advanced radiotherapy technologies, with growing evidence to support its use in specific clinical scenarios and exponential growth of demand and capacity worldwide over the past few decades. However, geographical inequalities persist in the distribution of PBT centres, which translate into variations in access and use of this technology. The aim of this work was to look at the factors that contribute to these inequalities, to help raise awareness among stakeholders, governments and policy makers. A literature search was conducted using the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes (PICO) criteria. The same search strategy was run in Embase and Medline and identified 242 records, which were screened for manual review. Of these, 24 were deemed relevant and were included in this analysis. Most of the 24 publications included in this review originated from the USA (22/24) and involved paediatric patients, teenagers and young adults (61% for children and/or teenagers and young adults versus 39% for adults). The most reported indicator of disparity was socioeconomic status (16/24), followed by geographical location (13/24). All the studies evaluated in this review showed disparities in the access to PBT. As paediatric patients make up a significant proportion of the PBT-eligible patients, equity of access to PBT also raises ethical considerations. Therefore, further research is needed into the equity of access to PBT to reduce the care gap.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Lack of knowledge about living donor kidney transplant and difficulties in approaching potential donors constitute barriers for many patients and may contribute to inequality of access. Project Aims: Renal Education and Choices at Home was a UK single-centre pilot of home education; an initiative aiming to overcome barriers by increasing knowledge among patients and support networks and by facilitating living donation discussion in the patient\'s home. Design: This was a pre-post comparison of knowledge, attitude, and ability to communicate about transplant. Pre-visit knowledge about treatment options and attitudes towards transplant were measured using a validated questionnaire, repeated 4-6 weeks post-visit, to assess the session\'s impact, along with an evaluation survey, to determine how patients perceived the session. Results: From November 2018 to February 2020, a nurse specialist delivered living donor transplant education sessions in the homes of 86 patients, attended by 141 additional invitees. Home visits led to a significant improvement in knowledge about renal therapies, including living donor transplantation. The evaluation of the home visits by patients and invitees was overwhelmingly positive. Of the 86 patients visited, 46 (53%) had at least one potential donor initiating the assessment process following the visit. Overall, 78 potential donors initiated the assessment process. Conclusion: Home education contributed to addressing recognised barriers, in a way that was well received by patients and was novel in our health system. Home education may be particularly beneficial for patients affected by known barriers to living donor transplantation such as socio-economic deprivation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With infant and child mortality rates that are among the highest in the Pacific region, and basic vaccination coverage rates that are 39% among children 12-23 months, increased coverage of vaccines is a high priority investment for Papua New Guinea (PNG). Using recently gathered household survey data for PNG, this paper contributes to the evidence-base for enhancing investments in frontline facilities by examining the implications of travel time to health facilities for basic vaccination coverage among children in PNG. We find that vaccination coverage rates among children 12-23 months old in PNG are decreasing in distance to healthcare facilities; and this holds whether the outcome is receipt of basic vaccinations (BCG; 3 dose pentavalent; OPV3; Measles), or basic vaccinations-plus (basic vaccinations + Hepatitis B + PCV3). We also find that travel time to health facilities lowers vaccination rates among children 12-23 months old in poor households to a greater extent than for children from richer households. Thus, enhanced geographical access to and resourcing of frontline facilities is likely to expand not only immunization coverage, lower mortality and increase aggregate economic gains, but also improve the distribution of immunization coverage in PNG across socioeconomic groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Debate continues in public health on the roles of universal or targeted policies in providing equity of access to health-related goods or services, and thereby contributing to health equity. Research examining policy implementation can provide fresh insights on these issues.
    We synthesised findings across case studies of policy implementation in four policy areas of primary healthcare (PHC), telecommunications, Indigenous health and land use policy, which incorporated a variety of universal and targeted policy structures. We analysed findings according to three criteria of equity in access - availability, affordability and acceptability - and definitions of universal, proportionate-universal, targeted and residual policies, and devolved governance structures.
    Our analysis showed that existing universal, proportionate-universal and targeted policies in an Australian context displayed strengths and weaknesses in addressing availability, affordability and acceptability dimensions of equity in access.
    While residualist policies are unfavourable to equity of access, other forms of targeting as well as universal and proportionate-universal structure have the potential to be combined in context-specific ways favourable to equity of access to health-related goods and services. To optimise benefits, policies should address equity of access in the three dimensions of availability, affordability and acceptability. Devolved governance structures have the potential to augment equity benefits of either universal or targeted policies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disparities in colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality persist in rural and underserved communities. Our Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) activities are grounded in a bi-directional Community-to-Bench model in which the National Outreach Network Community Health Educator (NON CHE) Screen to Save (S2S) initiative was implemented. In this study, we assessed the impact of the NON CHE S2S in rural and underserved communities. Descriptive and comparative analyses were used to examine the role of the NON CHE S2S on CRC knowledge and CRC screening intent. Data included demographics, current CRC knowledge, awareness, and future CRC health plans. A multivariate linear regression was fit to survey scores for CRC knowledge. The NON CHE S2S engaged 441 participants with 170 surveys completed. The difference in participants\' CRC knowledge before and after the NON CHE S2S intervention had an overall mean of 0.92 with a standard deviation of 2.56. At baseline, White participants had significantly higher CRC knowledge scores, correctly answering 1.94 (p = 0.007) more questions on average than Black participants. After the NON CHE S2S intervention, this difference was not statistically significant. Greater than 95% of participants agreed that the NON CHE S2S sessions impacted their intent to get screened for CRC. Equity of access to health information and the health care system can be achieved with precision public health strategies. The COE bi-directional Community-to-Bench model facilitated community connections through the NON CHE and increased awareness of CRC risk reduction, screening, treatment, and research. The NON CHE combined with S2S is a powerful tool to engage communities with the greatest health care needs and positively impact an individual\'s intent to \"get screened\" for CRC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this paper is three-fold: (i) to analyse the coverage and equity of access to selected maternal and child healthcare interventions, particularly those delivered in Primary Healthcare (PHC) setting; (ii) to analyse the main drivers of inequitable access to selected interventions; and (iii) to synthesise and compare the results across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region as well as over time. We analysed data for five key maternal and child healthcare interventions from 29 national surveys (DHS and MICS) covering 13 MENA countries and spanning a period of almost 20 years (2000-2018). We calculated coverage indicators, concentration indices (CI) and decomposition of CIs according to standard definitions. We synthetized the results by country groups based on their human development index (HDI). Over time and among countries that started from a lower base, there has been an improvement in coverage and equity of selected interventions (four ante-natal care visits and skilled birth assistance). When considering the place of skilled delivery, there is a clear rich-poor divide, with women from richer wealth quintiles gravitating toward private healthcare facilities and those from poorer wealth quintiles toward public ones. While most of the care-seeking for common child illnesses occurs in PHC facilities, a fraction (20-30 percent) of care-seeking takes place in secondary healthcare facilities. PHC has played a role in improving coverage and equity of access in key maternal and child health interventions in the wider MENA region. Better integration of care, strengthening and improving the PHC network could increase the use of cost-effective interventions, which are key to improving maternal and child health.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With 50% of Australians having chronic disease, health consumer views are an important barometer of the \'health\' of the healthcare system for system improvement and sustainability.
    To describe the views of Australian health consumers with and without chronic conditions when accessing healthcare.
    A survey of a representative sample of 1024 Australians aged over 18 years, distributed electronically and incorporating standardised questions and questions co-designed with consumers.
    Respondents were aged 18-88 years (432 males, 592 females) representing all states and territories, and rural and urban locations. General practices (84.6%), pharmacies (62.1%) and public hospitals (32.9%) were the most frequently accessed services. Most care was received through face-to-face consultations; only 16.5% of respondents accessed care via telehealth. The 605 (59.0%) respondents with chronic conditions were less likely to have private health insurance (50.3% vs 57.9%), more likely to skip doses of prescribed medicines (53.6% vs 28.6%), and miss appointments with doctors (15.3% vs 10.1%) or dentists (52.8% vs 40.4%) because of cost. Among 480 respondents without private health insurance, unaffordability (73.5%) or poor value for money (35.3%) were the most common reasons. Most respondents (87.7%) were confident that they would receive high quality and safe care. However, only 57% of people with chronic conditions were confident that they could afford needed healthcare compared with 71.3% without.
    Health consumers, especially those with chronic conditions, identified significant cost barriers to access of healthcare. Equitable access to healthcare must be at the centre of health reform.






