E-Box motif

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Melanocyte differentiation is orchestrated by the master regulator transcription factor MITF. However, its ability to discern distinct binding sites linked to effective gene regulation remains poorly understood. This study aims to assess how co-activator acetyltransferase interacts with MITF to modulate their related lysine action, thereby mediating downstream gene regulation, including DNA affinity, stability, transcriptional activity, particularly in the process of shell pigmentation. Here, we have demonstrated that the CgMITF protein can be acetylated, further enabling selective amplification of the melanocyte maturation program. Collaboration with transcriptional co-regulator p300 advances MITF dynamically interplay with downstream targeted gene promoters. We have established that MITF activation was partially dependent on the bHLH domain, which was well conserved across species. The bHLH domain contained conserved lysine residues, including K6 and K43, which interacted with the E-box motif of downstream targeted-genes. Mutations at K6 and K43 lead to a decrease in the binding affinity of the E-box motif. CgMITF protein bound to the E-box motif within the promoter regions of the tyrosinase-related genes, contributing to melanogenesis, and also interacted with the E-box motif within the TBX2 promoter regions, associated with melanocyte proliferation. We elucidated how the bHLH domain links the transcriptional regulation and acetylation modifications in the melanocyte development in C. gigas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) is necessary for metastasis. Zinc- finger domain-containing transcription factors, especially Snail1, bind to E-box motifs and play a crucial role in the induction and regulation of EMT.
    OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized if C-terminal region of Snail1 (CSnail1) may competitively bind to E-box and block cancer metastasis.
    METHODS: The CSnail1 gene coding sequence was inserted into the pIRES2-EGFP vector. Following transfection of A549 cells with the designed construct, EMT was induced with TGF-β1 and the expression of essential EMT markers was evaluated by real-time PCR and immunoblotting. We also monitored cell migration.
    RESULTS: CSnail1 inhibited TGF-β1-induced N-cadherin and vimentin mRNA expression and increased β-catenin expression in transfected TGF-β1-treated A549 cells. A similar finding was obtained in western blotting. CSnail1 also blocked the migration of transfected cells in the scratch test.
    CONCLUSIONS: Transfection of A549 cells with CSnail1 alters the expression of essential EMT markers and consequently suppresses tumor cell migration. These findings confirm the capability of CSnail1 in EMT blocking and in parallel to current patents could be applied as a novel strategy in the prevention of metastasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscovy duck-origin goose parvovirus (MDGPV) is a causative agent of MDGPV-associated Derzsy\'s disease. To evalute the role of the cis-acting element E-box (CACATG) deletion on MDGPV eplication, an infectious plasmid clone p-PTΔE287, having one E-box deletion at nucleotide (nt) 287 of the left inverted terminal repeat sequence (L-ITR), was constructed by overlap extension PCR deleting the 287CACATG292 motif from the plasmid pMDGPVPT containing the full-length genome of the virulent MDGPV strain PT. The p-PTΔE287 plasmid was transfected into 9-day-old non-immune Muscovy duck embryos via the yolk sac, resulting in successful rescue of the deletion mutant virus r-PTΔE287. Compared with its parental virus PT, the virulence and the replication ability of r-PTΔE287 were reduced. In addition, we examined the ability of r-PTΔE287 to manipulate cell cycle progression. The results showed that r-PTΔE287 replication results in G0/G1 phase accumulation of infected duck embryo liver mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) and that this accumulation is caused by the prevention of cell cycle entry from G0/G1 phase into S phase. Taken together, introducing 287CACATG292 element deletion into MDGPV PT genomic DNA that induced rescued mutant virus (r-PTΔE287) cell cycle arrest function at the G0/G1 phase, which might inhibit MDGPV replication and virus progeny production. This study laid the foundation for further understanding of the relationship between E-box deletion in the L-ITR and MDGPV virulence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To obtain a deletion mutant of Muscovy duck-origin goose parvovirus (MDGPV) and to analyze its biological characteristics, the pMDGPVPT plasmid, which contains a full-length DNA infectious clone of the MDGPV PT strain, was used in this study as the template. The E-box at nt 315 of the left inverted terminal repeat sequence (L-ITR) was deleted by overlap extension PCR to obtain the infectious recombinant plasmid p-PTΔE315. The p-PTΔE315 plasmid was transfected into 9-day-old non-immune Muscovy duck embryos via the yolk sac and the rescued deletion mutant virus r-PTΔE315 was generated. Experiments to demonstrate the novel deletion mutant virus\' biological characteristics showed that r-PTΔE315 can cause typical lesions after infection of Muscovy duck embryos. Compared with its parent strain PT, the virulence of r-PTΔE315 and its proliferation ability in Muscovy duck embryos were attenuated, but its ability to replicate in MDEF cells was enhanced. This study laid the foundation for further understanding of the relationship between E-box deletion in the L-ITR and MDGPV virulence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three oxidative products of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) occur in mammalian genomes. We evaluated if these cytosine modifications in a CG dinucleotide altered DNA binding of four B-HLH homodimers and three heterodimers to the E-Box motif CGCAG|GTG. We examined 25 DNA probes containing all combinations of cytosine in a CG dinucleotide and none changed binding except for carboxylation of cytosine (5caC) in the strand CGCAG|GTG. 5caC enhanced binding of all examined B-HLH homodimers and heterodimers, particularly the Tcf3|Ascl1 heterodimer which increased binding ~10-fold. These results highlight a potential function of the oxidative products of 5mC, changing the DNA binding of sequence-specific transcription factors.





