Echinococcus canadensis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato is a platyhelminth parasite and the etiological cause of cystic echinococcosis (CE), a zoonotic and neglected disease that infects animals and humans worldwide. As a part of the biological arsenal of the parasite, cathepsin L proteases are a group of proteins that are believed to be essential for parasite penetration, immune evasion, and establishment in the tissues of the host. In this work, we have cloned and sequenced a new putative cathepsin L protease from Echinococcus canadensis (EcCLP1). The bioinformatic analysis suggests that EcCLP1 could be synthesized as a zymogen and activated after proteolytic cleavage. The multiple sequence alignment with other cathepsin proteases reveals important functional conserved features like a conserved active site, an N-linked glycosylation residue, a catalytic triad, an oxyanion hole, and three putative disulfide bonds. The phylogenetic analysis suggests that EcCLP1 could indeed be a cathepsin L cysteine protease from clade 1 as it grouped with cathepsins from other species in this clade. Modeling studies suggest that EcCLP1 has two domains forming a cleft where the active site is located and an occluding role for the propeptide. The transcriptomic analysis reveals different levels of cathepsin transcript expression along the different stages of the parasite life cycle. The whole-mount immunohistochemistry shows an interesting superficial punctate pattern of staining which suggests a secretory pattern of expression. The putative cathepsin L protease characterized here may represent an interesting tool for diagnostic purposes, vaccine design, or a new pharmacological target for antiparasitic intervention.
    UNASSIGNED: Caractérisation moléculaire d’EcCLP1, une nouvelle protéase putative de type cathepsine L d’Echinococcus canadensis.
    UNASSIGNED: Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato est un Plathelminthe parasite et la cause étiologique de l’échinococcose kystique (EK), une maladie zoonotique et négligée qui infecte les animaux et les humains dans le monde entier. En tant que partie de l’arsenal biologique du parasite, les protéases de type cathepsine L sont un groupe de protéines considérées comme essentielles à la pénétration du parasite, l’évasion immunitaire et son établissement dans les tissus de l’hôte. Dans ce travail, nous avons cloné et séquencé une nouvelle protéase putative de type cathepsine L d’Echinococcus canadensis (EcCLP1). L’analyse bioinformatique suggère qu’EcCLP1 pourrait être synthétisée sous forme de zymogène et activée après clivage protéolytique. L’alignement de séquences multiples avec d’autres protéases de type cathepsine révèle d’importantes caractéristiques fonctionnelles conservées telles qu’un site actif conservé, un résidu de glycosylation lié à N, une triade catalytique, un trou oxyanion et trois liaisons disulfure putatives. L’analyse phylogénétique suggère qu’EcCLP1 pourrait en effet être une protéase de type cathepsine L du clade 1 car elle se regroupe avec les cathepsines d’autres espèces de ce clade. Les études de modélisation suggèrent qu’EcCLP1 possède deux domaines formant une fente où se trouve le site actif et un rôle d’occlusion pour le propeptide. L’analyse transcriptomique révèle différents niveaux d’expression du transcrit de la cathepsine au cours des différentes étapes du cycle de vie du parasite. L’immunohistochimie de montages entiers montre un intéressant motif de coloration ponctuée superficielle qui suggère un modèle d’expression sécrétoire. La protéase putative de type cathepsine L caractérisée ici peut représenter un outil intéressant à des fins de diagnostic, de conception de vaccins ou une nouvelle cible pharmacologique pour une intervention antiparasitaire.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cystic echinococcosis (CE) or hydatid disease caused by the cestode Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato is an uncommon infection in Canada especially among children. There are limited reports describing the clinical presentation and management in Canadian children.
    UNASSIGNED: The medical records of all children diagnosed with CE at a quaternary paediatric centre in Ontario between January 1988 and August 2021 were retrospectively reviewed. The clinical course, management, and outcomes of each case were summarized.
    UNASSIGNED: We report two paediatric cases of cystic echinococcosis (CE) in detail and review four additional cases seen at our institution over 33.5 years. The first case was a previously healthy 12-year-old boy with pulmonary CE resulting in unilateral lung collapse and mediastinal shift, who was presumedly infected while living in the Middle East. The second case was a previously healthy 3-year-old girl with pulmonary CE acquired locally in southern Ontario. Four other cases of CE with hepatic involvement (median age 12.5 years) were identified during the study period. Five out of six patients received both surgical and medical therapy.
    UNASSIGNED: CE is a rare but serious disease seen in southern Canada that has historically been associated with travel or migration. Due to changes in urban wildlife landscapes and increased global migration, CE may become more prevalent in Canadian children. We describe the first locally acquired case in rural southern Ontario diagnosed at our centre. Prompt recognition of this infection in children by health care providers is important to prevent morbidity and mortality.
    UNASSIGNED: L’échinococcose kystique (ÉK), ou hydatidose, causée par le cestode Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato, est une infection peu courante au Canada, particulièrement chez les enfants. Peu de rapports en décrivent la présentation clinique et la prise en charge chez les enfants canadiens.
    UNASSIGNED: Les auteurs ont procédé à l’analyse rétrospective des dossiers médicaux de tous les enfants ayant reçu un diagnostic d’ÉK dans un centre pédiatrique de soins quaternaires ontarien entre janvier 1988 et août 2021. Ils ont résumé l’évolution clinique, la prise en charge et le résultat clinique de chaque cas.
    UNASSIGNED: Les auteurs font un compte rendu détaillé de deux cas pédiatriques d’ÉK et analysent quatre autres cas observés à leur établissement sur une période de 33,5 ans. Le premier cas d’ÉK pulmonaire a touché un garçon de 12 ans auparavant en santé, probablement infecté alors qu’il habitait au Moyen-Orient, et a entraîné un collapsus pulmonaire unilatéral et une déviation médiastinale. Le deuxième cas d’ÉK pulmonaire a été observé chez une fillette de trois ans auparavant en santé qui a été infectée dans le sud de l’Ontario. Les auteurs ont relevé quatre autres cas d’ÉK comportant une atteinte hépatique (âge médian de 12,5 ans) pendant la période de l’étude. Cinq des six patients ont reçu à la fois un traitement chirurgical et médical.
    UNASSIGNED: L’ÉK est une maladie rare, mais grave dans le sud du Canada. Elle était auparavant associée à un voyage ou une migration. En raison des changements aux paysages fauniques urbains et de la migration mondiale accrue, elle pourrait devenir plus prévalente chez les enfants canadiens. Les auteurs décrivent les premiers cas d’acquisition dans les régions rurales du sud de l’Ontario, diagnostiqués à leur centre. Il est important que les dispensateurs de soins dépistent cette infection rapidement chez les enfants pour éviter la morbidité et la mortalité.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Echinococcosis is a neglected tropical zoonotic infection that affects both the human and livestock populations. In Pakistan, the infection is long-standing, but data on its molecular epidemiology and genotypic characterization in the southern Punjab region are limited. The aim of the current study was the molecular characterization of human echinococcosis in southern Punjab, Pakistan.
    Echinococcal cysts were obtained from a total of 28 surgically treated patients. Patients\' demographic characteristics were also recorded. The cyst samples were subjected to further processing to isolate DNA in order to probe the Nad1 and Cyt-b genes, followed by DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis for genotypic identification.
    The majority of the echinococcal cysts were from male patients (60.7%). The liver was the most commonly infected organ (60.71%), followed by the lungs (25%), spleen (7.14%), and the mesentery (7.14%). Molecular and genotypic identification through sequencing and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that most of the cysts (24/28, 85.7%) were caused by the species Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto (E. granulosus s.s.) (G1 and G3), followed by Echinococcus multilocularis (E. multilocularis) and Echinococcus canadensis (E. canadensis) (G6/G7) (3/28, 10.8%, and 1/28, 3.5%, respectively).
    The current study concluded that the majority of human infections were caused by E. granulosus s.s., followed by the E. multilocularis and E. canadensis species (G6/G7). Genotypic characterization among both human and livestock populations is needed to explore the genetic diversity of echinococcosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato is a group of tapeworm species known to cause cystic echinococcosis. Within this group, the Echinococcus canadensis cluster includes genotypes G8 and G10 that have a predominantly sylvatic life cycle – transmission occurs between wild cervids and wolves. Relatively few studies have explored the genetic variation of the elusive G8 and G10, and their extent of genetic variation is yet to be investigated at the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome level. The aim was to explore the genetic variation of these 2 genotypes in Europe using complete mtDNA sequences and provide a high-quality reference dataset for future studies. Sequences of complete mt genomes were produced for 29 samples of genotype G8 and G10 from wolves, moose, reindeer and roe deer, originating from Finland, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Latvia and Estonia. Genetic variation was explored based on phylogenetic network analysis, revealing marked differences between G8 and G10 (over 400 mutations), and more detailed patterns of variability within the 2 genotypes than previously observed. Understanding the mt genetic composition of a species provides a baseline for future studies aiming to understand whether this mt distinctiveness is mirrored in the nuclear genome and whether it has any impact on any phenotypic traits or parasite transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wild carnivores are definitive hosts and potential reservoirs for the tapeworm Echinococcus sp. which can cause cystic and alveolar echinococcosis. Both are considered neglected and important food-borne pandemics. This study is the first to molecularly test Slovenian wild carnivores for Echinococcus species that can cause disease in humans. Fecal samples from 210 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 42 wolves (Canis lupus), 39 golden jackals (Canis aureus), 18 martens (Marten sp.), 2 Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), 2 European badger (Meles meles), and 1 Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) were examined for Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato (EGsl: E. granulosus sensu stricto, E. canadensis) and E. multilocularis (EM) using real-time PCR. Red foxes (29.1%) and golden jackals (18%) were positive for EM. All animals examined were negative for EGsl. Univariate analysis showed no significant differences in EM prevalence with respect to animal species (red fox vs., golden jackal) (p = 0.22), age (p = 0.12), and sex (p = 0.18). Prevalence of EM was associated with the region (p < 0.001), with regions in central and southern Slovenia having higher EM prevalence and risk of infection. Due to the increase in population and expansion of habitat, the golden jackal may soon become as important definitive host for EM as the red fox.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato causes Cystic echinococcosis. This study investigated the bacterial and fungal species in the liver and lung hydatid cysts obtained from sheep, goats, cattle, and camels slaughtered in Yazd abattoir, Central Iran. In this study, 84 hydatid cysts were obtained from 20 sheep, 13 goats, 25 cattle, and 26 camels. The fertility and viability rates were assessed using light microscopy and eosin staining, respectively. The aspirated hydatid cysts were cultured to detect the presence of any bacteria and fungi. Bacterial isolates were identified by biochemical tests. DNA was also extracted from germinal layers, and then genotyping was carried out targeting the cox 1 gene. The statistical analysis was performed by SPSS version 16.0. This study showed that 22.62% (19/84) of hydatid cysts had bacterial occurrence, and none of the samples had fungal species. Among the fertile cysts, 52.6% had bacterial occurrence, of which 40% were viable. Most bacteria detected in hydatid cysts included Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Escherichia coli, and S. epidermidis. Hydatid cysts with bacterial occurrence were identified as G1-G3, G5, and G6/G7. The bacterial species occurrence in hydatid cysts had no significant relationship with fertility and viability (P > 0.05), without any significant relation with viability (P > 0.05), animal species (P > 0.05), involved organ in animals (P > 0.05), and hydatid cyst genotypes (P > 0.05). It should also be mentioned that this is the first study to assess the relationship between hydatid cyst genotyping and the occurrence of fungal and bacterial species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is widespread and locally frequent in southern Africa where it affects humans, livestock, and wild mammals. However, most data from the region are old and do not provide information on the causative Echinococcus species. For Namibian livestock only anecdotal records were available prior to this preliminary survey. Our retrospective analysis of slaughterhouse records of CE in cattle from the commercial farming area in central and southern Namibia resulted in 1.65% CE prevalence among 35,143 slaughtered cattle in the period 2015-2016. For comparison, carcasses of ruminant livestock were prospectively examined in the communal farming areas of northern Namibia, resulting in three CE cases among only 12 cattle, and no cases among nine goats. To determine the Echinococcus species affecting Namibian livestock, a total of 53 cysts were collected from all parts of the country and analysed for species and genotype by amplification and sequencing of the nad1 gene. All 50 cattle cysts (isolated from 40 cattle), both from the commercial and communal farming areas, were Echinococcus ortleppi (all fertile, and 42/50 from the lungs), while three opportunistically collected cysts from three sheep in southern Namibia were E. canadensis G7. Our data suggest that E. ortleppi is the only CE agent that is relevant for cattle infection in Namibia, and that low prevalence in the commercial farming areas contrasts with high CE burden in the northern traditional husbandry systems. The present data provide baseline information to stimulate epidemiological studies on the transmission pathways of various CE agents in livestock, wildlife, and humans in Namibia and neighbouring countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to fill a gap of knowledge by providing a quantitative measure of molecularly identified species and genotypes belonging to Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato (s.l.) causing human cystic echinococcosis (CE) in Europe during the period 2000-2021. As these species and genotypes are characterized by genetic, animal host and geographical differences, studying the E. granulosus s.l. complex is epidemiologically relevant.
    METHODS: A systematic review (SR) was conducted on the basis of both scientific and grey literature considering primary studies between 2000 and 2021 in four databases. From a total of 1643 scientific papers, 51 records were included in the SR. The main inclusion criterion for this study was the molecular confirmation of E. granulosus s.l. at the genotype/species level as a causative agent of human CE cases in selected European countries.
    RESULTS: Relevant data were obtained from 29 out of 39 eligible European countries. This SR identified 599 human molecularly confirmed echinococcal cysts: 460 (76.8%) identified as E. granulosus sensu stricto (s.s.), 130 (21.7%) as E. canadensis cluster (G6/7 and G10), 7 (1.2%) as E. ortleppi (G5), and 2 as E. vogeli (0.3%). Three geographical hotspots of human CE caused by different species of the E. granulosus s.l. complex were identified: (1) E. granulosus s.s. in Southern and South-eastern Europe (European-Mediterranean and Balkan countries); (2) E. canadensis (G6/7) in Central and Eastern Europe; (3) E. ortleppi in Central and Western Europe. This SR also identified data gaps that prevented a better definition of the geographical distribution of the Echinococcus granulosus s.l. species complex in Europe: western Balkan countries, part of Central Europe, and Baltic countries.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results mandate longitudinal, multi-centre, intersectoral and transdisciplinary studies which consider both molecular and clinical epidemiology in animals and humans. Such studies would be valuable for a better understanding of the transmission of the E. granulosus s.l. species complex and their potential clinical impact on humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Molecular markers are essential to identify Echinococcus species and genotypes in areas with multiple Echinococcus species to understand their epidemiology and pathology. Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) is one of the areas worst hit by echinococcosis. However, molecular epidemiology is still missing among echinococcosis patients in TAR. This research explored the Echinococcus species and genotypes infecting humans in TAR and the population diversity and the possible origin of G1 in TAR.
    METHODS: Cyst samples were collected in one echinococcosis-designated hospital in TAR. Echinococcus species and genotypes were identified through a maximum-likelihood approach with near-complete/complete mtDNA using IQ-TREE. Phylogenetic networks were built with PopART, and the phylogeographical diffusion pattern was identified using a Bayesian discrete phylogeographic method.
    RESULTS: Using phylogenetic trees made with near-complete/complete mtDNA obtained from 92 cysts from TAR patients, the Echinococcus species and genotypes infecting humans in TAR were identified as Echinococcus granulosus (s.s.) G1 (81, 88.04%), accounting for the majority, followed by G6 of the E. canadensis cluster (6, 6.52%), E. granulosus (s.s.) G3 (3, 3.26%), and E. multilocularis (2, 2.17%). An expansion trend and a possible recent bottleneck event were confirmed among the G1 samples in TAR. Adding the other near-complete mtDNA of G1 samples globally from the literature, we identified the possible phylogeographic origin of the G1 samples in TAR as Turkey.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using near-complete/complete mtDNA sequences of Echinococcus spp. obtained from echinococcosis patients, a variety of Echinococcus species and genotypes infecting humans throughout TAR were identified. As far as we know, this is the first comprehensive molecular investigation of Echinococcus species and genotypes infecting humans throughout TAR. We identified, for the first time to our knowledge, the possible origin of the G1 in TAR. We also enriched the long mtDNA database of Echinococcus spp. and added two complete E. multilocularis mtDNA sequences from human patients. These findings will improve our knowledge of echinococcosis, help to refine the targeted echinococcosis control measures, and serve as a valuable baseline for monitoring the Echinococcus species and genotypes mutations and trends of the Echinococcus spp. population in TAR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cystic echinococcosis is a globally distributed zoonotic disease of great medical and veterinary importance, which is caused by the cestode Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato. In Ukraine, two areas of the prominent circulation of the parasite are established, the southern steppe zone with sheep as the main transmitter, and the northern forest-steppe zone and Polissia, where pigs are mainly responsible for maintaining the E. granulosus transmission.
    METHODS: Given that only a few studies have so far addressed the genetic diversity of the parasite in Ukraine, we have sequenced partial mitochondrial genes of cytochrome c oxidase 1 (789 bp), NADH dehydrogenase 1 (602 bp) and 12S rRNA (333-334 bp) in pig metacestodes from the Sumy region (farms close to Sumy, northeastern Ukraine) and the Kyiv region (a farm in Bila Tserkva, central Ukraine).
    RESULTS: Four isolates from four pigs in the Sumy region were identified as E. canadensis (G7 genotype), the major E. granulosus s.l. species circulating in Eastern Europe, including the three microvariants (G7A, G7B, G7C). Three isolates from the two pigs in the Kyiv region were classified as E. granulosus s.s. (G1 genotype), including one microvariant (G1A).
    CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first genetic record of E. granulosus s.s. with the presumed highest infectivity and virulence among the E. granulosus s.l. species in Ukraine. The finding has implications for public health as local control programmes should take into consideration different development rate of this parasite in dogs and the greater risk of the species for human infection.





