Embolism, Fat

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Fat emboli may occur in patients after traumatic fractures or orthopedic procedures; however, their clinical detection is a very rare finding. Here, we describe a 77-year-old female who was admitted to the emergency department with a fracture of the right humerus. We diagnosed fat embolism after an ultrasound of the right subclavian vein. The embolism was detected by high-intensity transient signals present on the spectral Doppler. While these signals are well known for microembolization in transcranial Doppler, to our knowledge this is the first case report in the medical literature to observe and describe high-intensity transient signals seen in the upper extremities by spectral Doppler. Although it is unusual to detect a fat embolism in transit, we believe clinicians should be aware of this finding, particularly when evaluating high-risk patients.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Fat embolism syndrome mainly occurs following trauma to the long bones or pelvis. Non-traumatic causes are rarer. Its incidence varies greatly and depends on the number of fractures involved. Two physiopathological theories, one mechanical and the other biochemical, attempt to explain this still poorly understood phenomenon. The complete form of the syndrome results in a combination of pulmonary involvement, neurological disorders and a petechial rash. Given the polymorphism of signs and symptoms, Fat embolism syndrome remains a diagnosis of exclusion. Regarding treatment, the therapeutic strategy combines treatment of the causative process with conservative measures.
    Le syndrome d’embolie graisseuse se manifeste majoritairement dans les suites d’un traumatisme des os longs ou du bassin. Les causes non traumatiques sont plus rares. Son incidence varie fortement et dépend du nombre de fractures impliquées. Deux théories physiopathologiques, l’une mécanique et l’autre biochimique, tentent d’expliquer ce phénomène encore mal compris. La forme complète du syndrome se traduit par la combinaison d’une atteinte pulmonaire, de troubles neurologiques et d’une éruption pétéchiale. Étant donné le polymorphisme des signes et des symptômes, le syndrome d’embolie graisseuse reste un diagnostic d’exclusion. Concernant le traitement, la stratégie thérapeutique associe la prise en charge du processus causal combinée à des mesures conservatrices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Bone marrow embolization may complicate orthopedic surgery, potentially causing fat embolism syndrome. The inflammatory potential of bone marrow emboli is unclear. We aimed to investigate the inflammatory response to femoral intramedullary nailing, specifically the systemic inflammatory effects in plasma, and local tissue responses. Additionally, the plasma response was compared to that following intravenous injection of autologous bone marrow.
    UNASSIGNED: Twelve pigs underwent femoral nailing (previously shown to have fat emboli in lung and heart), four received intravenous bone marrow, and four served as sham controls. Blood samples were collected hourly and tissue samples postmortem. Additionally, we incubated bone marrow and blood, separately and in combination, from six pigs in vitro. Complement activation was detected by C3a and the terminal C5b-9 complement complex (TCC), and the cytokines TNF, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10 as well as the thrombin-antithrombin complexes (TAT) were all measured using enzyme-immunoassays.
    UNASSIGNED: After nailing, plasma IL-6 rose 21-fold, compared to a 4-fold rise in sham (p=0.0004). No plasma differences in the rest of the inflammatory markers were noted across groups. However, nailing yielded 2-3-times higher C3a, TCC, TNF, IL-1β and IL-10 in lung tissue compared to sham (p<0.0001-0.03). Similarly, heart tissue exhibited 2-times higher TCC and IL-1β compared to sham (p<0.0001-0.03). Intravenous bone marrow yielded 8-times higher TAT than sham at 30 minutes (p<0.0001). In vitro, incubation of bone marrow for four hours resulted in 95-times higher IL-6 compared to whole blood (p=0.03).
    UNASSIGNED: A selective increase in plasma IL-6 was observed following femoral nailing, whereas lung and heart tissues revealed a broad local inflammatory response not reflected systemically. In vitro experiments may imply bone marrow to be the primary IL-6 source.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Bone marrow embolism is known to occur after fractures of long bones such as the femur and pelvis. We report a case of multiple fractures in a 32-year-old female patient, demonstrating bone marrow elements in the peripheral blood as early as 2 hours after trauma. This is the first case being reported with an ante-mortem demonstration of circulating marrow emboli in the peripheral blood, while the previously reported cases have demonstrated the emboli in post-mortem examination. A careful correlation of the clinical history of trauma, hematology auto-analyzer results, and the presence of bone marrow particles and fat globules in peripheral blood helped in arriving at the diagnosis of fat embolism in our case irrefutably.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Fat embolism is a life-threatening complication often occurring in patients with traumatic injuries. However, temporal trends and perioperative outcomes of fat embolism remain understudied. Using a nationally representative cohort, we aimed to characterize temporal trends of fat embolism and its associated resource utilization in operatively managed trauma patients.
    METHODS: All patients (≥18 years) undergoing any major operations after traumatic injuries were tabulated using the 2005 to 2020 National Inpatient Sample. Patients were stratified into those with fat embolism and those without. Multivariable logistic and linear regressions were developed to assess the association between fat embolism and outcomes of interest.
    RESULTS: Of an estimated 10,600,000 hospitalizations, 7,479 (0.07%) patients had fat embolism. Compared to the non-fat embolism cohort, the fat embolism cohort was younger (55 [26-79] vs 69 [49-82] years, standard mean difference = 0.46) and more likely to receive treatment at a high-volume trauma center (42.9 vs 33.7%, standard mean difference = 0.19). Over the study period, there was an increase in annual mortality and hospitalization costs among the fat embolism group (nptrend <0.001). After risk adjustment, fat embolism was associated with greater odds of mortality (adjusted odds ratio: 2.65, 95% confidence interval: 2.24-3.14) compared to others. Additionally, fat embolism was associated with increased odds of cerebrovascular, infectious, and renal complications.
    CONCLUSIONS: Among all operatively managed trauma patients, those who developed fat embolism had increased mortality, rates of complications, length of stay, and costs. Optimization of early and accurate identification of fat embolism is warranted to mitigate complications and improve resource allocation among trauma patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Cerebral fat embolism (CFE) is a rare but potentially fatal complication that can occur after long bone fractures. It represents one subcategory of fat embolisms (FE). Diagnosing CFE can be challenging due to its variable and nonspecific clinical manifestations. We report a case of CFE initially presenting with turbid urine, highlighting an often neglected sign.
    UNASSIGNED: A 69-year-old male was admitted after a traffic accident resulting in bilateral femoral fractures. Sixteen hours post-admission, grossly turbid urine was noted but received no special attention. Four hours later, he developed rapid deterioration of consciousness and respiratory distress. Neurological examination revealed increased upper limb muscle tone and absent voluntary movements of lower limbs. Brain MRI demonstrated a \'starfield pattern\' of diffuse punctate lesions, pathognomonic for CFE. Urine microscopy confirmed abundant fat droplets. Supportive treatment and fracture fixation were performed. The patient regained consciousness after 3 months but had residual dysphasia and limb dyskinesia.
    UNASSIGNED: CFE can present with isolated lipiduria preceding overt neurological or respiratory manifestations. Heightened awareness of this subtle sign in high-risk patients is crucial for early diagnosis and intervention. Prompt urine screening and neuroimaging should be considered when gross lipiduria occurs after long bone fractures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cerebral fat embolism (CFE) syndrome is a known complication that can occur following polytrauma, particularly in cases involving fractures of long bones, but cardiac arrest is a rare presentation following cerebral fat embolization.1 Our patient met with a road traffic accident (RTA), sustaining multiple long bones injuries with hypovolemic shock. After 10 hours of admission and achieving hemodynamic stability, the patient developed cerebral fat embolization. He developed sudden cardiac arrest and was resuscitated. We instituted ventilator support, inotropic infusion, antibiotics, and intravenous (IV) fluids. Our patient regained consciousness without neurological deficit over a period of 10 days and underwent surgery for all three major fractures with due precautions. The patient was discharged after 3 weeks of treatment from the hospital. How to cite this article: Rathod N, Rathod V, Parikh B, et al. Rare Presentation of a Patient with Cardiac Arrest Due to Cerebral Fat Embolization Following Polytrauma. J Assoc Physicians India 2023;71(11):89-93.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: fat embolism syndrome (FES) is an acute respiratory disorder that occurs when an inflammatory response causes the embolization of fat and marrow particles into the bloodstream. The exact incidence of FES is not well defined due to the difficulty of diagnosis. FES is mostly associated with isolated long bone trauma, and it is usually misdiagnosed in other trauma cases. The scope of this study was to identify and search the current literature for cases of FES in nonorthopedic trauma patients with the aim of defining the etiology, incidence, and main clinical manifestations.
    METHODS: we perform a literature search via the PubMed journal to find, summarize, and incorporate reports of fat embolisms in patients presenting with non-orthopedic trauma.
    RESULTS: the final literature search yielded 23 papers of patients presenting with fat embolism/FES due to non-orthopedic trauma. The presentation and etiology of these fat embolisms is varied and complex, differing from patient to patient. In this review, we highlight the importance of maintaining a clinical suspicion of FES within the trauma and critical care community.
    CONCLUSIONS: to help trauma surgeons and clinicians identify FES cases in trauma patients who do not present with long bone fracture, we also present the main clinical signs of FES as well as the possible treatment and prevention options.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    METHODS: We present 2 cases of severe hemodynamic collapse during prophylactic stabilization of impending pathologic humerus fractures using a photodynamic bone stabilization device. Both events occurred when the monomer was infused under pressure into a balloon catheter.
    CONCLUSIONS: We suspect that an increase in intramedullary pressure during balloon expansion may cause adverse systemic effects similar to fat embolism or bone cement implantation syndrome. Appropriate communication with the anesthesia team, invasive hemodynamic monitoring, and prophylactic vent hole creation may help mitigate or manage these adverse systemic effects.





