EPI, Echo planar imaging

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To prospectively compare artefacts and image quality in testicular stage I cancer patients using different combinations of breathing schemes and Multi-band (MB) in whole-body DWIBS at 1.5 T.Diffusion-Weighted whole-body Imaging with Background body signal Suppression (DWIBS) using inversion recovery (IR) fat saturation is a cornerstone in oncologic whole-body MRI, but implementation is restrained by long acquisition times. The new Multi-Band (MB) technique reduces scan time which can be reinvested in respiratory compensation.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirty testicular cancer stage I patients were included. Three variations of whole-body DWIBS were tested: Standard free Breathing (FB)-DWIBS, FB-MB-DWIBS and Respiratory triggered (RT)-MB-DWIBS. Artefacts and image quality of b = 800 s/mm2 images were evaluated using a Likert scale. No pathology was revealed. SNR was calculated in a healthy volunteer.
    UNASSIGNED: RT-MB-DWIBS was rated significantly better than FB-DWIBS in the thorax (p < 0.001) and abdomen (p < 0.001), but not in the pelvis (p = 0.569). FB-MB-DWIBS was ranked significantly lower than both FB-DWIBS (p < 0.001) and RT-MB-DWIBS (p < 0.001) at all locations. However, FB-MB-DWIBS was scanned in half the time without being less than \"satisfactory\". Few artefacts were encountered. SNR was similar for low-intensity tissues, but the SNR in high-intensity and respiratory-prone tissue (spleen) was slightly lower for FB-DWIBS than the other sequences.
    UNASSIGNED: Images produced by the sequences were similar. MB enables the use of respiratory trigger or can be used to produce very fast free-breathing DWI with acceptable image quality.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    •Understanding of the phenotypic heterogeneity of Parkinson\'s disease is needed.•Gender and genetics determine manifestation and progression of Parkinson\'s disease.•Altered emotion processing in Parkinson\'s disease is specific to male patients.•This is influenced by endocrinal and genetic factors in both genders.•This finding may impact the diagnosis and treatment of emerging clinical features.
    Parkinson\'s disease (PD) has been suggested to affect males and females differently. Neuropsychiatric symptoms are common and disabling in PD. However, previous studies focusing on emotion recognition in PD have neglected the confounder of gender and lack evidence on the underlying endocrinal and genetic mechanisms. Moreover, while there are many imaging studies on emotion processing in PD, gender-related analyses of neural data are scarce. We therefore aimed at exploring the interplay of the named factors on emotion recognition and processing in PD.
    51 non-demented PD patients (26 male) and 44 age- and gender-matched healthy controls (HC; 25 male) were examined clinically and neuropsychologically including an emotion recognition task (Ekman 60faces test). A subsample of 25 patients and 31 HC underwent task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) comprised of videos of emotional facial expressions. To examine the impact of hormones and genetics on emotion processing, blood samples were taken for endocrinal (testosterone, estradiol, progesterone) and genetic testing (5-HTTLPR, Val158Met COMT polymorphisms).
    No group or gender differences emerged regarding cognitive abilities. Male but not female PD patients exhibited confined impairments in recognizing the emotion anger accompanied by diminished neural response to facial expressions (e.g. in the putamen and insula). Endocrinologically, fear recognition was positively correlated with estrogen levels in female patients, while on the genetic level we found an effect of Val158Met COMT genotype on the recognition of fear in PD patients.
    Our study provides evidence that impaired emotion processing in PD specifically affects male patients, and that hormones and genetics contribute to emotion recognition performance. Further research on the underlying neural, endocrinological and genetic mechanisms of specific symptoms in PD is of clinical relevance, as it can improve our understanding of the phenomenology and pathobiology of the disease and may allow a more personalized medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most common mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, the A to G transition at base pair 3243, has been linked to changes in the brain, in addition to commonly observed hearing problems, diabetes and myopathy. However, a detailed quantitative description of m.3243A>G patients\' brains has not been provided so far. In this study, ultra-high field MRI at 7T and volume- and surface-based data analyses approaches were used to highlight morphology (i.e. atrophy)-, microstructure (i.e. myelin and iron concentration)- and metabolism (i.e. cerebral blood flow)-related differences between patients (N = 22) and healthy controls (N = 15). The use of quantitative MRI at 7T allowed us to detect subtle changes of biophysical processes in the brain with high accuracy and sensitivity, in addition to typically assessed lesions and atrophy. Furthermore, the effect of m.3243A>G mutation load in blood and urine epithelial cells on these MRI measures was assessed within the patient population and revealed that blood levels were most indicative of the brain\'s state and disease severity, based on MRI as well as on neuropsychological data. Morphometry MRI data showed a wide-spread reduction of cortical, subcortical and cerebellar gray matter volume, in addition to significantly enlarged ventricles. Moreover, surface-based analyses revealed brain area-specific changes in cortical thickness (e.g. of the auditory cortex), and in T1, T2* and cerebral blood flow as a function of mutation load, which can be linked to typically m.3243A>G-related clinical symptoms (e.g. hearing impairment). In addition, several regions linked to attentional control (e.g. middle frontal gyrus), the sensorimotor network (e.g. banks of central sulcus) and the default mode network (e.g. precuneus) were characterized by alterations in cortical thickness, T1, T2* and/or cerebral blood flow, which has not been described in previous MRI studies. Finally, several hypotheses, based either on vascular, metabolic or astroglial implications of the m.3243A>G mutation, are discussed that potentially explain the underlying pathobiology. To conclude, this is the first 7T and also the largest MRI study on this patient population that provides macroscopic brain correlates of the m.3243A>G mutation indicating potential MRI biomarkers of mitochondrial diseases and might guide future (longitudinal) studies to extensively track neuropathological and clinical changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) of neonates with perinatal brain injury could improve prediction of motor impairment before symptoms manifest, and establish how early brain organization relates to subsequent development. This cohort study is the first to describe and quantitatively assess functional brain networks and their relation to later motor skills in neonates with a diverse range of perinatal brain injuries.
    Infants (n = 65, included in final analyses: n = 53) were recruited from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and were stratified based on their age at birth (premature vs. term), and on whether neuropathology was diagnosed from structural MRI. Functional brain networks and a measure of disruption to functional connectivity were obtained from 14 min of fcMRI acquired during natural sleep at term-equivalent age.
    Disruption to connectivity of the somatomotor and frontoparietal executive networks predicted motor impairment at 4 and 8 months. This disruption in functional connectivity was not found to be driven by differences between clinical groups, or by any of the specific measures we captured to describe the clinical course.
    fcMRI was predictive over and above other clinical measures available at discharge from the NICU, including structural MRI. Motor learning was affected by disruption to somatomotor networks, but also frontoparietal executive networks, which supports the functional importance of these networks in early development. Disruption to these two networks might be best addressed by distinct intervention strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) depends on clinical evidence of combined upper motor neuron (UMN) and lower motor neuron (LMN) degeneration, although ALS patients can present with features predominantly of one or the other. Some UMN-predominant patients show hyperintense signal along the intracranial corticospinal tract (CST) on T2- and proton density (PD)-weighted images (ALS-CST +), and appear to have faster disease progression when compared to those without CST hyperintensity (ALS-CST -). The reason for this is unknown. We hypothesized that diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) would reveal differences in DTI abnormalities along the intracranial CST between these two patient subgroups. Clinical DTI scans were obtained at 1.5T in 14 neurologic controls and 45 ALS patients categorized into two UMN phenotypes based on clinical measures and MRI. DTT was used to quantitatively assess the CST in control and ALS groups. DTT revealed subcortical loss (\'truncation\') of virtual motor CST fibers (presumably) projecting from the precentral gyrus (PrG) in ALS patients but not in controls; in contrast, virtual fibers (presumably) projecting to the adjacent postcentral gyrus (PoG) were spared. No significant differences in virtual CST fiber length were observed between controls and ALS patients. However, the frequency of CST truncation was significantly higher in the ALS-CST + subgroup (9 of 21) than in the ALS-CST - subgroup (4 of 24; p = 0.049), suggesting this finding could differentiate these ALS subgroups. Also, because virtual CST truncation occurred only in the ALS patient group and not in the control group (p = 0.018), this DTT finding could prove to be a diagnostic biomarker of ALS. Significantly shorter disease duration and faster disease progression rate were observed in ALS patients with CST fiber truncation than in those without (p < 0.05). DTI metrics of fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD) were also determined in four regions of interest (ROIs) along the CST, namely: cerebral peduncle (CP), posterior limb of internal capsule (PLIC), centrum semiovale at top of lateral ventricle (CSoLV) and subcortical to primary motor cortex (subPMC). Of note, FA values along the left hemisphere virtual CST tract were significantly different between controls and ALS-CST + patients (p < 0.05) only at the PLIC level, but not at the CSoLV or subPMC level. Also, no significant differences in FA values were observed between ALS subgroups or between control and ALS-CST - groups (p > 0.05) in any of the ROIs. In addition, comparing FA values between ALS patients with CST truncation and those without in the aforementioned four ROIs, revealed no significant differences in either hemisphere. However, visual evaluation of DTT was able to identify UMN degeneration in patients with ALS, particularly in those with a more aggressive clinical disease course and possibly different pathologic processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current imaging diagnostic techniques are often insensitive to the underlying pathological changes following mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) or concussion so much so that the explicit definition of these uncomplicated mild brain injuries includes the absence of radiological findings. In the US military, this is complicated by the natural tendency of service members to down play symptoms for fear of removal from their unit particularly in combat making it challenging for clinicians to definitively diagnose and determine course of treatment. Questions remain regarding the long-term impact of these war-time brain injuries. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the long-term imaging sequelae of blast concussion in active-duty US military and leverage previous longitudinal data collected in these same patients to identify predictors of sustained DTI signal change indicative of chronic neurodegeneration. In total, 50 blast TBI and 44 combat-deployed controls were evaluated at this 5-year follow up by advanced neuroimaging techniques including diffusion tensor imaging and quantitative volumetry. While cross-sectional analysis of regions of white matter on DTI images did not reveal significant differences across groups after statistical correction, an approach flexible to the heterogeneity of brain injury at the single-subject level identified 74% of the concussive blast TBI cohort to have reductions in fractional anisotropy indicative of chronic brain injury. Logistic regression leveraging clinical and demographic data collected in the acute/sub-acute and 1-year follow up to determine predictors of these long-term imaging changes determined that brain injury diagnosis, older age, verbal memory and verbal fluency best predicted the presence of DTI abnormalities 5 years post injury with an AUC of 0.78 indicating good prediction strength. These results provide supporting evidence for the evolution not resolution of this brain injury pathology, adding to the growing body of literature describing imaging signatures of chronic neurodegeneration even after mild TBI and concussion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The added value of perfusion MRI for decision-making in vestibular schwannoma (VS) patients is unknown. MRI offers two perfusion methods: the first employing contrast agent (dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC)-MRI) that provides information on cerebral blood volume (CBV) and cerebral blood flow (CBF), the second by magnetic labeling of blood (arterial spin labeling (ASL)-MRI), providing CBF-images. The goal of the current study is to investigate whether DSC and ASL perfusion MRI provides complimentary information to current anatomical imaging in treatment selection process of VS.
    METHODS: Nine patients with growing VS with extrameatal diameter >9 mm were included (>2 mm/year and 20% volume expansion/year) and one patient with 23 mm extrameatal VS without growth. DSC and ASL perfusion MRI were obtained on 3 T MRI. Perfusion in VS was scored as hyperintense, hypointense or isointense compared to the contralateral region.
    RESULTS: Seven patients showed hyperintense signal on DSC and ASL sequences. Three patients showed iso- or hypointense signal on at least one perfusion map (1 patient hypointense on both DSC-MRI and ASL; 1 patient isointense on DSC-CBF; 1 patient isointense on ASL). All patients showed enhancement on post-contrast T1 anatomical scan.
    CONCLUSIONS: Perfusion MR provides additional information compared to anatomical imaging for decision-making in VS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased functional connectivity in resting state networks was found in several studies of patients with motor neuron disorders, although diffusion tensor imaging studies consistently show loss of white matter integrity. To understand the relationship between structural connectivity and functional connectivity, we examined the structural connections between regions with altered functional connectivity in patients with primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), a long-lived motor neuron disease. Connectivity matrices were constructed from resting state fMRI in 16 PLS patients to identify areas of differing connectivity between patients and healthy controls. Probabilistic fiber tracking was used to examine structural connections between regions of differing connectivity. PLS patients had 12 regions with increased functional connectivity compared to controls, with a predominance of cerebro-cerebellar connections. Increased functional connectivity was strongest between the cerebellum and cortical motor areas and between the cerebellum and frontal and temporal cortex. Fiber tracking detected no difference in connections between regions with increased functional connectivity. We conclude that functional connectivity changes are not strongly based in structural connectivity. Increased functional connectivity may be caused by common inputs, or by reduced selectivity of cortical activation, which could result from loss of intracortical inhibition when cortical afferents are intact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Idiopathic Parkinson\'s disease (IPD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, yet effective disease modifying treatments are still lacking. Neurodegeneration involves multiple interacting pathological pathways. The extent to which neurovascular mechanisms are involved is not well defined in IPD. We aimed to determine whether novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, including arterial spin labelling (ASL) quantification of cerebral perfusion, can reveal altered neurovascular status (NVS) in IPD. Fourteen participants with IPD (mean ± SD age 65.1 ± 5.9 years) and 14 age and cardiovascular risk factor matched control participants (mean ± SD age 64.6 ± 4.2 years) underwent a 3T MRI scan protocol. ASL images were collected before, during and after a 6 minute hypercapnic challenge. FLAIR images were used to determine white matter lesion score. Quantitative images of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and arterial arrival time (AAT) were calculated from the ASL data both at rest and during hypercapnia. Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) images were calculated, depicting the change in CBF and AAT relative to the change in end-tidal CO2. A significant (p = 0.005) increase in whole brain averaged baseline AAT was observed in IPD participants (mean ± SD age 1532 ± 138 ms) compared to controls (mean ± SD age 1335 ± 165 ms). Voxel-wise analysis revealed this to be widespread across the brain. However, there were no statistically significant differences in white matter lesion score, CBF, or CVR between patients and controls. Regional CBF, but not AAT, in the IPD group was found to correlate positively with Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) scores. These findings provide further evidence of alterations in NVS in IPD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is increasing interest in developing a reliable, affordable and accessible disease biomarker of Parkinson\'s disease (PD) to facilitate disease modifying PD-trials. Imaging biomarkers using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can describe parameters such as fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD) or apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). These parameters, when measured in the substantia nigra (SN), have not only shown promising but also varying and controversial results. To clarify the potential diagnostic value of nigral DTI in PD and its dependency on selection of region-of-interest, we undertook a high resolution DTI study at 3 T. 59 subjects (32 PD patients, 27 age and sex matched healthy controls) were analysed using manual outlining of SN and substructures, and voxel-based analysis (VBA). We also performed a systematic literature review and meta-analysis to estimate the effect size (DES) of disease related nigral DTI changes. We found a regional increase in nigral mean diffusivity in PD (mean ± SD, PD 0.80 ± 0.10 vs. controls 0.73 ± 0.06 · 10(- 3) mm(2)/s, p = 0.002), but no difference using a voxel based approach. No significant disease effect was seen using meta-analysis of nigral MD changes (10 studies, DES = + 0.26, p = 0.17, I(2) = 30%). None of the nigral regional or voxel based analyses of this study showed altered fractional anisotropy. Meta-analysis of 11 studies on nigral FA changes revealed a significant PD induced FA decrease. There was, however, a very large variation in results (I(2) = 86%) comparing all studies. After exclusion of five studies with unusual high values of nigral FA in the control group, an acceptable heterogeneity was reached, but there was non-significant disease effect (DES = - 0.5, p = 0.22, I(2) = 28%). The small PD related nigral MD changes in conjunction with the negative findings on VBA and meta-analysis limit the usefulness of nigral MD measures as biomarker of Parkinson\'s disease. The negative results of nigral FA measurements at regional, sub-regional and voxel level in conjunction with the results of the meta-analysis of nigral FA changes question the stability and validity of this measure as a PD biomarker.





