
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To establish the construct validity of the Spanish version of the BARRIERS scale.
    METHODS: Methodological study of validation of a measurement instrument based on data from previously published studies. The study population consisted of nurses from the Basque Health Service and the Canary Health Service. The following variables were extracted and unified: Years of professional experience, possession of a specialist nursing degree, possession of a doctorate, type of activity performed by the professional and field of work. For construct validation, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed based on the initial model proposed for the scale and RASCH analysis. A polychoric correlation matrix, factor extraction by unweighted least squares and PROMIN oblique rotation were used. For the RASCH analysis, the Joint Maximun Likelihood estimation (JMLE) method was used; the fit of the items and persons were estimated by means of outfit - Unweighted Mean Square fit statistic (UMS) and infit -Weighted Mean Square Fit Statistic (WMS), as well as the reliability and separation of items and persons.
    RESULTS: A total of 1200 nurses and midwives made up the final validation sample (n = 1200), with a mean professional experience of 21.22 ± 9.26 years. The CFA presented a good fit to the data (KMO = 0.935 [95% CI: 0.921-0.945]), changing the factorial assignment in 6 items, while 5 items received factorial scores in more than one factor. The fit values for the 4-factor solution were RMSEA = 0.026 [95% CI: 0.026-0.027] and GFI = 0.991 [95% CI: 0.986-0.991]. In the RASCH analysis most items presented infit-WMS and outfit-UMS values with a good fit.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish version of the BARRIERS scale has adequate construct validity although there are changes in the assignment of items to the dimensions compared to the original model. The RASCH analysis indicates adequate fit for both persons and items.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The nursing shortage is a multi-causal phenomenon that affects all countries and currently a global concern. The shortage of nurses jeopardizes the sustainability of health systems and the population health outcomes. Spain has historically had no difficulties in attracting new generations of nurses. The shortage of nurses is caused by the precarious working conditions and lack of professional development that have led to episodes of high international migration and abandonment of the profession. In this paper we focus on the evolution of different indicators of the working conditions of non-specialist nurses, who make up the bulk of the profession. These indicators allow us to analyse the abandonment of the profession, the duration of contracts, their full-time or part-time dedication and the excessive hiring. We have analysed the effect of COVID-19 and the labour reform on these indicators. COVID-19 reduced the abandonment of the profession and is currently at its lowest level, it has also accelerated the need to improve working conditions by increasing the percentage of permanent contracts and reducing the multiplicity of contracts in the same month. The labour reform has helped reduce the percentage of temporary contracts until reaching around 80% of the total contracts, and has reduced the number of nurses in Spain with more than one contract in the same month to below 3000 nurses on a sustained basis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Breast units led by nurse case managers are being implemented to provide comprehensive care in the detection and treatment of breast cancer. However, their implementation is heterogeneous and the results of the care process with this professional have not been studied. The aim of the study is to describe the management in time and the approach of the process by a nurse case manager in the breast unit of women with suspected breast cancer pathology, derived from the breast cancer screening program.
    METHODS: Descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study carried out in 2021. Women treated in a breast unit managed by a nurse case manager in a hospital in southern Spain were included. Sociodemographic, clinical and care process characteristics were analysed RESULTS: A total of 118 women of Spanish nationality (92%) participated, with a mean age of 59 years. The diagnosis of malignancy was made in 74.6% of them. Seventy-nine percent of the women had their first visit within 3 days. The mean time to diagnosis was 3.98 days (SD: ±3.93), 4.2 weeks (SD: ±1.84) to initiate treatment and a total in-hospital time of 33 days (SD: ±13.45).
    CONCLUSIONS: The management of nurse case managers in breast units contributes to improving or speeding up times, in accordance with international guidelines, helping this approach in the continuity of the care process for women referred after screening for breast cancer detection.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, health-care workers (HCWs) may have been confronted with situations that may culminate in moral injury (MI). MI is the psychological distress that may result from perpetrating or witnessing actions that violate one\'s moral codes. Literature suggests that MI can be associated with mental health problems.Objective: We aimed to meta-analytically review the literature to investigate whether MI is associated with symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, burnout, and suicidal ideation among active HCWs during the COVID-19 pandemic.Method: We searched eight databases for studies conducted after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic up to 18 July 2023, and performed random-effects meta-analyses to examine the relationship between MI and various mental health outcomes.Results: We retrieved 33 studies from 13 countries, representing 31,849 individuals, and pooled 79 effect sizes. We found a positive association between MI and all investigated mental health problems (rs = .30-.41, all ps < .0001). Between-studies heterogeneity was significant. A higher percentage of nurses in the samples was associated with a stronger relationship between MI and depressive and anxiety symptoms. Samples with a higher percentage of HCWs providing direct care to patients with COVID-19 exhibited a smaller effect between MI and depressive and anxiety symptoms. We observed a stronger effect between MI and PTSD symptoms in US samples compared to non-US samples.Conclusion: We found that higher MI is moderately associated with symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression, burnout, and suicidal ideation among HCWs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our findings carry limitations due to the array of MI scales employed, several of which were not specifically designed for HCWs, but underscore the need to mitigate the effect of potentially morally injurious events on the mental health of HCWs.
    We conducted the first meta-analysis of moral injury and mental health among healthcare workers.Moral injury is moderately associated with symptoms of PTSD, depression, anxiety, burnout, and suicidal ideation.There was a stronger association between MI and anxiety and depressive symptoms for samples with more nurses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study examined the Jordanian registered nurses\' perceptions of the obstacles and supportive behaviors of End-of-Life Care in Intensive Care Units and examined the differences in the concepts based on the samples\' demographics.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional and comparative study was conducted using a convenience sample of 230 Intensive Care Unit registered nurses in Jordan. Data were analyzed descriptively, and differences were measured using the independent sample t-test, the one-way Analysis of Variance, and Scheffe\'s post hoc test.
    RESULTS: The registered nurses\' scored moderately on obstacles (74.98 ± 14.54) and supportive behaviors (69.22 ± 4.84). The commonly perceived obstacle and supportive behaviors to End-of-Life Care in Intensive Care Units s were reported. The perceived obstacles differ based on the registered nurses\' certification as an Intensive Care Units nurse (3.04 ± 0.58 vs. 2.74 ± 0.49, p = 0.008), type of Intensive Care Unit (3.28 ± 0.34 vs. 2.86 ± 0.62, p < 0.001), type of facility (3.16 ± 0.59 vs. 2.77 ± 0.61, p < 0.001), number of beds in the unit (3.07 ± 0.48 vs. 2.69 ± 0.48, p = 0.020), and the number of hours worked per week (3.06 ± 0.56 vs. 2.81 ± 0.60, p = 0.005). In contrast, supportive behaviors only differ based on the registered nurses\' age (3.22 ± 0.69 vs. 2.90 ± 0.64, p = 0.019).
    CONCLUSIONS: The common End-of-Life Care perceived obstacle in Intensive Care Units was the lack of nursing education and training regarding the studies concept, which warrants immediate intervention such as on-job training. The common End-of-Life Care perceived supportive behavior in Intensive Care Units was when family members accepted that the patient was dying when nurses offered support to family members; motivational interventions are needed to sustain such behavior. Differences in the perceived obstacles and supportive behaviors should be leveraged for the benefit of patients, nurses, and hospitals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: An ostomy significantly influences a person\'s life, altering their biopsychosocial and sexual sphere and affecting their interpersonal relationships.
    METHODS: Through an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study, with a questionnaire aimed at professionals from a health area in Madrid, we analyzed: sociodemographic variables, knowledge of the professionals on the subject, referral of the patient according to the professional\'s assessment and feelings that the subject under study produces in the patient and in professionals.
    RESULTS: 49% claimed to have no knowledge about sexuality of the ostomyzed patients. 55.9% of those surveyed consider that the healthcare provider is the one who should introduce the topic of sexuality during the clinical interview. 48.5 and 85.2% are unaware of treatments for male and female sexual dysfunction, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The data show that the training provided in the university centers is insufficient to deal effectively with this issue in the medical consultation. The participants manifest null or minimal knowledge about the sexual sphere in ostomized patients. Knowledge deficiencies are detected in relation to the sexuality of the ostomized patient, difficulty in talking about sex with these patients, and the importance that sanitary professionals give to the patient\'s sexual sphere, among others.
    BACKGROUND: Una ostomía influye significativamente en la vida de la persona, alterando su esfera biopsicosocial y sexual, y afectando a sus relaciones interpersonales.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Mediante un cuestionario dirigido a profesionales de un área sanitaria de Madrid, se analizan variables sociodemográficas, conocimientos de los profesionales, derivación del paciente a un especialista según la valoración del profesional encuestado y sentimientos que produce en ellos el tema de estudio.
    RESULTS: El 49% afirma tener conocimientos nulos sobre la sexualidad del paciente ostomizado. El 55.9% de los encuestados considera que el sanitario es quien debe introducir el tema de la sexualidad durante la entrevista clínica. El 48.5 y el 85.2% desconocen tratamientos para la disfunción sexual, masculina y femenina, respectivamente.
    UNASSIGNED: Los datos demuestran que la formación impartida en los centros universitarios es insuficiente para tratar de forma efectiva este tema en la consulta. Los participantes en el estudio muestran nulo o mínimo conocimiento sobre la esfera sexualidad en el paciente ostomizado Se detectan deficiencias de conocimiento en relación con la sexualidad del ostomizado, dificultad para hablar de sexo con el paciente y valor que da el profesional a la esfera sexual en su paciente, entre otras.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the attitudes, capacities and perceived barriers associated with research among nurses and midwives of the Canary Health Service (SCS).
    Descriptive observational cross-sectional study with an analytical component carried out in the different SCS departments by means of an online survey in which sociodemographic and specific variables, the Spanish version of the Attitudes towards Research and Development within Nursing Questionnaire (ATRDNQ-e) instrument and the BARRIERS scale were collected. Authorisation was obtained from the two provincial ethics committees. A descriptive and inferential analysis (Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test, post hoc contrast by Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Fligne test) was performed with JAMOVI® v.2.3.24 software.
    A total of 512 nurses and midwives with a mean age of 41.82 years participated in the study. Regarding the scores with the ATRDNQ-e instrument, the dimension with the lowest score was «Language of research» (mean = 3.55/SD = 0.84) and the highest «Assessment of nursing research and development of the nursing discipline» (mean = 4.54/SD = 0.52). The total mean score with the BARRIERS scale was 54.33 (SD = 16.52), with «Organizational characteristics» being the highest scoring subscale (mean = 17.25/SD = 5.90). The two highest perceived barriers were «Not enough time at work to implement new ideas» (mean = 2.55/SD = 1.11) and «Nursing does not have time to read research» (mean = 2.46/ SD = 1.11).
    SCS nurses have a positive attitude towards research, although there are some barriers where improvement actions for nursing research should be implemented.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the emotional impact of permanent proximity to trauma and death in the Emergency and ICU\'s nurses establishing prevalence of Compassionate Fatigue (burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress) and anxiety. Analyze its relationship with sociodemographic, training, workplace and psychological variables.
    METHODS: Descriptive, cross-sectional and multicentre study. The validated ProQOL v. IV and STAI scales and an ad-hoc questionnaire with the variables of the second objective were used in 710 nurses from nine highly complex hospitals in Catalonia (Spain).
    RESULTS: In both units, the prevalence of professionals affected with high scores of burnout was higher than 20%, on Secondary Traumatic Stress was 30% and, 12% on anxiety. Each subscale was significantly associated with the intention to leave units and the career. 97% of participants stated that they needed to be trained in emotional management.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress were higher in our study than those offered in the reference literature in emergency and ICU nurses. The prevalence of each construct was individually related to the desire to leave work units and career. This fact, together with the participants\' desire to be better trained in emotional management exposes the need to establish educational plans, as well as institutional measures to prevent and support nurses for Compassion Fatigue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the effect of the Otago Exercise Programme on the frailty of non-institutionalized people between 65 and 80 years of age and study factors associated with frailty.
    Pre-post test study (baseline and after 12 months) without control group in people aged 65-80 years (living in the community and with independent ambulation) after being trained in the Otago Exercise Programme in 5 sessions: weeks 1, 2, 4 and 8, and a reinforcement session at 6 months. Patients were recruited from 3 health areas (n = 200). Frailty was assessed with the FRAIL scale.
    There were 198 people who started the study and 161 completed the 12-month follow-up. The average age of the sample was 72.28 years; predominance of female sex 64.65%; low educational level 76.50%; people living alone 24.50%; overweight in 42%, and grade I obesity in 32.32%. Significant differences were observed with a P = .023 in the level of frailty between baseline and 12 months. The exploratory analysis identified significant differences before and after the intervention by sex (being a woman) (P = .018) and condition of living alone (P = .0468).
    The Otago Exercise Programme prevents positive results in frailty in people 65 to 80 years of age and can help maintain function and prevent deterioration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to examine the social stigma experienced by healthcare workers caring for people diagnosed with COVID-19.
    This research employed a qualitative-phenomenological approach. It was conducted at the COVID centers of the Hail region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Both purposive and snowball sampling were used, resulting in 15 participants. However, saturation was identified in the 11th participant. Interviews were conducted online through a Zoom platform, with at least 50min per participant. Thematic analysis was used in analysing the data.
    The nurses recorded four themes and three subthemes based on one-on-one interviews. These themes included (1) Labeling nurses as \"COVID Nurses,\" with a subtheme of frustration, (2) \"Fear of the unknown,\" with a subtheme of \"uncertainties,\" (3) Nurses\' need for support, and (4) the Love for the profession, with a subtheme of \"nurses\' worth.\"
    Nurses who cared for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 experienced stigma. They were labeled \"COVID Nurses.\" They experienced fear of the unknown and uncertainties and felt they needed support. Despite these experiences, the nurses felt fulfilled as they have a high regard for their profession. The experiences of these nurses call for intervention to help them before, during, and after any health-related crisis. In this context, nurses will be prepared mentally and emotionally to face the challenges in their career.





