ESX system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is an intracellular pathogen that survives and grows in macrophages. A mechanism used by Mtb to achieve intracellular survival is to secrete effector molecules that arrest the normal process of phagosome maturation. Through phagosome maturation arrest (PMA), Mtb remains in an early phagosome and avoids delivery to degradative phagolysosomes. One PMA effector of Mtb is the secreted SapM phosphatase. Because the host target of SapM, phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PI3P), is located on the cytosolic face of the phagosome, SapM needs to not only be released by the mycobacteria but also travel out of the phagosome to carry out its function. To date, the only mechanism known for Mtb molecules to leave the phagosome is phagosome permeabilization by the ESX-1 secretion system. To understand this step of SapM function in PMA, we generated identical in-frame sapM mutants in both the attenuated Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine strain, which lacks the ESX-1 system, and Mtb. Characterization of these mutants demonstrated that SapM is required for PMA in BCG and Mtb. Further, by establishing a role for SapM in PMA in BCG, and subsequently in a Mtb mutant lacking the ESX-1 system, we demonstrated that the role of SapM does not require ESX-1. We further determined that ESX-2 or ESX-4 is also not required for SapM to function in PMA. These results indicate that SapM is a secreted effector of PMA in both BCG and Mtb, and that it can function independent of the known mechanism for Mtb molecules to leave the phagosome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycobacterium infection can affect the host\'s immune function by secreting extracellular effector proteins. ESX (or type VII) system plays an important role in the secretion of effector proteins. ESX system is the protein export system in mycobacteria and many actinomycetes. However, how ESX system secretes and underlying mechanism of action remain unclear. In this review, we introduce the components, function, classification of ESX system and the process of substrates transfer to the peripheral space via this system, and discuss the roles of ESX system in antibiotics resistance, persistence, host-phage interaction, new drug targets. We hope to provide insights into the discovery of new drugs and vaccine antigens for tuberculosis.
    分枝杆菌感染宿主后能够通过分泌至胞外的效应蛋白去影响宿主的免疫功能,其中ESX (或VII型)系统在效应蛋白分泌方面发挥了重要作用。ESX分泌系统是分枝杆菌和许多放线菌中的蛋白质输出系统,但目前ESX系统如何将底物运输穿过外膜的分子机制以及调控机制尚不清楚。本文对ESX系统的组成、功能、分类以及将底物运输至周质空间的相关研究进展展开了综述,并探讨了ESX系统在抗生素耐药、持留及与宿主-噬菌体相互作用中的功能,以及作为新药物靶标的潜力,以期为结核病新药物和疫苗抗原的发现提供新的见解。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vaccination is an excellent approach to stimulating the host immune response and reducing human morbidity and mortality against microbial infections, such as tuberculosis (TB). Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is the most widely administered vaccine in the world and the only vaccine approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) to protect against TB. Although BCG confers \"protective\" immunity in children against the progression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection into active TB, this vaccine is ineffective in protecting adults with active TB manifestations, such as multiple-, extensive-, and total-drug-resistant (MDR/XDR/TDR) cases and the co-existence of TB with immune-compromising health conditions, such as HIV infection or diabetes. Moreover, BCG can cause disease in individuals with HIV infection or other immune compromises. Due to these limitations of BCG, novel strategies are urgently needed to improve global TB control measures. Since live vaccines elicit a broader immune response and do not require an adjuvant, developing recombinant BCG (rBCG) vaccine candidates have received significant attention as a potential replacement for the currently approved BCG vaccine for TB prevention. In this report, we aim to present the latest findings and outstanding questions that we consider worth investigating regarding novel mycobacteria-based live attenuated TB vaccine candidates. We also specifically discuss the important features of two key animal models, mice and rabbits, that are relevant to TB vaccine testing. Our review emphasizes that the development of vaccines that block the reactivation of latent Mtb infection (LTBI) into active TB would have a significant impact in reducing the spread and transmission of Mtb. The results and ideas discussed here are only based on reports from the last five years to keep the focus on recent developments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycobacterial 6-kDa early secreted antigenic target (ESAT-6) system (ESX) exporters transport proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane. Many proteins transported by ESX systems are then translocated across the mycobacterial cell envelope and secreted from the cell. Although the mechanism underlying protein transport across the mycolate outer membrane remains elusive, the ESX systems are closely connected with and localize to the cell envelope. Links between ESX-associated proteins, cell wall synthesis, and the maintenance of cell envelope integrity have been reported. Genes encoding the ESX systems and those required for biosynthesis of the mycobacterial envelope are coregulated. Here, we review the interplay between ESX systems and the mycobacterial cell envelope.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome was sequenced more than 15 years ago. It revealed a lot of interesting information, one of which was that 10% of the total coding capacity of the M. tuberculosis genome is dedicated to the PE/PPE family. There is a gradual expansion of these proteins from nonpathogenic to pathogenic mycobacteria, and there is increasing evidence that PE/PPE proteins play important roles in mycobacterial pathogenesis. In this review, we discuss PE/PPE proteins, their close functional association with the ESX clusters, their immunomodulatory functions, and their important roles in mycobacterial virulence. In addition, we have attempted to review and compile information available in the literature detailing the expression patterns of PE/PPE family members in different mycobacterial species and also during infection. Our attempt has been to provide a succinct overview of this interesting family.





