
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seasonal variation in animal activity influences fitness and the intensity of ecological interactions (e.g., competition, predation), yet aspects of global change in the Anthropocene may catalyze shifts in seasonal activity. Invasive plants are components of global change and can modify animal daily activity, but their influence on animal seasonal activity is less understood. We examined how invasive woody shrubs (Autumn olive [Elaeagnus umbellata] and Amur honeysuckle [Lonicera maackii]) affect seasonal activity of three common small-mammal species by coupling experimental shrub removal with autumnal camera trapping for two consecutive years at six paired forest sites (total 12 plots). Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) foraged more, and foraging was observed at least 20 days longer, in shrub-invaded forests. White-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) foraged more in invaded than cleared plots in one study year, but P. leucopus autumn activity timing did not differ between shrub-removal treatments. Fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) activity displayed year-specific responses to shrub removal suggesting intraannual cues (e.g., temperature) structure S. niger autumnal activity. Our work highlights how plant invasions can have species-specific effects on seasonal animal activity, may modify the timing of physiological processes (e.g., torpor), and could generate variation in animal-mediated interactions such as seed dispersal or granivory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the study, natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) were used as alternatives to traditional chemical solvents for the extraction of polyphenols from Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Nine NADESs were tested for the first time and compared with ethanol and water (traditional solvents) regarding the extraction of phenolic compounds from E. angustifolia L. These solvents were particularly effective at extracting polyphenols, whose low water solubility usually requires high amounts of organic solvents. The solvent based on choline chloride and malonic acid provided optimal results and was selected for further optimization. The effects of material-to-liquid ratio, ultrasound time, and ultrasound temperature on the extraction efficiency were studied through single-factor experiments. These parameters were optimized by Box-Behnken design using response surface methodology. The optimal conditions identified were 49.86 g/mL of material-to-liquid ratio, 31.10 min of ultrasound time, and 62.35 °C of ultrasound temperature, resulting in a high yield of 140.30 ± 0.19 mg/g. The results indicated that the NADES extraction technique provided a higher yield than the conventional extraction process. The antioxidant activity of the extract of polyphenols from E. angustifolia L. was determined, and UPLC-IMS-QTOF-MS was used to analyze the phenolic compounds in it. The results revealed that the scavenging ability of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazil and 2,2\'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate) extracted by NADES was higher than that of polyphenols extracted by water and ethanol. Furthermore, a total of 24 phenolic compounds were identified in the extract. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in which a green and efficient NADES extraction method has been used to extract bioactive polyphenols from E. angustifolia L., which could provide potential value in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food additives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiovascular diseases are a broadly understood concept focusing on vascular and heart dysfunction. Lack of physical exercise, type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, thromboembolism, and kidney and lung diseases all contribute to the development of heart and blood vessel dysfunction. Although effective and important, traditional treatment with diuretics, statins, beta blockers, calcium inhibitors, ACE inhibitors, and anti-platelet drugs remains a second-line treatment after dietary interventions and lifestyle changes. Scientists worldwide are still looking for an herbal product that would be effective and free from side effects, either taken together with or before the standard pharmacological intervention. Such herbal-originated medication therapy may include Morus alba L. (white mulberry), Elaeagnus rhamnoides (L.) A. Nelson (sea-buckthorn), Allium sativum L. (garlic), Convallaria majalis L. (lily of the valley), Leonurus cardiaca L. (motherwort), and Crataegus spp. (hawthorn). Valuable herbal raw materials include leaves, fruits, seeds, and even thorns. This short review focuses on six herbs that can constitute an interesting and potential therapeutic option in the management of cardiovascular disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In many frankia, the ability to nodulate host plants (Nod+) and fix nitrogen (Fix+) is a common strategy. However, some frankia within the Pseudofrankia genus lack one or two of these traits. This phenomenon has been consistently observed across various actinorhizal nodule isolates, displaying Nod- and/or Fix- phenotypes. Yet, the mechanisms supporting the colonization and persistence of these inefficient frankia within nodules, both with and without symbiotic strains (Nod+/Fix+), remain unclear. It is also uncertain whether these associations burden or benefit host plants. This study delves into the ecological interactions between Parafrankia EUN1f and Pseudofrankia inefficax EuI1c, isolated from Elaeagnus umbellata nodules. EUN1f (Nod+/Fix+) and EuI1c (Nod+/Fix-) display contrasting symbiotic traits. While the prediction suggests a competitive scenario, the absence of direct interaction evidence implies that the competitive advantage of EUN1f and EuI1c is likely contingent on contextual factors such as substrate availability and the specific nature of stressors in their respective habitats. In co-culture, EUN1f outperforms EuI1c, especially under specific conditions, driven by its nitrogenase activity. Iron-depleted conditions favor EUN1f, emphasizing iron\'s role in microbial competition. Both strains benefit from host root exudates in pure culture, but EUN1f dominates in co-culture, enhancing its competitive traits. Nodulation experiments show that host plant preferences align with inoculum strain abundance under nitrogen-depleted conditions, while consistently favoring EUN1f in nitrogen-supplied media. This study unveils competitive dynamics and niche exclusion between EUN1f and EuI1c, suggesting that host plant may penalize less effective strains and even all strains. These findings highlight the complex interplay between strain competition and host selective pressure, warranting further research into the underlying mechanisms shaping plant-microbe-microbe interactions in diverse ecosystems.
    OBJECTIVE: While Pseudofrankia strains typically lack the common traits of ability to nodulate the host plant (Nod-) and/or fix nitrogen (Fix-), they are still recovered from actinorhizal nodules. The enigmatic question of how and why these unconventional strains establish themselves within nodule tissue, thriving either alongside symbiotic strains (Nod+/Fix+) or independently, while considering potential metabolic costs to the host plant, remains a perplexing puzzle. This study endeavors to unravel the competitive dynamics between Pseudofrankia inefficax strain EuI1c (Nod+/Fix-) and Parafrankia strain EU1Nf (Nod+/Fix+) through a comprehensive exploration of genomic data and empirical modeling, conducted both in controlled laboratory settings and within the host plant environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated the positive effects of autumn olive berries (AOBs) extract on delaying aging by improving lipid metabolism in middle-aged Caenorhabditis elegans that had become obese due to a high-glucose (GLU) diet. The total phenolic content and DPPH radical scavenging abilities of freeze-dried AOBs (FAOBs) or spray-dried AOBs (SAOBs) were examined, and FAOBs exhibited better antioxidant activity. HPLC analysis confirmed that catechin is the main phenolic compound of AOBs; its content was 5.95 times higher in FAOBs than in SAOBs. Therefore, FAOBs were used in subsequent in vivo experiments. FAOBs inhibited lipid accumulation in both the young adult and middle-aged groups in a concentration-dependent manner under both normal and 2% GLU conditions. Additionally, FAOBs inhibited ROS accumulation in a concentration-dependent manner under normal and 2% GLU conditions in the middle-aged worms. In particular, FAOB also increased body bending and egg production in middle-aged worms. To confirm the intervention of genetic factors related to lipid metabolism from the effects of FAOB, body lipid accumulation was confirmed using worms deficient in the daf-16, atgl-1, aak-1, and akt-1 genes. Regarding the effect of FAOB on reducing lipid accumulation, the impact was nullified in daf-16-deficient worms under the 2% GLU condition, and nullified in both the daf-16- and atgl-1-deficient worms under fasting conditions. In conclusion, FAOB mediated daf-16 and atgl-1 to regulate lipogenesis and lipolysis in middle-aged worms. Our findings suggest that FAOB improves lipid metabolism in metabolically impaired middle-aged worms, contributing to its age-delaying effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of Elaeagnus Angustifolia extract (EA) on human dermal fibroblast (HDF) survival, migration, and wound healing-related genes.
    METHODS: After preparing the hydroalcoholic extract of EA, MTT and scratch tests were used to determine the effect of EA on the viability and migration of HDFs. In addition, the quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) was conducted to evaluate the impact of EA on the expression of wound healing-related genes in HDFs.
    RESULTS: According to the MTT test, a nontoxic concentration of EA (100 µg/ml) was obtained for further investigations. The scratch test results demonstrated that EA improved HDFs\' capacity to migrate when compared to the control group. Additionally, q-PCR results revealed that EA could significantly increase wound healing-related genes (VEGF-A, HLA-G5, and IL-6) in comparison with the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: The EA could have a significant impact on the viability and migration of HDFs. Also, EA increased the expression of wound healing-related genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agricultural waste is an unwanted material that is not only unmarketable, but also has secondary costs such as environmental pollution. Oleaster, also known as olive Russian fruit, has various uses, but it also produces waste such as seeds and peels. Oleaster fruit and all its parts are tannin rich, which can be utilized as natural mordant. Improvement of fastness and color properties of natural dyed fibers is obtained by using mordant. The employing of this mordant is effective in reducing agricultural waste and the production of dyeing chemical waste. Reseda extract was utilized as natural dye to investigate the color characteristics. The study of the phenolic percentage of different components of the Oleaster fruit, including peel, seed, and flesh, showed that each of these materials can be used as natural mordant. The formation of physical bonds in the presence of all kinds of mordant was investigated using the FTIR method, and the results showed that their performance is similar and they are effective in surface treatment of wool. Investigation of color characteristics of the yarns showed that the color strength increases in the presence of mordant. Studying the fastness of yarns dyed with ISO methods showed that the samples have high washing fastness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to investigate the antioxidant activity of Elaeagnus umbellata polysaccharides, the physicochemical characteristics of purified Elaeagnus umbellata polysaccharides (EUP, consisting of two fractions, EUP1 and EUP2) were investigated using UV spectrophotometry, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), high-performance gel permeation chromatography (HPGPC), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). This revealed that EUP1 and EUP2 were acidic polysaccharides with an average molecular weight (MW) of 63 and 38 kDa, respectively. EUP1 mainly consisted of L-rhamnose and D-galactose in a molar ratio of 2.05:1, and EUP2 consisted of D-mannose, L-rhamnose, D-galactose, and D-arabinose in a molar ratio of 2.06:1:2.78:1. Furthermore, EUP exhibited considerable antioxidant potential for scavenging hydroxyl, superoxide anion, DPPH, and ABTS radicals. Therefore, EUP can be developed as a potential antioxidant for the functional food or pharmaceutical field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: One of the most common types of cancer in women is breast cancer. There are numerous natural plant-based products, which exert anti-tumoral effects including Elaeagnus Angustifolia (EA). It modulates cell-cycle process, heat-shock proteins expression, anti-proliferative properties, apoptosis induction, blocking of angiogenesis, and cell invasion inhibition. The current study aimed to synthesize and evaluate the anticancer effects of hydroalcoholic EA extract (HEAE), Nanohydroxyapatite (nHAp) and nHAp synthesized trough EA (nHA-EA) in MCF-7 breast cancer cell line.
    METHODS: In the present study, HEAE preparation and green synthesis of nHA-EA was done and phase composition, functional groups, and crystallin phase of nHA-EA and nHAp were determined using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The characteristics of synthesized nanoparticles including structural and morphological parameters were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. Then, by using MTT-assay (Dimethylthiazoldiphenyltetrazolium), the in vitro cytotoxic and half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of EA extract, nHAp, and nHA-EA in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line was evaluated. Next, we assessed the expression of apoptosis-related genes Bax, Bcl2 and p53 using quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase-chain-reaction (qRT-PCR) and migration of MCF-7 cells by scratch assay.
    RESULTS: The FTIR results demonstrated formation of nHAp and its interaction with HEAE during synthesis process. The XRD results of the synthesized nanoparticles showed similar XRD pattern of nHA-EA and nHAp and purity of synthesized nanomaterials. The average IC50 of HEAE, nHAp, and nHA-EA extract after treatment of cancer cells for 24 h was 400 µg/mL, 200 µg/mL, and 100 µg/mL, respectively. Our results revealed that nHA-EA significantly reduced the migration and invasion of the MCF-7 cells, in comparison to the nHAp and EA extract. Moreover, level of Bax/Bcl2 and p53 was significantly higher in the nHA-EA extract group in comparison to the EA extract and nHAp group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our results demonstrated that bioactive constituents of EA medicinal plant in form of nHA-EA particles, can effectively exerts potential anticancer and chemo preventive effect against breast cancer growth and can be proposed as a promising beneficial candidate for BC therapy. However, further investigations are required to discover what bioactive compounds are responsible for the chemo preventive effect of this extract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a type of steatosis caused by excess lipids accumulating in the liver. The prevalence of NAFLD has increased annually due to modern lifestyles and a lack of adequate medical treatment. Thus, we were motivated to investigate the bioactive components of Formosan plants that could attenuate lipid droplet (LD) accumulation. In a series of screenings of 3000 methanolic extracts from the Formosan plant extract bank for anti-LD accumulation activity, the methanolic extract of aerial parts of Elaeagnus glabra Thunb. showed excellent anti-LD accumulation activity. E. glabra is an evergreen shrub on which only a few phytochemical and biological studies have been conducted. Here, one new flavonoid (1), two new triterpenoids (2 and 3), and 35 known compounds (4-38) were isolated from the ethyl acetate layer of aerial parts of E. glabra via a bioassay-guided fractionation process. Their structures were characterized by 1D and 2D NMR, UV, IR, and MS data. Among the isolated compounds, methyl pheophorbide a (37) efficiently reduced the normalized LD content to 0.3% with a concentration of 20 μM in AML12 cell lines without significant cytotoxic effects. 3-O-(E)-Caffeoyloleanolic acid (13) and methyl pheophorbide a (37) showed inhibitory effects on superoxide anion generation or elastase release in fMLP/CB-treated human neutrophils (IC50 < 3.0 μM); they displayed effects similar to those of the positive control, namely, LY294002. These findings indicate that E. glabra can be used for developing a new botanical drug for managing LD accumulation and against inflammation-related diseases.





