Ecological indices

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine aggregate extraction represents an opportunity to face the depletion of terrestrial aggregate resources. The environmental effects of this activity have been assessed in several studies, leading to the formulation of recommendations to mitigate its effects. This study investigates its environmental impacts in a coarse, high-current environment with low-intensity extraction, a unique scenario not extensively studied before. Employing multivariate analyses and a trophic group approach, it examines complex responses at both species and community levels. Results indicate a decline in biodiversity, promoting the establishment of r-selected species, particularly filter feeders. Although site restoration timelines remain uncertain, initial indications suggest rapid recovery (2-3 years) for this site. The study also discusses methodological challenges in sampling these low-intensity dredged sites and emphasizes the need for new indices tailored to this pressure and coarse sediments under strong hydrodynamics. These insights offer valuable directions for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The disposal of polymer post-treatment sludge (PTS) from Barekese Water Treatment Plants (WTPs) as organic fertilizer and aquatic feed is a common practice in Ghana, necessitating a thorough evaluation of its ecological and human health risks. This study aims to assess the suitability of PTS samples for soil amendment and fish feed, scrutinizing potential hazards to consumer health and soil. PTS samples were collected from five distinct lateral sections of three clariflocculator tanks. Potentially toxic metals such as Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Cr were determined using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The mean concentration of 7.82 ± 2.43, 0.31 ± 0.021, and 0.78 ± 0.042 mg/kg for Mn, Zn, and Pb respectively. The concentrations of Ni, Cr, and Cd were below their detection limits (BDL) in all PTS samples. Upon detailed exposure assessment, ingestion emerged as the primary exposure route for both adults and children, with non-cancer risks (NCR) determined to be below 1 for both age groups. Additionally, an exploration of potential cancer risks (CR) associated with heavy metal exposure in the PTS samples revealed values below the tolerable intake levels ranging from 10-4 to 10-6 for both adults and children (10-8 and 10-9, respectively). This study also employs various ecological indices, such as Nemerow\'s synthetic pollution index (PN), single factor pollution index (PI), geo-accumulation index (Igeo), contamination factor (CF), potential ecological risk index (PERI), pollution load index (PLI), polymetallic contaminant index (IPD), and ecological risk index (ERI). These indices consistently highlight a low contamination status and ecological sensitivity. Consequently, the study indicates that the presence of metals in the PTS samples does not pose a significant threat to the surrounding environment and human health. Furthermore, this research underscores the inadequacy of relying solely on regulatory limit values in assessing the health risks of waste materials. Such comprehensive assessments are crucial for safeguarding aquatic and human populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) is a nucleic acid separation technique applied to the evaluation of microbial biodiversity. This technique is quite rapid and cheap compared to other types of analysis. Here we describe the comparison of nematode communities inhabiting different ecosystems. After an ecologically representative sampling collection and the nematode extraction from soil, nematodes are centrifuged in Eppendorf tubes to facilitate DNA extraction. DNA from the whole community of each type of soil is extracted, amplified with primers for 18 S rDNA and used in DGGE analysis. The profiles of DGGE can be analyzed with appropriate software, and biodiversity indices can be estimated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A total of 72 specimens of Babka gymnotrachelus (Kessler, 1857), Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814), and Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) from four sampling sites along the Bulgarian section of the Danube River (Kudelin, Novo selo, Koshava, and Kutovo), Northwestern Bulgaria were submitted to ecologohelminthological investigation. During the examination 6 species of helminths have been identified from 3 classes: Trematoda (Nicolla skrjabini (Iwanitzky, 1928) Dollfus, 1960), Acanthocephala (Acanthocephalus anguillae (Müller, 1780) Lühe, 1911; Acanthocephalus lucii (Müller, 1776) Lühe, 1911; Pomphorhynchus laevis (Zoega in Müller, 1776) Porta, 1908) and Nematoda (Contracaecum sp., Eustrongylides excisus Jägerskiöld, 1909). Ecological indices of the established endohelminth species were tracked. The four sampling sites from the Danube River are new habitats for the discovered endohelminth species of racer goby, monkey goby, and round goby. The three goby species are new host records: B. gymnotrachelus and N. fluviatilis for Ac. lucii; N. melanostomus for Ac. lucii, Ac. anguillae and Contracaecum sp. New species of helminths are found in the helminth fauna of the three studied species of gobies from the Danube River and the river basin (Ac. lucii of N. fluviatilis) and in Bulgaria (Ac. lucii of B. gymnotrachelus; Ac. lucii, Ac. anguillae and Contracaecum sp. of N. melanostomus). The pathogenic species helminths for the fish and humans are found.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concentrations of heavy metals in the surface waters and sediments of Bitter Lake were investigated to assess the level, distribution, and source of pollution and the associated ecological and human health risks. The ecological indices of the lake water indicate low contamination degrees by heavy metals. A dermal exposure-based health risk evaluation revealed no carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic impact on human health. The contamination factor (CF) for Cu, Ni, Pb, Mn, Fe, and Zn (CF < 1) indicate low contamination levels, while Cd reaches very high contamination in most sediment sites (CF ranges from 6.2 to 72.4). Furthermore, the potential ecological risk factor (Eri) and modified hazard quotient (mHQ) indicate low ecological risk for all metals except Cd, revealing high to very high-level ecological risk in most sites (Eri ranges from 185 to 2173 and mHQ from 1.8 to 6.3). This emphasizes the urgency of prompt actions to improve the environment in Bitter Lake.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sugarcane is one of the main monocultures in Brazil and widely uses herbicide 2,4-D and fipronil insecticide. In addition, vinasse can be mentioned as it is widely used in this plantation. These compounds occurring simultaneously in the aquatic environment can potentiate the deleterious effects on organisms. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the composition, abundance and ecological indices of the benthic macroinvertebrate community, as well as its ability to reestablish itself considering environmental contamination by the pesticides Regent® 800WG (active ingredient - a.i. fipronil) (F) and DMA® 806BR (a.i. 2,4-D) (D) and vinasse (V), alone and in mixtures: pesticides - M and the three contaminants - MV. The study was conducted using open-air mesocosms. The macroinvertebrate community was monitored by colonization structures, the physical-chemical parameters, metals and pesticides were determined and the effects of contaminants were evaluated over the exposure time in 1, 7, 14, 28, 75 to 150 days. A multiple regression was performed between the water parameters and significant relationships were found between parameters associated with vinasse contamination (pH, total nitrogen, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen) and concentration of fipronil and the ecological variables studied. Over time, changes were observed in the composition of the community. The dominance and richness increased in treatments V and MV. The family Chironomidae and subclass Oligochaeta were more sensitive to the treatment V and MV, while individuals from the families Phoridae, Ephydridae and Sciomyzidae were occasionally found (depending on the experimental time) in these treatments. The insects were sensitive to treatments F and M, disappearing in these mesocosms after contamination, reappearing only after 75 days. The results reveal that sugarcane management practices associated with the use of pesticides and vinasse as fertilizer pose risks to the macroinvertebrate community with consequences for the trophic chains, given its importance in freshwater ecosystems and adjacent terrestrial environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nematodes are a key component of the soil food web and they play an important role in the provision of ecosystem services. Rice cultivation in Mwea, Kenya involves the intensive use of fertilizers and pesticides which may affect the complexity of the nematode-based soil food web. This study examined the nematode diversity and food web structure in irrigated rice fields in Nyangati and Tebere in Mwea, Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Nematodes were identified up to the genus level and soil physico-chemical properties were also determined. Aphelenchoides and Longidorus occurred in significantly greater proportions in Tebere, while in Nyangati there was a high abundance of Helicotylenchus. Aphelenchoides was positively correlated to soil electrical conductivity. From additive diversity partitioning of genus richness, the α and β components contributed 33.7% and 66.3% of the γ diversity, respectively. For Shannon and Simpson diversity indices, the largest contribution to overall diversity was from α component. Soil food web indices were similar across the two regions. Channel and basal indices were below 30% while Enrichment (EI) and Structure (SI) indices were above 50%. There was no variation in metabolic footprints except for the fungivore footprint which was significantly higher in Tebere. Based on the EI and SI, the soil food web in paddy rice fields in Mwea was structured and enriched with moderate disturbance. Due to the high prevalence of economically damaging parasitic nematodes in the rice fields, appropriate management schemes that enhance specific components of the soil food web and increase the suppressive ability of soil against plant-parasitic nematodes should be implemented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most ecological indices of deprivation are constructed from census data at the national level, which raises questions about the relevance of their use, and their comparability across a country. We aimed to determine whether a national index can account for deprivation regardless of location characteristics. In Metropolitan France, 43,853 residential census block groups (IRIS) were divided into eight area types based on quality of life. We calculated score deprivation for each IRIS using the French version of the European Deprivation Index (F-EDI). We decomposed the score by calculating the contribution of each of its components by area type, and we assessed the impact of removing each component and recalculating the weights on the identification of deprived IRIS. The set of components most contributing to the score changed according to the area type, but the identification of deprived IRIS remained stable regardless of the component removed for recalculating the score. Not all components of the F-EDI are markers of deprivation according to location characteristics, but the multidimensional nature of the index ensures its robustness. Further research is needed to examine the limitations of using these indices depending on the purpose of the study, particularly in relation to the geographical grid used to calculate deprivation scores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Port Biological Baseline Surveys (PBBS) are standardized surveys of the indigenous and non-indigenous marine biodiversity within harbour activities. They provide a baseline for monitoring changes in the structure and function of harbour communities. This study conducted in 12 fishing and industrial harbours from January to December 2018 was the first initiative of a Port Baseline Survey aimed to assess the impact of biological invasions in harbours of the Gulf of Gabès (GG), Tunisia. A total of 174 macrobenthos species were recorded, belonging to eight phyla, with a dominance of crustaceans (32%), molluscs (31%) and polychaetes (20%). Among these species, 57 were non-indigenous species (NIS) for Tunisian waters, while 27 species were recorded for the first time in GG harbours, and three decapods (Dyspanopeus sayi, Hippolyte prideauxiana and Pilumnus minutus) and one amphipod (Hamimaera hamigera) were newly recorded from Tunisian waters. Two main categories of harbours are distinguished according to their macrobenthic communities and environmental conditions. The industrial harbours yield higher richness and abundance of NIS than the fishing harbours. The ALEX metric is used to evaluate the biological invasion status of the Gulf of Gabès harbours and shows that their status ranges from unaffected in fishing harbours to extremely affected in industrial harbours. Three biotic indices (AMBI, BO2A and BENTIX) are applied to assess the ecological status of harbours, which varies from moderate to good. ALEX and the other biotic indices are significantly correlated with harbour characteristics, maritime traffic and edaphic factors (organic matter and chemical contamination). The present study provides a data baseline for the implementation of environmental policies and management plans in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphology-based benthic foraminifera indices are increasingly used worldwide for biomonitoring the ecological quality of marine sediments. The recent development of foraminiferal eDNA metabarcoding offers a reliable, time-, and cost-effective alternative to morphology-based foraminiferal biomonitoring. However, the practical applications of these new tools are still highly limited. In the present study, we evaluate the response of benthic foraminifera and define the ecological quality status (EcoQS) in the Bagnoli area (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) based on a traditional morphology-based approach and eDNA metabarcoding. The geochemical data show that several sites in front of the former industrial plant contain higher concentrations of potentially toxic elements than the effect range median and are characterized by the highest total organic carbon (TOC) content, whereas the distantly located sites can be considered relatively low- to unpolluted. Significant differences (i.e., diversity and assemblage composition) in both morphological and molecular datasets were found between the relatively low- to unpolluted and the most polluted areas. Similarly, the selected ecological indices of both morphological and molecular datasets strikingly and congruently resulted in a clear separation following the environmental stress gradient. The molecular indices (i.e., g-exp(H\'bc), g-Foram AMBI, and g-Foram AMBI-MOTUs) reliably identified poor-to-bad EcoQS in the polluted area in front of the former industrial plant. On the other hand, the Foram-AMBI based on morphology well identified an overall trend but seemed to overestimate the EcoQS if the traditional class boundaries were considered. The congruent and complementary trends between morphological and metabarcoding data observed in the case of the Bagnoli site further support the application of foraminiferal metabarcoding in routine biomonitoring to assess the environmental impacts of heavily polluted marine areas.





