Dissecting aneurysm

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bifurcations are a common site for saccular aneurysms, but rarely can be a site for dissecting aneurysms. Identification of these aneurysms is extremely important because the management plan depends on it. We describe a rare case of a ruptured dissecting aneurysm at the right ICA bifurcation in a pre-teen child which posed a diagnostic dilemma but ultimately was successfully managed with flow diversion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA)-dissecting aneurysms (DAs) rarely cause re-entry tears and lower cranial nerve palsies. The therapeutic strategies for these pathologies are not well established. This report presents a case of an extracranial ICA -DA with a re-entry tear that caused lower cranial nerve palsy.
    UNASSIGNED: A 60-year-old man presented with left neck pain, hoarseness, and dysphagia. Physical examination and laryngoscopy determined palsies of the left cranial nerves IX, X, and XII. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) revealed a DA in the left extracranial ICA, and three-dimensional DSA showed entry and re-entry tears in the intimal flap. Flow-diverting stents (FDSs) were placed on the lesion that covered the entry and re-entry tears because the symptoms did not improve after five weeks of conservative treatment. A post-procedural angiogram indicated flow stagnation in the DA. Symptoms improved remarkably immediately after the procedure, and the aneurysm was almost completely occluded six months later.
    UNASSIGNED: Herein, an extracranial ICA -DA with a re-entry tear that caused lower cranial nerve palsy did not improve after five weeks of conservative treatment. FDS placement promptly resolved the aneurysm and symptoms. Thus, FDS placement may be an effective treatment option for extracranial ICA-DAs with re-entry tears or lower cranial nerve palsies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A dissecting aneurysm in the P4 segment of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is extremely rare, and its treatment is sometimes challenging. Endovascular parent artery occlusion (PAO) was performed for an unruptured P4 segment dissecting PCA aneurysm presenting with ischemic stroke and rapid growth. A 70-year-old man was rushed to our emergency department due to a right-sided headache and a visual field defect. Head magnetic resonance imaging showed a right occipital lobe ischemic stroke, with right PCA occlusion and aneurysm formation in the P4 segment. The diagnosis was PCA dissection in the calcarine artery, and oral aspirin was started. Within a week, the dissecting aneurysm had enlarged progressively to 6.2 mm in diameter. Thus, PAO with coils was performed as a preventive measure against aneurysm rupture, assuming that complication risks were low because the tributary area of the dissecting PCA had already infarcted. A 6-Fr guiding sheath was introduced from the right brachial artery to the right vertebral artery, and a microcatheter/microguidewire was placed into the true lumen of the calcarine artery distal to the aneurysm. PAO with coils was performed, and the blood flow to the aneurysm was completely obliterated. After the treatment, the known infarction in the right occipital lobe was enlarged, but no new neurological symptoms developed. The patient was discharged independently on postoperative day 3. Treatment for a distal PCA dissecting aneurysm is challenging. PAO with coils is one of the reasonable choices, especially when a visual field defect has already developed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) of acute uncomplicated type B aortic dissection (uTBAD) has been discussed for its potential to prevent future aortic events. We present a fenestrated TEVAR in the case of an 86-year-old man with acute uTBAD with an isolated left vertebral artery (ILVA). The ILVA originated from the distal side of the left subclavian artery, the left subclavian artery, and the intramural hematoma with an ulcer-like projection extended close to the left subclavian artery. We selected a fenestrated stent graft to achieve a proximal healthy landing. This case demonstrates that a fenestrated stent graft for acute uTBAD is useful for preserving arch vessels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vertebrobasilar artery dissecting aneurysms (VBDAs) are the most surgically challenging type of aneurysm. Cerebral revascularization is the ultimate treatment for complex VBDAs. We retrospectively analysed the characteristics, surgical outcomes and follow-up data of 21 patients who underwent cerebral revascularization to treat complex VBDAs from 2015 to 2022. According to the location of the aneurysm and the anatomic relationship between the VBDA and the PICA, VBDA patients were classified into four groups: aneurysms located at the VA with PICA involvement (10 patients), aneurysms located at the VA without PICA involvement (1 patient), aneurysms located at the basilar apex segment (1 patient) and aneurysms located at the basilar trunk segment (9 patients). A surgical algorithm for complex VBDAs was determined primarily by the location of the aneurysm, the status of the aneurysm and the ability of retrograde blood flow to reach the proximal vertebrobasilar artery. Surgical modalities for patients with aneurysms in the VA with PICA involvement included low-flow (OA-PICA) bypasses with aneurysm trapping, aneurysm excision or reconstructive clip in 8 patients and STA-PCA bypass combined with PICA preservation and aneurysm trapping in 2 patients. In patients with aneurysms in the VA without PICA involvement, aneurysm excision was performed without cerebral bypass. In patients with aneurysms in the basilar apex segment, high-flow bypass (ECA-RA-P2) with aneurysm trapping was performed. In patients with aneurysms in the basilar trunk segment, surgical modalities included high-flow bypasses (ECA-RA-P2 and LVA-RA-P2) with aneurysm trapping or proximal occlusion in 6 patients, ECA-RA-P2 bypass with partial proximal occlusion in 1 patient, ECA-RA-P2 bypass alone in 1 patient, and STA-PCA bypass with R-VA narrowing in 1 patient. Of the 21 patients, 20 experienced clinical improvement or no change, and 17 of 21 patients achieved favourable functional outcomes (mRS ≤ 2). However, one patient died of infarction and respiratory failure postoperatively. Aneurysms were completely obliterated in 13 patients, shrank in 5 patients and stabilized in 2 patients. The median follow-up period was 32.5 months. During the follow-up period, all bypasses were patent, and further clinical improvement was observed in 11 patients. Cerebral revascularization appears to be safe and effective for the treatment of complex VBDAs, and cerebral revascularization could act as a complementary treatment strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Optimal treatment options for ruptured blood blister-like aneurysms (BBAs) and dissecting aneurysms (DAs) have not yet been established. Endovascular treatment may achieve vessel reconstruction with the preservation of antegrade blood flow; however, securing curative hemostasis at the fragile rupture point remains a major concern.
    METHODS: Two ruptured BBAs and two ruptured DAs treated by stent-assisted coiling with the semijailing technique in the last 2 years are described herein. The devices used were braided stents and i-ED coils, which are new low-memory shape and extremely soft coils. Neither rebleeding nor ischemic complications were observed. All patients had a favorable outcome and showed no recurrence after treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: All aneurysms were treated without ischemic complications or rebleeding. The good compatibility of braided stents and the new concept coils in stent-assisted coiling by the semijailing technique provides insight into these intractable hemorrhagic vascular pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Intracranial aneurysms are prevalent, particularly with advancing age. De novo aneurysms, occurring independently from the initial lesion, pose a unique challenge because of their unpredictable nature. Although risk factors such as female sex, smoking history, and hypertension have been proposed, the mechanisms underlying de novo aneurysm development remain unclear.
    METHODS: A 79-year-old female developed a de novo saccular aneurysm within a year after management of a ruptured vertebral artery dissecting aneurysm. Her complex clinical course involved subarachnoid hemorrhage with diffuse vasospasm, stent occlusion of a dissecting aneurysm, discovery of a right 7- to 8-mm de novo middle cerebral artery aneurysm at the 1-year magnetic resonance angiography follow-up, and successful coil embolization.
    CONCLUSIONS: This rare occurrence challenges established timelines, as most de novo aneurysms manifest over a longer interval. Studies have attempted to identify risk factors, yet consensus remains elusive, particularly regarding the influence of treatment modality on de novo formation rates. This unique case urges reconsideration of posttreatment surveillance protocols, proposing shorter intervals for imaging and more vigilant follow-up strategies to detect asymptomatic de novo aneurysms. Timelier identification could significantly impact patient outcomes by averting potential ruptures. This emphasizes the need for further research to delineate effective monitoring and preventive measures for these enigmatic lesions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Persistent trigeminal artery (PTA) is the most common vascular anastomosis between the carotid artery and vertebrobasilar systems. We report a very rare case of dissecting aneurysm in the right internal carotid artery (ICA) with ipsilateral PTA and discuss its clinical importance.
    A 38-year-old male presented to the emergency department with paroxysmal dysphasia for 6h. Brain magnetic resonance (MR) imaging showed acute cerebral infarction of the right corona radiata and right parietal lobe. Three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography (3D TOF MRA) revealed severe stenosis of the petrous segment (C1 portion) of the right internal carotid artery and a PTA originating from the right ICA cavernous segment (C4 portion), with a length of approximately 1.8cm and a diameter of approximately 0.2cm. The ICA segments are all named according to the Bouthilier classification. The basilar artery (BA) under union was well developed. The bilateral posterior communicating arteries were also present. One day later, the high-resolution vessel-wall MR demonstrated a dissecting aneurysm in the C1 portion of the right ICA. The length of the dissecting aneurysm is approximately 4.4cm, the diameter of the true lumen at the most severe stenosis is approximately 0.2cm, and the diameter of the false lumen is approximately 0.8cm. Subsequent digital subtraction angiography (DSA) confirmed a dissecting aneurysm in the C1 portion of the right ICA. The patient was treated conservatively and did not undergo interventional surgery. Four months later, head and neck MRA showed that the right ICA blood flow was smooth and that the dissecting aneurysm had disappeared. The Ethics Committee of Liaocheng People\'s Hospital approved the research protocol in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration. Written informed consent was obtained from the individual for the publication of any potentially identifiable images or data included in this article.
    Flow alteration with PTA may have influenced the formation of ICA dissection in this patient. Awareness of this is crucial in clinical practice because it can influence treatment options and intervention procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The pathophysiology of spontaneous vertebral artery dissecting aneurysms (SVADA) is poorly understood. Our goal is to investigate the hemodynamic factors contributing to their formation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and deep learning algorithms.
    METHODS: We have developed software that can use patient imagery as input to recreate the vertebrobasilar arterial system, both with and without SVADA, which we used in a series of three patients. To obtain the kinematic blood flow data before and after the aneurysm forms, we utilized numerical methods to solve the complex Navier-Stokes partial differential equations. This was accomplished through the application of a finite volume solver (OpenFoam/Helyx OS). Additionally, we trained a neural ordinary differential equation (NODE) to learn and replicate the dynamical streamlines obtained from the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.
    RESULTS: In all three cases, we observed that the equilibrium of blood pressure distributions across the VAs, at a specific vertical level, accurately predicted the future SVADA location. In the two cases where there was a dominant VA, the dissection occurred on the dominant artery where blood pressure was lower compared to the contralateral side. The SVADA sac was characterized by reduced wall shear stress (WSS) and decreased velocity magnitude related to increased turbulence. The presence of a high WSS gradient at the boundary of the SVADA may explain its extension. Streamlines generated by CFD were learned with a neural ordinary differential equation (NODE) capable of capturing the system\'s dynamics to output meaningful predictions of the flow vector field upon aneurysm formation.
    CONCLUSIONS: In our series, asymmetry in the vertebrobasilar blood pressure distributions at and proximal to the site of the future SVADA accurately predicted its location in all patients. Deep learning algorithms can be trained to model blood flow patterns within biological systems, offering an alternative to the computationally intensive CFD. This technology has the potential to find practical applications in clinical settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A sinus cavernosus szindróma egyoldalú ophthalmoplegia, autonóm diszfunkció és a nervus trigeminus ophthalmicus vagy maxillaris ága szenzoros kiesésének kombinációja. Fejsérülést követően sinus cavernosus szindróma jelentkezése esetén mindenképpen gondoljunk a dissectiós eredetű aneurysma lehetőségére. Vérzett aneurysmák mellett a ’silent’ intracranialis aneurysmákat is kezelnünk kell, ha kompressziós tüneteket okoznak. Esetismertetésünkben egy 23 éves nőbeteg sikeres kezelését mutatjuk be, aki esés során eszméletét vesztette, majd azonnal jobb oldali ptosis, ophthalmoplegia és arc területi érzéskiesés jelentkezett. Az angiográfia a jobb arteria carotis interna sinus cavernosus szakaszán dissectiós aneurysmát igazolt, melyet a sérülést követő 6. napon áramlásmódosító sztenttel kezeltünk. A beavatkozás szövődménymentesen zajlott, gyors és teljes radiológiai és klinikai gyógyulást eredményezett. Esetismertetésünk is megerősíti azt a metaanalíziseken alapuló tényt, hogy az arteria carotis interna sinus cavernosus szakaszán jelentkező dissectiós aneurysma áramlásmódosító sztenttel biztonságosan és sikeresen kezelhető. Ha a kezelés minél korábban elvégezhető, akkor a sinus cavernosus szindróma minden tünete rendeződik, az azonos oldali ophthalmoplegia és az arc érzéskiesése néhány napon belül tökéletesen gyógyulhat. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(52): 2074–2078.





