• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cobalt-porphyrin phospholipid displays recombinant protein antigens on liposome surfaces via antigen polyhistidine-tag (His-tag), and when combined with monophosphorylated lipid A and QS-21 yields the \"CPQ\" vaccine adjuvant system. In this proof of principle study, CPQ was used to generate vaccine prototypes that elicited antibodies for two different alphaviruses (AV). Mice were immunized with computationally designed, His-tagged, physicochemical property consensus (PCPcon) protein antigens representing the variable B-domain of the envelope protein 2 (E2) from the serotype specific Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEEVcon) or a broad-spectrum AV-antigen termed EVCcon. The CPQ adjuvant enhanced the antigenicity of both proteins without eliciting detectable anti-His-tag antibodies. Antibodies elicited from mice immunized with antigens admixed with CPQ showed orders-of-magnitude higher levels of antigen-specific IgG compared to alternative control adjuvants. The ELISA results correlated with antiviral activity against VEEV strain TC83 and more weakly to Chikungunya virus 118/25. Thus, display of E.coli-produced His-tagged E2 protein segments on the surface of immunogenic liposomes elicits high levels of antigen-specific and AV neutralizing antibodies in mice with vaccination, while facilitating vaccine preparation and providing dose-sparing potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) was one of the first-recognized neuroinvasive arboviral diseases in North America, and it remains the most lethal. Although EEE is known to have periodic spikes in infection rates, there is increasing evidence that it may be undergoing a change in its prevalence and its public health burden. Numerous factors shape the scope of EEE in humans, and there are important similarities with other emergent viral diseases that have surfaced or strengthened in recent years. Because environmental and ecological conditions that broadly influence the epidemiology of arboviral diseases also are changing, and the frequency, severity, and scope of outbreaks are expected to worsen, an expanded understanding of EEE will have untold importance in coming years. Here we review the factors shaping EEE transmission cycles and the conditions leading to outbreaks in humans from an updated, multidomain perspective. We also provide special consideration of factors shaping the virology, host-vector-environment relationships, and mechanisms of pathology and treatment as a reference for broadening audiences.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Background: Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is a rare mosquito-borne illness exhibiting rapid neurological deterioration and permanent damage. Despite its >30% mortality and >60% long-term neurological damage, EEEV has no approved antiviral medication or vaccination. This report uniquely aims to describe a rare case of EEEV and provide a current literature review of therapeutic and preventative options from the clinical perspective to guide clinicians and public health workers, along with informing them about its impact and current knowledge gaps. Methods: A retrospective chart review of the electronic medical record was performed for a patient\'s 10-day hospital admission in July 2021. In addition, PubMed was searched using relevant keywords for a literature review of EEEV. Results: A 61-year-old woman presented with dysarthria and right-sided facial droop. Acute ischemic stroke was ruled out, and empiric intravenous (IV) antibiotics were initiated for possible infectious etiology. The patient developed worsening mental status and fever and was intubated, with antibiotics broadened with concern for meningitis along with tick-borne illness. The patient remained encephalopathic and febrile, and lumbar serologies were consistent with viral meningoencephalitis or acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Several days after collection, quantitative antibody testing returned positive for EEEV. The patient was pronounced dead on hospital day 10. On review of the literature regarding EEEV, supportive care and prevention remain the cornerstone of management. Although early IV immunoglobulin and high-dose steroids have shown potential as treatments to reduce morbidity and mortality, no vaccines have been approved to date. Conclusion: Prospective trials and further investigations into treatment and preventative options may be useful in reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with EEEV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Venezuelan, western, and eastern equine encephalitic alphaviruses (VEEV, WEEV, and EEEV, respectively) are arboviruses that are highly pathogenic to equines and cause significant harm to infected humans. Currently, human alphavirus infection and the resulting diseases caused by them are unmitigated due to the absence of approved vaccines or therapeutics for general use. These circumstances, combined with the unpredictability of outbreaks-as exemplified by a 2019 EEE surge in the United States that claimed 19 patient lives-emphasize the risks posed by these viruses, especially for aerosolized VEEV and EEEV which are potential biothreats. Herein, small molecule inhibitors of VEEV, WEEV, and EEEV are reviewed that have been identified or advanced in the last five years since a comprehensive review was last performed. We organize structures according to host- versus virus-targeted mechanisms, highlight cellular and animal data that are milestones in the development pipeline, and provide a perspective on key considerations for the progression of compounds at early and later stages of advancement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) usually cycles between Culiseta melanura mosquitoes and birds; however, it can also infect humans. EEEV has a positive-sense RNA genome that, in infected cells, serves as an mRNA for the P1234 polyprotein. P1234 undergoes a series of precise cleavage events producing four nonstructural proteins (nsP1-4) representing subunits of the RNA replicase. Here, we report the construction and properties of a trans-replicase for EEEV. The template RNA of EEEV was shown to be replicated by replicases of diverse alphaviruses. The EEEV replicase, on the other hand, demonstrated limited ability in replicating template RNAs originating from alphaviruses of the Semliki Forest virus complex. The replicase of EEEV was also successfully reconstructed from P123 and nsP4 components. The ability of EEEV P123 to form functional RNA replicases with heterologous nsP4s was more efficient using EEEV template RNA than heterologous alphavirus template RNA. This finding indicates that unlike with previously studied Semliki Forest complex alphaviruses, P123 and/or its processing products have a leading role in EEEV template RNA recognition. Infection of HEK293T cells harboring the EEEV template RNA with EEEV or Western equine encephalitis virus prominently activated expression of a reporter encoded in the template RNA; the effect was much smaller for infection with other alphaviruses and not detectable upon flavivirus infection. At the same time, EEEV infection resulted only in a limited activation of the template RNA of chikungunya virus. Thus, cells harboring reporter-carrying template RNAs can be used as sensitive and selective biosensors for different alphaviruses. IMPORTANCE Infection of EEEV in humans can cause serious neurologic disease with an approximately 30% fatality rate. Although human infections are rare, a record-breaking number was documented in 2019. The replication of EEEV has a unique requirement for host factors but is poorly studied, partly because the virus requires biosafety level 3 facilities which can limit the scope of experiments; at the same time, these studies are crucial for developing antiviral approaches. The EEEV trans-replicase developed here contributes significantly to research on EEEV, providing a safe and versatile tool for studying the virus RNA replication. Using this system, the compatibility of EEEV replicase components with counterparts from other alphaviruses was analyzed. The obtained data can be used to develop unique biosensors that provide alternative methods for detection, identification, quantitation, and neutralization of viable alphaviruses that are compatible with high throughput, semiautomated approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alphaviruses can cause severe human arthritis and encephalitis. During virus infection, structural changes of viral glycoproteins in the acidified endosome trigger virus-host membrane fusion for delivery of the capsid core and RNA genome into the cytosol to initiate virus translation and replication. However, mechanisms by which E1 and E2 glycoproteins rearrange in this process remain unknown. Here, we investigate prefusion cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) under acidic conditions. With models fitted into the low-pH cryo-EM maps, we suggest that E2 dissociates from E1, accompanied by a rotation (∼60°) of the E2-B domain (E2-B) to expose E1 fusion loops. Cryo-EM reconstructions of EEEV bound to a protective antibody at acidic and neutral pH suggest that stabilization of E2-B prevents dissociation of E2 from E1. These findings reveal conformational changes of the glycoprotein spikes in the acidified host endosome. Stabilization of E2-B may provide a strategy for antiviral agent development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is a mosquito borne alphavirus spread primarily in Atlantic and Gulf Coast regions of the United States. EEEV is the causative agent of a devastating meningoencephalitis syndrome, with approximately 30% mortality and significant morbidity. There is no licensed human vaccine against EEEV. An inactivated EEEV vaccine has been offered under investigational new drug (IND) protocols at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) since 1976.
    Healthy at-risk laboratory personnel received inactivated PE-6 strain EEEV (TSI-GSD 104) vaccine under two separate IND protocols. Protocol FY 99-11 (2002-2008) had a primary series consisting of doses on day 0, 7, and 28. Protocol FY 06-31 (2008-2016) utilized a primary series with doses on day 0 and 28, and month 6. Participants with an inadequate immune response, plaque reduction neutralization test with 80% cut-off (PRNT80) titer < 40, received booster vaccination. Volunteers with prior EEEV vaccination were eligible to enroll for booster doses based on annual titer evaluation.
    The FY06-31 dosing schema resulted in significantly greater post-primary series immune response (PRNT80 ≥ 40) rates (84% vs 54%) and geometric mean titers (184.1 vs 39.4). The FY 06-31 dosing schema also resulted in significantly greater cumulative annual immune response rates from 1 to up to 7 years post vaccination (75% vs 59%) and geometric mean of titers (60.1 vs 43.0). The majority of probably or definitely related adverse events were mild and local; there were no probably or definitely related serious adverse events.
    Inactivated PE-6 EEEV vaccine is safe and immunogenic in at-risk laboratory personnel. A prolonged primary series, with month 6 dose, significantly improved vaccine immunogenicity both post-primary series and longitudinally on annual titers. Despite decades of safe use under IND, full licensure is not planned due to manufacturing constraints, and ongoing development of alternatives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is a mosquito-borne virus that is primarily found in North America and the Caribbean. Over the past decade there has been an increase in virus activity, including large outbreaks in human and horse populations. Predicted climate change is expected to affect the range of mosquitoes including vectors of EEEV, which may alter disease risk posing a public health concern. Methods: A scoping review (ScR) was conducted to identify and characterize the global evidence on EEEV. A thorough search was conducted in relevant bibliographic databases and government websites. Two reviewers screened titles and abstracts for relevance and the characteristics of relevant articles were extracted using a uniformly implemented data collection form. The study protocol was developed a priori and described the methods and tools used and this article follows the PRISMA-ScR guidelines for reporting ScRs. Results: The ScR included 718 relevant research articles. The majority of the articles originated from North America (97%) between 1933 and 2019. EEEV has been identified in 35 species of mosquitoes, over 200 species of birds, various domestic animals, wild mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Articles identified in this ScR primarily covered three topic areas: epidemiology of hosts and vectors (344 articles) including surveillance results (138), pathogenesis of EEEV in hosts (193), and in vitro studies characterizing EEEV (111). Fewer articles evaluated the accuracy of diagnostic tests (63), the efficacy of mitigation strategies (62), transmission dynamics (56), treatment of EEEV in hosts (10), societal knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions (4), and economic burden (2). Conclusion: With the projected impact of climate change on mosquito populations, it is expected that the risk of EEEV could change resulting in higher disease burden or spread into previously unaffected areas. Future research efforts should focus on closing some of the important knowledge gaps identified in this ScR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern equine encephalitis and Venezuelan equine encephalitis are endemic neglected tropical diseases in the Americas, causing encephalitis in both horses and humans. In 2013, a cross-sectional study was performed in 243 horses located in the highlands and lowlands throughout Costa Rica. Serum samples were analyzed with an IgG ELISA and confirmed by the plaque-reduction neutralization test (PRNT80). Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) overall seroprevalences by the PRNT80 were 36% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 29.9-42.5; 78/217 horses) and 3% (95% CI: 1.3-5.9; 6/217 horses), respectively. Both the viruses occurred in the lowlands and highlands. Rainfall and altitude were associated with VEEV seropositivity in the univariate analysis, but only altitude <100 meters above sea level was considered a risk factor in the multivariate analysis. No risk factors could be identified for the EEEV in the multivariate analysis. This is the first study that estimates the seroprevalence of the EEEV and VEEV in Costa Rican horses. The VEEV is widely distributed, whereas the EEEV occurs at a much lower frequency and only in specific areas. Clinical cases and occasional outbreaks of both viruses are to be expected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern equine encephalitis virus is an alphavirus that naturally cycles between mosquitoes and birds or rodents in Eastern States of the US. Equine infection occurs by being bitten by cross-feeding mosquitoes, with a case fatality rate of up to 75% in humans during epizootic outbreaks. There are no licensed medical countermeasures, and with an anticipated increase in mortality when exposed by the aerosol route based on anecdotal human data and experimental animal data, it is important to understand the pathogenesis of this disease in pursuit of treatment options. This report details the clinical and pathological findings of mice infected with EEEV by the aerosol route, and use as a model for EEEV infection in humans.
    Mice were exposed by the aerosol route to a dose range of EEEV to establish the median lethal dose. A pathogenesis study followed whereby mice were exposed to a defined dose of virus and sacrificed at time-points thereafter for histopathological analysis and virology.
    Clinical signs of disease appeared within 2 days post challenge, culminating in severe clinical signs within 24 h, neuro-invasion and dose dependent lethality. EEEV was first detected in the lung 1 day post challenge, and by day 3 peak viral titres were observed in the brain, spleen and blood, corresponding with severe meningoencephalitis, indicative of encephalitic disease. Lethality follows severe neurological signs, and may be linked to a threshold level of virus replication in the brain. Effective medical countermeasures for EEEV may necessitate early inoculation to inhibit infection of the brain in zoonotic incidents, and be able to traverse the blood-brain barrier to sufficiently interrupt replication in the brain in cases of aerosol infection.
    There is little human data on the hazard posed by aerosol infection with encephalitic alphaviruses, and use of EEEV as a bioweapon may be by the aerosol route. A well characterized model of aerosol exposure that recapitulates some of the most severe human clinical features is necessary to evaluate the efficacy of putative medical countermeasures, and to increase our understanding about how this route of infection induces such rapid neuro-invasion and resulting disease.






