• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Secretion systems play a crucial role in microbe-microbe or host-microbe interactions. Among these systems, the extracellular contractile injection system (eCIS) is a unique bacterial and archaeal extracellular secretion system that injects protein toxins into target organisms. However, the specific proteins that eCISs inject into target cells and their functions remain largely unknown. Here, we developed a machine learning classifier to identify eCIS-associated toxins (EATs). The classifier combines genetic and biochemical features to identify EATs. We also developed a score for the eCIS N-terminal signal peptide to predict EAT loading. Using the classifier we classified 2,194 genes from 950 genomes as putative EATs. We validated four new EATs, EAT14-17, showing toxicity in bacterial and eukaryotic cells, and identified residues of their respective active sites that are critical for toxicity. Finally, we show that EAT14 inhibits mitogenic signaling in human cells. Our study provides insights into the diversity and functions of EATs and demonstrates machine learning capability of identifying novel toxins. The toxins can be employed in various applications dependently or independently of eCIS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measurement of endothelial and epithelial barrier integrity is important for a variety of in vitro models, including Transwell assays, cocultures, and organ-on-chip platforms. Barrier resistance is typically measured by trans-endothelial electrical resistance (TEER), but TEER is invasive and cannot accurately measure isolated monolayer resistance in coculture or most organ-on-chip devices. These limitations are addressed by porous membrane electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing (PM-ECIS), which measures barrier integrity in cell monolayers grown directly on permeable membranes patterned with electrodes. Here, we advanced the design and utility of PM-ECIS by investigating its sensitivity to working electrode size and correlation with TEER. Gold electrodes were fabricated on porous membrane inserts using hot embossing and UV lithography, with working electrode diameters of 250, 500, and 750 μm within the same insert. Sensitivity to resistance changes (4 kHz) during endothelial barrier formation was inversely proportional to electrode size, with the smallest being the most sensitive (p < 0.001). Similarly, smaller electrodes were most sensitive to changes in impedance (40 kHz) corresponding to cell spreading and proliferation (p < 0.001). Barrier disruption with both EGTA and thrombin was detectable by all electrode sizes. Resistances measured by PM-ECIS vs TEER for sodium chloride solutions were positively and significantly correlated for all electrode sizes (r > 0.9; p < 0.0001), but only with 750 μm electrodes for endothelial monolayers (r = 0.71; p = 0.058). These data inform the design and selection of PM-ECIS electrodes for specific applications and support PM-ECIS as a promising alternative to conventional TEER for direct, noninvasive, real-time assessment of cells cultured on porous membranes in conventional and organ-on-chip barrier models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The IPEC-J2 cell line is used as an in vitro small intestine model for swine, but it is also used as a model for the human intestine, presenting a relatively unique setting. By combining electric cell-substrate impedance sensing, with next-generation-sequencing technology, we showed that mRNA gene expression profiles and related pathways can depend on the growth phase of IPEC-J2 cells. Our investigative approach welcomes scientists to reproduce or modify our protocols and endorses putting their gene expression data in the context of the respective growth phase of the cells.
    RESULTS: Three time points are presented: (TP1) 1 h after medium change (= 6 h after seeding of cells), (TP2) the time point of the first derivative maximum of the cell growth curve, and a third point at the beginning of the plateau phase (TP3). Significantly outstanding at TP1 compared to TP2 was upregulated PLEKHN1, further FOSB and DEGS2 were significantly downregulated at TP2 compared to TP3. Any provided data can be used to improve next-generation experiments with IPEC-J2 cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1 (Sigma-1R) is an intracellular chaperone protein residing on the endoplasmic reticulum at the mitochondrial-associated membrane (MAM) region. Sigma-1R is abundant in the brain and is involved in several physiological processes as well as in various disease states. The role of Sigma-1R at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is incompletely characterized. In this study, the effect of Sigma-1R activation was investigated in vitro on rat brain microvascular endothelial cells (RBMVEC), an important component of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and in vivo on BBB permeability in rats. The Sigma-1R agonist PRE-084 produced a dose-dependent increase in mitochondrial calcium, and mitochondrial and cytosolic reactive oxygen species (ROS) in RBMVEC. PRE-084 decreased the electrical resistance of the RBMVEC monolayer, measured with the electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) method, indicating barrier disruption. These effects were reduced by pretreatment with Sigma-1R antagonists, BD 1047 and NE 100. In vivo assessment of BBB permeability in rats indicates that PRE-084 produced a dose-dependent increase in brain extravasation of Evans Blue and sodium fluorescein brain; the effect was reduced by the Sigma-1R antagonists. Immunocytochemistry studies indicate that PRE-084 produced a disruption of tight and adherens junctions and actin cytoskeleton. The brain microcirculation was directly visualized in vivo in the prefrontal cortex of awake rats with a miniature integrated fluorescence microscope (aka, miniscope; Doric Lenses Inc.). Miniscope studies indicate that PRE-084 increased sodium fluorescein extravasation in vivo. Taken together, these results indicate that Sigma-1R activation promoted oxidative stress and increased BBB permeability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The measurement of transepithelial electrical resistance across confluent cell monolayer systems is the most commonly used technique to study intestinal barrier development and integrity. Electric cell substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) is a real-time, label-free, impedance-based method used to study various cell behaviors such as cell growth, viability, migration, and barrier function in vitro. So far, the ECIS technology has exclusively been performed on cell lines. Organoids, however, are cultured from tissue-specific stem cells, which better recapitulate cell functions and the heterogeneity of the parent tissue than cell lines and are therefore more physiologically relevant for research and modeling of human diseases. In this protocol paper, we demonstrate that ECIS technology can be successfully applied on 2D monolayers generated from patient-derived intestinal organoids. Key features • We present a protocol that allows the assessment of various cell functions, such as proliferation and barrier formation, with ECIS on organoid-derived monolayers. • The protocol facilitates intestinal barrier research on patient tissue-derived organoids, providing a valuable tool for disease modeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The technique electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) can be used to detect and monitor the behavior of intestinal cells. The methodology presented was designed to achieve results within a short time frame, and it was tailored to use a colonic cancer cell line. Differentiation of intestinal cancer cells has previously been reported to be regulated by retinoic acid (RA). Here, colonic cancer cells were cultured in the ECIS array before being treated with RA, and any changes in response to RA were monitored after treatment. The ECIS recorded changes in impedance in response to the treatment and vehicle. This methodology poses as a novel way to record the behavior of colonic cells and opens new avenues for in vitro research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is known that many cells produce extracellular vesicles, and this includes a range of different cancer cell types. Here we demonstrate the profound effects of large vesicular-like bodies produced by melanoma cells on the barrier integrity of human brain endothelial cells. These vesicular-bodies have not been fully characterised but range in size from ~500 nm to >10 µm, are surrounded by membrane and are enzymatically active based on cell-tracker incorporation. Their size is consistent with previously reported large oncosomes and apoptotic bodies. We demonstrate that these melanoma-derived vesicular-bodies rapidly affect brain endothelial barrier integrity, measured using ECIS biosensor technology, where the disruption is evident within ~60 min. This disruption involves acquisition of the vesicles through transcellular uptake into the endothelial cells. We also observed extensive actin-rearrangement, actin removal from the paracellular boundary of the endothelial cells and envelopment of the vesicular-bodies by actin. This was concordant with widespread changes in CD144 localisation, which was consistent with the loss of junctional strength. High-resolution confocal imaging revealed proximity of the melanoma vesicular-bodies juxtaposed to the endothelial nucleus, often containing fragmented DNA themselves, raising speculation over this association and potential delivery of nuclear material into the brain endothelial cells. The disruption of the endothelial cells occurs in a manner that is faster and completely distinct to that of invasion by intact melanoma cells. Given the clinical observation of large vesicles in the circulation of melanoma patients by others, we hypothesize their involvement in weakening or priming the brain vasculature for melanoma invasion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Electrical stimulation is a promising alternative to promote bone fracture healing but with the limitation of tracking the osteogenesis progress in vivo. To overcome this issue, we present an opportunity to combine the electrical stimulation of a commercial titanium implant, which promotes osteogenesis within the fracture, with a real-time readout of the osteogenic progress by impedance sensing. This makes it possible to adjust the electrical stimulation modalities to the individual patient\'s fracture healing process. (2) Methods: In detail, osteogenic differentiation of several cell types was monitored under continuous or pulsatile electrical stimulation at 0.7 V AC/20 Hz for at least seven days on a titanium implant by electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS). For control, chemical induction of osteogenic differentiation was induced. (3) Results: The most significant challenge was to discriminate impedance changes caused by proliferation events from those initiated by osteogenic differentiation. This discrimination was achieved by remodeling the impedance parameter Alpha (α), which increases over time for pulsatile electrically stimulated stem cells. Boosted α-values were accompanied by an increased formation of actin stress fibers and a reduced expression of the focal adhesion kinase in the cell periphery; morphological alterations known to occur during osteogenesis. (4) Conclusions: This work provided the basis for developing an effective fracture therapy device, which can induce osteogenesis on the one hand, and would allow us to monitor the induction process on the other hand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detection sensitivity is a crucial factor in the application of ECIS sensors. For these biosensors, the electrode configuration has a direct impact on sensitivity, yet few studies on monopolar electrodes have been reported. In this study, ECIS sensor arrays, which have a series of working electrode configuration with a wide diameter range and different electrode number, were fabricated to monitor living osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells. The experimental results revealed that when the electrode diameter was larger than 25 μm, electrodes with smaller diameter and number yielded higher impedance values and generated more impedance shift to cell status change. The membrane capacitance obtained by equivalent circuit fitting was at the same level. When the electrode diameter was even smaller, the results in detection of cell monolayer were opposite, and there was no distinct relationship between impedance and membrane capacitance shift to cell status change and electrode geometry. The proposed sensor chip, allowing for a sustained and stable detection of cellular impedance, provides the basis for the selection of the electrode configuration of monopolar electrodes. The test results of electrodes with a diameter of 25 μm and lower indicated the possibility of single cell impedance measurement, which can provide unique insight into the heterogeneous electrical behavior of cells, and, in this case, the electrode size should be close to the cell size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to its high metastatic potential, malignant melanoma is one of the deadliest skin cancers. In melanoma as well as in other cancers, acidification of the tumor microenvironment (=TME, inverse pH-gradient) is a well-known driver of tumor progression and metastasis. Membrane-bound receptors, such as the proton-sensitive GPCR (pH-GPCR) GPR4, are considered as potential initiators of the signalling cascades relevant to malignant transformation. In this study, we investigated the pH-dependent migration of GPR4 wildtype/overexpressing SK-Mel-28 cells using an impedance-based electrical wounding and migration assay and classical Boyden chamber experiments. Migration of GPR4 overexpressing SK-Mel-28 cells was enhanced in a range of pH 6.5-7.5 as compared to controls in the impedance-based electrical wounding and migration assay. In Boyden chamber experiments, GPR4 overexpression only increased migration at pH 7.5 in a Matrigel-free setup, but not at pH 6.5. Results indicate that GPR4 is involved in the migration of melanoma cells, especially in the tumor periphery, and that this process is affected by pH in the TME.





