ESKAPE pathogens

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rise of antimicrobial resistance has positioned ESKAPE pathogens as a serious global health threat, primarily due to the limitations and frequent failures of current treatment options. This growing risk has spurred the scientific community to seek innovative antibiotic therapies and improved oversight strategies. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the origins and resistance mechanisms of ESKAPE pathogens, while also exploring next-generation treatment strategies for these infections. In addition, it will address both traditional and novel approaches to combating antibiotic resistance, offering insights into potential new therapeutic avenues. Emerging research underscores the urgency of developing new antimicrobial agents and strategies to overcome resistance, highlighting the need for novel drug classes and combination therapies. Advances in genomic technologies and a deeper understanding of microbial pathogenesis are crucial in identifying effective treatments. Integrating precision medicine and personalized approaches could enhance therapeutic efficacy. The review also emphasizes the importance of global collaboration in surveillance and stewardship, as well as policy reforms, enhanced diagnostic tools, and public awareness initiatives, to address resistance on a worldwide scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Far-ultraviolet C light, with a wavelength of 200-230 nm, has demonstrated broad-spectrum germicidal efficacy. However, due to increased interest in its use as an alternative antimicrobial, further knowledge about its fundamental bactericidal efficacy is required. This study had two objectives. Firstly, it investigated experimentally the Far-UVC dose-response of common bacteria suspended at various cell densities in transparent buffer, ensuring no influence from photosensitive suspending media. Increasing doses of Far-UVC were delivered to Enterococcus faecium, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in PBS at 101, 102, 103, 105 and 107 CFU·mL-1, with surviving colony-forming units enumerated (n ≥ 3). Secondly, through a systematised literature review, this work sought to explore the impact of genus/species, Gram type, cell form, cell density and irradiance on dose-response. The screening of 483 publications was performed with 25 included in the study. Data for 30 species were collated, analysed and compared with the experimental results. Overall, Gram-positive species showed greater resilience to Far-UVC than Gram-negative; some inter-species and inter-genera differences in resilience were identified; endospores were more resilient than vegetative cells; the results suggested that inactivation efficiency may decrease as cell density increases; and no significant correlation was identified between irradiance and bactericidal dose effect. In conclusion, this study has shown Far-UVC light to be an effective decontamination tool against a vast range of bacterial vegetative cells and endospores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study investigated the interaction with membrane mimetic systems (LUVs), bacterial membranes, the CD spectra, and the bactericidal activity of two designed trematocine mutants, named Trem-HK and Trem-HSK. Mutants were constructed from the scaffold of Trematocine (Trem), a natural 22-amino acid AMP from the Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii, aiming to increase their positive charge.
    UNASSIGNED: The selectivity of the designed AMPs towards bacterial membranes was improved compared to Trematocine, verified by their interaction with different LUVs and their membranolytic activity. Additionally, their α-helical conformation was not influenced by the amino acid substitutions. Our findings revealed a significant enhancement in antibacterial efficacy against ESKAPE (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacteriaceae family) pathogens for both Trem-HK and Trem-HSK.
    UNASSIGNED: Firstly, we showed that the selectivity of the two new designed AMPs towards bacterial membranes was greatly improved compared to Trematocine, verifying their interaction with different LUVs and their membranolytic activity. We determined that their α-helical conformation was not influenced by the amino acid substitutions. We characterized the tested bacterial collection for resistance traits to different classes of antibiotics. The minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentration (MIC and MBC) values of the ESKAPE collection were reduced by up to 80% compared to Trematocine. The bactericidal concentrations of Trematocine mutants showed important membranolytic action, evident by scanning electron microscopy, on all tested species. We further evaluated the cytotoxicity and hemolytic activity of the mutants. At 2.5 μM concentration, both mutants demonstrated low cytotoxicity and hemolysis, indicating selectivity towards bacterial cells. However, these effects increased at higher concentrations.
    UNASSIGNED: Assessment of in vivo toxicity using the Galleria mellonella model revealed no adverse effects in larvae treated with both mutants, even at concentrations up to 20 times higher than the lowest MIC observed for Acinetobacter baumannii, suggesting a high potential safety profile for the mutants. This study highlights the significant improvement in antibacterial efficacy achieved by increasing the positive charge of Trem-HK and Trem-HSK. This improvement was reached at the cost of reduced biocompatibility. Further research is necessary to optimize the balance between efficacy and safety for these promising AMPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The accelerated rise in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant global health risk, necessitating the exploration of alternative strategies to combat pathogenic infections. Biofilm-related infections that are unresponsive to standard antibiotics often require the use of higher-order antimicrobials with toxic side effects and the potential to disrupt the microbiome. Probiotic therapy, with its diverse benefits and inherent safety, is emerging as a promising approach to prevent and treat various infections, and as an alternative to antibiotic therapy. In this study, we isolated novel probiotic bacteria from the gut of domestic goats (Capra hircus) and evaluated their antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activities against the \'ESKAPE\' group of pathogens. We performed comprehensive microbiological, biochemical, and molecular characterizations, including analysis of the 16S-rRNA gene V1-V3 region and the 16S-23S ISR region, on 20 caprine gut-derived lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Among these, six selected Lactobacillus isolates demonstrated substantial biofilm formation under anaerobic conditions and exhibited robust cell surface hydrophobicity and autoaggregation, and epithelial cell adhesion properties highlighting their superior enteric colonization capability. Notably, these Lactobacillus isolates exhibited broad-spectrum growth inhibitory and anti-biofilm properties against \'ESKAPE\' pathogens. Additionally, the Lactobacillus isolates were susceptible to antibiotics listed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) within the prescribed Minimum Inhibitory Concentration limits, suggesting their safety as feed additives. The remarkable probiotic characteristics exhibited by the caprine gut-derived Lactobacillus isolates in this study strongly endorse their potential as compelling alternatives to antibiotics and direct-fed microbial (DFM) feed supplements in the livestock industry, addressing the escalating need for antibiotic-free animal products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prophages are prevalent among bacterial species, including strains carrying antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Prophage induction can be triggered by the SOS response to stressors, leading to cell lysis. In environments polluted by chemical stressors, ARGs and prophage co-harboring strains might pose an unknown risk of spreading ARGs through chemical pollutant-mediated prophage induction and subsequent cell lysis. In this study, we investigated the effects of common non-antibiotic water pollutants, triclosan and silver nanoparticles, on triggering prophage induction in clinical isolates carrying ARGs and the subsequent uptake of released ARGs by the naturally competent bacterium Acinetobacter baylyi. Our results demonstrate that both triclosan and silver nanoparticles, at environmentally relevant concentrations and those found in commercial products, significantly enhance prophage induction among various clinical isolates. Transmission electron microscopy imaging and plaque assays confirmed the production of infectious phage particles under non-antibiotic pollutants-mediated prophage induction. In addition, the rate of ARG transformation to A. baylyi significantly increased after the release of extracellular ARGs from prophage induction-mediated cell lysis. The mechanism of non-antibiotic pollutants-mediated prophage induction is primarily associated with excessive oxidative stress, which provokes the SOS response. Our findings offer insights into the role of non-antibiotic pollutants in promoting the dissemination of ARGs by triggering prophage induction.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rise in antimicrobial resistance, the increasing occurrence of bacterial, and fungal infections, and the challenges posed by polymicrobial biofilms necessitate the exploration of innovative therapeutic strategies. Silver-based antimicrobials have garnered attention for their broad-spectrum activity and multimodal mechanisms of action. However, their effectiveness against single-species or polymicrobial biofilms remains limited. In this study, we present the fabrication of polymer-silver bromide nanocomposites using amino acid conjugated polymers (ACPs) through a green and water-based in situ technique. The nanocomposite architecture facilitated prolonged and controlled release of the active components. Remarkably, the nanocomposites exhibited broad-spectrum activity against multidrug-resistant (MDR) human pathogenic bacteria (MIC = 2-16 μg/mL) and fungi (MIC = 1-8 μg/mL), while displaying no detectable toxicity to human erythrocytes (HC50 > 1024 μg/mL). In contrast to existing antimicrobials and silver-based therapies, the nanocomposite effectively eradicated bacterial, fungal, and polymicrobial biofilms, and prevented the development of microbial resistance due to their membrane-active properties. Furthermore, the lead polymer-silver bromide nanocomposite demonstrated a 99% reduction in the drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa burden in a murine model of burn wound infection, along with excellent in vivo biocompatibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Enterococcus faecium and Staphylococcus aureus are the Gram-positive pathogens of the ESKAPE group, known to represent a great threat to human health due to their high virulence and multiple resistances to antibiotics. Combined, enterococci and S. aureus account for 26% of healthcare-associated infections and are the most common organisms responsible for blood stream infections. We previously showed that the peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (PPIase) PpiC of E. faecium elicits the production of specific, opsonic, and protective antibodies that are effective against several strains of E. faecium and E. faecalis. Due to the ubiquitous characteristics of PPIases and their essential function within Gram-positive cells, we hypothesized a potential cross-reactive effect of anti-PpiC antibodies.
    RESULTS: Opsonophagocytic assays combined with bioinformatics led to the identification of the foldase protein PrsA as a new potential vaccine antigen in S. aureus. We show that PrsA is a stable dimeric protein able to elicit opsonic antibodies against the S. aureus strain MW2, as well as cross-binding and cross-opsonic in several S. aureus, E. faecium and E. faecalis strains.
    CONCLUSIONS: Given the multiple antibiotic resistances S. aureus and enterococci present, finding preventive strategies is essential to fight those two nosocomial pathogens. The study shows the potential of PrsA as an antigen to use in vaccine formulation against the two dangerous Gram-positive ESKAPE bacteria. Our findings support the idea that PPIases should be further investigated as vaccine targets in the frame of pan-vaccinomics strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The species included in the ESKAPE group (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the genus Enterobacter) have a high capacity to develop antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a health problem that is already among the leading causes of death and could kill 10 million people a year by 2050. The generation of new potentially therapeutic molecules has been insufficient to combat the AMR \"crisis\", and the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that it will seek to promote the development of rapid diagnostic strategies. The physicochemical properties of metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) have made it possible to design biosensors capable of identifying low concentrations of ESKAPE bacteria in the short term; other systems identify antimicrobial susceptibility, and some have been designed with dual activity in situ (bacterial detection and antimicrobial activity), which suggests that, in the near future, multifunctional biosensors could exist based on MNPs capable of quickly identifying bacterial pathogens in clinical niches might become commercially available. This review focuses on the use of MNP-based systems for the rapid and accurate identification of clinically important bacterial pathogens, exhibiting the necessity for exhaustive research to achieve these objectives. This review focuses on the use of metal nanoparticle-based systems for the rapid and accurate identification of clinically important bacterial pathogens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteriophages are the most prevalent biological entities in the biosphere. However, limitations in both medical relevance and sequencing technologies have led to a systematic underestimation of the genetic diversity within phages. This underrepresentation not only creates a significant gap in our understanding of phage roles across diverse biosystems but also introduces biases in computational models reliant on these data for training and testing. In this study, we focused on publicly available genomes of bacteriophages infecting high-priority ESKAPE pathogens to show the extent and impact of this underrepresentation. First, we demonstrate a stark underrepresentation of ESKAPE phage genomes within the public genome and protein databases. Next, a pangenome analysis of these ESKAPE phages reveals extensive sharing of core genes among phages infecting the same host. Furthermore, genome analyses and clustering highlight close nucleotide-level relationships among the ESKAPE phages, raising concerns about the limited diversity within current public databases. Lastly, we uncover a scarcity of unique lytic phages and phage proteins with antimicrobial activities against ESKAPE pathogens. This comprehensive analysis of the ESKAPE phages underscores the severity of underrepresentation and its potential implications. This lack of diversity in phage genomes may restrict the resurgence of phage therapy and cause biased outcomes in data-driven computational models due to incomplete and unbalanced biological datasets.





