
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic imprinting is observed in endosperm, a placenta-like seed tissue, where transposable elements (TEs) and repeat-derived small RNAs (sRNAs) mediate epigenetic changes in plants. In imprinting, uniparental gene expression arises due to parent-specific epigenetic marks on one allele but not on the other. The importance of sRNAs and their regulation in endosperm development or in imprinting is poorly understood in crops. Here we show that a previously uncharacterized CLASSY (CLSY)-family chromatin remodeler named OsCLSY3 is essential for rice endosperm development and imprinting, acting as an upstream player in the sRNA pathway. Comparative transcriptome and genetic analysis indicated its endosperm-preferred expression and its likely paternal imprinted nature. These important features are modulated by RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) of tandemly arranged TEs in its promoter. Upon perturbation of OsCLSY3 in transgenic lines, we observe defects in endosperm development and a loss of around 70% of all sRNAs. Interestingly, well-conserved endosperm-specific sRNAs (siren) that are vital for reproductive fitness in angiosperms are also dependent on OsCLSY3. We observed that many imprinted genes and seed development-associated genes are under the control of OsCLSY3. These results support an essential role of OsCLSY3 in rice endosperm development and imprinting, and propose similar regulatory strategies involving CLSY3 homologs among other cereals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Starch serves as a crucial energy source for both plants and humans, predominantly synthesized and stored in endosperms, tubers, rhizomes, and cotyledons. Given the significant role of amylose in determining the quality of starchy crops, optimizing its content has become a key objective in current crop breeding efforts. Tartary buckwheat, a dicotyledonous plant, notably accumulates high levels of amylose in its endosperm, surpassing common cereals like rice and maize. However, the mechanisms underlying amylose accumulation, distribution, and regulation in Tartary buckwheat remain unclear. Here, amylose content was determined across various tissues and organs of Tartary buckwheat, identifying with the endosperm as the primary site for its biosynthesis and accumulation. RNA sequencing analysis of endosperms from different developmental stages identified 35 genes potentially involved in starch biosynthesis, with 13 genes showing high endosperm-specific expression, suggesting crucial roles in starch biosynthesis. Additionally, the transcription factor FtNF-YB2, which was specifically highly expressed in the endosperm, was discovered to enhance amylose synthesis. Moreover, promoters with potential endosperm-specific activity were identified, advancing our understanding of amylose regulation. Additionally, this study also demonstrates that brassinosteroids (BR) positively influence amylose biosynthesis in Tartary buckwheat endosperm. These findings provide essential insights into the mechanisms of understanding amylose biosynthesis, accumulation and regulation in Tartary buckwheat, offering significant implications for future breeding strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: The hvbe2a mutations restore the starch-deficient phenotype caused by the hvisa1 and hvflo6 mutations in barley endosperm. The genetic interactions among starch biosynthesis genes can be exploited to alter starch properties, but they remain poorly understood due to the various combinations of mutations to be tested. Here, we isolated two novel barley mutants defective in starch BRANCHING ENZYME 2a (hvbe2a-1 and hvbe2a-2) based on the starch granule (SG) morphology. Both hvbe2a mutants showed elongated SGs in the endosperm and increased resistant starch content. hvbe2a-1 had a base change in HvBE2a gene, substituting the amino acid essential for its enzyme activity, while hvbe2a-2 is completely missing HvBE2a due to a chromosomal deletion. Further genetic crosses with barley isoamylase1 mutants (hvisa1) revealed that both hvbe2a mutations could suppress defects in endosperm caused by hvisa1, such as reduction in starch, increase in phytoglycogen, and changes in the glucan chain length distribution. Remarkably, hvbe2a mutations also transformed the endosperm SG morphology from the compound SG caused by hvisa1 to bimodal simple SGs, resembling that of wild-type barley. The suppressive impact was in competition with floury endosperm 6 mutation (hvflo6), which could enhance the phenotype of hvisa1 in the endosperm. In contrast, the compound SG formation induced by the hvflo6 hvisa1 mutation in pollen was not suppressed by hvbe2a mutations. Our findings provide new insights into genetic interactions in the starch biosynthetic pathway, demonstrating how specific genetic alterations can influence starch properties and SG morphology, with potential applications in cereal breeding for desired starch properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In angiosperms, seed size is a critical trait that is influenced by the complex interplay between the endosperm and seed coat. The HAIKU (IKU) pathway, involving the transcription factor WRKY10, plays a crucial role in regulating seed size in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, the downstream targets of WRKY10 and their roles in seed size determination remain largely unexplored. Here, we identified LACCASE2 (LAC2), a laccase gene involved in lignin biosynthesis, as a new downstream target of WRKY10. We observed that the expression of LAC2 was upregulated in the mini3 mutant, which is defective in WRKY10. We demonstrated that WRKY10 directly binds to the promoter of miR397a, activating its expression. miR397a, in turn, represses the expression of LAC2. Genetic analyses revealed that a mutation in LAC2 or overexpression of miR397a partially rescued the small seed phenotype of the MINISEED3 (MINI3) mutant mini3. Conversely, the overexpression of LAC2 in the wild type led to a decrease in seed size. These findings suggest that LAC2 functions as a negative regulator of seed size, and its expression is modulated by WRKY10 through miR397a. Our study uncovers a novel WRKY10-miR397a-LAC2 pathway that regulates seed size in Arabidopsis, providing new insights into the complex regulatory network governing seed development in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Starch is synthesized as insoluble, semicrystalline particles within plant chloroplast and amyloplast, which are referred to as starch grains (SGs). The size and morphology of SGs in the cereal endosperm are diverse and species-specific, representing a key determinant of the suitability of starch for industrial applications. However, the molecular mechanisms modulating SG size in cereal endosperm remain elusive. Here, we functionally characterized the rice (Oryza sativa) mutant substandard starch grain7 (ssg7), which exhibits enlarged SGs and defective endosperm development. SSG7 encodes a plant-specific DUF1001 domain-containing protein homologous to Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) CRUMPLED LEAF (AtCRL). SSG7 localizes to the amyloplast membrane in developing endosperm. Several lines of evidence suggest that SSG7 functions together with SSG4 and SSG6, known as two regulators essential for SG development, to control SG size, by interacting with translocon-associated components, which unveils a molecular link between SG development and protein import. Genetically, SSG7 acts synergistically with SSG4 and appears to be functional redundancy with SSG6 in modulating SG size and endosperm development. Collectively, our findings uncover a multimeric functional protein complex involved in SG development in rice. SSG7 represents a promising target gene for the biotechnological modification of SG size, particularly for breeding programs aimed at improving starch quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) endosperm contains starch and proteins, which determine the final yield, quality, and nutritional value of wheat grain. The preferentially expressed endosperm genes can precisely provide targets in the endosperm for improving wheat grain quality and nutrition using modern bioengineering technologies. However, the genes specifically expressed in developing endosperms remain largely unknown.
    RESULTS: In this study, 315 preferentially expressed endosperm genes (PEEGs) in the spring wheat landrace, Chinese Spring, were screened using data obtained from an open bioinformatics database, which reveals a unique grain reserve deposition process and special signal transduction in a developing wheat endosperm. Furthermore, transcription and accumulation of storage proteins in the wheat cultivar, XC26 were evaluated. The results revealed that 315 PEEG plays a critical role in storage protein fragment deposition and is a potential candidate for modifying grain quality and nutrition.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results provide new insights into endosperm development and candidate genes and promoters for improving wheat grain quality through genetic engineering and plant breeding techniques.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat grain starch content displays large variations within different pearling fractions, which affecting the processing quality of corresponding flour, while the underlying mechanism on starch gradient formation is unclear. Here, we show that wheat caryopses acquire sugar through the transfer of cells (TCs), inner endosperm (IE), outer endosperm (OE), and finally aleurone (AL) via micro positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT). To obtain integrated information on spatial transcript distributions, developing caryopses are laser microdissected into AL, OE, IE, and TC. Most genes encoding carbohydrate transporters are upregulated or specifically expressed, and sugar metabolites are more highly enriched in the TC group than in the AL group, in line with the PET-CT results. Genes encoding enzymes in sucrose metabolism, such as sucrose synthase, beta-fructofuranosidase, glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase show significantly lower expression in AL than in OE and IE, indicating that substrate supply is crucial for the formation of starch gradients. Furthermore, the low expressions of gene encoding starch synthase contribute to low starch content in AL. Our results imply that transcriptional regulation represents an important means of impacting starch distribution in wheat grains and suggests breeding targets for enhancing specially pearled wheat with higher quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In angiosperms, epigenetic profiles for genomic imprinting are established before fertilization. However, the causal relationships between epigenetic modifications and imprinted expression are not fully understood. In this study, we classified \'persistent\' and \'stage-specific\' imprinted genes on the basis of time-course transcriptome analysis in rice (Oryza sativa) endosperm and compared them to epigenetic modifications at a single time point. While the levels of epigenetic modifications are relatively low in stage-specific imprinted genes, they are considerably higher in persistent imprinted genes. Overall trends revealed that the maternal alleles of maternally expressed imprinted genes are activated by DNA demethylation, while the maternal alleles of paternally expressed imprinted genes with gene body methylation (gbM) are silenced by DNA demethylation and H3K27me3 deposition, and these regions are associated with an enriched motif related to Tc/Mar-Stowaway. Our findings provide insight into the stability of genomic imprinting and the potential variations associated with endosperm development, different cell types and parental genotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    GSHO 2096 is a near isogenic barley line with extremely high grain β-amylase activity, a desirable trait in the malting and brewing industry. High levels of grain β-amylase activity are caused by a surge in endosperm-specific β-amylase (Bmy1) gene expression during the early stages of grain development with high expression levels persisting throughout development. Origins of the high β-amylase activity trait are perplexing considering GSHO 2096 is not supposed to have grain β-amylase activity. GSHO 2096 is reported to be derived from a Bowman x Risø 1508 cross followed by recurrent backcrossing to Bowman (BC5). Risø 1508 carries a mutated form of the barley prolamin binding factor, which is responsible for Bmy1 expression during grain development. Thus, the pedigree of GSHO 2096 was explored to determine the potential origins of the high grain β-amylase trait. Genotyping using the barley 50k iSelect SNP array revealed Bowman and GSHO 2096 were very similar (95.4 %) and provided evidence that both Risø 56 and 1508 are in the pedigree. Risø mutants 56 and 1508 both have perturbed hordein gene expression leading to a discernable pattern using SDS-PAGE. GSHO 2096 and Risø 56 have the same hordein pattern whereas Bowman and Risø 1508 have unique patterns. RNAseq revealed that Hor2 (B-hordein) gene expression was completely downregulated making it unique as the only known line with Bmy1 expression without Hor2 co-expression. Regardless of pedigree, GSHO 2096 remains an extremely valuable high β-amylase activity line with potential utilization in breeding for malt quality.





