
  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Most DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are harmful to genome integrity. However, some forms of DSBs are essential to biological processes, such as meiotic recombination and V(D)J recombination. DSBs are also required for programmed DNA elimination (PDE) in ciliates and nematodes. In nematodes, the DSBs are healed with telomere addition. While telomere addition sites have been well-characterized, little is known regarding the DSBs that fragment nematode chromosomes. Here, we used embryos from the nematode Ascaris to study the timing of PDE breaks and examine the DSBs and their end processing. Using END-seq, we characterize the DSB ends and demonstrate that DNA breaks are introduced before mitosis, followed by extensive end resection. The resection profile is unique for each break site, and the resection generates 3\' overhangs before the addition of telomeres. Interestingly, telomere healing occurs much more frequently on retained DSB ends than on eliminated ends. This biased repair of the DSB ends in Ascaris may be due to the sequestration of the eliminated DNA into micronuclei, preventing their ends from telomere healing. Additional DNA breaks occur within the eliminated DNA in both Ascaris and Parascaris, ensuring chromosomal breakage and providing a fail-safe mechanism for nematode PDE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conserved MRE11-RAD50-NBS1/Xrs2 complex is crucial for DNA break metabolism and genome maintenance. Although hypomorphic Rad50 mutation mice showed normal meiosis, both null and hypomorphic rad50 mutation yeast displayed impaired meiosis recombination. However, the in vivo function of Rad50 in mammalian germ cells, particularly its in vivo role in the resection of meiotic double strand break (DSB) ends at the molecular level remains elusive. Here, we have established germ cell-specific Rad50 knockout mouse models to determine the role of Rad50 in mitosis and meiosis of mammalian germ cells. We find that Rad50-deficient spermatocytes exhibit defective meiotic recombination and abnormal synapsis. Mechanistically, using END-seq, we demonstrate reduced DSB formation and abnormal DSB end resection occurs in mutant spermatocytes. We further identify that deletion of Rad50 in gonocytes leads to complete loss of spermatogonial stem cells due to genotoxic stress. Taken together, our results reveal the essential role of Rad50 in mammalian germ cell meiosis and mitosis, and provide in vivo views of RAD50 function in meiotic DSB formation and end resection at the molecular level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are harmful to mammalian cells and a few of them can cause cell death. Accumulating DSBs in these cells to analyze their genomic distribution and their potential impact on chromatin structure is difficult. In this study, we used CRISPR to generate Ku80-/- human cells and arrested the cells in G1 phase to accumulate DSBs before conducting END-seq and Nanopore analysis. Our analysis revealed that DNA with high methylation level accumulates DSB hotspots in Ku80-/- human cells. Furthermore, we identified chromosome structural variants (SVs) using Nanopore sequencing and observed a higher number of SVs in Ku80-/- human cells. Based on our findings, we suggest that the high efficiency of Ku80 knockout in human HCT116 cells makes it a promising model for characterizing SVs in the context of 3D chromatin structure and studying the alternative-end joining (Alt-EJ) DSB repair pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Programmed DNA elimination (PDE) is a notable exception to the paradigm of genome integrity. In metazoa, PDE often occurs coincident with germline to somatic cell differentiation. During PDE, portions of genomic DNA are lost, resulting in reduced somatic genomes. Prior studies have described the sequences lost, as well as chromosome behavior, during metazoan PDE. However, a system for studying the mechanisms and consequences of PDE in metazoa is lacking. Here, we present a functional and genetic model for PDE in the free-living Rhabditidae nematode Oscheius tipulae, a family that also includes Caenorhabditis elegans. O. tipulae was recently suggested to eliminate DNA. Using staged embryos and DNA FISH, we showed that O. tipulae PDE occurs during embryogenesis at the 8-16 cell stages. We identified a conserved motif, named Sequence For Elimination (SFE), for all 12 break sites on the six chromosomes at the junctions of retained and eliminated DNA. SFE mutants exhibited a \"fail-to-eliminate\" phenotype only at the modified sites. END-seq revealed that breaks can occur at multiple positions within the SFE, with extensive end resection followed by telomere addition to both retained and eliminated ends. We identified many functional SFEs at the chromosome ends through END-seq in the wild-type embryos, genome sequencing of SFE mutants, and comparative genomics of 23 wild isolates. We suggest that these alternative SFEs provide flexibility in the sequences eliminated and a fail-safe mechanism for PDE. These studies establish O. tipulae as a new, attractive model for studying the mechanisms and consequences of PDE in a metazoan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA becomes single stranded (ssDNA) during replication, transcription, and repair. Transiently formed ssDNA segments can adopt alternative conformations, including cruciforms, triplexes, and quadruplexes. To determine whether there are stable regions of ssDNA in the human genome, we utilized S1-END-seq to convert ssDNA regions to DNA double-strand breaks, which were then processed for high-throughput sequencing. This approach revealed two predominant non-B DNA structures: cruciform DNA formed by expanded (TA)n repeats that accumulate in microsatellite unstable human cancer cell lines and DNA triplexes (H-DNA) formed by homopurine/homopyrimidine mirror repeats common across a variety of cell lines. We show that H-DNA is enriched during replication, that its genomic location is highly conserved, and that H-DNA formed by (GAA)n repeats can be disrupted by treatment with a (GAA)n-binding polyamide. Finally, we show that triplex-forming repeats are hotspots for mutagenesis. Our results identify dynamic DNA secondary structures in vivo that contribute to elevated genome instability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meiotic crossovers result from homology-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Unlike yeast and plants, where DSBs are generated near gene promoters, in many vertebrates DSBs are enriched at hotspots determined by the DNA binding activity of the rapidly evolving zinc finger array of PRDM9 (PR domain zinc finger protein 9). PRDM9 subsequently catalyzes tri-methylation of lysine 4 and lysine 36 of Histone H3 in nearby nucleosomes. Here, we identify the dual histone methylation reader ZCWPW1, which is tightly co-expressed during spermatogenesis with Prdm9, as an essential meiotic recombination factor required for efficient repair of PRDM9-dependent DSBs and for pairing of homologous chromosomes in male mice. In sum, our results indicate that the evolution of a dual histone methylation writer/reader (PRDM9/ZCWPW1) system in vertebrates remodeled genetic recombination hotspot selection from an ancestral static pattern near genes towards a flexible pattern controlled by the rapidly evolving DNA binding activity of PRDM9.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During V(D)J recombination, RAG proteins introduce DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) at recombination signal sequences (RSSs) that contain either 12- or 23-nt spacer regions. Coordinated 12/23 cleavage predicts that DSBs at variable (V) gene segments should equal the level of breakage at joining (J) segments. Contrary to this, here we report abundant RAG-dependent DSBs at multiple Vκ gene segments independent of V-J rearrangement. We find that a large fraction of Vκ gene segments are flanked not only by a bone-fide 12 spacer but also an overlapping, 23-spacer flipped RSS. These compatible pairs of RSSs mediate recombination and deletion inside the Vκ cluster even in the complete absence of Jκ gene segments and support a V(D)J recombination center (RC) independent of the conventional Jκ-centered RC. We propose an improved model of Vκ-Jκ repertoire formation by incorporating these surprisingly frequent, evolutionarily conserved intra-Vκ cluster recombination events.






