Dominance rank

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In animal social groups, the extent to which individuals consistently win agonistic interactions and their ability to monopolize resources represent 2 core aspects of their competitive regime. However, whether these two aspects are closely correlated within groups has rarely been studied. Here, we tested the hypothesis that hierarchy steepness, which is generally used to represent power differentials between group members, predicts the variation in the distribution of fitness-related benefits (i.e. fecundity, infant survival, mating success, and feeding success) in relation to individual dominance ranks. We tested this hypothesis in primate groups using comparative phylogenetic meta-analytical techniques. Specifically, we reviewed published and unpublished studies to extract data on individual dominance ranks, their access to fitness-related benefits, and hierarchy steepness. We collected and included in our analysis a total of 153 data points, representing 27 species (including 2 chimpanzee sub-species). From these, we used 4 common methods to measure individual dominance ranks and hierarchy steepness, i.e. D ij -based normalized David\'s scores, randomized Elo-ratings, and David\'s scores and Elo-ratings estimated in Bayesian frameworks. We found that hierarchy steepness had no effect on the strength of the relationship between dominance rank and access to fitness-related benefits. Our results suggest that hierarchy steepness does not reflect between-group variation in the extent to which individual dominance affects the acquisition of fitness-related benefits in primates. Although the ability to win agonistic encounters is essential, we speculate that other behavioral strategies adopted by individuals may play crucial roles in resource acquisition in animal competitive regimes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) share a multi-male/multi-female societal organization and form male-philopatric groups, disparities in terms of male aggression and stability of temporary parties are thought to exist among them. However, existing research in bonobos has mainly focused on the high social status, prolonged receptivity, and characteristic sexual behaviors of females, leaving the behaviors of males understudied. Moreover, prior comparative studies on Pan suffer from methodological inconsistencies. This study addresses these gaps by employing a uniform observation method to explore party attendance and aggressive interactions among male bonobos in Wamba and male chimpanzees in Kalinzu. Unlike male chimpanzees, which exhibit dispersion in the absence of receptive females in the group, male bonobos showed a lesser degree of such dispersion. Although the overall frequency of aggressive interactions per observation unit did not significantly differ between the two species, the nature of these interactions varied. Notably, severe aggressive behaviors such as physical confrontations among adult males were absent in bonobos, with most aggression occurring between the sons of the two highest-ranking females. Additionally, in bonobos, females actively engaged in polyadic aggressive behavior as aggressors, while all instances of coalitionary aggression in chimpanzees originated from male aggressors. These findings underscore the substantial impact of female behaviors on the observed distinctions in male aggressive interactions between the two species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by persistent social interaction impairments and is male-biased in prevalence. We have established naturally occurring low sociality in male rhesus monkeys as a model for the social features of ASD. Low-social male monkeys exhibit reduced social interactions and increased autistic-like trait burden, with both measures highly correlated and strongly linked to low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentration. Little is known, however, about the behavioral and neurochemical profiles of female rhesus monkeys, and whether low sociality in females is a tractable model for ASD.
    Social behavior assessments (ethological observations; a reverse-translated autistic trait measurement scale, the macaque Social Responsiveness Scale-Revised [mSRS-R]) were completed on N = 88 outdoor-housed female rhesus monkeys during the non-breeding season. CSF and blood samples were collected from a subset of N = 16 monkeys across the frequency distribution of non-social behavior, and AVP and oxytocin (OXT) concentrations were quantified. Data were analyzed using general linear models.
    Non-social behavior frequency and mSRS-R scores were continuously distributed across the general female monkey population, as previously found for male monkeys. However, dominance rank significantly predicted mSRS-R scores in females, with higher-ranking individuals showing fewer autistic-like traits, a relationship not previously observed in males from this colony. Females differed from males in several other respects: Social behavior frequencies were unrelated to mSRS-R scores, and AVP concentration was unrelated to any social behavior measure. Blood and CSF concentrations of AVP were positively correlated in females; no significant relationship involving any OXT measure was found.
    This study sample was small, and did not consider genetic, environmental, or other neurochemical measures that may be related to female mSRS-R scores.
    Dominance rank is the most significant predictor of autistic-like traits in female rhesus monkeys, and CSF neuropeptide concentrations are unrelated to measures of female social functioning (in contrast to prior CSF AVP findings in male rhesus monkeys and male and female autistic children). Although preliminary, this evidence suggests that the strong matrilineal organization of this species may limit the usefulness of low sociality in female rhesus monkeys as a tractable model for ASD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractOver the past 50 years, a wealth of testable, often conflicting hypotheses have been generated about the evolution of offspring sex ratio manipulation by mothers. Several of these hypotheses have received support in studies of invertebrates and some vertebrate taxa. However, their success in explaining sex ratios in mammalian taxa-especially in primates-has been mixed. Here, we assess the predictions of four different hypotheses about the evolution of biased offspring sex ratios in the baboons of the Amboseli basin in Kenya: the Trivers-Willard, female rank enhancement, local resource competition, and local resource enhancement hypotheses. Using the largest sample size ever analyzed in a primate population (n=1,372 offspring), we test the predictions of each hypothesis. Overall, we find no support for adaptive biasing of sex ratios. Offspring sex is not consistently related to maternal dominance rank or biased toward the dispersing sex, nor is it predicted by group size, population growth rates, or their interaction with maternal rank. Because our sample size confers power to detect even subtle biases in sex ratio, including modulation by environmental heterogeneity, these results suggest that adaptive biasing of offspring sex does not occur in this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glucocorticoids (GCs) are hormones released in response to stressors and can provide insight into an organism\'s physiological well-being. Experiencing chronic challenges to homeostasis is associated with significant deviations from baseline fecal GCs (fGCs) in many species, providing a noninvasive biomarker for assessing stress. In the group of free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) at the Awajishima Monkey Center in Japan, ~17% have congenital limb malformations. We collected 646 fecal samples from 27 females over three consecutive birth seasons (May-August) and analyzed them using enzyme immunoassay to extract fGCs. We explored the relationship between fGC levels and individual (physical impairment and reproductive status), social (dominance rank and availability of kin for social support), and ecological variables (exposure to potential predators, rainfall, and wild fruit availability). A disabled infant was associated significantly with higher fGC in the mother; however, physical impairment in adult females was not significantly related to fGC levels. Females with higher dominance rank had significantly lower fGC levels than lower ranking females. Other factors did not relate significantly to fGC. These results suggest that providing care that meets the support needs of disabled infants poses a physiological challenge for mothers and suggests that physically impaired adults are able to effectively compensate for their disabilities with behavioral plasticity. Once an individual with congenital limb malformations survives infancy through their mother\'s care, physical impairment does not appear to influence fGC values, while social variables like dominance rank significantly influenced cortisol values in free-ranging female Japanese macaques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several studies have examined factors that regulate fission-fusion dynamics (FFD) in chimpanzee communities, such as receptive females, predation risks, and food availability. However, the effects of these factors vary between populations. In this study, we conducted focal animal observations of adult males in the M group in Kalinzu to examine the influence of male dominance rank, aggression from other males, the presence of females exhibiting maximum sexual swelling (MS), and fruit abundance on male tendencies of party attendance. We found that low-ranking males spent more time alone than other males when females with MS were absent. In contrast, when females with MS were present, males of all ranks showed a similar tendency of party attendance. We also found that the aggressive interactions increased with the number of males irrespective of the presence or absence of females with MS, and low-ranking males attracted aggression more frequently than higher-ranking males. These results suggest that low-ranking males frequently ranged alone to avoid aggression from other males unless they attended parties to seek mating opportunities. We conclude that low-ranking males have alternative tactics to balance the costs and benefits incurred or gained when attending parties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maintaining water balance is essential for organismal health, and lactating females must balance individual needs with milk production and offspring hydration. Primate milk is dilute and presumed to be the primary source for infant hydration for a considerable time period. Few studies have investigated the hydration burden that lactation may place on female primates. In this study, we investigated sources of variation in female and offspring drinking frequency among wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). We hypothesized females would experience seasonal and lactation hydration burdens and adjust their drinking behavior to accommodate these, but this hydration burden would vary between females of different dominance ranks. We also predicted that parity would relate to maternal drinking frequency since primiparous females are still investing in their own growth. Finally, we predicted that offspring would drink more in the dry season and as they aged and lost milk as a water source, but that offspring of high-ranking females would be buffered from these effects. Using 41 years of long-term data on the behavior of mothers and offspring of Gombe National Park, we found that mothers drank more in the dry season, but there was no significant difference between mothers of different ranks during this period. Low-ranking females drank significantly more than mid- and high-ranking females during late lactation. Offspring also drank more in the dry season and as they aged, but there was no evidence of buffering for those with high-ranking mothers. While chimpanzees in our study population drank infrequently, they do demonstrate noticeable shifts in drinking behavior that suggests seasonal and reproductive hydration burdens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The notion of dominance is ubiquitous across the animal kingdom, wherein some species/groups such relationships are strictly hierarchical and others are not. Modern approaches for measuring dominance have emerged in recent years taking advantage of increased computational power. One such technique, named Percolation and Conductance (Perc), uses both direct and indirect information about the flow of dominance relationships to generate hierarchical rank order that makes no assumptions about the linearity of these relationships. It also provides a new metric, known as \'dominance certainty\', which is a complimentary measure to dominance rank that assesses the degree of ambiguity of rank relationships at the individual, dyadic and group levels. In this focused review, we will (i) describe how Perc measures dominance rank while accounting for both nonlinear hierarchical structure as well as sparsity in data-here we also provide a metric of dominance certainty estimated by Perc, which can be used to compliment the information dominance rank supplies; (ii) summarize a series of studies by our research team reflecting the importance of \'dominance certainty\' on individual and societal health in large captive rhesus macaque breeding groups; and (iii) provide some concluding remarks and suggestions for future directions for dominance hierarchy research. This article is part of the theme issue \'The centennial of the pecking order: current state and future prospects for the study of dominance hierarchies\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Variation in social status predicts molecular, physiological and life-history outcomes across a broad range of species, including our own. Experimental studies indicate that some of these relationships persist even when the physical environment is held constant. Here, we draw on datasets from one such study-experimental manipulation of dominance rank in captive female rhesus macaques-to investigate how social status shapes the lived experience of these animals to alter gene regulation, glucocorticoid physiology and mitochondrial DNA phenotypes. We focus specifically on dominance rank-associated dimensions of the social environment, including both competitive and affiliative interactions. Our results show that simple summaries of rank-associated behavioural interactions are often better predictors of molecular and physiological outcomes than dominance rank itself. However, while measures of immune function are best explained by agonism rates, glucocorticoid-related phenotypes tend to be more closely linked to affiliative behaviour. We conclude that dominance rank serves as a useful summary for investigating social environmental effects on downstream outcomes. Nevertheless, the behavioural interactions that define an individual\'s daily experiences reveal the proximate drivers of social status-related differences and are especially relevant for understanding why individuals who share the same social status sometimes appear physiologically distinct. This article is part of the theme issue \'The centennial of the pecking order: current state and future prospects for the study of dominance hierarchies\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are notable for exhibiting high levels of male-to-female aggression. Much of this aggression from adult males serves sexually coercive functions. Despite being smaller and lower-ranking than adult males, adolescent males also engage in regular aggression against adult females. Here, we test whether the primary function of this aggression is sexual coercion, as in adult males, or, alternatively, whether adolescent males use aggression to establish social dominance over females.
    We analyzed 1771 copulations and 1812 instances of male-initiated aggression between adolescent males (aged nine through 14 years) and adult females across 21 years of observation of the Kanyawara chimpanzee community in Kibale National Park, Uganda.
    Our test of the sexual coercion hypothesis revealed that adolescent males did not selectively target cycling females for aggression, nor did aggression against cycling females predict rates of copulation with those females. Our test of the social dominance hypothesis showed that males succeeded in dominating all adult females before, or soon after, dominating their first adult male. Additionally, we found that adolescent males dominated females approximately in the order of the females\' own ranks, from the bottom to the top of the female hierarchy.
    Our data illustrate that the establishment of social dominance was more important than sexual coercion in explaining patterns of adolescent male aggression toward females. In comparison, evidence for sexual coercion was clear and compelling in adult males. These findings highlight that the primary function of male-to-female aggression differs between adolescent and adult males.






