• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insects on corpses could be a useful tool for the detection of exogenous substances such as drugs of abuse. The identification of exogenous substances in carrion insects is critical for proper estimation of the postmortem interval. It also provides information about the deceased person that may prove useful for forensic purposes. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with Fourier transform mass spectrometry is a highly sensitive analytical technique that can identify substances even at very low concentrations, such as in the case of searching for exogenous substances in larvae. In this paper, a method is proposed for the identification of morphine, codeine, methadone, 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) and 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) in the larvae of Lucilia sericata, a common carrion fly widely distributed in temperate areas of the world. The larvae, which were reared on a pig meat substrate, were killed once they reached their third stage by immersion in hot water at 80 °C and aliquoted into 400 mg samples. The samples were fortified with 5 ng of morphine, methadone and codeine. After solid-phase extraction, the samples were processed with a liquid chromatograph coupled to a Fourier transform mass spectrometer. This qualitative method has been validated and tested on larvae from a real case. The results lead to the correct identification of morphine, codeine, methadone and their metabolites. This method could prove useful in cases where toxicological analysis must be conducted on highly decomposed human remains, where biological matrices are very limited. Furthermore, it could help the forensic pathologist to better estimate the time of death, as the growth cycle of carrion insects can undergo changes if exogenous substances are taken.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Methadone, along with buprenorphine, is the most commonly used drug for the treatment of opioid dependence. This study aimed to analyze methadone and its major metabolite, 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenyl pyrrolidine (EDDP), in the urine and plasma of opiate addicts. The study group consisted of drug users voluntarily admitted to the detoxification center C.E.T.T.T. \"St. Stelian\" of Bucharest. Secondly, the study aimed to identify whether urine or plasma provides better results for the proposed method. (2) Methods: A GC-MS method, using an internal standard (diphenylamine) in the FULL-SCAN and SIM modes of operation and using the m/z = 72 ion for methadone and the m/z = 277 ion for EDDP, combined with a liquid-liquid extraction procedure was performed. (3) Results: The applied procedure allows the detection and quantification of methadone in both urine and plasma samples. EDDP was identified in patients with higher levels of methadone. Higher levels of methadone were detected in urine than in plasma samples. (4) Conclusions: This procedure can be used in clinical laboratories for the rapid determination of methadone levels in urine rather than in plasma. The procedure can be applied for the monitoring of methadone substitution treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The enantioselectivity of the pharmacokinetics of methadone was investigated in anesthetized Shetland ponies after a single intravenous (0.5 mg/kg methadone hydrochloride; n = 6) or constant rate infusion (0.25 mg/kg bolus followed by 0.25 mg/kg/h methadone hydrochloride; n = 3) administration of racemic methadone. Plasma concentrations of l-methadone and d-methadone and their major metabolites, l- and d-2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP), respectively, were analyzed by CE with highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector and electrokinetic analyte injection from liquid/liquid extracts prepared at alkaline pH. In both trials, the d-methadone concentrations were lower than those of l-methadone and the d-EDDP levels were lower than those of L-EDDP. For the case of a single intravenous bolus injection, the plasma concentration versus time profile of methadone enantiomers was analyzed with a two-compartment pharmacokinetic model. l-methadone showed a slower elimination rate constant, a lower body clearance, and a smaller steady-state volume of distribution than d-methadone. d-methadone and d-EDDP were eliminated faster than their respective l-enantiomers. This is the first study that outlines that the disposition of racemic methadone administered to anesthetized equines is enantioselective.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The paper presents a method for the determination of methadone, EDDP, and EMDP in postmortem biological materials using liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate (pH9) and UHPLC-MS/MS technique. Methadone-d9 and EDDP-d3 were used as the internal standards. The method validation results for blood and urine were as follows: linearity: 0.5-1000 ng/ml; R2  > 0.9993 for methadone, EDDP and R2  > 0.9944 for EMDP. Intra- and inter-day precision: 0.1%-7.5% and 0.3%-8.6%, respectively; intra- and inter-day accuracy: -11.8% to 13.9% and -9.3 to 14.8%, respectively; recovery: 91.5%-123.0%; matrix effect: 83.5%-123.9%. This study also describes 18 postmortem cases, where methadone concentrations ranged 2.3-1180 ng/ml in blood (n = 17), from 11.0 to >10,000 ng/ml in urine (n = 13) and 135.2-409.0 in vitreous humor (VH, n = 3). EDDP concentrations ranged from not detectable to 180 ng/mL in blood, from 42.4 to >10,000 ng/ml in urine and 18.3-36.5 in VH. EMDP concentrations were found in four cases in blood from below LLOQ to 1.8 ng/ml and in seven cases in urine, ranged 2.1-243.0 ng/ml. EMDP was not detected in VH samples. The EDDP/methadone ratios and blood/urine ratios for methadone and EDDP in EMDP-positive and negative cases were performed. The paper presents mass spectra of other methadone metabolites, than EDDP and EMDP (ring hydroxylated methadone, ring hydroxylated EDDP, ring hydroxylated EMDP, methadol, and DDP). Simultaneous determination of methadone and its metabolites in order to unequivocally interpret the results of toxicological tests seems to be useful in cases related to prescription/illicit use of methadone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of ABCB1, CYP2B6, and CYP3A4 genetic polymorphisms on methadone metabolism in patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) undergoing methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). The study included 35 participants undergoing MMT, who were divided in three groups: HCV-positive (N=12), HCV-negative (N=16), and HCV clinical remission (CR) (N=7). The concentrations of methadone and its main metabolite 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) were determined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The patients were genotyped for ABCB1 rs1045642, CYP2B6 rs3745274, CYP3A4 rs2242480, and CYP3A4 rs2740574 polymorphisms. Differences between single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes and methadone-to-EDDP ratio were analysed with one-way ANOVA, which showed no significant difference between the genes (p=0.3772 for ABCB1 rs1045642, p=0.6909 for CYP2B6 rs3745274, and p=0.6533 for CYP3A4 rs2242480). None of the four analysed SNP genotypes correlated with methadone-to-EDDP concentration ratio. A major influence on it in hepatitis C-positive patients turned out to be the stage of liver damage.
    Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj polimorfizama gena ABCB1, CYP2B6 i CYP3A4 na metabolizam metadona u bolesnika/ovisnika s pozitivnim nalazom virusa hepatitisa C (HCV) na metadonskoj terapiji održavanja. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 35 sudionika na metadonskoj terapiji održavanja, podijeljenih u sljedeće skupine: HCV pozitivni (N=12), HCV negativni (N=16) i oni s kliničkom remisijom HCV-a (CR) (N=7). Koncentracije metadona i njegova glavnog metabolita 2-etiliden-1,5-dimetil-3,3-difenilpirolidina (EDDP) utvrđene su plinskom kromatografijom – masenom spektrometrijom. U sudionika su analizirani genski polimorfizmi ABCB1 rs1045642, CYP2B6 rs3745274, CYP3A4 rs2242480 i CYP3A4 rs2740574. Jednosmjerna analiza varijance (engl. one-way ANOVA) nije pokazala statistički značajne razlike između genotipova jednonukleotidnih polimorfizama (engl. single-nucleotide polymorphism, krat. SNP) u omjeru koncentracije metadona i EDDP-a (p=0,3772 za ABCB1 rs1045642; p=0,6909 za CYP2B6 rs3745274 F=0,374 i p=0,6533 za CYP3A4 rs2242480). Nijedan od četiriju analiziranih SNP genotipova nije korelirao s omjerom koncentracije metadona i EDDP-a. U bolesnika/ovisnika koji su bili pozitivni na HCV na taj je omjer ponajviše utjecao stupanj oštećenja jetre.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An enantioselective assay for the determination of methadone and its main metabolite 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine in equine plasma based on capillary electrophoresis with highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector and electrokinetic analyte injection is described. The assay is based on liquid/liquid extraction of the analytes at alkaline pH from 0.1 mL plasma followed by electrokinetic sample injection of the analytes from the extract across a buffer plug without chiral selector. Separation occurs cationically at normal polarity in a pH 3 phosphate buffer containing 0.16% (w/v) of highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin. The developed assay is precise (intra- and interday RSD < 4% and < 7%, respectively), is capable to determine enantiomer levels of methadone and 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine in plasma down to 2.5 ng/mL, and was successfully applied to monitor enantiomer drug and metabolite levels in plasma of a pony that was anesthetized with racemic ketamine and isoflurane and received a bolus of racemic methadone and a bolus followed by constant rate infusion of racemic methadone. The data suggest that the assay is well suited for pharmacokinetic purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present work describes the development and validation of a novel approach to determine methadone (MTD) and its main metabolite (EDDP) in oral fluid samples, using the dried saliva spots (DSS) sampling approach and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Oral fluid samples (50 μL) were applied into Whatman™ 903 protein saver filter paper cards and were allowed to dry overnight. The extraction was carried out by immersion of the spot in 1 mL of isopropyl alcohol with agitation for 1 min. Afterwards, the extract was centrifuged for 15 min at 3500 rpm and the supernatant evaporated to dryness and reconstituted with 50 μL of methanol. The procedure was considered linear in the range of 10 to 250 ng/mL for both compounds, with determination coefficients greater than 0.99. Intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy revealed coefficients of variation (CVs) lower than 15% at the studied concentrations, with mean relative errors within ± 15% of the nominal concentrations. Recoveries ranged from 45 to 74%. The limits of detection and quantification were 5 and 10 ng/mL respectively for both analytes. All studied parameters complied with the defined criteria and the method enabled the successful determination of MTD and EDDP in oral fluid samples from patients undergoing opiate substitution/maintenance therapy.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    The biotransformation study of difficult-to-degrade opioid analgesic methadone (MTHD) was performed by activated sludge culture adapted to high concentration of methadone (10 mg/L). The study included determination of elimination kinetics of the parent compound, taxonomic characterization of microbial culture, identification of biotransformation products (TPs) and assessment of ecotoxicological effects of biotransformation processes. The chemical analyses were performed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, whereas the ecotoxicological assessment was made based on determinations of toxicity to freshwater algae. Changes of the adapted sludge culture during the experiment were followed using the 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Depending on the experimental conditions, the elimination efficiency of methadone (10 mg/L) varied from 9% to 93% with the corresponding half-lives from 11.4 days to 1.5 days. A significantly faster elimination (t1/2 from 1.5 days to 5.8 days) was achieved at cometabolic conditions, using glucose-containing media, as compared to the experiments with MTHD as a single organic carbon source (t1/2 = 11.4 days). Moreover, increased biotransformation rate following the additional supplementation of ammonia, revealed a possible importance of nitrogen availability for the transformation at cometabolic conditions. The elimination of parent compound was associated with the formation of 3 different TPs, two of which were identical to main human metabolites of MTHD, 2-Ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP) and 2-ethyl-5-methyl-3,3-diphenyl-1-pyrroline (EMDP). EDDP represented over 90% of the total TP concentration at the end of experiment. The biodegradation of MTHD was associated with a pronounced drop in algal toxicity, confirming a rather positive ecotoxicological outcome of the achieved biotransformation processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methadone is a cornerstone therapy for opioid addiction and a public health strategy for HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C reduction. Methadone is also used for acute and chronic pain. As use for chronic pain has grown, so too have adverse events. Constitutive and acquired (drug interactions) inter- and intraindividual variability in methadone pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics confounds reliable clinical use. Identification of enzymes and transporters responsible for methadone disposition has been a long-sought ideal. Initial in vitro studies identified CYP3A4 as metabolizing methadone. Subsequently, by extrapolation, CYP3A4 was long assumed to be responsible for clinical methadone disposition. However, CYP2B6 is also a major catalyst of methadone metabolism in vitro. It has now been unequivocally established that CYP2B6, not CYP3A4, is the principal determinant of methadone metabolism, clearance, elimination, and plasma concentrations in humans. Methadone disposition is susceptible to inductive and inhibitory drug interactions. CYP2B6 genetics also influences methadone metabolism and clearance, which were diminished in CYP2B6*6 carriers and increased in CYP2B6*4 carriers. CYP2B6 genetics can explain, in part, interindividual variability in methadone metabolism and clearance. Thus, both constitutive variability due to CYP2B6 genetics, and CYP2B6-mediated drug interactions, can alter methadone disposition, clinical effect, and drug safety. Methadone is not a substrate for major influx or efflux transporters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analysing drug residues in wastewater (wastewater analysis) to monitor the consumption of those drugs in the population has become a complementary method to epidemiological surveys. In this method, the excretion factor of a drug (or the percentage of drug metabolites excreted through urine) is a critical parameter for the back-estimation of the consumption of a drug. However, this parameter is usually derived from a small database of human pharmacokinetic studies. This is true for methadone and codeine, the two most commonly used opioids and also common substances of abuse. Therefore, we aimed to refine the current excretion factors used for estimating methadone and codeine by analysing published data from the literature on the excretion of methadone, its main metabolite, 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (EDDP), and codeine. Our review included both human drug pharmacokinetic studies and wastewater analysis studies. We found that while the commonly used excretion factor of methadone (~27.5%) was relatively accurate, the excretion factor of EDDP, a better biomarker for methadone consumption in sewer epidemiology, should be twice that of methadone (i.e. 55%) instead of the current equal or half values. For codeine, the excretion factor should be ~30% instead of 63.5% or 10% as previously used in wastewater analysis studies. Data from wastewater analysis studies could be used in this way to refine the excretion factors of the drugs of interest.





