Enzyme catalysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methylation and alkylation are important techniques used for the synthesis and derivatisation of small molecules and natural products. Application of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)-dependent methyltransferases (MTs) in biotechnological hosts such as Escherichia coli lowers the environmental impact of alkylations compared to chemical synthesis and facilitates regio- and chemoselective alkyl chain transfer. Here, we address the limiting factor for SAM synthesis, methionine supply, to accelerate in vivo methylation activity. Introduction of the direct sulfurylation pathway, consisting of O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrolase (ScOAHS) and O-acetyltransferase (ScMET2), from S. cerevisiae into E. coli and supplementation with methanethiol or the corresponding disulfide improves atom-economic methylation activity in three different MT reactions. Up to 17-fold increase of conversion compared to the sole expression of the MT and incorporation of up to 79% of the thiol compound added were achieved. Promiscuity of ScOAHS allowed in vivo production of methionine analogues from organic thiols. Further co-overproduction of a methionine adenosyltransferase yielded SAM analogues which were further transferred by MTs onto different substrates. For methylation of non-physiological substrates, conversion rates up to 73% were achieved, with an isolated yield of 41% for N-methyl-2,5-aminonitrophenol. Our here described technique enables E. coli to become a biotechnological host for improved methylation and selective alkylation reactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The glycoside hydrolase family 20 (GH20) predominantly features N-acetylhexosaminidases (EC, with only few known lacto-N-biosidases (EC; LNBases). LNBases catalyze the degradation of lacto-N-tetraose (LNT), a prominent component of human milk oligosaccharides, thereby supporting a healthy infant gut microbiome development. We investigated GH20 diversity to discover novel enzymes that release disaccharides such as lacto-N-biose (LNB). Our approach combined peptide clustering, sequence analysis, and 3D structure model evaluation to assess active site topologies, focusing on the presence of a subsite -2. Five LNBases were active on pNP-LNB and four showed activity on LNT. One enzyme displayed activity on both pNP-LacNAc and pNP-LNB, establishing the first report of N-acetyllactosaminidase (LacNAcase) activity. Exploration of this enzyme cluster led to the identification of four additional enzymes sharing this dual substrate specificity. Comparing the determined crystal structure of a specific LNBase (TrpyGH20) and the first crystal structure of an enzyme with dual LacNAcase/LNBase activity (TrdeGH20) revealed a highly conserved subsite -1, common to GH20 enzymes, while the -2 subsites varied significantly. TrdeGH20 had a wider subsite -2, accommodating Gal with both β1,4- and β1,3-linkages to the GlcNAc in subsite -1. Biotechnological applications of these enzymes may include structural elucidation of complex carbohydrates and glycoengineering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pyrone-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (PDC) is a valuable polymer precursor that can be derived from the microbial degradation of lignin. The key enzyme in the microbial production of PDC is CHMS dehydrogenase, which acts on the substrate 4-carboxy-2-hydroxymuconate-6-semialdehyde (CHMS). We present the crystal structure of CHMS dehydrogenase (PmdC from Comamonas testosteroni) bound to the cofactor NADP, shedding light on its three-dimensional architecture, and revealing residues responsible for binding NADP. Using a combination of structural homology, molecular docking, and quantum chemistry calculations we have predicted the binding site of CHMS. Key histidine residues in a conserved sequence are identified as crucial for binding the hydroxyl group of CHMS and facilitating dehydrogenation with NADP. Mutating these histidine residues results in a loss of enzyme activity, leading to a proposed model for the enzyme\'s mechanism. These findings are expected to help guide efforts in protein and metabolic engineering to enhance PDC yields in biological routes to polymer feedstock synthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During gliotoxin biosynthesis in fungi, the cytochrome P450 GliF enzyme catalyzes an unusual C-N ring-closure step while also an aromatic ring is hydroxylated in the same reaction cycle, which may have relevance to drug synthesis reactions in biotechnology. However, as the details of the reaction mechanism are still controversial, no applications have been developed yet. To resolve the mechanism of gliotoxin biosynthesis and gain insight into the steps leading to ring-closure, we ran a combination of molecular dynamics and density functional theory calculations on the structure and reactivity of P450 GliF and tested a range of possible reaction mechanisms, pathways and models. The calculations show that, rather than hydrogen atom transfer from the substrate to Compound I, an initial proton transfer transition state is followed by a fast electron transfer en route to the radical intermediate, and hence a non-synchronous hydrogen atom abstraction takes place. The radical intermediate then reacts by OH rebound to the aromatic ring to form a biradical in the substrate that, through ring-closure between the radical centers, gives gliotoxin products. Interestingly, the structure and energetics of the reaction mechanisms appear little affected by the addition of polar groups to the model and hence we predict that the reaction can be catalyzed by other P450 isozymes that also bind the same substrate. Alternative pathways, such as a pathway starting with an electrophilic attack on the arene to form an epoxide, are high in energy and are ruled out.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nonheme iron dioxygenase capreomycin C (CmnC) hydroxylates a free L-arginine amino acid regio- and stereospe-cifically at the C3-position as part of the capreomycin antibiotics biosynthesis. Little is known on its structure, catalytic cycle and substrate specificity and, therefore, a comprehensive computational study was performed. A large QM cluster model of CmnC was created of 297 atoms and the mechanisms for C3-H, C4-H and C5-H hydroxylation and C3-C4 desaturation were investigated. All low-energy pathways correspond to radical reaction mechanisms with an initial hydrogen atom abstraction followed by OH rebound to form alcohol product complexes. The work is compared to alternative L-Arg hydroxylating nonheme iron dioxygenases and the differences in active site polarity are compared. We show that a tight hydrogen bonding network in the substrate binding pocket positions the substrate in an ideal orientation for C3-H activation, whereby the polar groups in the substrate binding pocket induce an electric field effect that guides the selectivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arbutin, a glycosylated compound of hydroquinone, exists in two forms of β-arbutin and α-arbutin based on the configuration of the glycosidic bond. As a safe and stable whitening agent, arbutin is widely used in cosmetics, and it has antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor activities. The production of arbutin by plant extraction faces challenges such as long plant growth periods, complex extraction processes, and low yields. The chemical synthesis of arbutin suffers from harsh reaction conditions, poor stereo-selectivity, and low yields. In recent years, biosynthesis emerges as the most popular method to produce arbutin because of the simple and mild reaction conditions, low costs, and environmental friendliness. This review summarizes the research progress in four biosynthetic strategies for arbutin, including plant conversion, enzyme catalysis, whole-cell catalysis, and microbial fermentation. The advantages and limitations of these biosynthetic strategies are discussed, and future research directions are proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    l-Amino acid oxidases (LAAOs) catalyze the oxidative deamination of l-amino acids to α-keto acids. Recombinant production of LAAOs with broad substrate spectrum remains a formidable challenge. We previously achieved this for the highly active and thermostable LAAO4 of Hebeloma cylindrosporum (HcLAAO4). Here, we crystallized a proteolytically truncated surface entropy reduction variant of HcLAAO4 and solved its structure in substrate-free form and in complex with diverse substrates. The ability to support the aliphatic portion of a substrate\'s side chain by an overall hydrophobic active site is responsible for the broad substrate spectrum of HcLAAO4, including l-amino acids with big aromatic, acidic and basic side chains. Based on the structural findings, we generated an E288H variant with increased activity toward pharmaceutical building blocks of high interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    了解有助于酶活性的所有参数在酶催化中是至关重要的。对于酶促PET降解,这涉及检查酶-PET复合物的形成。在IsPETase(WT)中,来自Ideonellasakaiensis的PET降解酶,突变两个非催化残基(DM)显著增强活性。这样的突变,根据它们在三级结构中的位置,微调酶的功能。然而,缺乏对PET降解这些突变的结构功能关系的详细分子见解。本研究使用分子动力学模拟和量子力学方法描述了IsPETase与WTTfCut2相比的催化能力。我们探索了酶-PET复合物的构象景观,并量化了残基间的相互作用能。值得注意的是,芳香和疏水残基Tyr,Trp,和催化亚位点S1中的Ile,以及锚定亚位点S3中的芳族Phe和极性Asn,至关重要地优化了PET结合。这些残留物提高了PET的特异性,超过了非芳香族塑料。我们的发现表明,S1和S3亚位点的结合之间的平衡受到协同突变的影响,是催化活性的基础。该平衡显示与实验获得的kcat/Km值呈正相关:WTTfCut2 Understanding all parameters contributing to enzyme activity is crucial in enzyme catalysis. For enzymatic PET degradation, this involves examining the formation of the enzyme-PET complex. In IsPETase (WT), a PET-degrading enzyme from Ideonellasakaiensis, mutating two non-catalytic residues (DM) significantly enhances activity. Such mutations, depending on their position in the tertiary structure, fine-tune enzyme function. However, detailed molecular insights into these mutations\' structurefunction relationship for PET degradation are lacking. This study characterizes IsPETase\'s catalytic ability compared to WT TfCut2 using molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanical methods. We explore the conformational landscape of the enzyme-PET complex and quantify residue-wise interaction energy. Notably, aromatic and hydrophobic residues Tyr, Trp, and Ile in the catalytic subsite S1, and aromatic Phe and polar Asn in the anchoring subsite S3, crucially optimize PET binding. These residues enhance PET specificity over non-aromatic plastics. Our findings suggest that the balance between binding at subsite S1 and subsite S3, which is influenced by cooperative mutations, underlies catalytic activity. This balance shows a positive correlation with experimentally obtained kcat/Km values: WT TfCut2 < WT IsPETase << DM IsPETase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cdc14 phosphatases are related structurally and mechanistically to protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) but evolved a unique specificity for phosphoSer-Pro-X-Lys/Arg sites primarily deposited by cyclin-dependent kinases. This specialization is widely conserved in eukaryotes. The evolutionary reconfiguration of the Cdc14 active site to selectively accommodate phosphoSer-Pro likely required modification to the canonical PTP catalytic cycle. While studying Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc14, we discovered a short sequence in the disordered C terminus, distal to the catalytic domain, which mimics an optimal substrate. Kinetic analyses demonstrated this pseudosubstrate binds the active site and strongly stimulates rate-limiting phosphoenzyme hydrolysis, and we named it \"substrate-like catalytic enhancer\" (SLiCE). The SLiCE motif is found in all Dikarya fungal Cdc14 orthologs and contains an invariant glutamine, which we propose is positioned via substrate-like contacts to assist orientation of the hydrolytic water, similar to a conserved active site glutamine in other PTPs that Cdc14 lacks. AlphaFold2 predictions revealed vertebrate Cdc14 orthologs contain a conserved C-terminal alpha helix bound to the active site. Although apparently unrelated to the fungal sequence, this motif also makes substrate-like contacts and has an invariant glutamine in the catalytic pocket. Altering these residues in human Cdc14A and Cdc14B demonstrated that it functions by the same mechanism as the fungal motif. However, the fungal and vertebrate SLiCE motifs were not functionally interchangeable, illuminating potential active site differences during catalysis. Finally, we show that the fungal SLiCE motif is a target for phosphoregulation of Cdc14 activity. Our study uncovered evolution of an unusual stimulatory pseudosubstrate motif in Cdc14 phosphatases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enzymes turnover substrates into products with amazing efficiency and selectivity and as such have great potential for use in biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications. However, details of their catalytic cycles and the origins surrounding the regio- and chemoselectivity of enzymatic reaction processes remain unknown, which makes the engineering of enzymes and their use in biotechnology challenging. Computational modelling can assist experimental work in the field and establish the factors that influence the reaction rates and the product distributions. A popular approach in modelling is the use of quantum mechanical cluster models of enzymes that take the first- and second coordination sphere of the enzyme active site into consideration. These QM cluster models are widely applied but often the results are dependent on model choice and selection. Herein, we show that QM cluster models can produce highly accurate results that reproduce experimental product distributions and free energies of activation, regarded that large cluster models with >300 atoms are used. In this tutorial review, we give general guidelines on the set-up and applications of the QM cluster method and discuss its accuracy and reproducibility. Finally, several representative QM cluster model examples on metal-containing enzymes are presented, which highlight the strength of the approach.





