EEA = endoscopic endonasal approach

EEA = 内镜经鼻入路
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Teratocarcinosarcoma traversing the anterior skull base is rarely reported in literature. The heterogenous and invasive features of the tumor pose challenges for surgical planning. With technological advancements, the endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) has been emerging as a workhorse of anterior skull base lesions. To date, no case has been reported of EEA totally removing teratocarcinosarcomas with intracranial extensions.
    METHODS: The authors provided an illustrative case of a 50-year-old otherwise healthy man who presented with left-sided epistaxis for a year. Imaging studies revealed a 31 × 60-mm communicating lesion of the anterior skull base. Gross total resection via EEA was achieved, and multilayered skull base reconstruction was performed.
    CONCLUSIONS: The endoscopic approach may be safe and effective for resection of extensive teratocarcinosarcoma of the anterior skull base. To minimize the risk of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leaks, multilayered skull base reconstruction and placement of lumbar drainage are vitally important.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Orbital angioleiomyoma is generally considered a rare tumor; approximately 40 cases have been reported. However, after their experience with 6 consecutive cases in their single institution during 3 years, the authors speculate that the incidence of orbital angioleiomyomas is possibly underestimated.
    METHODS: A 34-year-old female presented with progressive exophthalmos of 2 years\' duration. Orbital computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well-circumscribed orbital tumor with partial and heterogeneous gadolinium enhancement. Technetium-99m red blood cell single-photon emission computed tomography showed positive perfusion in the late blood-pool phase, which was exactly consistent with the finding of a cavernous hemangioma. Under the impression of a cavernous hemangioma, the authors accessed the mass with an endoscopic endonasal approach and completely removed it without neurological deficit. Pathological examination revealed that the final diagnosis was an angioleiomyoma with positive immunostaining results for smooth muscle actin (SMA).
    CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of orbital angioleiomyomas may not be very low, as these lesions have possibly been misdiagnosed as orbital cavernous hemangiomas because of their histological similarity. Preoperative presumption and differentiation from cavernous hemangiomas are very challenging because of the rarity of orbital angioleiomyoma and similar radiological findings. SMA immunostaining may be critical to differentiate orbital angioleiomyomas from cavernous hemangiomas.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Post-traumatic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks of the anterior skull base may arise after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Onset of CSF rhinorrhea may be delayed after TBI and without prompt treatment may result in debilitating consequences. Operative repair of CSF leaks caused by anterior skull base fractures may be performed via open craniotomy or endoscopic endonasal approaches (EEAs). The authors\' objective was to review their institutional experience after EEA for repair of TBI-related anterior skull base defects and CSF leaks.
    METHODS: A retrospective review of prospectively collected data from a major level 1 trauma center was performed to identify patients with TBI who developed CSF rhinorrhea. Persistent or refractory post-traumatic CSF leaks and anterior skull base defects were repaired via EEA in four patients. Intrathecal fluorescein was administered before EEA in three patients (75%) to help aid identification of the fistula site(s). CSF leaks were eventually repaired in all patients, though one reoperation was required. During a mean follow-up of 8.75 months, there were no instances of recurrent CSF leakage.
    CONCLUSIONS: Refractory, traumatic CSF leaks may be effectively repaired via EEA using a multilayer approach and nasoseptal flap reconstruction, thereby potentially obviating the need for additional craniotomy in the post-TBI setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acromegaly is a disease of acral enlargement and elevated serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (GH), usually caused by a pituitary adenoma. A lack of consensus on factors that reliably predict outcomes in acromegalic patients following endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery (EETS) warrants additional investigation.
    The authors identified 52 patients with acromegaly who underwent an endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) for resection of a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma. Preoperative and postoperative tumor and endocrinological characteristics such as tumor size, invasiveness, and GH/IGF-1 levels were evaluated as potential indicators of postoperative hormonal remission. Endocrinological remission was defined as postoperative IGF-1 levels at or below the age- and sex-normalized values.
    The 52 patients had a mean age of 50.7 ± 13.4 years and a mean follow-up duration of 24.4 ± 19.1 months. Ten patients (19%) had microadenomas and 42 (81%) had macroadenomas. Five patients (9.6%) had giant adenomas. Forty-four tumors (85%) had extrasellar extension, with 40 (77%) exhibiting infrasellar invasion, 18 (35%) extending above the sella, and 7 (13%) invading the cavernous sinuses. Thirty-six patients (69%) underwent gross-total resection (GTR; mean maximal tumor diameter 1.47 cm), and 16 (31%) underwent subtotal resection (STR; mean maximal tumor diameter 2.74 cm). Invasive tumors were significantly larger, and Knosp scores were negatively correlated with GTR. Thirty-eight patients (73%) achieved hormonal remission after EEA resection alone, which increased to 87% with adjunctive medical therapy. Ninety percent of patients with microadenomas and 86% of patients with macroadenomas achieved hormonal remission. Preoperative IGF-1 and postoperative day 1 (POD1) GH levels were inversely correlated with hormonal remission. Postoperative CSF leakage occurred in 2 patients (4%), and none experienced vision loss, death, or injury to internal carotid arteries or cranial nerves.
    Endoscopic transsphenoidal resection of GH-secreting pituitary adenomas is a safe and highly effective treatment for achieving hormonal remission and tumor control in up to 87% of patients with acromegaly when combined with postoperative medical therapy. Patients with lower preoperative IGF-1 and POD1 GH levels, with less invasive pituitary adenomas, and who undergo GTR are more likely to achieve postoperative biochemical remission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Machine learning (ML) is an innovative method to analyze large and complex data sets. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of ML to identify predictors of early postsurgical and long-term outcomes in patients treated for Cushing disease (CD).
    All consecutive patients in our center who underwent surgery for CD through the endoscopic endonasal approach were retrospectively reviewed. Study endpoints were gross-tumor removal (GTR), postsurgical remission, and long-term control of disease. Several demographic, radiological, and histological factors were assessed as potential predictors. For ML-based modeling, data were randomly divided into 2 sets with an 80% to 20% ratio for bootstrapped training and testing, respectively. Several algorithms were tested and tuned for the area under the curve (AUC).
    The study included 151 patients. GTR was achieved in 137 patients (91%), and postsurgical hypersecretion remission was achieved in 133 patients (88%). At last follow-up, 116 patients (77%) were still in remission after surgery and in 21 patients (14%), CD was controlled with complementary treatment (overall, of 131 cases, 87% were under control at follow-up). At internal validation, the endpoints were predicted with AUCs of 0.81-1.00, accuracy of 81%-100%, and Brier scores of 0.035-0.151. Tumor size and invasiveness and histological confirmation of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting cells were the main predictors for the 3 endpoints of interest.
    ML algorithms were used to train and internally validate robust models for all the endpoints, giving accurate outcome predictions in CD cases. This analytical method seems promising for potentially improving future patient care and counseling; however, careful clinical interpretation of the results remains necessary before any clinical adoption of ML. Moreover, further studies and increased sample sizes are definitely required before the widespread adoption of ML to the study of CD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trigeminal schwannomas are rare neoplasms with an incidence of less than 1% that require a comprehensive surgical strategy. These tumors can occur anywhere along the path of the trigeminal nerve, capable of extending intradurally into the middle and posterior fossae, and extracranially into the orbital, pterygopalatine, and infratemporal fossa. Recent advancements in endoscopic surgery have suggested a more minimally invasive and direct route for tumors in and around Meckel\'s cave, including the endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) and endoscopic transorbital superior eyelid approach (ETOA). The authors assess the feasibility and outcomes of EEA and ETOA for trigeminal schwannomas.
    A retrospective multicenter analysis was performed on 25 patients who underwent endoscopic surgical treatment for trigeminal schwannomas between September 2011 and February 2019. Thirteen patients (52%) underwent EEA and 12 (48%) had ETOA, one of whom underwent a combined approach with retrosigmoid craniotomy. The extent of resection, clinical outcome, and surgical morbidity were analyzed to evaluate the feasibility and selection of surgical approach between EEA and ETOA based on predominant location of trigeminal schwannomas.
    According to predominant tumor location, 9 patients (36%) had middle fossa tumors (Samii type A), 8 patients (32%) had dumbbell-shaped tumors located in the middle and posterior cranial fossae (Samii type C), and another 8 patients (32%) had extracranial tumors (Samii type D). Gross-total resection (GTR, n = 12) and near-total resection (NTR, n = 7) were achieved in 19 patients (76%). The GTR/NTR rates were 81.8% for ETOA and 69.2% for EEA. The GTR/NTR rates of ETOA and EEA according to the classifications were 100% and 50% for tumors confined to the middle cranial fossa, 75% and 33% for dumbbell-shaped tumors located in the middle and posterior cranial fossae, and 50% and 100% for extracranial tumors. There were no postoperative CSF leaks. The most common preoperative symptom was trigeminal sensory dysfunction, which improved in 15 of 21 patients (71.4%). Three patients experienced new postoperative complications such as vasospasm (n = 1), wound infection (n = 1), and medial gaze palsy (n = 1).
    ETOA provides adequate access and resectability for trigeminal schwannomas limited in the middle fossa or dumbbell-shaped tumors located in the middle and posterior fossae, as does EEA for extracranial tumors. Tumors predominantly involving the posterior fossa still remain a challenge in endoscopic surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endoscopic endonasal approaches (EEAs) are increasingly being incorporated into the neurosurgeon\'s armamentarium for treatment of various pathologies, including paraclinoid aneurysms. However, few anatomical assessments have been performed on the use of EEA for this purpose. The aim of the present study was to provide a comprehensive anatomical assessment of the EEA for the treatment of paraclinoid aneurysms.
    Five cadaveric heads underwent an endonasal transplanum-transtuberculum approach to expose the paraclinoid area. The feasibility of obtaining proximal and distal internal carotid artery (ICA) control as well as the topographic location of the origin of the ophthalmic artery (OphA) relative to dural landmarks were assessed. Limitations of the EEA in exposing the supraclinoid ICA were also recorded to identify favorable paraclinoid ICA aneurysm projections for EEA.
    The extracavernous paraclival and clinoidal ICAs were favorable segments for establishing proximal control. Clipping the extracavernous ICA risked injury to the trigeminal and abducens nerves, whereas clipping the clinoidal segment put the oculomotor nerve at risk. The OphA origin was found within 4 mm of the medial opticocarotid point on a line connecting the midtubercular recess point to the medial vertex of the lateral opticocarotid recess. An average 7.2-mm length of the supraclinoid ICA could be safely clipped for distal control. Assessments showed that small superiorly or medially projecting aneurysms were favorable candidates for clipping via EEA.
    When used for paraclinoid aneurysms, the EEA carries certain risks to adjacent neurovascular structures during proximal control, dural opening, and distal control. While some authors have promoted this approach as feasible, this work demonstrates that it has significant limitations and may only be appropriate in highly selected cases that are not amenable to coiling or clipping. Further clinical experience with this approach helps to delineate its risks and benefits.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The endoscopic endonasal approach has been proposed as a primary surgical strategy for select craniopharyngiomas. However, those tumors that arise from the sella have not been classified with the other craniopharyngioma subtypes in terms of surgical nuances, intraoperative findings, and postoperative outcomes. The authors describe their experience with a select subtype of craniopharyngioma arising within the sella subjacent to the diaphragma sellae and refer to these tumors as type 0.
    After obtaining IRB approval, three institutions retrospectively reviewed their data collected from 2005 to 2017. Patients eligible for inclusion in the study were those who had tumors that originated from the sella inferior to the diaphragma sellae. Demographic, clinical, radiological, surgical, and follow-up data were examined and analyzed.
    Twenty-eight patients (average age 19.3 years, range 3-60 years) were included in this study. Sixteen patients (57%) were younger than 18 years of age. All patients had characteristic imaging features of an expanded sella. Seventy-five percent of the patients presented with some form of visual field deficit (89% had radiographic optic apparatus compression) and 39% with hypopituitarism. The average maximal tumor diameter in the axial, coronal, or sagittal plane was 3.1 cm. Gross-total resection was achieved in 82% of the patients. Twenty-one percent of patients experienced an iatrogenic complication, and there were only two cases (7%) of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage. Only two patients (7%) required the use of a nasoseptal flap as part of their original reconstruction. Pathology was uniformly the adamantinomatous subtype. Postoperative objective visual outcomes were improved in 71% of the patients with visual symptoms or visual field deficits on presentation and stable in 24%. Mean follow-up was 45.1 months (range 3-120 months) with an 18% recurrence rate at a mean of 44.4 months (range 10-84 months). One patient was lost to follow-up. Thirty-six percent of patients received postoperative radiation to treat recurrence or residual tumor. Endocrine data are also presented.
    Craniopharyngiomas that originate within the sella below the diaphragma sellae are a select subtype characterized by 1) an enlarged sella, 2) an intact diaphragma sellae at surgery, and 3) an adamantinomatous pathology. These tumors can be treated transnasally without the absolute need for neurovascular flap reconstruction, as there is a low risk of CSF leakage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pituitary adenomas often invade the medial wall of the cavernous sinus (CS), but this structure is generally not surgically removed because of the risk of vascular and cranial nerve injury. The purpose of this study was to report the surgical outcomes in a large series of cases of invasive pituitary adenoma in which the medial wall of the CS was selectively removed following an anatomically based, stepwise surgical technique.
    The authors\' institutional database was reviewed to identify cases of pituitary adenoma with isolated invasion of the medial wall, based on an intraoperative evaluation, in which patients underwent an endoscopic endonasal approach with selective resection of the medial wall of the CS. Cases with CS invasion beyond the medial wall were excluded. Patient complications, resection, and remission rates were assessed.
    Fifty patients were eligible for this study, 15 (30%) with nonfunctional adenomas and 35 (70%) with functional adenomas, including 16 growth hormone-, 10 prolactin-, and 9 adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting tumors. The average tumor size was 2.3 cm for nonfunctional and 1.3 cm for functional adenomas. Radiographically, 11 cases (22%) were Knosp grade 1, 23 (46%) Knosp grade 2, and 16 (32%) Knosp grade 3. Complete tumor resection, based on intraoperative impression and postoperative MRI, was achieved in all cases. The mean follow-up was 30 months (range 4-64 months) for patients with functional adenomas and 16 months (range 4-30 months) for those with nonfunctional adenomas. At last follow-up, complete biochemical remission (using current criteria) without adjuvant treatment was seen in 34 cases (97%) of functional adenoma. No imaging recurrences were seen in patients who had nonfunctional adenomas. A total of 57 medial walls were removed in 50 patients. Medial wall invasion was histologically confirmed in 93% of nonfunctional adenomas and 83% of functional adenomas. There were no deaths or internal carotid artery injuries, and the average blood loss was 378 ml. Four patients (8%) developed a new, transient cranial nerve palsy, and 2 of these patients required reoperation for blood clot evacuation and fat graft removal. There were no permanent cranial nerve palsies.
    The medial wall of the CS can be removed safely and effectively, with minimal morbidity and excellent resection and remission rates. Further follow-up is needed to determine the long-term results of this anatomically based technique, which should only be performed by very experienced endonasal skull base teams.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) and the transcranial approach (TCA) are good options for the treatment of tuberculum sellae (TS) meningiomas. The objective of this study was to identify the key anatomical features in TS meningiomas and compare the two surgical approaches.
    The authors retrospectively reviewed clinical data in 178 patients with TS meningiomas treated at 3 institutions between January 2010 and July 2016. Patients with tumors encasing the internal carotid artery or anterior cerebral artery or involving the anterior clinoid process or cavernous sinus were excluded. Tumors were classified as high-lying or low-lying based on their location, and involvement of the optic canal was evaluated. The surgical outcomes of EEA and TCA were analyzed according to the relevant anatomical features.
    During the study period, 84 patients underwent EEA and 94 patients underwent TCA. Based on preoperative MR images, 43 (24.2%) meningiomas were classified as high-lying tumors, 126 (70.8%) as low-lying, and 9 (5.0%) as nonspecific. Gross-total resection (GTR) was performed in 145 patients (81.5%); the GTR rate did not differ significantly between the EEA and TCA groups. Of 157 patients with preoperative visual disturbance, 140 had improved or stable vision postoperatively. However, 17 patients (9.6%) experienced some visual deterioration after surgery. The TCA group had a worse visual outcome than the EEA group in patients with preoperative optic canal involvement (77.6% vs 93.2%, p = 0.019), whereas there was no significant difference in visual outcome based on whether tumors were high-lying or low-lying.
    The results of this study support EEA over TCA, at least with respect to visual improvement with acceptable complications, although TCA is still an effective approach for TS meningioma.





