
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The encystation of Acanthamoeba castellanii has important ecological and medical significance. Blocking encystation is the key to preventing transmission and curing infections caused by A. castellanii. The formation of autophagosomes is one of the most important changes that occur during the encystation of Acanthamoeba. Our previous studies have shown that the heat shock protein 20 of A. castellanii (Ac-HSP20) is involved in its encystation. This study aimed to determine the role and mechanism of Ac-HSP20 in regulating autophagy involved in the encystation of A. castellanii.
    METHODS: Immunofluorescence assay, western blotting and transmission electron microscopy were used to analyze the dynamic changes in autophagy during the initiation and continuation of encystation. The knockdown of Ac-HSP20 was performed to clarify its regulation of encystation and autophagy and to elucidate the molecular mechanism by which Ac-HSP20 participates in autophagy to promote cyst maturation.
    RESULTS: The encystation rates and autophagosomes were significantly decreased by treatment with the autophagy inhibitor 3-MA. The autophagy marker LC3B and autophagic lysosomes increased with the induced duration of encystation and reached the maximum at 48 h. The encystation rate, LC3B expression and autophagosomes decreased when Ac-HSP20 was knocked down by siRNA transfection. In addition, the expression levels of Ac-HSP20 and LC3B increased and the expressions of p-AKT and p-mTOR decreased after 48 h of encystation without knockdown. However, the expressions of p-AKT and p-mTOR increased while the expression of LC3B decreased under the knockdown of Ac-HSP20. Furthermore, the protein expression of LC3B increased when the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway was inhibited but decreased when the pathway was activated.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrated that autophagy is positively correlated with the encystation of A. castellanii, and Ac-HSP20 regulates autophagy to maintain the homeostasis of A. castellanii by inhibiting the PI3K /AKT /mTOR signaling pathway, thus promoting the maturation and stability of encystation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \"Wattle and Daub\" model of cyst wall formation in Entamoeba invadens has been used to explain encystment in Entamoeba histolytica, the causal agent of amoebiasis, and this process could be a potential target for new antiamoebic drugs. In this study, we studied the morphological stages of chitin wall formation in E. invadens in more detail using fluorescent chitin-binding dyes and the immunolocalization of cyst wall proteins. It was found that chitin deposition was mainly initiated on the cell surface at a specific point or at different points at the same time. The cystic wall grew outward and gradually covered the entire surface of the cyst over time, following the model of Wattle and Daub. The onset of chitin deposition was guided by the localization of chitin synthase 1 to the plasma membrane, occurring on the basis of the Jacob lectin in the cell membrane. During encystation, F-actin was reorganized into the cortical region within the early stages of encystation and remained intact until the completion of the chitin wall. The disruption of actin polymerization in the cortical region inhibited proper wall formation, producing wall-less cysts or cysts with defective chitin walls, indicating the importance of the cortical actin cytoskeleton for proper cyst wall formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebiasis, a global public health problem. Amoebiasis is solely transmitted by cysts that are produced from proliferative trophozoites by encystation in the large intestine of humans. During encystation, various metabolites, pathways, and cascades sequentially orchestrate the morphological and physiological changes required to produce cysts. Cholesteryl sulfate (CS) has recently been revealed to be among the key molecules that control the morphological and physiological changes of encystation by exerting pleiotropic effects. CS promotes the rounding of encysting Entamoeba cells and maintains this spherical morphology as encysting cells are surrounded by the cyst wall, a prerequisite for resistance against environmental stresses. CS is also involved in the development of membrane impermeability, another prerequisite for resistance. The initiation of cyst wall formation is, however, CS-independent. Here, we overview CS-dependent and -independent processes during encystation and discuss their functional linkage. We also discuss a potential transcriptional cascade that controls the processes necessary to produce dormant Entamoeba cysts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multinucleated Giant Cells (MGCs) are specialized cells that develop from the fusion of multiple cells, and their presence is commonly observed in human cells during various infections. However, MGC formation is not restricted to infections alone but can also occur through different mechanisms, such as endoreplication and abortive cell cycle. These processes lead to the formation of polyploid cells, eventually resulting in the formation of MGCs. In Entamoeba, a protozoan parasite that causes amoebic dysentery and liver abscesses in humans, the formation of MGCs is a unique phenomenon and not been reported in any other protozoa. This organism is exposed to various hostile environmental conditions, including changes in temperature, pH, and nutrient availability, which can lead to stress and damage to its cells. The formation of MGCs in Entamoeba is thought to be a survival strategy to cope with these adverse conditions. This organism forms MGCs through cell aggregation and fusion in response to osmotic and heat stress. The MGCs in Entamoeba are thought to have increased resistance to various stresses and can survive longer than normal cells under adverse conditions. This increased survival could be due to the presence of multiple nuclei, which could provide redundancy in case of DNA damage or mutations. Additionally, MGCs may play a role in the virulence of Entamoeba as they are found in the inflammatory foci of amoebic liver abscesses and other infections caused by Entamoeba. The presence of MGCs in these infections suggests that they may contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease. Overall, this article offers valuable insights into the intriguing phenomenon of MGC formation in Entamoeba. By unraveling the mechanisms behind this process and examining its implications, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the complex biology of Entamoeba and potentially identify new targets for therapeutic interventions. The study of MGCs in Entamoeba serves as a gateway to exploring the broader field of cell fusion in various organisms, providing a foundation for future investigations into related cellular processes and their significance in health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Entamoeba histolytica is a parasitic protozoan that causes diarrheal disease in approximately 100 million people worldwide every year. E. histolytica has two forms, the growing trophozoite and the infectious cyst. Trophozoites colonizing the large intestine form cysts that are released into the environment. The ingestion of the cysts in contaminated food and water continues the disease cycle. Here, we investigated the role of glycogen in trophozoite growth and encystation. Glycogen is thought to provide precursors for the synthesis of chitin, a major component of the protective cyst wall. We propose that glycogen also serves as an energy source during metabolic adaptation to different nutrient environments. We examined the role of glycogen in E. histolytica by analyzing the growth and encystation of RNAi strains with reduced expression of the single gene-encoding glycogen synthase (GYS) or two of three genes encoding glycogen phosphorylase (PYG). The GYS RNAi strain had a greatly reduced glycogen accumulation, and both the GYS and PYG RNAi strains exhibited reduced growth in the glucose-poor medium. Both RNAi strains also showed reduced cyst production. Our results suggest glycogen synthesis and degradation are vital to the growth and adaptation of E. histolytica to a low-glucose environment such as that encountered in the large intestine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Entamoeba gingivalis (E. gingivalis) is an anaerobic protozoan that is strongly associated with inflamed periodontal pockets. It is able to invade the mucosal epithelium of the human host, where it can feed on epithelial cells and elicit a severe innate immune response. Unlike other Entamoeba species, it is considered that E. gingivalis cannot form cysts, because it is a non-infectious protozoan. The lack of encystation capability would make it susceptible to periodontal treatment. However, it is not clear how the human host becomes infected with E. gingivalis trophozoites. We investigated the ability of E. gingivalis to encapsulate in response to an unfavorable environment in vitro.
    Different strains of E. gingivalis, isolated from inflamed periodontal pocket samples, were cultured for 8 days in the presence or absence of the antimicrobials amoxycillin and metronidazole. To reveal cyst formation, we investigated the morphology and ultrastructure of the amoeba by light, fluorescence, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. We also used the fluorescent dye calcofluor white M2R to demonstrate chitin present in the cyst wall.
    We observed exocysts and an intra-cystic space separating the encapsulated trophozoite from the environment. Remarkably, cysts showed a smooth surface, polygonal edges and smaller size compared to free-living trophozoites. In addition, encapsulated trophozoites that detached from the cyst wall had a dense cytoplasma without phagocytic vesicles. The cyst walls consisted of chitin as in other Entamoba species. The encapsulated trophozoids were mononuclear after antibioticinduced encapsulation.
    We conclude that E. gingivalis cyst formation has significant implications for dissemination and infection and may explain why established treatment approaches often fail to halt periodontal tissue destruction during periodontitis and peri-implantitis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is interesting to identify factors involved in the regulation of the encystation of Entamoeba histolytica that differentiate trophozoites into cysts. Evolutionarily conserved three amino acid loop extension (TALE) homeodomain proteins act as transcription factors and execute a variety of functions that are essential for life. A TALE homeodomain (EhHbox) protein-encoding gene has been identified in E. histolytica (Eh) that is highly upregulated during heat shock, glucose, and serum starvation. Its ortholog, EiHbox1, a putative homeobox protein in E. invadens (Ei), is also highly upregulated during the early hours of encystation, glucose starvation, and heat shock. They belong to the PBX family of TALE homeobox proteins and have conserved residues in the homeodomain that are essential for DNA binding. Both are localized in the nucleus during encystation and under different stress conditions. The electrophoretic mobility shift assay confirmed that the recombinant GST-EhHbox binds to the reported TGACAG and TGATTGAT motifs. Down-regulation of EiHbox1 by gene silencing reduced Chitin synthase, Jacob, and increased Jessie gene expression, resulting in defective cysts and decreased encystation efficiency and viability. Overall, our results suggest that the TALE homeobox family has been conserved during evolution and acts as a transcription factor to control the differentiation of Entamoeba by regulating the key encystation-induced genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Entamoeba histolytica is the causative agent of amoebiasis. DNA replication studies in E. histolytica first started with the ribosomal RNA genes located on episomal circles. Unlike most plasmids, Entamoeba histolytica rDNA circles lacked a fixed origin. Replication initiated from multiple sites on the episome, and these were preferentially used under different growth conditions. In synchronized cells the early origins mapped within the rDNA transcription unit, while at later times an origin in the promoter-proximal upstream intergenic spacer was activated. This is reminiscent of eukaryotic chromosomal replication where multiple potential origins are used. Biochemical studies on replication and recombination proteins in Entamoeba histolytica picked up momentum once the genome sequence was available. Sequence search revealed homologs of DNA replication and recombination proteins, including meiotic genes. The replicative DNA polymerases identified included the α, δ, ε of polymerase family B; lesion repair polymerases Rev1 and Rev3; a translesion repair polymerase of family A, and five families of polymerases related to family B2. Biochemical analysis of EhDNApolA confirmed its polymerase activity with expected kinetic constants. It could perform strand displacement, and translesion synthesis. The purified EhDNApolB2 had polymerase and exonuclease activities, and could efficiently bypass some types of DNA lesions. The single DNA ligase (EhDNAligI) was similar to eukaryotic DNA ligase I. It was a high-fidelity DNA ligase, likely involved in both replication and repair. Its interaction with EhPCNA was also demonstrated. The recombination-related proteins biochemically characterized were EhRad51 and EhDmc1. Both shared the canonical properties of a recombinase and could catalyse strand exchange over long DNA stretches. Presence of Dmc1 indicates the likelihood of meiosis in this parasite. Direct evidence of recombination in Entamoeba histolytica was provided by use of inverted repeat sequences located on plasmids or chromosomes. In response to a variety of stress conditions, and during encystation in Entamoeba invadens, recombination-related genes were upregulated and homologous recombination was enhanced. These data suggest that homologous recombination could have critical roles in trophozoite growth and stage conversion. Availability of biochemically characterized replication and recombination proteins is an important resource for exploration of novel anti-amoebic drug targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some members of the genus Acanthamoeba are facultative pathogens typically with a biphasic lifestyle: trophozoites and cysts. Acanthamoeba is capable of infecting the cornea, resulting in Acanthamoeba keratitis. The cyst is one of the key components for the persistence of infection. Gene expression during Acanthamoeba encystation showed an upregulation of glutathione S-transferase (GST) genes and other closely related proteins. mRNA sequencing showed GST, and five genes with similar sequences were upregulated after 24 h of inducing encystation. GST overexpression was verified with qPCR using the HPRT and the cyst-specific protein 21 genes as controls. The GST inhibitor ethacrynic acid was found to decrease cell viability by 70%. These results indicate a role of GST in successful encystation, possibly by maintaining redox balance. GST and associated processes could be targets for potential treatments alongside regular therapies to reduce relapses of Acanthamoeba infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background : Propolis is a natural resinous mixture produced by bees. It provides beneficial effects on human health in the treatment/management of many diseases. The present study was performed to demonstrate the anti- Acanthamoeba activity of ethanolic extracts of Propolis samples from Iran. The interactions of the compounds and essential proteins of Acanthamoeba were also visualized through docking simulation. Methods: The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of Propolis extract against Acanthamoeba trophozoites and cysts was determined in vitro. In addition, two-fold dilutions of each of agents were tested for encystment, excystment and adhesion inhibitions. Three major compounds of Propolis extract such as chrysin, tectochrysin and pinocembrin have been selected in molecular docking approach to predict the compounds that might be responsible for encystment, excystment and adhesion inhibitions of A. castellanii. Furthermore, to confirm the docking results, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were also carried out for the most promising two ligand-pocket complexes from docking studies. Results : The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) 62.5 and 125 µg/mL of the most active Propolis extract were assessed in trophozoites stage of Acanthamoeba castellanii ATCC30010 and ATCC50739, respectively. At concentrations lower than their MICs values (1/16 MIC), Propolis extract revealed inhibition of encystation. However, at 1/2 MIC, it showed a potential inhibition of excystation and anti-adhesion. The molecular docking and dynamic simulation revealed the potential capability of Pinocembrin to form hydrogen bonds with A. castellanii Sir2 family protein (AcSir2), an encystation protein of high relevance for this process in Acanthamoeba. Conclusions : The results provided a candidate for the development of therapeutic drugs against Acanthamoeba infection. In vivo experiments and clinical trials are necessary to support this claim.





