
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clostridia are abundant in the human gut and comprise families associated with host health such as Oscillospiraceae, which has been correlated with leanness. However, culturing bacteria within this family is challenging, leading to their detection primarily through 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, which has a limited ability to unravel diversity at low taxonomic levels, or by shotgun metagenomics, which is hindered by its high costs and complexity. In this cross-sectional study involving 114 Colombian adults, we used an amplicon-based sequencing strategy with alternative markers-gyrase subunit B (gyrB) and DNA K chaperone heat protein 70 (dnaK)-that evolve faster than the 16S rRNA gene. Comparing the diversity and abundance observed with the three markers in our cohort, we found a reduction in the diversity of Clostridia, particularly within Lachnospiraceae and Oscillospiraceae among obese individuals [as measured by the body mass index (BMI)]. Within Lachnospiraceae, the diversity of Ruminococcus_A negatively correlated with BMI. Within Oscillospiraceae, the genera CAG-170 and Vescimonas also exhibited this negative correlation. In addition, the abundance of Vescimonas was negatively correlated with BMI. Leveraging shotgun metagenomic data, we conducted a phylogenetic and genomic characterization of 120 metagenome-assembled genomes from Vescimonas obtained from a larger sample of the same cohort. We identified 17 of the 72 reported species. The functional annotation of these genomes showed the presence of multiple carbohydrate-active enzymes, particularly glycosyl transferases and glycoside hydrolases, suggesting potential beneficial roles in fiber degradation, carbohydrate metabolism, and butyrate production.
    OBJECTIVE: The gut microbiota is diverse across various taxonomic levels. At the intra-species level, it comprises multiple strains, some of which may be host-specific. However, our understanding of fine-grained diversity has been hindered by the use of the conserved 16S rRNA gene. While shotgun metagenomics offers higher resolution, it remains costly, may fail to identify specific microbes in complex samples, and requires extensive computational resources and expertise. To address this, we employed a simple and cost-effective analysis of alternative genetic markers to explore diversity within Clostridia, a crucial group within the human gut microbiota whose diversity may be underestimated. We found high intra-species diversity for certain groups and associations with obesity. Notably, we identified Vescimonas, an understudied group. Making use of metagenomic data, we inferred functionality, uncovering potential beneficial roles in dietary fiber and carbohydrate degradation, as well as in short-chain fatty acid production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an intracellular tick-transmitted bacterial pathogen that infects neutrophils in mammals and causes granulocytic anaplasmosis. In this study, we investigated the molecular chaperones ClpB and DnaK from A. phagocytophilum. In Escherichia coli, ClpB cooperates with DnaK and its co-chaperones DnaJ and GrpE in ATP-dependent reactivation of aggregated proteins. Since ClpB is not produced in metazoans, it is a promising target for developing antimicrobial therapies, which generates interest in studies on that chaperone\'s role in pathogenic bacteria. We found that ClpB and DnaK are transcriptionally upregulated in A. phagocytophilum 3-5 days after infection of human HL-60 and tick ISE6 cells, which suggests an essential role of the chaperones in supporting the pathogen\'s intracellular life cycle. Multiple sequence alignments show that A. phagocytophilum ClpB and DnaK contain all structural domains that were identified in their previously studied orthologs from other bacteria. Both A. phagocytophilum ClpB and DnaK display ATPase activity, which is consistent with their participation in the ATP-dependent protein disaggregation system. However, despite a significant sequence similarity between the chaperones from A. phagocytophilum and those from E. coli, the former were not as effective as their E. coli orthologs during reactivation of aggregated proteins in vitro and in supporting the survival of E. coli cells under heat stress. We conclude that the A. phagocytophilum chaperones might have evolved with distinct biochemical properties to maintain the integrity of pathogenic proteins under unique stress conditions of an intracellular environment of host cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein folding is assisted by molecular chaperones that bind nascent polypeptides during mRNA translation. Several structurally distinct classes of chaperones promote de novo folding, suggesting that their activities are coordinated at the ribosome. We used biochemical reconstitution and structural proteomics to explore the molecular basis for cotranslational chaperone action in bacteria. We found that chaperone binding is disfavored close to the ribosome, allowing folding to precede chaperone recruitment. Trigger factor recognizes compact folding intermediates that expose an extensive unfolded surface, and dictates DnaJ access to nascent chains. DnaJ uses a large surface to bind structurally diverse intermediates and recruits DnaK to sequence-diverse solvent-accessible sites. Neither Trigger factor, DnaJ, nor DnaK destabilize cotranslational folding intermediates. Instead, the chaperones collaborate to protect incipient structure in the nascent polypeptide well beyond the ribosome exit tunnel. Our findings show how the chaperone network selects and modulates cotranslational folding intermediates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SUMMARYHeat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) participates in proteostasis by facilitating protein folding, activation, disaggregation, prevention of aggregation, degradation, and protection against degradation of various cellular proteins. It is highly conserved from bacteria to humans. In bacteria, protein remodeling by Hsp90 involves collaboration with the Hsp70 molecular chaperone and Hsp70 cochaperones. In eukaryotes, protein folding by Hsp90 is more complex and involves collaboration with many Hsp90 cochaperones as well as Hsp70 and Hsp70 cochaperones. This review focuses primarily on bacterial Hsp90 and highlights similarities and differences between bacterial and eukaryotic Hsp90. Seminal research findings that elucidate the structure and the mechanisms of protein folding, disaggregation, and reactivation promoted by Hsp90 are discussed. Understanding the mechanisms of bacterial Hsp90 will provide fundamental insight into the more complex eukaryotic chaperone systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chaperone 70 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) is important for cells from bacteria to humans to maintain proteostasis, and all eukaryotes and several prokaryotes encode Hsp70 paralogs. Although the mechanisms of Hsp70 function have been clearly illuminated, the function and evolution of Hsp70 paralogs is not well studied. DnaK is a highly conserved bacterial Hsp70 family. Here, we show that dnaK is present in 98.9% of bacterial genomes, and 6.4% of them possess two or more DnaK paralogs. We found that the duplication of dnaK is positively correlated with an increase in proteomic complexity (proteome size, number of domains). We identified the interactomes of the two DnaK paralogs of Myxococcus xanthus DK1622 (MxDnaKs), which revealed that they are mostly nonoverlapping, although both prefer α and β domain proteins. Consistent with the entire M. xanthus proteome, MxDnaK substrates have both significantly more multi-domain proteins and a higher isoelectric point than that of Escherichia coli, which encodes a single DnaK homolog. MxDnaK1 is transcriptionally upregulated in response to heat shock and prefers to bind cytosolic proteins, while MxDnaK2 is downregulated by heat shock and is more associated with membrane proteins. Using domain swapping, we show that the nucleotide-binding domain and the substrate-binding β domain are responsible for the significant differences in DnaK interactomes, and the nucleotide binding domain also determines the dimerization of MxDnaK2, but not MxDnaK1. Our work suggests that bacterial DnaK has been duplicated in order to deal with a more complex proteome, and that this allows evolution of distinct domains to deal with different subsets of target proteins.IMPORTANCEAll eukaryotic and ~40% of prokaryotic species encode multiple 70 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) homologs with similar but diversified functions. Here, we show that duplication of canonical Hsp70 (DnaK in prokaryotes) correlates with increasing proteomic complexity and evolution of particular regions of the protein. Using the Myxococcus xanthus DnaK duplicates as a case, we found that their substrate spectrums are mostly nonoverlapping, and are both consistent to that of Escherichia coli DnaK in structural and molecular characteristics, but show differential enrichment of membrane proteins. Domain/region swapping demonstrated that the nucleotide-binding domain and the β substrate-binding domain (SBDβ), but not the SBDα or disordered C-terminal tail region, are responsible for this functional divergence. This work provides the first direct evidence for regional evolution of DnaK paralogs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemotherapy is a primary treatment for cancer, but its efficacy is often limited by cancer-associated bacteria (CAB) that impair tumor suppressor functions. Our previous research found that Mycoplasma fermentans DnaK, a chaperone protein, impairs p53 activities, which are essential for most anti-cancer chemotherapeutic responses.
    To investigate the role of DnaK in chemotherapy, we treated cancer cell lines with M. fermentans DnaK and then with commonly used p53-dependent anti-cancer drugs (cisplatin and 5FU). We evaluated the cells\' survival in the presence or absence of a DnaK-binding peptide (ARV-1502). We also validated our findings using primary tumor cells from a novel DnaK knock-in mouse model. To provide a broader context for the clinical significance of these findings, we investigated human primary cancer sequencing datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We identified F. nucleatum as a CAB carrying DnaK with an amino acid composition highly similar to M. fermentans DnaK. Therefore, we investigated the effect of F. nucleatum DnaK on the anti-cancer activity of cisplatin and 5FU.
    Our results show that both M. fermentans and F. nucleatum DnaKs reduce the effectiveness of cisplatin and 5FU. However, the use of ARV-1502 effectively restored the drugs\' anti-cancer efficacy.
    Our findings offer a practical framework for designing and implementing novel personalized anti-cancer strategies by targeting specific bacterial DnaKs in patients with poor response to chemotherapy, underscoring the potential for microbiome-based personalized cancer therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Well-controlled repair mechanisms are involved in the maintenance of genomic stability, and their failure can precipitate DNA abnormalities and elevate tumor risk. In addition, the tumor microenvironment, enriched with factors inducing oxidative stress and affecting cell cycle checkpoints, intensifies DNA damage when repair pathways falter. Recent research has unveiled associations between certain bacteria, including Mycoplasmas, and various cancers, and the causative mechanism(s) are under active investigation. We previously showed that Mycoplasma fermentans DnaK, an HSP70 family chaperone protein, hampers the activity of proteins like PARP1 and p53, crucial for genomic integrity. Moreover, our analysis of its interactome in human cancer cell lines revealed DnaK\'s engagement with several components of DNA-repair machinery. Finally, in vivo experiments performed in our laboratory using a DnaK knock-in mouse model generated by our group demonstrated that DnaK exposure led to increased DNA copy number variants, indicative of genomic instability. We present here evidence that expression of DnaK is linked to increased i) incidence of tumors in vivo upon exposure to urethane, a DNA damaging agent; ii) spontaneous DNA damage ex vivo; and iii) expression of proinflammatory cytokines ex vivo, variations in reactive oxygen species levels, and increased β-galactosidase activity across tissues. Moreover, DnaK was associated with increased centromeric instability. Overall, these findings highlight the significance of Mycoplasma DnaK in the etiology of cancer and other genetic disorders providing a promising target for prevention, diagnostics, and therapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chaperones are a large family of proteins crucial for maintaining cellular protein homeostasis. One such chaperone is the 70 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70), which plays a crucial role in protein (re)folding, stability, functionality, and translocation. While the key events in the Hsp70 chaperone cycle are well established, a relatively small number of distinct substrates were repetitively investigated. This is despite Hsp70 engaging with a plethora of cellular proteins of various structural properties and folding pathways. Here we analyzed novel Hsp70 substrates, based on tandem repeats of NanoLuc (Nluc), a small and highly bioluminescent protein with unique structural characteristics. In previous mechanical unfolding and refolding studies, we have identified interesting misfolding propensities of these Nluc-based tandem repeats. In this study, we further investigate these properties through in vitro bulk experiments. Similar to monomeric Nluc, engineered Nluc dyads and triads proved to be highly bioluminescent. Using the bioluminescence signal as the proxy for their structural integrity, we determined that heat-denatured Nluc dyads and triads can be efficiently refolded by the E. coli Hsp70 chaperone system, which comprises DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE. In contrast to previous studies with other substrates, we observed that Nluc repeats can be efficiently refolded by DnaK and DnaJ, even in the absence of GrpE co-chaperone. Taken together, our study offers a new powerful substrate for chaperone research and raises intriguing questions about the Hsp70 mechanisms, particularly in the context of structurally diverse proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) is a primary avian pathogen prevalent worldwide that causes airsacculitis and synovitis in birds. Vaccination is recommended as the most cost-effective strategy in the control of MS infection. Novel alternative vaccines are needed for eradicating and controlling MS infection in flocks. DnaK, enolase, elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), MSPB, NADH oxidase and LP78 are the major immunogenic antigens of MS and are promising targets for subunit vaccine candidates. In the present study, genes encoding DnaK, enolase, EF-Tu, MSPB, LP78, and NADH oxidase were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that the six recombinant proteins were recognized by convalescent sera, indicating that they were expressed during infection. Two injections of the six subunit vaccines induced a robust antibody response and increased the concentrations of IFN-γ and IL-4, especially rEnolase and rEF-Tu. The proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes was enhanced in all of the immunized groups. Chickens immunized with rEnolase, rEF-Tu, rLP78, and rMSPB conferred significant protection against MS infection, as indicated by significantly lower DNA copies in the trachea, lower scores of air sac lesions, and lesser tracheal mucosal thickness than that in the challenge control. Especially, rEnolase provided the best protective efficacy, followed by rEF-Tu, rMSPB, and rLP78. Our finds demonstrate that the subunit vaccines and bacterin can only reduce the lesions caused by MS infection, but not prevent colonization of the organism. Our findings may contribute to the development of novel vaccine agents against MS infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Heat shock proteins (HSP) protect cancer cells. Gastrointestinal bacteria contain HSP genes and can release extracellular vesicles which act as biological shuttles. Stress from treatment may result in a microbial community with more HSP genes, which could contribute to circulating HSP levels. Methods: The authors examined the abundance of five bacterial HSP genes pre-treatment and during induction in stool sequences from 30 pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Results: Decreased mean HTPG counts (p = 0.0024) pre-treatment versus induction were observed. During induction, HTPG, Shannon diversity and Bacteroidetes decreased (p = 7.5e-4; 1.1e-3; 8.6e-4), while DNAK and Firmicutes increased (p = 6.9e-3; 9.2e-4). Conclusion: Understanding microbial HSP gene community changes with treatment is the first step in determining if bacterial HSPs are important to the tumor microenvironment and leukemia treatment.





