Dye aggregation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellulose nanofiber (CNFs) obtained through TEMPO oxidation was structurally characterized using FT-IR (Fourier Transformed Infrared) and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) spectroscopy. The molecular aggregation and spectroscopic properties of Rhodamine B (Rh-B) in CNFs suspension were investigated using molecular absorption and steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy techniques. The interaction between CNFs particles in the aqueous suspension and the cationic dye compound was examined in comparison to its behavior in deionized water. This interaction led to significant changes in the spectral features of Rh-B, resulting in an increase in the presence of H-dimer and H-aggregate in CNFs suspension. The H-type aggregates of Rh-B in CNFs suspensions were defined by the observation of a blue-shifted absorption band compared to that of the monomer. Even at diluted dye concentrations, the formation of Rh-B\'s H-aggregate was observed in CNFs suspension. The pronounced aggregation in suspensions originated from the strong interaction between negatively charged carboxylate ions and the dye. The aggregation behavior was discussed with deconvoluted absorption spectra. Fluorescence spectroscopy studies revealed a significant reduction in the fluorescence intensity of the dye in CNFs suspension due to H-aggregates. Furthermore, the presence of H-aggregates in the suspensions caused a decrease in the quantum yield of Rh-B compared to that in deionized water.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ice has been suggested to have played a significant role in the origin of life partly owing to its ability to concentrate organic molecules and promote reaction efficiency. However, the techniques for studying organic molecules in ice are absorption-based, which limits the sensitivity of measurements. Here we introduce an emission-based method to study organic molecules in water ice: the phosphorescence displays high sensitivity depending on the hydration state of an organic salt probe, acridinium iodide (ADI). The designed ADI aqueous system exhibits phosphorescence that can be severely perturbed when the temperature is higher than 110 K at a concentration of the order of 10-5 M, indicating changes in hydration for ADI. Using the ADI phosphorescent probe, it is found that the microstructures of water ice, i.e., crystalline vs. glassy, can be strongly dictated by a trace amount (as low as 10-5 M) of water-soluble organic molecules. Consistent with cryoSEM images and temperature-dependent Raman spectral data, the ADI is dehydrated in more crystalline ice and hydrated in more glassy ice. The current investigation serves as a starting point for using more sensitive spectroscopic techniques for studying water-organics interactions at a much lower concentration and wider temperature range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing demand for reliable near-infrared (NIR) probes exhibiting enduring fluorescence in living systems and facile compatibility with biomolecules such as peptides, antibodies or proteins is driven by the increasing use of NIR imaging in clinical diagnostics. To address this demand, a series of carboxy-functionalized unsymmetrical squaraine dyes (SQ-27, SQ-212, and SQ-215) along with non-carboxy-functionalized SQ-218 absorbing and emitting in the NIR wavelength range were designed and synthesized followed by photophysical characterization. This study focused on the impact of structural variations in the alkyl chain length, carboxy functionality positioning, and spacer chain length on dye aggregation and interaction with bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a model protein. In phosphate buffer (PB), the absorption intensity of the dyes markedly decreased accompanied by pronounced shoulders indicative of dye aggregation, and complete fluorescence quenching was seen in contrast to organic solvents. However, in the presence of BSA in PB, there was a enhancement in absorption intensity while regaining the fluorescence coupled with a remarkable increase in the intensity with increasing BSA concentrations, signifying the impact of dye-BSA interactions on preventing aggregation. Further analysis of Job\'s plot unveiled a 2:1 interaction ratio between BSA and all dyes, while the binding studies revealed a robust binding affinity (Ka) in the order of 107/mol. SQ-212 and SQ-215 were further tested for their in vitro and in vivo imaging capabilities. Notably, SQ-212 demonstrated nonpermeability to cells, while SQ-215 exhibited easy penetration and prominent cytoplasmic localization in in vitro studies. Injection of the dyes into laboratory mice showcased their efficacy in visualization, displaying stable and intense fluorescence in tissues without toxicity, organ damage, or behavioral changes. Thus, SQ-212 and SQ-215 are promising candidates for imaging applications, holding potential for noninvasive cellular and diagnostic imaging as well as biomarker detection when coupled with specific vectors in living systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aggregation in a solution of charged dyes such as Rhodamine B (RB) is significantly affected by the type of counterion, which can determine the self-assembled structure that in turn modulates the optical properties. RB aggregation can be boosted by hydrophobic and bulky fluorinated tetraphenylborate counterions, such as F5TPB, with the formation of nanoparticles whose fluorescence quantum yield (FQY) is affected by the degree of fluorination. Here, we developed a classical force field (FF) based on the standard generalized Amber parameters that allows modeling the self-assembling process of RB/F5TPB systems in water, consistent with experimental evidence. Namely, the classical MD simulations employing the re-parametrized FF reproduce the formation of nanoparticles in the RB/F5TPB system, while in the presence of iodide counterions, only RB dimeric species can be formed. Within the large, self-assembled RB/F5TPB aggregates, the occurrence of an H-type RB-RB dimer can be observed, a species that is expected to quench RB fluorescence, in agreement with the experimental data of FQY. The outcome provides atomistic details on the role of the bulky F5TPB counterion as a spacer, with the developed classical FF representing a step towards reliable modeling of dye aggregation in RB-based materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To develop efficient dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), concerted companion (CC) dyes XW60-XW63 constructed from the covalent linkage of a strapped porphyrin dye unit and an organic dye unit have been reported to exhibit panchromatic absorption and excellent photovoltaic performance. However, these CC dyes only afforded moderate VOC values of ca. 763 mV, demonstrating relatively weak antiaggregation ability, which remains an obstacle for further enhancing the photovoltaic behavior. To address this problem, we herein develop porphyrin dyes XW77-XW80 with the macrocycles wrapped with alkoxy chains of various lengths (OC6H13-OC22H45) and the corresponding CC dyes XW81-XW84 containing these porphyrin dye units. Interestingly, the new CC dyes XW81-XW83 exhibit increasing VOC from 745 to 784 mV with the chain lengths extended from C6 to C18, and a lowered VOC of 762 mV was obtained for XW84 when the chain length was further extended to C22. As a result, XW83 afforded the highest PCE of 12.2%, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the record efficiency for the iodine electrolyte-based solar cells sensitized with a single dye. These results can be rationalized by the so-called doubly concerted companion (DCC) effects, that is, the two subdye units exhibit not only complementary absorption but also concerted antiaggregation with the long wrapping chains on the porphyrins unit simultaneously protecting the porphyrin macrocycle and the neighboring organic subdye unit, thus affording panchromatic absorption and strong antiaggregation and anticharge-recombination ability. These results provide a new approach for constructing a class of DCC dyes to achieve high-performance DSSCs without using any antiaggregating coadsorbent or absorption-enhancing cosensitizer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three novel organic dyes (D6, D7 and D8), based on indolo[3,2-b]carbazole as the donor and different types of electron-withdrawing groups as the acceptors, were synthesized and successfully applied in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Their molecular structures were fully characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and mass spectroscopy. The density functional theory (DFT) calculations, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis, UV-Vis absorption characterization and tests of the solar cells were used to investigate the photophysical/electrochemical properties as well as DSSCs\' performances based on the dyes. Dye D8 showed the broadest light-response range (300-770 nm) in the incident monochromatic photo-to-electron conversion efficiency (IPCE) curve, due to its narrow bandgap (1.95 eV). However, dye D6 exhibited the best device performance among the three dyes, with power conversion efficiency of 5.41%, Jsc of 12.55 mA cm-2, Voc of 745 mV and fill factor (FF) of 0.59. We also found that dye aggregation was efficiently suppressed by the introduction of alkylated indolo[3,2-b]carbazole, and, hence, better power conversion efficiencies were observed for all the three dyes, compared to the devices of co-sensitization with chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA). It was unnecessary to add adsorbents to suppress the dye aggregation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As an important member of third generation solar cell, dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have the advantages of being low cost, having an easy fabrication process, utilizing rich raw materials and a high-power conversion efficiency (PCE), prompting nearly three decades as a research hotspot. Recently, increasing the photoelectric conversion efficiency of DSSCs has proven troublesome. Sensitizers, as the most important part, are no longer limited to molecular engineering, and the regulation of dye aggregation has become a widely held concern, especially in liquid DSSCs. This review first presents the operational mechanism of liquid and solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, including the influencing factors of various parameters on device efficiency. Secondly, the mechanism of dye aggregation was explained by molecular exciton theory, and the influence of various factors on dye aggregation was summarized. We focused on a review of several methods for regulating dye aggregation in liquid and solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods were analyzed. In addition, the important application of quantum computational chemistry in the study of dye aggregation was introduced. Finally, an outlook was proposed that utilizing the advantages of dye aggregation by combining molecular engineering with dye aggregation regulation is a research direction to improve the performance of liquid DSSCs in the future. For solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells (ssDSSCs), the effects of solid electrolytes also need to be taken into account.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Relatively high efficiencies have been achieved for porphyrin-based dye-sensitized solar cells. For the purpose of designing efficient cosensitizers, we herein report systematically optimized dyes XC1-XC5 employing a triphenylamine donor, a benzothiadiazole moiety as the auxiliary acceptor, and a benzoic acid acceptor. One hexyl and four hexyloxy groups were introduced, and an ethynylene moiety was introduced between the donor and the auxiliary acceptor to afford XC1. To further extend the absorption wavelength, a second ethynylene moiety was introduced between the acceptor and the auxiliary acceptor to afford XC2. XC3 and XC4 were designed by introducing one and two methyl substituents, respectively, into the meta-positions of the anchoring carboxyl group. XC5 was further synthesized by inserting a cyano substituent into one of the ortho-positions of the carboxyl group with the purpose to strengthen the intramolecular charge-transfer effect and thus broaden the absorption wavelength. As expected, compared with the Jsc (14.29 mA·cm-2) of XC1, the corresponding Jsc values for XC2-XC5 were enhanced to 16.50, 16.95, 16.73, and 17.74 mA·cm-2, respectively. Moreover, XC4 exhibits the highest Voc of 770 mV owing to the presence of a maximum of seven chains, which can effectively suppress dye aggregation. As a result, compared with XC1, XC2-XC5 exhibit improved efficiencies of 8.67, 9.05, 8.78, and 9.30%, respectively. In addition, the efficiencies of XC3 and XC5 were further enhanced by cosensitizing them with our previously reported porphyrin dye XW28 under various conditions. Finally, a remarkable efficiency of 10.50% was achieved for the cells cosensitized with XC5 and XW28. These results indicate that the combination of good planarity of the extended D-π-A framework with multiple alkoxy/alkyl chains may compose an effective optimizing strategy for designing and synthesizing excellent cosensitizers for porphyrins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Donor-π-acceptor-type porphyrin dyes have been widely used for the fabrication of efficient dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) owing to their strong absorption in the visible region and the ease of modifying their chemical structures and photovoltaic behavior. On the basis of our previously reported efficient porphyrin dye XW11, which contains a phenothiazine-based electron donor, a π-extending ethynylene unit, and an auxiliary benzothiadiazole acceptor, we herein report the syntheses of novel porphyrin dyes XW26-XW28 by introducing one or two alkyl/alkoxy chains into the auxiliary acceptor. The introduced chains can effectively suppress dye aggregation. As a result, XW26-XW28 show excellent photovoltages of 700, 701, and 711 mV, respectively, obviously higher than 645 mV obtained for XW11. Nevertheless, the optimized structures of XW26 and XW27 exhibit severe distortion, showing large dihedral angles of 57.2° and 44.0°, respectively, between the benzothiadiazole and benzoic acid units, resulting from the steric hindrance between the benzoic acid unit and the neighboring alkyl/alkoxy chain on the benzothiadiazole unit, and thus blue-shifted absorption, decreased photocurrents. and low efficiencies of 5.19% and 6.42% were observed for XW26 and XW27, respectively. Interestingly, XW26 exhibits a more blue-shifted absorption spectrum relative to XW27, indicating that the steric hindrance of the alkyl/alkoxy chains has a more pronounced effect than the electronic effect. Different from XW26 and XW27, XW28 contains only one alkyl chain neighboring the ethynylene unit, which does not induce obvious steric hindrance with the benzoic acid unit, and thus distortion of the molecule is not seriously aggravated compared with XW11. Hence, its absorption spectrum and photocurrent are similar to those of XW11. As a result, a higher efficiency of 9.12% was achieved for XW28 because of its suppressed dye aggregation and higher photovoltage. It is worth noting that a high efficiency of 10.14% was successfully achieved for XW28 upon coadsorption with CDCA, which is also higher than the corresponding efficiency obtained for XW11. These results provide a novel approach for developing efficient porphyrin dyes by introducing chains into the suitable position of the auxiliary benzothiadiazolyl moiety to suppress dye aggregation, without seriously aggravating distortion of the dye molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this work was an experimental and theoretical investigation of the influence of electrolyte (NaCl) and surfactant (SP), as textile auxiliary agents (TAAs), onto reactive blue 5G (RB5G) dye removal by applying untreated fish scales (FS) in batch system. Kinetic and equilibrium studies were performed, aiming at the comprehension of the mass transfer mechanisms through phenomenological modeling. The biosorbent was texturally characterized, to investigate the adsorbent\'s characteristics and to support the models\' assumptions. Hence, a \'physically meaningful\' modeling to assess different systems containing dye-TAA mixtures was employed. The experimental results indicated that despite the FS nonporous characteristics, it showed remarkable adsorption capacities (≈291 mg g-1), which may be ascribed to the adsorbent-adsorbate affinity and to dye-aggregates adsorption onto the FS surface. Those results evidence a potential use of FS as an alternative biosorbent material. The mathematical model was able to identify the rate-limiting step of the process; to predict the adsorption kinetics and equilibrium condition, comprising the description of aggregates formation; and to successfully predict kinetic behavior of independent data in simulated real effluent. Those results indicate that the model can be used to simulate operating conditions and, therefore, support the design, optimization, and scale-up of adsorption processes.





