Encephalitis Virus, Eastern Equine

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus (EEEV) is an alphavirus that can cause severe diseases in infected humans. The very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) was recently identified as a receptor of EEEV. Herein, we performed cryo-electron microscopy structural and biochemistry studies on the specific interactions between EEEV and VLDLR. Our results show that VLDLR binds EEEV at three different sites A, B and C through its membrane-distal LDLR class A (LA) repeats. Site A is located in the cleft in between the E1-E2 heterodimers. Site B is located near the connecting β ribbon of E2 and is in proximity to site A, while site C is on the domain B of E2. The binding of VLDLR LAs to EEEV is in complex modes, including the LA1-2 and LA3-5 mediated two major modes. Disruption of the LA1-2 mediated binding significantly affect the cell attachment of EEEV. However, the mutation W132G of VLDLR impairs the binding of LA3, drives the switch of the binding modes, and significantly enhances the attachment of EEEV to the cell. The W132G variant of VLDLR could be identified in human genome and SNP sequences, implying that people with similar mutations in VLDLR may be highly susceptible to EEEV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is the most virulent alphavirus that infects humans, and many survivors develop neurological sequelae, including paralysis and intellectual disability. Alphavirus spike proteins comprise trimers of heterodimers of glycoproteins E2 and E1 that mediate binding to cellular receptors and fusion of virus and host cell membranes during entry. We recently identified very-low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) and apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2) as cellular receptors for EEEV and a distantly related alphavirus, Semliki Forest virus (SFV). Here, we use single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to determine structures of the EEEV and SFV spike glycoproteins bound to the VLDLR ligand-binding domain and found that EEEV and SFV interact with the same cellular receptor through divergent binding modes. Our studies suggest that the ability of LDLR-related proteins to interact with viral spike proteins through very small footprints with flexible binding modes results in a low evolutionary barrier to the acquisition of LDLR-related proteins as cellular receptors for diverse sets of viruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular surveillance is vital for monitoring arboviruses, often employing genus-specific quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Despite this, an overlooked chikungunya fever outbreak occurred in Yunnan province, China, in 2019 and false negatives are commonly encountered during alphaviruses screening practice, highlighting the need for improved detection methods. In this study, we developed an improved alphaviruses-specific RT-qPCR capable of detecting chikungunya virus, eastern equine encephalitis virus, western equine encephalitis virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, Sindbis virus, Mayaro virus, and Ross River virus with high sensitivity and specificity. The assay identified three chikungunya virus-positive cases out of 188 sera retrospectively. Later genetic characterization suggested that imported cases from neighboring countries may be responsible for the neglected chikungunya fever outbreak of 2019 in Yunnan. Our findings underscore the value of improved alphaviruses-specific RT-qPCR in bolstering alphaviruses surveillance and informing preventive strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) causes the most clinically severe neuroinvasive arboviral disease in the United States. The virus is endemic in eastern and Gulf Coast states and the Great Lakes region, causing cases annually. To detect EEEV circulation in its enzootic cycle before the virus infects humans and other mammals, mosquito control agencies in New Jersey have conducted mosquito surveillance using a series of permanent wooden resting box sites since 1975. We conducted 2 field studies, 1 evaluating resting traps and 1 evaluating efficacy of CO2 lures, to optimize collection of Culiseta melanura, the primary enzootic vector of EEEV. Resulting mosquito samples were subjected to molecular analysis to determine EEEV infection rates. Corrugated plastic boxes trapped more bloodfed Cs. melanura than other resting trap types (resting boxes, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] resting traps, or fiber pots) and were similar to resting boxes in total number of female Cs. melanura caught. Further, non-baited CDC light traps were more successful in trapping host-seeking Cs. melanura than those baited with dry ice, a CO2 lure. The EEEV RNA was identified in Cs. melanura, Aedes vexans, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, and Uranotaenia sapphirina. Our findings indicate that corrugated plastic boxes and non-CO2 baited traps could improve detection of Cs. melanura. Mosquito control agencies are encouraged to periodically assess their surveillance strategy for EEEV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus (EEEV) is an emerging public health threat, with the number of reported cases in the US increasing in recent years. EEEV is a BSL3 pathogen, and the North American strain is a US Federal Select Agent (SA). These restrictions make experiments with EEEV difficult to perform, as high-tech equipment is often unavailable in BSL3 spaces and due to concerns about generating aerosols during manipulations. Therefore, a range of inactivation methods suitable for different downstream analysis methods are essential for advancing research on EEEV. We used heat, chemical, and ultraviolet (UV)-based methods for the inactivation of infected cells and supernatants infected with the non-select agent Madariaga virus (MADV). Although the MADV and EEEV strains are genetically distinct, differing by 8-11% at the amino acid level, they are expected to be similarly susceptible to various inactivation methods. We determined the following to be effective methods of inactivation: heat, TRIzol LS, 4% PFA, 10% formalin, and UV radiation for infected supernatants; TRIzol, 2.5% SDS with BME, 0.2% NP40, 4% PFA, and 10% formalin for infected cells. Our results have the potential to expand the types and complexity of experiments and analyses performed by EEEV researchers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Culex panocossa, Dyar and Knab, an important enzootic vector of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus subtype ID in Central and South America, was found to have invaded and become established in southern Florida in 2016. No information is currently available regarding the ecology of this invasive mosquito in the United States. Here, we use PCR-based blood meal analysis to investigate vertebrate host associations of Cx. panocossa from Florida to provide information necessary for determining the potential importance of this mosquito for arbovirus transmission in the United States. Culex panocossa fed mainly upon birds (49.5%) but took a substantial fraction of blood meals from mammals (33.3%) and reptiles (17.1%). By feeding upon amplifying hosts of Everglades virus (hispid cotton rat) and eastern equine encephalitis virus (wading birds) and humans, Cx. panocossa could act as a bridge vector for these pathogenic Alphaviruses in Florida, potentially resulting in increased human disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) was one of the first-recognized neuroinvasive arboviral diseases in North America, and it remains the most lethal. Although EEE is known to have periodic spikes in infection rates, there is increasing evidence that it may be undergoing a change in its prevalence and its public health burden. Numerous factors shape the scope of EEE in humans, and there are important similarities with other emergent viral diseases that have surfaced or strengthened in recent years. Because environmental and ecological conditions that broadly influence the epidemiology of arboviral diseases also are changing, and the frequency, severity, and scope of outbreaks are expected to worsen, an expanded understanding of EEE will have untold importance in coming years. Here we review the factors shaping EEE transmission cycles and the conditions leading to outbreaks in humans from an updated, multidomain perspective. We also provide special consideration of factors shaping the virology, host-vector-environment relationships, and mechanisms of pathology and treatment as a reference for broadening audiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The very-low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) comprises eight LDLR type A (LA) domains and supports entry of distantly related alphaviruses, including Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) and Semliki Forest virus (SFV). Here, by resolving multiple cryo-electron microscopy structures of EEEV-VLDLR complexes and performing mutagenesis and functional studies, we show that EEEV uses multiple sites (E1/E2 cleft and E2 A domain) to engage more than one LA domain simultaneously. However, no single LA domain is necessary or sufficient to support efficient EEEV infection. Whereas all EEEV strains show conservation of two VLDLR-binding sites, the EEEV PE-6 strain and a few other EEE complex members feature a single amino acid substitution that enables binding of LA domains to an additional site on the E2 B domain. These structural and functional analyses informed the design of a minimal VLDLR decoy receptor that neutralizes EEEV infection and protects mice from lethal challenge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Members of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) family, including LDLRAD3, VLDLR, and ApoER2, were recently described as entry factors for different alphaviruses. However, based on studies with gene edited cells and knockout mice, blockade or abrogation of these receptors does not fully inhibit alphavirus infection, indicating the existence of additional uncharacterized entry factors. Here, we perform a CRISPR-Cas9 genome-wide loss-of-function screen in mouse neuronal cells with a chimeric alphavirus expressing the Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) structural proteins and identify LDLR as a candidate receptor. Expression of LDLR on the surface of neuronal or non-neuronal cells facilitates binding and infection of EEEV, Western equine encephalitis virus, and Semliki Forest virus. Domain mapping and binding studies reveal a low-affinity interaction with LA domain 3 (LA3) that can be enhanced by concatenation of LA3 repeats. Soluble decoy proteins with multiple LA3 repeats inhibit EEEV infection in cell culture and in mice. Our results establish LDLR as a low-affinity receptor for multiple alphaviruses and highlight a possible path for developing inhibitors that could mitigate infection and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), Madariaga virus (MADV), and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus complex (VEEV) are New World alphaviruses transmitted by mosquitoes. They cause febrile and sometimes severe neurological diseases in human and equine hosts. Detecting them during the acute phase is hindered by non-specific symptoms and limited diagnostic tools. We designed and clinically assessed real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays (rRT-PCRs) for VEEV complex, MADV, and EEEV using whole-genome sequences. Validation involved 15 retrospective serum samples from 2015 to 2017 outbreaks, 150 mosquito pools from 2015, and 118 prospective samples from 2021 to 2022 surveillance in Panama. The rRT-PCRs detected VEEV complex RNA in 10 samples (66.7%) from outbreaks, with one having both VEEV complex and MADV RNAs. VEEV complex RNA was found in five suspected dengue cases from disease surveillance. The rRT-PCR assays identified VEEV complex RNA in three Culex (Melanoconion) vomerifer pools, leading to VEEV isolates in two. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the VEEV ID subtype in positive samples. Notably, 11.9% of dengue-like disease patients showed VEEV infections. Together, our rRT-PCR validation in human and mosquito samples suggests that this method can be incorporated into mosquito and human encephalitic alphavirus surveillance programs in endemic regions.





