
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SARS-CoV-2 is one of the most infectious viruses ever recorded. Despite a plethora of research over the last several years, the viral life cycle is still not well understood, particularly membrane fusion. This process is initiated by the fusion domain (FD), a highly conserved stretch of amino acids consisting of a fusion peptide (FP) and fusion loop (FL), which in synergy perturbs the target cells\' lipid membrane to lower the energetic cost necessary for fusion. In this study, through a mutagenesis-based approach, we have investigated the basic residues within the FD (K825, K835, R847, K854) utilizing an in vitro fusion assay and 19F NMR, validated by traditional 13C 15N techniques. Alanine and charge-conserving mutants revealed every basic residue plays a highly specific role within the mechanism of initiating fusion. Intriguingly, K825A led to increased fusogenecity which was found to be correlated to the number of amino acids within helix one, further implicating the role of this specific helix within the FD\'s fusion mechanism. This work has found basic residues to be important within the FDs fusion mechanism and highlights K825A, a specific mutation made within the FD of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, as requiring further investigation due to its potential to contribute to a more virulent strain of SARS-CoV-2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Frontotemporal lobar degeneration with ubiquitin-positive inclusions (FTLD-TDP), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE) are associated with deposition of cytoplasmic inclusions of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) in neurons. One complexity of this process lies in the ability of TDP-43 to form liquid-phase membraneless organelles in cells. Previous work has shown that the recombinant, purified, prion-like domain (PrLD) forms liquid droplets in vitro, but the behaviour of the complementary fragment is uncertain.
    METHODS: We have purified such a construct without the PrLD (PrLD-less TDP-43) and have induced its phase separation using a solution-jump method and an array of biophysical techniques to study the morphology, state of matter and structure of the TDP-43 assemblies.
    RESULTS: The fluorescent TMR-labelled protein construct, imaged using confocal fluorescence, formed rapidly (< 1 min) round, homogeneous and 0.5-1.0 µm wide assemblies which then coalesced into larger, yet round, species. When labelled with AlexaFluor488, they initially exhibited fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), showing a liquid behaviour distinct from full-length TDP-43 and similar to PrLD. The protein molecules did not undergo major structural changes, as determined with circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopies. This process had a pH and salt dependence distinct from those of full-length TDP-43 and its PrLD, which can be rationalized on the grounds of electrostatic forces.
    CONCLUSIONS: Similarly to PrLD, PrLD-less TDP-43 forms liquid droplets in vitro through liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), unlike the full-length protein that rather undergoes liquid-solid phase separation (LSPS). These results offer a rationale of the complex electrostatic forces governing phase separation of full-length TDP-43 and its fragments. On the one hand, PrLD-less TDP-43 has a low pI and oppositively charged domains, and LLPS is inhibited by salts, which attenuate inter-domain electrostatic attractions. On the other hand, PrLD is positively charged due to a high isoionic point (pI) and LLPS is therefore promoted by salts and pH increases as they both reduce electrostatic repulsions. By contrast, full-length TDP-43 undergoes LSPS most favourably at its pI, with positive and negative salt dependences at lower and higher pH, respectively, depending on whether repulsive or attractive forces dominate, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Copper-containing proteins play crucial roles in biological systems. Azurin is a copper-containing protein which has a Type 1 copper site that facilitates electron transfer in the cytochrome chain. Previous research has highlighted the significant impact of mutations in the axial Met121 of the copper site on the reduction potential. However, the mechanism of this regulation has not been fully established. In this study, we employed theoretical modeling to investigate the reduction of the Type 1 copper site, focusing on how unnatural amino acid substitutions at Met121 influence its behavior. Our findings demonstrated a strong linear correlation between electrostatic interactions and the reduction potential of the copper site, which indicates that the perturbation of the reduction potential is primarily influenced by electrostatic interactions between the metal ion and the ligating atom. Furthermore, we found that CF/π and CF…H interactions could induce subtle changes in geometry and hence impact the electronic properties of the systems under study. In addition, our calculations suggest the coordination mode and ion-ligand distance could significantly impact the reduction potential of a copper site. Overall, this study offers valuable insights into the structural and electronic properties of the Type 1 copper site, which could potentially guide the design of future artificial catalysts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In silico assessment of antibody developability during early lead candidate selection and optimization is of paramount importance, offering a rapid and material-free screening approach. However, the predictive power and reproducibility of such methods depend heavily on the selection of molecular descriptors, model parameters, accuracy of predicted structure models, and conformational sampling techniques. Here, we present a set of molecular surface descriptors specifically designed for predicting antibody developability. We assess the performance of these descriptors by benchmarking their correlations with an extensive array of experimentally determined biophysical properties, including viscosity, aggregation, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, human pharmacokinetic clearance, heparin retention time, and polyspecificity. Further, we investigate the sensitivity of these surface descriptors to methodological nuances, such as the choice of interior dielectric constant, hydrophobicity scales, structure prediction methods, and the impact of conformational sampling. Notably, we observe systematic shifts in the distribution of surface descriptors depending on the structure prediction method used, driving weak correlations of surface descriptors across structure models. Averaging the descriptor values over conformational distributions from molecular dynamics mitigates the systematic shifts and improves the consistency across different structure prediction methods, albeit with inconsistent improvements in correlations with biophysical data. Based on our benchmarking analysis, we propose six in silico developability risk flags and assess their effectiveness in predicting potential developability issues for a set of case study molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Applications of electrospinning (ES) range from fabrication of biomedical devices and tissue regeneration scaffolds to light manipulation and energy conversion, and even to deposition of materials that act as growth platforms for nanoscale catalysis. One major limitation to wide adoption of ES is stochastic fiber deposition resulting from the chaotic motion of the polymer stream as is approaches the deposition surface. In the past, fabrication of structures or materials with precisely determined mesoscale morphology has been accomplished through modification of electrode shape, use of multi-dimensional electrodes or pins, deposition onto weaving looms, hand-held electrospinning devices that allow the user to guide deposition, or electric field manipulation by lensing elements or apertures. In this work, we demonstrate an ES system that contains multiple high voltage power supplies that are independently controlled through a control algorithm implemented in LabVIEW. The end result is what we term \"multiplex ES\" where multiple independently controlled high-voltage signals are combined by the ES fiber to result in unique deposition control. COMSOL Multiphysics® software was used to model the electric field produced in this novel ES system. Using the multi-power supply system, we demonstrate fabrication of woven fiber materials that do not require complex deposition surfaces. Time-varied sinusoidal wave inputs were used to create electrospun torus shapes. The outer diameter of the tori was found, through parametric analysis, to be rather insensitive to frequency used during deposition, while inner diameter was inversely related to frequency, resulting in overall width of the tori increasing with frequency. Multiplex ES has a high-frequency cutoff based on the time response of the high voltage electrical circuit. These time constants were measured and minimized through the addition of parallel resistors that decreased impedance of the system and improved the high-frequency cutoff by up to 63%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predators and prey benefit from detecting sensory cues of each other\'s presence. As they move through their environment, terrestrial animals accumulate electrostatic charge. Because electric charges exert forces at a distance, a prey animal could conceivably sense electrical forces to detect an approaching predator. Here, we report such a case of a terrestrial animal detecting its predators by electroreception. We show that predatory wasps are charged, thus emit electric fields, and that caterpillars respond to such fields with defensive behaviors. Furthermore, the mechanosensory setae of caterpillars are deflected by these electrostatic forces and are tuned to the wingbeat frequency of their insect predators. This ability unveils a dimension of the sensory interactions between prey and predators and is likely widespread among terrestrial animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extremophile organisms have adapted to extreme physicochemical conditions. Halophilic organisms, in particular, survive at very high salt concentrations. To achieve this, they have engineered the surface of their proteins to increase the number of short, polar and acidic amino acids, while decreasing large, hydrophobic and basic residues. While these adaptations initially decrease protein stability in the absence of salt, they grant halophilic proteins remarkable stability in environments with extremely high salt concentrations, where non-adapted proteins unfold and aggregate. The molecular mechanisms by which halophilic proteins achieve this, however, are not yet clear. Here, we test the hypothesis that the halophilic amino acid composition destabilizes the surface of the protein, but in exchange improves the stability in the presence of salts. To do that, we have measured the folding thermodynamics of various protein variants with different degrees of halophilicity in the absence and presence of different salts, and at different pH values to tune the ionization state of the acidic amino acids. Our results show that halophilic amino acids decrease the stability of halophilic proteins under mesophilic conditions, but in exchange improve salt-induced stabilization and solubility. We also find that, in contrast to traditional assumptions, contributions arising from hydrophobic effect and preferential ion exclusion are more relevant for haloadaptation than electrostatics. Overall, our findings suggest a trade-off between folding thermodynamics and halophilic adaptation to optimize proteins for hypersaline environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PHPT1 is a histidine phosphatase that modulates signaling in eukaryotes through its catalytic activity. Here, we present an analysis of the structure and dynamics of PHPT1 through a combination of solution NMR, molecular dynamics, and biochemical experiments. We identify a salt bridge formed between the R78 guanidinium moiety and the C-terminal carboxyl group on Y125 that is critical for ligand binding. Disruption of the salt bridge by appending a glycine residue at the C-terminus (G126) leads to a decrease in catalytic activity and binding affinity for the pseudo substrate, para-nitrophenylphosphate (pNPP), as well as the active site inhibitor, phenylphosphonic acid (PPA). We show through NMR chemical shift, 15N relaxation measurements, and analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories, that removal of this salt bridge results in an active site that is altered both structurally and dynamically thereby significantly impacting enzymatic function and confirming the importance of this electrostatic interaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipids are key factors in regulating membrane fusion. Lipids are not only structural components to form membranes but also active catalysts for vesicle fusion and neurotransmitter release, which are driven by soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins. SNARE proteins seem to be partially assembled before fusion, but the mechanisms that arrest vesicle fusion before Ca2+ influx are still not clear. Here, we show that phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) electrostatically triggers vesicle fusion as an electrostatic catalyst by lowering the hydration energy and that a myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS), a PIP2-binding protein, arrests vesicle fusion in a vesicle docking state where the SNARE complex is partially assembled. Vesicle-mimicking liposomes fail to reproduce vesicle fusion arrest by masking PIP2, indicating that native vesicles are essential for the reconstitution of physiological vesicle fusion. PIP2 attracts cations to repel water molecules from membranes, thus lowering the hydration energy barrier.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of targeted replacement of individual terms in empirical force fields is quantitatively assessed for pure water, dichloromethane (CH   2 Cl   2 ), and solvated K   + and Cl   - ions. For the electrostatic interactions, point charges (PCs) and machine learning (ML)-based minimally distributed charges (MDCM) fitted to the molecular electrostatic potential are evaluated together with electrostatics based on the Coulomb integral. The impact of explicitly including second-order terms is investigated by adding a fragment molecular orbital (FMO)-derived polarization energy to an existing force field, in this case CHARMM. It is demonstrated that anisotropic electrostatics reduce the RMSE for water (by 1.4 kcal/mol), CH   2 Cl   2 (by 0.8 kcal/mol) and for solvated Cl   - clusters (by 0.4 kcal/mol). An additional polarization term can be neglected for CH   2 Cl   2 but further improves the models for pure water (by ∼ 1.0 kcal/mol) and hydrated Cl   - (by 0.4 kcal/mol), and is key for solvated K   + , reducing the RMSE by 2.3 kcal/mol. A 12-6 Lennard-Jones functional form performs satisfactorily with PC and MDCM electrostatics, but is not appropriate for descriptions that account for the electrostatic penetration energy. The importance of many-body contributions is assessed by comparing a strictly 2-body approach with self-consistent reference data. Two-body interactions suffice for CH   2 Cl   2 whereas water and solvated K   + and Cl   - ions require explicit many-body corrections. Finally, a many-body-corrected dimer potential energy surface exceeds the accuracy attained using a conventional empirical force field, potentially reaching that of an FMO calculation. The present work systematically quantifies which terms improve the performance of an existing force field and what reference data to use for parametrizing these terms in a tractable fashion for ML fitting of pure and heterogeneous systems.





