EGF-like domain

类 EGF 域
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a complex inherited and progressive degenerative retinal disease. The eyes shut homolog (EYS) is frequently associated with RP is surprisingly high. Exploring the function of EYS is quite difficult due to the unique gene size and species specificity. Gene therapy may provide a breakthrough to treat this disease. Therefore, exploring and clarifying pathogenic mutations of EYS-associated RP has important guiding significance for clinical treatment. Methods: Clinical and molecular genetic data for EYS-associated RP were retrospectively analyzed. Sanger sequencing was applied to identify novel mutations in these patients. Candidate pathogenic variants were subsequently evaluated using bioinformatic tools. Results: A novel pair of compound heterozygous mutations was identified: a novel stop-gain mutation c.2439C>A (p.C813fsX) and a frameshift deletion mutation c.6714delT (p. P2238fsX) of the EYS gene in the RP family. Both of these mutations were rare or absent in the 1000 Genomes Project, dbSNP, and Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD). These two mutations would result in a lack of multiple functionally important epidermal growth factor-like and Laminin G-like coding regions in EYS. Conclusions: A novel compound heterozygote of the EYS gene in a Chinese family with an autosomal inheritance pattern of RP was identified. Identifying more pathogenic mutations and expanding the mutation spectrum of the EYS gene will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of RP disease that could be gained in the future. It also could provide an important basis for the diagnosis, clinical management, and genetic counseling of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Steroid-induced cataracts (SIC) are defined as cataracts associated with the administration of corticosteroids. Long-term glucocorticoid treatment for inflammatory diseases reportedly increases the risk of SIC, and steroids can induce cataracts by disrupting ocular growth factor balance or homeostasis. In this study, we verified the effect of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 5 (CSPG5) using dexamethasone (dexa)-treated human lens epithelial (HLE-B3) cells and the lens epithelium from the anterior capsule of SIC patients obtained during cataract surgery. CSPG5 expression increased in the lens epithelium of SIC patients. The downregulation of CSPG5 suppressed the dexa-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related protein expression and motility in HLE-B3 cells. The disruption of the transcription factors EZH2 and B-Myb downregulated CSPG5, dexa-induced fibronectin expression, and cell migration in HLE-B3 cells, reaffirming that CSPG5 expression regulates EMT in lens epithelial cells. Taken together, these results indicate that the steroid-induced effects on lens epithelial cells are mediated via alterations in CSPG5 expression. Therefore, our study emphasizes the potential of CSPG5 as a therapeutic target for the prevention and treatment of SIC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although vaccines are one of the environmentally friendly means to prevent the spread of ticks, there is currently no commercial vaccine effective against Haemaphysalis longicornis ticks. In this study, we identified, characterized, localized, and evaluated the expression patterns, and tested the immunogenic potential of a homologue of Rhipicephalus microplus ATAQ in H. longicornis (HlATAQ). HlATAQ was identified as a 654 amino acid-long protein present throughout the midgut and in Malpighian tubule cells and containing six full and one partial EGF-like domains. HlATAQ was genetically distant (homology < 50%) from previously reported ATAQ proteins and was expressed throughout tick life stages. Its expression steadily increased (p < 0.001) during feeding, reached a peak, and then decreased slightly with engorgement. Silencing of HlATAQ did not result in a phenotype that was significantly different from the control ticks. However, H. longicornis female ticks fed on a rabbit immunized with recombinant HlATAQ showed significantly longer blood-feeding periods, higher body weight at engorgement, higher egg mass, and longer pre-oviposition and egg hatching periods than control ticks. These findings indicate that the ATAQ protein plays a role in the blood-feeding-related physiological processes in the midgut and Malpighian tubules and antibodies directed against it may affect these tissues and disrupt tick engorgement and oviposition.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Marfan syndrome, an autosomal dominant disorder of connective tissue, is primarily caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 (FBN1) gene, which encodes the protein fibrillin-1. The protein is composed of epidermal growth factor-like (EGF-like) domains, transforming growth factor beta-binding protein-like (TB) domains, and hybrid (Hyb) domains and is an important component of elastin-related microfibrils in elastic fiber tissue. In this study, we report a cysteine to tyrosine substitution in two different domains of fibrillin-1, both of which cause Marfan syndrome with ocular abnormalities, in two families. Using protease degradation and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analyses, we explored the different effects of substitution of cysteine by tyrosine in an EGF-like and a calcium-binding (cb) EGF-like domain on protein stability. The results showed that cysteine mutations in the EGF domain are more likely to result in altered proteolytic sensitivity and thermostability than those in the cbEGF domain. Furthermore, cysteine mutations can lead to new enzymatic sites exposure or hidden canonical cleavage sites. These results indicate the differential clinical phenotypes and molecular pathogenesis of Marfan syndrome caused by cysteine mutations in different fibrillin-1 domains. These results strongly suggest that failure to form disulfide bonds and abnormal proteolysis of fibrillin-1 caused by cysteine mutations may be an important factor underlying the pathogenesis of diseases caused by fibrillin-1 mutations, such as Marfan syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuregulins (NRGs) are a family of six related physiological ligands all containing a receptor-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain that mediate their binding to cellular receptors. Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) is the main physiological ligand to HER3. NRG1 fusion (NRG1+) was first reported in a breast cancer cell line and NRG2 fusions have recently been identified in solid tumors. It is postulated that NRG1 fusions, through mostly transmembrane fusion partners, result in NRG1 being concentrated in proximity to HER3, leading to its constitutive activation and oncogenesis. Recently, a monoclonal antibody that disrupts the binding of NRG1 to HER3 and HER3/HER2 heterodimerization has resulted in NRG1+ tumor shrinkage, suggesting that \'ligand-fusion\' may be a novel mechanism of oncogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fusion genes containing neuregulin-1 (NRG1) are newly described potentially actionable oncogenic drivers. Initial clinical trials have shown a positive response to targeted treatment in some cases of NRG1 rearranged lung adenocarcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, and pancreatic carcinoma. The cost-effective large scale identification of NRG1 rearranged tumors is an open question. We have tested a data-drilling approach by performing a retrospective assessment of a de-identified molecular profiling database of 3263 tumors submitted for fusion testing. Gene fusion detection was performed by RNA-based targeted next-generation sequencing using the Archer Fusion Plex kits for Illumina (ArcherDX Inc., Boulder, CO). Novel fusion transcripts were confirmed by a custom-designed RT-PCR. Also, the aberrant expression of CK20 was studied immunohistochemically. The frequency of NRG1 rearranged tumors was 0.2% (7/3263). The most common histologic type was lung adenocarcinoma (n = 5). Also, renal carcinoma (n = 1) and prostatic adenocarcinoma (n = 1) were found. Identified fusion partners were of a wide range (CD74, SDC4, TNC, VAMP2, UNC5D), with CD74, SDC4 being found twice. The UNC5D is a novel fusion partner identified in prostate adenocarcinoma. There was no co-occurrence with the other tested fusions nor KRAS, BRAF, and the other gene mutations specified in the applied gene panels. Immunohistochemically, the focal expression of CK20 was present in 2 lung adenocarcinomas. We believe it should be considered as an incidental finding. In conclusion, the overall frequency of tumors with NRG1 fusion was 0.2%. All tumors were carcinomas. We confirm (invasive mucinous) lung adenocarcinoma as being the most frequent tumor presenting NRG1 fusion. Herein novel putative pathogenic gene fusion UNC5D-NRG1 is described. The potential role of immunohistochemistry in tumor identification should be further addressed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The shells of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas contain calcite crystals with three types of microstructures: prismatic, chalky, and foliated layers. Many shell matrix proteins were annotated from the shells of C. gigas; however, it is unclear which SMPs play important roles in their shell mineralization. The matrix proteins have never been reported from the chalky layer. In this study, we identified a chalky layer-derived EGF-like domain-containing protein (CgELC) from the chalky layer of C. gigas shells. The gene sequence of the CgELC was encoded under CGI_ 10,017,544 of the C. gigas genome database. Only peptide fragments in the N-terminal region of CGI_ 10,017,544 were detected by LC-MS/MS analyses, suggesting that CGI_ 10,017,544 was digested at the predicted protease digestion dibasic site by post-translational modification to become a mature CgELC protein. We produced three types of CgELC recombinant proteins, namely, the full length CgELC, as well as the N-terminal and C-terminal parts of CgELC (CgELC-N or -C, respectively), for in vitro crystallization experiments. In the presence of these recombinant proteins, the aggregation of polycrystalline calcite was observed. Some fibrous organic components seemed to be incorporated into the calcite crystals in the presence of the r-CgELC protein. We also noted different features in the crystallization between CgELC-N and CgELC-C; some crystals were inhibited crystal plane formation and contained many columnar prisms inside the crystals (CgELC-N) and formed numerous holes on their surfaces (CgELC-C). These results suggest that CgELC is involved in crystal aggregation and incorporated into calcite crystals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Protein O-fucosyltransferase 1 (POFUT1) overexpression, which is observed in many cancers such as colorectal cancer (CRC), leads to a NOTCH signaling dysregulation associated with the tumoral process. In rare CRC cases, with no POFUT1 overexpression, seven missense mutations were found in human POFUT1.
    METHODS: Recombinant secreted forms of human WT POFUT1 and its seven mutated counterparts were produced and purified. Their O-fucosyltransferase activities were assayed in vitro using a chemo-enzymatic approach with azido-labeled GDP-fucose as a donor substrate and NOTCH1 EGF-LD26, produced in E. coli periplasm, as a relevant acceptor substrate. Targeted mass spectrometry (MS) was carried out to quantify the O-fucosyltransferase ability of all POFUT1 proteins.
    RESULTS: MS analyses showed a significantly higher O-fucosyltransferase activity of six POFUT1 variants (R43H, Y73C, T115A, I343V, D348N, and R364W) compared to WT POFUT1.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides insights on the possible involvement of these seven missense mutations in colorectal tumors. The hyperactive forms could lead to an increased O-fucosylation of POFUT1 protein targets such as NOTCH receptors in CRC patients, thereby leading to a NOTCH signaling dysregulation. It is the first demonstration of gain-of-function mutations for this crucial glycosyltransferase, modulating NOTCH activity, as well as that of other potential glycoproteins.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4) is a multi-functional protein implicated in bone, kidney and neurological diseases including Cenani-Lenz syndactyly (CLS), sclerosteosis, osteoporosis, congenital myasthenic syndrome and myasthenia gravis. Why different LRP4 mutation alleles cause distinct and even contrasting disease phenotypes remain unclear. Herein, we utilized the zebrafish model to search for pathways affected by a deficiency of LRP4. The lrp4 knockdown in zebrafish embryos exhibits cyst formations at fin structures and the caudal vein plexus, malformed pectoral fins, defective bone formation and compromised kidney morphogenesis; which partially phenocopied the human LRP4 mutations and were reminiscent of phenotypes resulting form a perturbed Notch signaling pathway. We discovered that the Lrp4-deficient zebrafish manifested increased Notch outputs in addition to enhanced Wnt signaling, with the expression of Notch ligand jagged1b being significantly elevated at the fin structures. To examine conservatism of signaling mechanisms, the effect of LRP4 missense mutations and siRNA knockdowns, including a novel missense mutation c.1117C > T (p.R373W) of LRP4, were tested in mammalian kidney and osteoblast cells. The results showed that LRP4 suppressed both Wnt/β-Catenin and Notch signaling pathways, and these activities were perturbed either by LRP4 missense mutations or by a knockdown of LRP4. Our finding underscore that LRP4 is required for limiting Jagged-Notch signaling throughout the fin/limb and kidney development, whose perturbation representing a novel mechanism for LRP4-related diseases. Moreover, our study reveals an evolutionarily conserved relationship between LRP4 and Jagged-Notch signaling, which may shed light on how the Notch signaling is fine-tuned during fin/limb development.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Milk fat globule-epidermal growth factor-factor 8 (MFG-E8), as its name suggests, is a major glycoprotein component of milk fat globules secreted by the mammary epithelium. Although its role in milk fat production is unclear, MFG-E8 has been shown to act as a bridge linking apoptotic cells to phagocytes for removal of these dying cells. MFG-E8 is capable of bridging these two very different cell types via interactions through both its epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain(s) and its lectin-type C domains. The EGF-like domain interacts with αVβ3 and αVβ5 integrins on the surface of phagocytes, whereas the C domains bind phosphatidylserine found on the surface of apoptotic cells. In an attempt to purify full-length, recombinant MFG-E8 expressed in either insect cells or CHO cells, we find that it is highly aggregated. Systematic truncation of the domain architecture of MFG-E8 indicates that the C domains are mainly responsible for the aggregation propensity. Addition of Triton X-100 to the conditioned cell culture media allowed partial recovery of non-aggregated, full-length MFG-E8. A more comprehensive detergent screen identified CHAPS as a stabilizer of MFG-E8 and allowed purification of a significant portion of non-aggregated, full-length protein. The CHAPS-stabilized recombinant MFG-E8 retained its natural ability to bind both αVβ3 and αVβ5 integrins and phosphatidylserine suggesting that it is properly folded and active. Herein we describe an efficient purification method for production of non-aggregated, full-length MFG-E8.





