
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Die Rosazea ist eine häufige chronische Hauterkrankung, die sich hauptsächlich im mittleren Bereich des Gesichtes manifestiert. Die okulären Manifestationen der Rosazea wurden bisher nur unzureichend untersucht und bereits die Schätzungen der Prävalenz schwanken erheblich zwischen 6% und 72% der Gesamtpopulation aller Rosazea-Patienten. Zu den Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der okuläre Rosazea gehören die Lidhygiene, topisch anwendbare antimikrobielle Substanzen, topisch oder oral verabreichte Antibiotika und Vitamin-A-Derivate, Cisclosporin-haltige Emulsionen speziell für das Auge und IPL-Behandlungen (intense pulsed light). Direkte Vergleiche zwischen den verschiedenen Therapieoptionen fehlen jedoch. Ziel dieser Literatur-Übersicht ist es, die Wirksamkeit und Nebenwirkungen der verschiedenen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der okulären Rosazea zu vergleichen. Dazu wurden systematische Datenbankrecherchen in Cochrane, MEDLINE und Embase durchgeführt. Titel, Abstrakt, Volltext und Daten wurden jeweils doppelt durchgesehen. Insgesamt erfüllten 66 Artikel mit einer kumulierten Patientenzahl von 1275 Patienten die Einschlusskriterien. Zu den wirksamsten Behandlungsoptionen zählten topisch anwendbare antimikrobielle Substanzen und die orale Gabe von Antibiotika. Damit konnte bei 91% (n  =  82/90) bzw. 89% (n  =  525/580) der Patienten ein vollständiges oder partielles Ansprechen erzielt werden. Es folgten die IPL-Behandlung (89%, n  =  97/109 partielles Ansprechen), die Ciclosporin-Augen-Emulsion (87% n  =  40/46) und die Lidhygiene (65%, n  =  67/105). Kombinationsbehandlungen führten in 90% der Fälle (n  =  69/77) zu einem vollständigen bzw. partiellen Ansprechen. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eine topische Therapie mit antimikrobiellen Substanzen, Antibiotika per os, IPL und Ciclosporin-haltige Emulsionen die effektivsten Einzelmaßnahmen zur Behandlung der okulären Rosazea darstellen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Tularemia is a bacterial zoonosis which is commonly transmitted through tick or insect bites or contact with meat of infected animals. We report the case of a 36-year-old man who developed fever, chills, headaches, and a painful, unilateral, inguinal lymphadenopathy with a red-livid skin discoloration after an insect bite on his abdomen. Ulceroglandular tularemia was diagnosed through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serology. Treatment with doxycycline for 21 days resulted in an excellent outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A problem of community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus skin infections emerged in the French armed forces in 2004, in a malaria-endemic areas. The high incidence rate led us to evaluate military staff practices. This was a cross-sectional survey of doctors and nurses deployed as officers in French Guyana since 2006. The definition of skin and soft-tissue infection came from the criteria for epidemiological surveillance of the armed forces. We studied the management of antibiotic therapy and its related difficulties. In all, 47 officers responded. At the Military Medical Center (MMC), 23.4% of respondents routinely prescribed antibiotics, compared with 36.2% when stationed in the jungle (p<0.05%). Complication led 68.1 of staff to prescribe antibiotic prescriptions at the MMC, compared with 46.8% in the jungle (p<0.05%). Finally, 22.5% of those at MMC prescribed antibiotic coverage of surgical drainage, compared with 14.8% in the jungle (p<0.05%). Pristinamycin and fusidic acid were the preferred antibiotics. Two-thirds of the staff reported difficulties in jungle management. This first study indicates the need for an update of military medical recommendations. Personnel training must continue to enable them to provide appropriate aggressive management in the current endemic context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Managing available resources is a key necessity of each organism to cope with the environment. The nematode C. elegans responds to nutritional deprivation or harsh environmental conditions with a multitude of developmental adaptations, among them a starvation-induced quiescence at early larval development (L1). daf-18, the C. elegans homolog of the human tumor suppressor gene PTEN, is essential for the maintenance of survival and germline stem cell arrest during the L1 diapause. We show here that daf-18 mutants, independently to their failure to maintain G2 arrest of the primordial germ cells, develop a gonad phenotype after refeeding. This highly penetrant gonadal phenotype is further enhanced by a mutation in shc-1, encoding a protein homologous to the human adaptor ShcA. Features of this phenotype are a tumor-like phenotype encompassing hyper-proliferation of germ cell nuclei and disruption/invasion of the basement membrane surrounding the gonad. The penetrance of this phenotype is reduced by decreasing starvation temperature. In addition, it is also ameliorated in a dose-dependent way by exposure to the antibiotic doxycyclin either during starvation or during subsequent refeeding. Since, in eukaryotic cells, doxycyclin specifically blocks mitochondrial translation, our results suggest that daf-18 and shc-1;daf-18 mutants fail to adapt mitochondrial activity to reduced nutritional availability during early larval developing.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The multiple etiologic factors involved in acne make the use of various medications necessary to treat the condition. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of mupirocin and rifampin used with standard treatment in the management of acne vulgaris. In a multicentre, randomized controlled, triple-blinded study, a total of 105 acne patients, with a clinical diagnosis of moderate to severe acne,were randomizedly divided into three groups (35 per group), for treatment of acne. The first group was treated with standard treatment alone, the second group received mupirocin plus standard treatment and the third group received rifampin plus standard treatment.There were three study visits according to Global Acne Grading System (GAGS): at baseline and weeks 6 and 12. The absolute changes of GAGS score from baseline to week 6 and 12 demonstrated a reduction in the mean score of GAGS in the three treatment groups (p < 0.001). Due to the difference between GAGS score at the baseline of study, the data were adjusted using the general linear model. The findings showed that all of the treatments significantly improved acne lesions. Nevertheless, none of the treatments was shown to be more effective than the others (p = 0.9). The three treatments were well tolerated, and no serious adverse events were reported. These findings provide evidence on the efficacy of combining mupirocin and rifampin with standard treatment in the management of acne vulgaris, although none of the treatments had superior efficacy compared with the others.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Whipple\'s disease is a rare infectious disease due to Tropheryma whipplei, a bacterium rarely causing severe localized neurological infection (only 25 cases reported in the literature), which are more often diagnosed by a positive T. whipplei PCR performed on cerebrospinal fluid.
    METHODS: We report the third case of progressive dementia associated with obesity and ataxia in a 52-year-old man. Classic laboratory results performed to identify the etiology of the clinical features were non-contributive: only a saliva T. whipplei PCR was strongly positive and the Western blot serology has detected an asymptomatic carriage profile. The (18)FDG-PET highlighted a frontal area hypometabolism. An antibiotic treatment by doxycycline allowed a partial regression of the neurological manifestations, a weight loss and a significant improvement of the (18)FDG frontal hypometabolism.
    CONCLUSIONS: Progressive dementia associated with ataxia and obesity is a new clinical syndrome caused by T. whipplei. Antibiotic test by doxycycline can help to the diagnosis and (18)-FDG could facilitate the follow-up.





