ECG signals

ECG 信号
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrocardiography (ECG) is the most non-invasive diagnostic tool for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Automatic analysis of ECG signals assists in accurately and rapidly detecting life-threatening arrhythmias like atrioventricular blockage, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, etc. The ECG recognition models need to utilize algorithms to detect various kinds of waveforms in the ECG and identify complicated relationships over time. However, the high variability of wave morphology among patients and noise are challenging issues. Physicians frequently utilize automated ECG abnormality recognition models to classify long-term ECG signals. Recently, deep learning (DL) models can be used to achieve enhanced ECG recognition accuracy in the healthcare decision making system. In this aspect, this study introduces an automated DL enabled ECG signal recognition (ADL-ECGSR) technique for CVD detection and classification. The ADL-ECGSR technique employs three most important subprocesses: pre-processed, feature extraction, parameter tuning, and classification. Besides, the ADL-ECGSR technique involves the design of a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) based feature extractor, and the Adamax optimizer is utilized to optimize the trained method of the BiLSTM model. Finally, the dragonfly algorithm (DFA) with a stacked sparse autoencoder (SSAE) module is applied to recognize and classify EEG signals. An extensive range of simulations occur on benchmark PTB-XL datasets to validate the enhanced ECG recognition efficiency. The comparative analysis of the ADL-ECGSR methodology showed a remarkable performance of 91.24 % on the existing methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The healthcare industry has evolved with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), which uses advanced computational methods and algorithms, leading to quicker inspection, forecasting, evaluation and treatment. In the context of healthcare, artificial intelligence (AI) uses sophisticated computational methods to evaluate, decipher and draw conclusions from patient data. AI has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry in several ways, including better managerial effectiveness, individualized treatment regimens and diagnostic improvements. In this research, the ECG signals are preprocessed for noise elimination and heartbeat segmentation. Multi-feature extraction is employed to extract features from preprocessed data, and an optimization technique is used to choose the most feasible features. The i-AlexNet classifier, which is an improved version of the AlexNet model, is used to classify between normal and anomalous signals. For experimental evaluation, the proposed approach is applied to PTB and MIT_BIH databases, and it is observed that the suggested method achieves a higher accuracy of 98.8% compared to other works in the literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reinforcement of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) network security has become extremely significant as these networks enable both patients and healthcare providers to communicate with each other by exchanging medical signals, data, and vital reports in a safe way. To ensure the safe transmission of sensitive information, robust and secure access mechanisms are paramount. Vulnerabilities in these networks, particularly at the access points, could expose patients to significant risks. Among the possible security measures, biometric authentication is becoming a more feasible choice, with a focus on leveraging regularly-monitored biomedical signals like Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals due to their unique characteristics. A notable challenge within all biometric authentication systems is the risk of losing original biometric traits, if hackers successfully compromise the biometric template storage space. Current research endorses replacement of the original biometrics used in access control with cancellable templates. These are produced using encryption or non-invertible transformation, which improves security by enabling the biometric templates to be changed in case an unwanted access is detected. This study presents a comprehensive framework for ECG-based recognition with cancellable templates. This framework may be used for accessing IoMT networks. An innovative methodology is introduced through non-invertible modification of ECG signals using blind signal separation and lightweight encryption. The basic idea here depends on the assumption that if the ECG signal and an auxiliary audio signal for the same person are subjected to a separation algorithm, the algorithm will yield two uncorrelated components through the minimization of a correlation cost function. Hence, the obtained outputs from the separation algorithm will be distorted versions of the ECG as well as the audio signals. The distorted versions of the ECG signals can be treated with a lightweight encryption stage and used as cancellable templates. Security enhancement is achieved through the utilization of the lightweight encryption stage based on a user-specific pattern and XOR operation, thereby reducing the processing burden associated with conventional encryption methods. The proposed framework efficacy is demonstrated through its application on the ECG-ID and MIT-BIH datasets, yielding promising results. The experimental evaluation reveals an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 0.134 on the ECG-ID dataset and 0.4 on the MIT-BIH dataset, alongside an exceptionally large Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AROC) of 99.96% for both datasets. These results underscore the framework potential in securing IoMT networks through cancellable biometrics, offering a hybrid security model that combines the strengths of non-invertible transformations and lightweight encryption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Spectral Flux (SF), which is based on common algorithms in the audio processing field, was applied to quantitatively analyze ECG signals to optimize the timing of defibrillation. With the aim of proving the performance in optimizing the timing of defibrillation, SF was compared with Amplitude Spectrum Area (AMSA) in a porcine model of ventricular fibrillation (VF) in a retrospective analysis experiment.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 56 male domestic pigs, weighing 40 ± 5 kg, were induced to undergo VF. Animals were then left untreated for 10 min, and after 6 min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) defibrillation was performed. The respective SF and AMSA values were calculated every minute during VF and CPR. Comparisons were made through receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, one-way analyses of variance (one-way ANOVA), and scatterplots for the successful initial defibrillation sample (positive samples, Group R) and the failed initial defibrillation sample (negative samples, Group N) to illustrate the performance in optimizing the timing of defibrillation for the AMSA and SF methods.
    UNASSIGNED: Values of SF and AMSA gradually decreased during the 10 min VF period and increased in during the 6 min CPR period. The scatterplots showed that both metrics had the ability to distinguish positive and negative samples (p < .001). Meanwhile, ROC curves showed that SF (area under the curve, AUC = 0.798, p < .001) had the same ability as AMSA (AUC = 0.737, p < .001) to predict the successful defibrillation (Z = 1.35, p = 0.177). Moreover, when comparing the values for AMSA and SF between the successful initial defibrillation samples (Group R) and the failed initial defibrillation samples (Group N), the results showed that the values of both AMSA and SF in Group R were significantly higher than those in Group N (p < .001).
    UNASSIGNED: In the present study, SF method had the same ability as AMSA to predict successful defibrillation with significantly higher values in cases of successful defibrillation than the instances in which defibrillation failed. Additionally, SF method might be more stable than AMSA for filtering out the higher frequency interference signals due to the narrower frequency range and had higher specificity and predictive accuracy than AMSA. So SF method had high clinical potential to optimize the timing of defibrillation. Nevertheless, further animal and clinical studies are still needed to confirm the effectiveness and practicality of SF as a predictive module for defibrillators in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the epileptic patients\' challenges is to detect the time of seizures and the possibility of predicting. This research aims to provide an algorithm based on deep learning to detect and predict the time of seizure from one to two minutes before its occurrence. The proposed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can detect and predict the occurrence of focal epilepsy seizures through single-lead-ECG signal processing instead of using EEG signals. The structure of the proposed CNN for seizure detection and prediction is the same. Considering the requirements of a wearable system, after a few light pre-processing steps, the ECG signal can be used as input to the neural network without any manual feature extraction step. The desired neural network learns purposeful features according to the labelled ECG signals and then performs the classification of these signals. Training of 39-layer CNN for seizure detection and prediction has been done separately. The proposed method can detect seizures with an accuracy of 98.84% and predict them with an accuracy of 94.29%. With this approach, the ECG signal can be a promising indicator for the construction of portable systems for monitoring the status of epileptic patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This paper aims to address the challenge of low accuracy in single-modal driver anger recognition by introducing a multimodal driver anger recognition model. The primary objective is to develop a multimodal fusion recognition method for identifying driver anger, focusing on electrocardiographic (ECG) signals and driving behavior signals.
    UNASSIGNED: Emotion-inducing experiments were performed employing a driving simulator to capture both ECG signals and driving behavioral signals from drivers experiencing both angry and calm moods. An analysis of characteristic relationships and feature extraction was conducted on ECG signals and driving behavior signals related to driving anger. Seventeen effective feature indicators for recognizing driving anger were chosen to construct a dataset for driver anger. A binary classification model for recognizing driving anger was developed utilizing the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm.
    UNASSIGNED: Multimodal fusion demonstrated significant advantages over single-modal approaches in emotion recognition. The SVM-DS model using decision-level fusion had the highest accuracy of 84.75%. Compared with the driver anger emotion recognition model based on unimodal ECG features, unimodal driving behavior features, and multimodal feature layer fusion, the accuracy increased by 9.10%, 4.15%, and 0.8%, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: The proposed multimodal recognition model, incorporating ECG and driving behavior signals, effectively identifies driving anger. The research results provide theoretical and technical support for the establishment of a driver anger system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), which encompass heart and blood vessel issues, stand as the leading cause of global mortality for many people.
    METHODS: the present study intends to perform discrimination between seven well-known CVDs (bundle branch block, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, myocardial hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, valvular heart disease, and dysrhythmia) and one healthy control group, respectively, by feeding a set of machine learning (ML) models with 10 non-linear features extracted every 1 s from electrocardiography (ECG) lead signals of a well-known ECG database (PTB diagnostic ECG database) using multi-band analysis performed by discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The ML models were trained and tested using a leave-one-out cross-validation approach, assessing the individual and combined capabilities of features, per each lead or combined, to distinguish between pairs of study groups and for conducting a comprehensive all vs. all analysis.
    RESULTS: the Accuracy discrimination results ranged between 73% and 100%, the Recall between 68% and 100%, and the AUC between 0.42 and 1.
    CONCLUSIONS: the results suggest that our method is a good tool for distinguishing CVDs, offering significant advantages over other studies that used the same dataset, including a multi-class comparison group (all vs. all), a wider range of binary comparisons, and the use of classical non-linear analysis under ECG multi-band analysis performed by DWT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    越来越多的人受到睡眠呼吸暂停(SA)的影响,一种会带来高血压和心律失常等并发症的疾病。基于便携式设备的单导联心电图(ECG)SA检测越来越受到人们的关注,可以替代医院中昂贵且耗时的多导睡眠图(PSG)。因为它的低成本和使用重量轻的便携式设备。在单导联ECGSA检测中,研究人员发现,考虑ECG段的邻域信息可以提高检测性能。然而,现有的工作未能减少噪声对邻域信息的影响。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种有效的深浅融合网络,EDSFnet,简单的架构。我们使用更深的残差网络来提取原始ECG段的更高级别的特征,语义上很强,噪音较小,和较低级别的功能,具有高分辨率,包含来自m个ECG段的更详细的邻域信息。然后使用有效信道注意(ECA)来融合这两种类型的特征以利用它们的互补性质。EDSFnet是PhysioNet呼吸暂停ECG数据集的最新技术,每段精度为92.6%,和100%的录音。EDSFnet在FAH-ECG临床数据集上的独立于受试者的实验中获得了竞争性结果。 .
    Objective.Explore a network architecture that can efficiently perform single-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) sleep apnea (SA) detection by utilizing the beneficial information of extended ECG segments and reducing the impact of their noisy information.Approach.We propose an effective deep-shallow fusion network (EDSFnet). The deeper residual network is used to extract high-level features with stronger semantics and less noise from the original ECG segments. The shallower convolutional neural network is used to extract lower-level features with higher resolution containing more detailed neighborhood information from the extended ECG segments. These two types of features are then fused using Effective Channel Attention, implementing automatic weight assignment to take advantage of their complementary nature.Main results.The performance of EDSFnet is evaluated on the Apnea-ECG dataset and the FAH-ECG dataset. In the Apnea-ECG dataset with 35 subjects as the training set and 35 subjects as the test set, the accuracy of EDSFnet was 92.6% and 100% for per-segment and per-recording test, respectively. In the FAH-ECG dataset with 348 subjects as the training set and 88 subjects as the test set, the accuracy of EDSFnet was 89.0% and 93.2% for per-segment and per-recording test, respectively. EDSFnet has achieved state-of-the-art results in both experiments using the publicly available Apnea-ECG dataset and subject-independent experiments using the FAH-ECG clinical dataset.Significance.The success of EDSFnet in handling SA detection underlines its robustness and adaptability. By achieving superior results across different datasets, EDSFnet offers promise in advancing the cost-effective and efficient detection of SA through single-lead ECG, reducing the burden on patients and healthcare systems alike.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Atrial fibrillation (AFIB) is a common atrial arrhythmia that affects millions of people worldwide. However, most of the time, AFIB is paroxysmal and can pass unnoticed in medical exams; therefore, regular screening is required. This paper proposes machine learning (ML) methods to detect AFIB from short-term electrocardiogram (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. Aim Several experiments were conducted across five different databases, with three of them containing ECG signals and the other two consisting of only PPG signals. Experiments were conducted to investigate the hypothesis that an ML model trained to predict AFIB from ECG segments could be used to predict AFIB from PPG segments. Materials and methods A random forest (RF) ML algorithm achieved the best accuracy and achieved a 90% accuracy rate on the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) dataset (216 samples) and a 97% accuracy rate on the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC)-III datasets (2,134 samples). Results A total of 269,842 signal segments were analyzed across all datasets (212,266 were of normal sinus rhythm (NSR) and 57,576 corresponded to AFIB segments). Conclusions The ability to detect AFIB with significant accuracy using ML algorithms from PPG signals, which can be acquired via non-invasive contact or contactless, is a promising step forward toward the goal of achieving large-scale screening for AFIB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, the rapid progress of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions has offered an immense opportunity for the collection and dissemination of health records in a central data platform. Electrocardiogram (ECG), a fast, easy, and non-invasive method, is generally employed in the evaluation of heart conditions that lead to heart ailments and the identification of heart diseases. The deployment of IoT devices for arrhythmia classification offers many benefits such as remote patient care, continuous monitoring, and early recognition of abnormal heart rhythms. However, it is challenging to diagnose and manually classify arrhythmia as the manual diagnosis of ECG signals is a time-consuming process. Therefore, the current article presents the automated arrhythmia classification using the Farmland Fertility Algorithm with Hybrid Deep Learning (AAC-FFAHDL) approach in the IoT platform. The proposed AAC-FFAHDL system exploits the hyperparameter-tuned DL model for ECG signal analysis, thereby diagnosing arrhythmia. In order to accomplish this, the AAC-FFAHDL technique initially performs data pre-processing to scale the input signals into a uniform format. Further, the AAC-FFAHDL technique uses the HDL approach for detection and classification of arrhythmia. In order to improve the classification and detection performance of the HDL approach, the AAC-FFAHDL technique involves an FFA-based hyperparameter tuning process. The proposed AAC-FFAHDL approach was validated through simulation using the benchmark ECG database. The comparative experimental analysis outcomes confirmed that the AAC-FFAHDL system achieves promising performance compared with other models under different evaluation measures.





