
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Bullnose ray Myliobatis freminvillei is a bentho-pelagic eagle ray that inhabits the north Gulf of Mexico and the Western Atlantic Ocean Coast, discontinuously, from Massachusetts, USA to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Myliobatis freminvillei is currently listed as vulnerable by the 2019 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species given that it is often captured as bycatch by artisanal and commercial fisheries, along the coasts of Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. This study, for the first time, assembled and characterized the mitochondrial genome of M. fremnvillei. The A+T rich mitochondrial genome of M. fremnvillei is 18,356 bp long and encodes 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNA), 2 ribosomal RNA genes (12S ribosomal RNA and 16S ribosomal RNA), 13 protein coding genes (PCGs), and also contains a non coding control region of 2,617 bp. Nonsynonomous codon usage with a preference for A+T rich codons was observed in all 13 PCGs. Leu (CTA), Ile (ATC), Phe (TTC), Thr (ACA), and Ala (GCC) were the most frequently used codons. Ka/Ks ratios estimated for all 13 PCGs exhibited values < 1, indicating strong purifying selection affecting all these genes. In contrast to the results of a previous study that claimed diversifying selective pressure in two mitochondrial PCGs of Mobula tarapacana, reanalysis of the Ka/Ks values for the same species indicated purifying selection in all 13 PCGs. Of the 22 tRNA genes, all have a cloverleaf secondary structure except tRNA-Ser1 which has a truncated dihydrouridine arm. In the control region, A+T rich microsatellites (n = 42) and short tandem repeats (n = 6) were identified, and the secondary structure of the same region contained numerous hairpin loops. Phylomitogenomic analyses supported the monophyletic status of the order Myliobatiformes and family Myliobatidae. The assembled mitochondrial genome will assist with conservation efforts in Myliobatis fremnvillei.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mangrove habitats can serve as nursery areas for sharks and rays. Such environments can be thermally dynamic and extreme; yet, the physiological and behavioural mechanisms sharks and rays use to exploit such habitats are understudied. This study aimed to define the thermal niche of juvenile mangrove whiprays, Urogymnus granulatus. First, temperature tolerance limits were determined via the critical thermal maximum (CTMax) and minimum (CTMin) of mangrove whiprays at summer acclimation temperatures (28 °C), which were 17.5 °C and 39.9 °C, respectively. Then, maximum and routine oxygen uptake rates (ṀO2max and ṀO2routine, respectively), post-exercise oxygen debt, and recovery were estimated at current (28 °C) and heatwave (32 °C) temperatures, revealing moderate temperature sensitivities (i.e., Q10) of 2.4 (ṀO2max) and 1.6 (ṀO2routine), but opposing effects on post-exercise oxygen uptake. Finally, body temperatures (Tb) of mangrove whiprays were recorded using external temperature loggers, and environmental temperatures (Te) were recorded using stationary temperature loggers moored in three habitat zones (mangrove, reef flat, and reef crest). As expected, environmental temperatures varied between sites depending on depth. Individual mangrove whiprays presented significantly lower Tb relative to Te during the hottest times of the day. Electivity analysis showed tagged individuals selected temperatures from 24.0 to 37.0 °C in habitats that ranged from 21.1 to 43.5 °C. These data demonstrate that mangrove whiprays employ thermotaxic behaviours and a thermally insensitive aerobic metabolism to thrive in thermally dynamic and extreme habitats. Tropical nursery areas may, therefore, offer important thermal refugia for young rays. However, these tropical nursery areas could become threatened by mangrove and coral habitat loss, and climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus suckleyi, move to shallow coastal waters during critical reproductive life stages and are thus at risk of encountering hypoxic events which occur more frequently in these areas. For effective conservation management, we need to fully understand the consequences of hypoxia on marine key species such as elasmobranchs. Because of their benthic life style, we hypothesized that S. suckleyi are hypoxia tolerant and able to efficiently regulate oxygen consumption, and that anaerobic metabolism is supported by a broad range of metabolites including ketones, fatty acids and amino acids. Therefore, we studied oxygen consumption rates, ventilation frequency and amplitude, blood gasses, acid-base regulation, and changes in plasma and tissue metabolites during progressive hypoxia. Our results show that critical oxygen levels (P crit) where oxyregulation is lost were indeed low (18.1% air saturation or 28.5 Torr at 13°C). However, many dogfish behaved as oxyconformers rather than oxyregulators. Arterial blood PO2 levels mostly decreased linearly with decreasing environmental PO2. Blood gases and acid-base status were dependent on open versus closed respirometry but in both set-ups ventilation frequency increased. Hypoxia below Pcrit resulted in an up-regulation of anaerobic glycolysis, as evidenced by increased lactate levels in all tissues except brain. Elasmobranchs typically rely on ketone bodies as oxidative substrates, and decreased concentrations of acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate were observed in white muscle of hypoxic and/or recovering fish. Furthermore, reductions in isoleucine, glutamate, glutamine and other amino acids were observed. After 6 hours of normoxic recovery, changes persisted and only lactate returned to normal in most tissues. This emphasizes the importance of using suitable bioindicators adjusted to preferred metabolic pathways of the target species in conservation physiology. We conclude that Pacific spiny dogfish can tolerate severe transient hypoxic events, but recovery is slow and negative impacts can be expected when hypoxia persists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photographic identification (photo ID) is an established method that is used to count animals and track individuals\' movements. This method performs well with some species of elasmobranchs (i.e., sharks, skates, and rays) where individuals have distinctive skin patterns. However, the unique skin patterns used for ID must be stable through time to allow re-identification of individuals in future sampling events. More recently, artificial intelligence (AI) models have substantially decreased the labor-intensive process of matching photos in extensive photo ID libraries and increased the reliability of photo ID. Here, photo ID and AI are used for the first time to identify epaulette sharks (Hemiscyllium ocellatum) at different life stages for approximately 2 years. An AI model was developed to assess and compare the reliability of human-classified ID patterns in juvenile and neonate sharks. The model also tested the persistence of unique patterns in adult sharks. Results indicate that immature life stages are unreliable for pattern identification, using both human and AI approaches, due to the plasticity of these subadult growth forms. Mature sharks maintain their patterns through time and can be identified by AI models with approximately 86% accuracy. The approach outlined in this study has the potential of validating the stability of ID patterns through time; however, testing on wild populations and long-term datasets is needed. This study\'s novel deep neural network development strategy offers a streamlined and accessible framework for generating a reliable model from a small data set, without requiring high-performance computing. Since many photo ID studies commence with limited datasets and resources, this AI model presents practical solutions to such constraints. Overall, this approach has the potential to address challenges associated with long-term photo ID data sets and the application of AI for shark identification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maternal offloading of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) poses a significant exposure route for developing embryos, with implications for subsequent generations. Despite known developmental effects regarding fish physiology and behavior, maternal PAH transfer assessments in elasmobranchii are still lacking. This study investigated PAH contamination and maternal transfer in one female Lesser Numbfish (Narcine brasiliensis) electric ray and seven embryos for the first time. Naphthalene was identified as the predominant low molecular weight PAH, and dibenzo[a,h]anthracene was the most abundant high molecular weight compound. Most embryos exhibited some level of PAH exposure, with varying accumulation patterns potentially influenced by size, developmental stage, and yolk absorption rates. Further investigation is warranted to understand the impacts of PAH maternal offloading on elasmobranchii uterine contents and embryos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During captivity, round stingrays, Urobatis halleri, became infected with the marine leech Branchellion lobata. When adult leeches were deprived of blood meal, they experienced a rapid decrease in body mass and did not survive beyond 25 days. If kept in aquaria with host rays, B. lobata fed frequently and soon produced cocoons, which were discovered adhered to sand grains. A single leech emerged from each cocoon (at ~ 21 days), and was either preserved for histology or molecular analysis, or monitored for development by introduction to new hosts in aquaria. Over a 74-day observation period, leeches grew from ~ 2 to 8 mm without becoming mature. Newly hatched leeches differed from adults in lacking branchiae and apparent pulsatile vesicles. The microbiome of the hatchlings was dominated by a specific, but undescribed, member of the gammaproteobacteria, also recovered previously from the adult leech microbiome. Raising B. lobata in captivity provided an opportunity to examine their reproductive strategy and early developmental process, adding to our limited knowledge of this common group of parasites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metabolic morphology-the morphological features related to metabolic rate-offers broad comparative insights into the physiological performance and ecological function of species. However, some metabolic morphological traits, such as gill surface area, require costly and lethal sampling. Measurements of gill slit height from anatomically accurate drawings, such as those in field guides, offer the opportunity to understand physiological and ecological function without the need for lethal sampling. Here, we examine the relationship between gill slit height and each of the three traits that comprise ecological lifestyle: activity, maximum body size, and depth across nearly all sharks (n = 455). We find that gill slit heights are positively related to activity (measured by the aspect ratio of the caudal fin) and maximum size but negatively related to depth. Overall, gill slit height is best explained by the suite of ecological lifestyle traits rather than any single trait. These results suggest that more active, larger and shallower species (and endothermic species) have higher metabolic throughput as indexed by gill slit height (oxygen uptake) and ecological lifestyle (oxygen expenditure). We show that meaningful ecophysiological relationships can be revealed through measurable metabolic morphological traits from anatomically accurate drawings, which offers the opportunity to estimate class-wide traits for analyses of life history theory and the relationship between biodiversity and ecological function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cartilaginous fishes have large and elaborate olfactory organs, but only a small repertoire of olfactory receptor genes. Here, we quantitatively analyze the olfactory system of 21 species of sharks and rays, assessing many features of the olfactory organ (OOR) (number of primary lamellae, branches of the secondary folds, sensory surface area, and density and number of sensory neurons) and the olfactory bulb (OB) (number of neurons and non-neuronal cells), and estimate the ratio between the number of neurons in the two structures. We show that the number of lamellae in the OOR does not correlate with the sensory surface area, while the complexity of the lamellar shape does. The total number of olfactory receptor neurons ranges from 30.5 million to 4.3 billion and the total number of OB neurons from 1.5 to 90 million. The number of neurons in the olfactory epithelium is 16 to 158 times higher (median ratio is 46) than the number of neurons in the OB. These ratios considerably exceed those reported in mammals. High convergence from receptor neurons to neurons processing olfactory information, together with the remarkably small olfactory receptor repertoire, strongly suggests that the olfactory system of sharks and rays is well adapted to detect a limited number of odorants with high sensitivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) enter the marine food web, accumulate in organisms, and potentially have adverse effects on predators and consumers of seafood. However, evaluations of PFAS in meso-to-apex predators, like sharks, are scarce. This study investigated PFAS occurrence in five shark species from two marine ecosystems with contrasting relative human population densities, the New York Bight (NYB) and the coastal waters of The Bahamas archipelago. The total detected PFAS (∑PFAS) concentrations in muscle tissue ranged from 1.10 to 58.5 ng g-1 wet weight, and perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs) were dominant. Fewer PFAS were detected in Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) from The Bahamas, and concentrations of those detected were, on average, ∼79% lower than in the NYB sharks. In the NYB, ∑PFAS concentrations followed: common thresher (Alopias vulpinus) > shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) > sandbar (Carcharhinus plumbeus) > smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis). PFAS precursors/intermediates, such as 2H,2H,3H,3H-perfluorodecanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonamide, were only detected in the NYB sharks, suggesting higher ambient concentrations and diversity of PFAS sources in this region. Ultralong-chain PFAS (C ≥ 10) were positively correlated with nitrogen isotope values (δ15N) and total mercury in some species. Our results provide some of the first baseline information on PFAS concentrations in shark species from the northwest Atlantic Ocean, and correlations between PFAS, stable isotopes, and mercury further contextualize the drivers of PFAS occurrence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Urotrygon comprises small- to medium-sized endemic round rays on the American continent and has undergone several synonymization processes. Here, we used an integrative taxonomic approach, including meristic, morphometric, and mtDNA analyses, to resolve the particularly intricate relationship among Urotrygon munda Gill, 1863, Urotrygon chilensis (Günther, 1872), and Urotrygon asterias (Jordan & Gilbert, 1883). The latter species is currently a synonym of U. munda but is also considered the U. chilensis \"northern morphotype.\" These taxonomic entities have historically been confounded, mainly due to their phenotypical resemblance along their geographic distribution in the eastern Pacific. We assessed 78 specimens (43 \"northern\" and 30 \"southern morphotypes\" of U. chilensis, as well as 5 U. munda) using 19 external variables for taxonomic and morphometric analysis. Distinct meristic patterns, including pectoral and pelvic ceratotrichia, vertebrae number, and thorn distribution along the dorsal midline, were observed in the series-type specimens of the three taxonomic entities. Our multivariate morphometric analyses consistently differentiated the three groups as distinct taxonomic entities, with an overall classification accuracy of 66.7%. The meristic results also provided reliable information distinguishing the three entities. Based on the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH2) and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes, our phylogenetic analysis were consistent with the morphometric and meristic data, supporting these three entities as distinct species having their own evolutionary lineages. Our comprehensive approach confidently demonstrated that the northern U. chilensis morphotype matched and corresponded to the description of the Starry round ray, U. asterias, confirming its taxonomic resurrection as a valid species distinct from U. chilensis and U. munda. The geographic distribution of U. asterias spans from the tropical west coast of Mexico (including the Gulf of California) to Costa Rica, revealing that microevolutionary processes have well-defined population clades within this range. Furthermore, U. chilensis is unequivocally established as the sole Urotrygon species occurring south of the Guayaquil marine ecoregion. In addition, the public COI and NADH2 sequences available for Urotrygon hosted in the ad hoc online databases were found to be misidentified, emphasizing the need for rigorous taxonomic scrutiny in this group. Finally, our research underscores the significance of an integrative approach that combines morphometric, meristic, and molecular techniques with historical data to disentangle the complexities of closely related taxa.





