Env trimers

Env 三聚体
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stabilized trimers of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein Env are capable of inducing a potent and sustained broadly neutralizing antibody response in laboratory animals and therefore are attractive targets for anti-HIV vaccine development. In this work, a stable producer of the trimer Env recombinant form CRF63_02A6 of HIV-1 was derived from the CHO-K1 cell line. Using immunochemical assays, the trimers synthesized in CHO-K1 cells were shown to be recognized by both monoclonal broadly neutralizing antibodies and sera from HIV-positive patients. The resulting trimers of the recombinant form CRF63_02A6 of HIV-1 can be used both for structural studies and as a candidate vaccine immunogen against HIV-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    HIV-1 vaccines have been challenging to develop, partly due to the high level of genetic variation in its genome. Thus, a vaccine that can induce cross-reactive neutralization activities will be needed. Studies on the co-evolution of antibodies and viruses indicate that mimicking the natural infection is likely to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). We generated the consensus Env sequence for each time point in subject CH505, who developed broad neutralization activities, and selected five critical time points before broad neutralization was detected. These consensus sequences were designed to express stable Env trimers. Priming with the transmitted/founder Env timer and sequential boosting with these consensus Env trimers from different time points induced broader and more potent neutralizing activities than the BG505 Env trimer in guinea pigs. Analysis of the neutralization profiles showed that sequential immunization of Env trimers favored nAbs with gp120/gp41 interface specificity while the BG505 Env trimer favored nAbs with V2 specificity. The unique features such as consensus sequences, stable Env trimers and the sequential immunization to mimic natural infection likely has allowed the induction of improved neutralization responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soluble recombinant native-like (NL) envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimers of various human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genotypes are being developed as vaccine candidates aimed at the induction of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). The prototypic design, designated BG505 SOSIP.664, incorporates an intersubunit disulfide bond (SOS) to covalently link the gp120 and gp41 ectodomain (gp41ECTO) subunits and a point substitution, I559P (IP), to further stabilize the gp41ECTO components. Without the SOS and IP changes, proteolytically cleaved trimers tend to disintegrate into their constituent gp120 and gp41ECTO subunits. We show, however, that NL trimers lacking the SOS and/or IP change can be affinity purified in amounts sufficient for analyses of their antigenicity and thermal stability. In general, these trimer variants have properties highly comparable to those of the fully stabilized SOSIP.664 version. We conclude that the major effect of the SOS and IP changes is to substantially increase trimer stability during and after the expression process, thereby allowing useful amounts to be produced. However, once the trimers have been purified, the SOS and IP changes have only subtle impacts on thermostability and the antigenicity of bNAb and other epitopes.IMPORTANCE Recombinant trimeric proteins based on HIV-1 env genes are being developed for vaccine trials in humans. A feature of these proteins is their mimicry of the envelope glycoprotein structure on virus particles that is targeted by neutralizing antibodies, i.e., antibodies that prevent cells from becoming infected. One vaccine concept under exploration is that recombinant trimers may be able to elicit virus-neutralizing antibodies when delivered as immunogens. A commonly used design is designated SOSIP.664, a term reflecting the sequence changes that are used to stabilize the trimers and allow their production in practically useful amounts. Here, we show that these stabilizing changes act to increase trimer yield during the biosynthesis process within the producer cell but have little impact on the properties of purified trimers.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Native-like, soluble, recombinant SOSIP trimers of various designs and based on several env genes of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are being tested as immunogens in different animal models. These experiments almost always involve coformulating the trimers with an adjuvant to boost the magnitude of the immune responses. One factor relevant to the choice of an adjuvant is that it should not physically damage the immunogen or impede its ability to present relevant epitopes. As examples, an adjuvant formulation that includes harsh detergents could disrupt the structural integrity of a trimer, and any charged compounds in the formulation could bind to countercharged regions of the trimer and physically occlude nearby epitopes. While a few adjuvants have been tested for their potential effects on SOSIP trimers in vitro, there has been no systematic study. Here, we have assessed how nine different adjuvants of various compositions affect SOSIP trimers of the BG505 and B41 genotypes. We used negative-stain electron microscopy, thermal denaturation, and gel electrophoresis to evaluate effects on trimer integrity and immunoassays to measure effects on the presentation of various epitopes. We conclude that most of the tested adjuvants are benign from these perspectives, but some raise grounds for concern. An acidified alum formulation is highly disruptive to trimer integrity, and a DNA-based polyanionic CpG oligodeoxynucleotide adjuvant binds to trimers and occludes the trimer apex epitope for the PGT145 neutralizing antibody. The methods described here should be generalizable to protein subunit vaccines targeting various pathogens.IMPORTANCE Adjuvant formulations increase the magnitude of immune responses to vaccine antigens. They are critically important for formulation of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) vaccines intended to induce antibody production, as Env proteins are otherwise only very weakly immunogenic. The HIV-1 vaccine field now uses the well-defined structures of trimeric Env glycoproteins, like SOSIPs, to present multiple known epitopes for broad and potent neutralizing human antibodies in a native-like conformation. Successful adjuvant formulations must not disrupt how the trimers are folded, as that could adversely affect their performance as immunogens. We studied whether the various adjuvants most commonly used in animal experiments affect the integrity of two different SOSIP trimers in vitro Most adjuvant classes are not problematic, but an aluminum sulfate formulation is highly damaging, as it exposes trimers to acidic pH and a nucleic acid-based adjuvant can bind to the trimer and block access to a key neutralizing epitope.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Native-like trimers of the SOSIP design are being developed as immunogens in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine development programs. These trimers display the epitopes for multiple broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) but can also expose binding sites for some types of nonneutralizing antibodies (non-NAbs). Among the latter are epitopes in the gp120 V3 region that are highly immunogenic when SOSIP trimers are evaluated in animal models. It is presently uncertain whether antibodies against V3 can interfere with the induction of NAbs, but there are good arguments in favor of suppressing such \"off-target\" immune responses. Accordingly, we have assessed how to minimize the exposure of V3 non-NAb epitopes and thereby reduce their immunogenicity by introducing N-glycans within the V3 region of BG505 SOSIP trimers. We found that inserting glycans at positions 306 and 314 (termed M1 and M7) markedly reduced V3 antigenicity while improving the presentation of trimer apex bNAb epitopes. Both added glycans were shown to be predominantly of the Man6GlcNAc2 form. The additional introduction of the E64K ground-state stabilizing substitution markedly reduced or ablated soluble CD4 (sCD4) induction of non-NAb epitopes in V3 and/or associated with the coreceptor binding site. When a V3 glycan- and E64K-modified trimer variant, BG505 SOSIP.664-E64K.M1M7, was tested in rabbits, V3 immunogenicity was eliminated while the autologous NAb response was unchanged.IMPORTANCE Trimeric proteins are being developed for future HIV-1 vaccine trials in humans, with the goal of eliciting broadly active neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) that are active against a wide variety of circulating strains. In animal models, the present generation of native-like trimer immunogens, exemplified by the BG505 SOSIP.664 construct, induces narrow-specificity antibodies against the neutralization-resistant (tier-2), sequence-matched virus and more broadly active antibodies against sequence-divergent atypically neutralization-sensitive (tier-1) viruses. A concern in the trimer immunogen design field has been whether the latter off-target antibodies might interfere with the induction of the more desired responses to tier-2 epitopes. Here, we have inserted two glycans into the dominant site for tier-1 NAbs, the gp120 V3 region, to block the induction of off-target antibodies. We characterized the new trimers, tested them as immunogens in rabbits, and found that the blocking glycans eliminated the induction of tier-1 NAbs to V3-epitopes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soluble, recombinant native-like envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimers of various human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genotypes are being developed for structural studies and as vaccine candidates aimed at the induction of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). The prototypic design is designated SOSIP.664, but many HIV-1 env genes do not yield fully native-like trimers efficiently. One such env gene is CZA97.012 from a neutralization-resistant (tier 2) clade C virus. As appropriately purified, native-like CZA97.012 SOSIP.664 trimers induce autologous neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) efficiently in immunized rabbits, we sought to improve the efficiency with which they can be produced and to better understand the limitations to the original design. By using structure- and antigenicity-guided mutagenesis strategies focused on the V2 and V3 regions and the gp120-gp41 interface, we developed the CZA97 SOSIP.v4.2-M6.IT construct. Fully native-like, stable trimers that display multiple bNAb epitopes could be expressed from this construct in a stable CHO cell line and purified at an acceptable yield using either a PGT145 or a 2G12 bNAb affinity column. We also show that similar mutagenesis strategies can be used to improve the yields and properties of SOSIP.664 trimers of the DU422, 426c, and 92UG037 genotypes.IMPORTANCE Recombinant trimeric proteins based on HIV-1 env genes are being developed for future vaccine trials in humans. A feature of these proteins is their mimicry of the envelope glycoprotein (Env) structure on virus particles that is targeted by neutralizing antibodies, i.e., antibodies that prevent cells from becoming infected. The vaccine concept under exploration is that recombinant trimers may be able to elicit virus-neutralizing antibodies when delivered as immunogens. Because HIV-1 is extremely variable, a practical vaccine may need to incorporate Env trimers derived from multiple different virus sequences. Accordingly, we need to understand how to make recombinant trimers from many different env genes. Here, we show how to produce trimers from a clade C virus, CZA97.012, by using an array of protein engineering techniques to improve a prototypic construct. We also show that the methods may have wider utility for other env genes, thereby further guiding immunogen design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe the development and potential use of various designs of recombinant HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimers that mimic the structure of the virion-associated spike, which is the target for neutralizing antibodies. The goal of trimer development programs is to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies with the potential to intervene against multiple circulating HIV-1 strains. Among the topics we address are the designs of various constructs; how native-like trimers can be produced and purified; the properties of such trimers in vitro and their immunogenicity in various animals; and the immunization strategies that may lead to the eventual elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibodies. In summary, native-like trimers are a now a platform for structure- and immunology-based design improvements that could eventually yield immunogens of practical value for solving the long-standing HIV-1 vaccine problem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A major goal for HIV-1 vaccine development is an ability to elicit strong and durable broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb) responses. The trimeric envelope glycoprotein (Env) spikes on HIV-1 are known to contain multiple epitopes that are susceptible to bNAbs isolated from infected individuals. Nonetheless, all trimeric and monomeric Env immunogens designed to date have failed to elicit such antibodies. We report the structure-guided design of HIV-1 cyclically permuted gp120 that forms homogeneous, stable trimers, and displays enhanced binding to multiple bNAbs, including VRC01, VRC03, VRC-PG04, PGT128, and the quaternary epitope-specific bNAbs PGT145 and PGDM1400. Constructs that were cyclically permuted in the V1 loop region and contained an N-terminal trimerization domain to stabilize V1V2-mediated quaternary interactions, showed the highest homogeneity and the best antigenic characteristics. In guinea pigs, a DNA prime-protein boost regimen with these new gp120 trimer immunogens elicited potent neutralizing antibody responses against highly sensitive Tier 1A isolates and weaker neutralizing antibody responses with an average titer of about 115 against a panel of heterologous Tier 2 isolates. A modest fraction of the Tier 2 virus neutralizing activity appeared to target the CD4 binding site on gp120. These results suggest that cyclically permuted HIV-1 gp120 trimers represent a viable platform in which further modifications may be made to eventually achieve protective bNAb responses.





