Eales disease

Eales 病
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Eales disease manifests as an obliterative periphlebitis affecting the retina; it originates from the periphery and progresses posteriorly. It is characterized by retinal vessel wall inflammation, ischemia, and retinal neovascularization. In this report, we present the case of a 34-year-old male who attended our clinic with a sudden blurring of vision in his right eye. A diagnosis of bilateral retinal vasculitis with vitreal hemorrhage was ascertained in his RE. A dilated ocular fundus examination revealed perivenous sheathing of the peripheral vessels in both eyes. Fluorescein angiography indicated dye staining, vessel obliteration, capillary drop-out, areas of non-perfusion and the formation of new vessels. Laboratory tests revealed positive results for Borrelia; a PPD skin test and QuantiFERON TB assay were also positive. The patient underwent bilateral retinal laser pan-photocoagulation, followed by systemic treatment with oral steroids, cephazoline, isoniazid, azathioprine, and entecavir. The steroid dose was progressively reduced over 10 months; the treatment with azathioprine continues, as we are monitoring the patient over the long term. After 3 months, the vasculitis had regressed without any vitreal hemorrhage recurrence. Vision acuity improved from 0.4 to 1 in the patient\'s right eye. A multidisciplinary approach, which included collaborative management with gastroenterology, infectious disease, pulmonology, and rheumatology specialists, was essential for the diagnosis, treatment, and long-term follow up of the patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Eales disease is an idiopathic retinal vasculitis that mainly affects the periphery of the retina. The disease commonly manifests as peripheral retinal perivasculitis, peripheral retinal capillary nonperfusion, neovascularization, and recurrent vitreous hemorrhage. Here, we present the case of a 36-year-old male who was diagnosed with Eales disease after presenting with sudden onset flashes of light, reduced visual acuity, and a black spot in his left eye. Upon examination, his left eye exhibited a superior non-foveal branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO) with a sludged blood column, an old extramacular branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) with hemorrhage, and vascular sheathing. Initial laboratory investigations, including antibody testing for causes of retinal ischemia and stroke workup, were negative. Later, the patient presented with a BRAO in the right eye and a cerebral infarction shortly thereafter, further complicating his clinical picture. A diagnosis of Eales disease was made based on the evolution of retinal findings showing peripheral non-perfusion, vascular sheathing, collateral formation, neovascularization with leakage, absence of additional BRAOs following repair of his patent foramen ovale, and lack of other explanatory conditions. The initiation of systemic corticosteroids resulted in the improvement and stabilization of his vision. This case highlights the challenges in diagnosing Eales disease, underscoring the importance of timely identification for the appropriate management and prevention of vision loss.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background: Eales disease is a clinical syndrome affecting the mid-peripheral retina with an idiopathic occlusive vasculitis and possible subsequent retinal neovascularization. The disease can develop into visually threatening complications. Case Presentation: We report the case of a 40-year-old Caucasian male with a history of cocaine abuse who presented with blurred vision in the left eye (LE). Fundus examination showed vitreous hemorrhages, peripheral sheathing of venous blood vessels, areas of retinal neovascularization in the LE, and peripheral occlusive phlebitis in the right eye. The full serologic panel was negative except for the heterozygous mutation of factor V Leiden. Clinical and biochemical parameters suggested a diagnosis of Eales disease. Therapy with dexamethasone, 1 mg per kg per day, tapered down slowly over 4 months, and peripheral laser photocoagulation allowed a regression of clinical signs and symptoms. Conclusion: This case shows an uncommon presentation of Eales disease associated with cocaine abuse. Both cocaine abuse and a thrombophilic pattern, as cofactors, might have sensitized the retinal microcirculation on the pathogenetic route to this retinal pathology. Furthermore, in view of this hypothesis, a thorough ocular and general medical history investigating drug abuse and coagulation disorders is recommended for ophthalmologists in such cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To study the macular features in Eales disease patients observed with fundus fluorescein angiography (FA), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA).
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was done on treatment naïve 31 eyes (23 patients) with Eales disease. Baseline parameters such as Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), slit-lamp bio microscopy (SLB), indirect ophthalmoscopy, FA, spectral-domain OCT {quantitative (central macular thickness [CMT]) and qualitative analysis on SD-OCT} and OCTA were performed. Any media opacity precluding the above investigations was excluded.
    RESULTS: Macular findings comprised of- epiretinal membrane, macular exudation, full thickness macular hole, sub internal limiting membrane bleed, cystoid macular oedema, neurosensory detachment and retinal thickening. Sixteen (51.6%) of our patients had macular changes as seen on all modalities together. SLB and indirect ophthalmoscopy missed macular findings in 50% patients and FA in 18.8% patients. OCT and OCTA diagnosed all macular findings. On comparison of mean BCVA in patients with macular involvement on FA, OCT and OCTA, compared to those without macular involvement, patients with macular involvement had lower BCVA (p 0.000, 0.01 and 0.001 respectively). Thus, FA missed many patients who had significant macular involvement and hence less vision.
    CONCLUSIONS: Eales disease though described in literature as classically being peripheral retina disease process, also has macular involvement. OCT and OCTA are useful guides to evaluation of macular involvement in these patients. The latter seems to be superior to FA in detecting macular abnormalities in this ailment. OCTA is non-invasive and shows deep capillary plexus changes which are not shown by any other modality.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We read with interest the article \"Role of Ultra-widefield Imaging in Eales\' Disease: A Case Series\" by Agarwal et al. We would like to congratulate the authors for their nice work and make few observations.We noted few discrepancies between the results and conclusions. Results revealed disease activity in 10/57 (17.5%), 20/57 (35%), and 29/57 (50.9%) patient visits with clinical examination, UWF Optos imaging, and wide-field FFA respectively. However, authors conclude that \"ultra-widefield imaging is a very helpful tool in the management of a patient with Eales\'disease.\" This is in spite of the fact that widefield FA resulted in better documentation in 56% of the patient visits in their series. Widefield FA detected significantly more number of active vasculitis as compared to Optos, and alteration in the treatment plan was done in 18/57 (31.6%) patient visits based on FA.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Macular involvement is a common finding in patients with Eales disease. The purpose of this communication is to describe the diagnosis of Eales disease from the finding of a macular epiretinal membrane in a young patient. The case is presented of a 38-year-old man referred to this medical service unit with blurred vision developed over the past 3 months, and was associated with vitreoretinal traction and a macular epiretinal membrane. After an ophthalmological examination including the retinal periphery, optical coherence tomography, tuberculin test, interferon gamma release assay (IGRA), and a systemic study, the patient was diagnosed with Eales disease. Macular oedema or epiretinal membranes due to Eales disease are relatively common. Sd-OCT is recommended in all patients with Eales disease. On the other hand, the presence of epiretinal membranes in young patients usually suggests a non-idiopathic aetiology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Purpose: To describe a case of choroidal tubercle in a patient with Eales disease after 6 years, whose initial work-ups were negative for systemic diseases.Methods: A retrospective chart reviewResults: This case report describes a 39-year-old male with a 6-year history of Eales disease characterized by recurrent inflammations and vitreous hemorrhages in his both eyes. His systemic work-up at the initial presentation was normal which included a negative Mantoux test and a normal chest X-ray. On a follow-up visit after 6 years, fundus examination of the right eye revealed a choroidal tuberculoma and subsequent investigations revealed a positive Mantoux test, QuantiFERON TB Gold test and lymphadenopathy in high-resolution computerized tomography. The choroidal tuberculoma responded well to anti-tubercular treatment and oral steroid.Conclusions: Ocular tuberculosis can be associated with Eales disease and often manifest later in the course of the disease.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: To report the case of a 39-year-old man with bilateral Eales disease.
    UNASSIGNED: The clinical, angiographic, and ultrasonographic evaluations of the patient were thoroughly and specifically carried out.
    UNASSIGNED: The treatment consisted of pars plana vitrectomy and endolaser treatment at the time of surgery to the left eye and laser scatter retinal photocoagulation to the right eye. Postoperatively, the visual acuity improved at 20/ 20 to the left eye.
    UNASSIGNED: Eales disease is a clinical diagnosis of exclusion as many other retinal disorders can mimic it, especially conditions of retinal inflammation or neovascularization. The condition, with a characteristic clinical picture, fluorescein angiographic finding, and natural course, is considered a specific disease entity, easily distinguished from other vasculitides and retinopathies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to describe macular changes in treatment-naïve eyes with Eales disease using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT).
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was done on 79 eyes of 66 patients with Eales disease. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), slit-lamp biomicroscopy (SLB), indirect ophthalmoscopy, fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), and quantitative (central macular thickness [CMT]) and qualitative analysis on SD-OCT were performed.
    RESULTS: Forty-six (58.2%) eyes had macular involvement as assessed with SD-OCT, while in 33 (41.8%) eyes, macula was not affected. Macular edema was the most common feature when macula was affected followed by epiretinal membrane. Mean CMT was higher (315.3 ± 102.3 μm) in eyes with macular involvement than those without it (243.8 ± 19.3 μm). Eyes with active vasculitis involving larger vessels and neovascularization had greater chance of macular involvement. SLB and FFA alone missed 28.3% and 50% eyes with macular abnormalities on SD-OCT, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: While the clinical description of Eales disease points mainly to a peripheral location, macular involvement can be commonly picked up when SD-OCT is used. Macular involvement when present is associated with a poorer BCVA.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Case Reports
    Eales disease is an eponym after a British ophthalmologist Henry Eales. The aetiology behind Eales disease is ill-understood and stands controversial. Various systemic diseases associated with peripheral retinal revascularization and Retinal vasculitis could imitate the proliferative and inflammatory phases of Eales\' disease, respectively. We present a case of a 30 years old female patient with Eales disease and discuss the clinical features, treatment plan and its outcome in our patient. Tuberculosis appears to be the cause of Eales disease but the relation is yet to be established and clinically proven. Steroid therapy is usually the main stay of treatment with tapering doses of systemic corticosteroids. Other interventions are vitrectomy, photocogulation or cryotherapy.





