Discrete choice experiment

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The smallest worthwhile effect (SWE) is the smallest beneficial effect of an intervention that justifies the costs, risks, and inconveniences. The objective is to establish the SWE of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) for the treatment of low back pain (LBP), and to gain insight into how different attributes of the treatment are traded among each other when choosing SMT. Part 1. A mixed-methods study will be conducted to establish and prioritize a list of attributes influencing choices for those who consider SMT for the treatment of LBP. Individual interviews and consensus groups with chiropractors, manual therapists, and osteopaths and their patients will be conducted. Interviews and consensus groups will be voice-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Part 2. A Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) will be conducted among people with LBP who have limited to no experience with SMT. Participants will be recruited through an online independent panel company. The survey will consist of several choice sets with attributes and their levels established from Part 1. The DCE will be preceded by a short survey to understand the clinical aspects (i.e. presentation, history and previous treatment for LBP) as well as socio-demographic characteristics of the participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that coordination of care for people affected by rare diseases is poor. In order to improve the way that care is coordinated it is necessary to understand the preferences of people affected by these conditions, and providers. The aim of this study was to examine patient, parent and carer, and health care professional preferences for different attributes of care coordination for people affected by rare diseases. We conducted a discrete choice experiment using online surveys. There were no restrictions on participants in terms of rare conditions, demographic factors other than age, or geographical location within the UK. Choice scenarios were based on the following attributes: annual cost of attending appointments; access to health records; access to clinical expertise; support of a care coordinator; access to a specialist centre; and, the existence of a documented plan for emergency care. Data were analysed using alternative-specific conditional logit regression models.
    RESULTS: Valid responses were obtained from 996 individuals (528 patients, 280 carers, 188 health care professionals) between August and December 2019. All attributes significantly influenced the type of service respondents preferred. Patients, carers and health professionals\' preferences for care coordination were influenced by: the cost of attending appointments; access to health records; clinical expertise; role of care coordinators; access to specialist centres; and the existence of plan for emergency care. There were no statistically significant differences in the preferences between patients and carers. Preferences of health professionals differed to those of patients and carers. Both patients and carers selected responses which granted them a greater degree of autonomy in relation to the role of care coordinators, whereas health professionals preferred services where care coordinators had more autonomy. Health care professionals also expressed a stronger preference for a documented formal emergency plan to be in place.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings highlight that people value better coordinated care, in line with policy documents emphasising commitments to coordinated care for people affected by rare diseases. This study highlights the factors that could be included in service provision as ways of improving the coordination of care for people affected by rare diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Approximately 80 % of patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) do not achieve the guideline-based target for low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) levels in current clinical practice, particularly the 95 % of ASCVD patients receiving oral statin monotherapy. The objective was to determine physician prescribing preferences for LDL-C lowering therapies beyond statins for patients with ASCVD.
    UNASSIGNED: A discrete choice experiment (DCE) survey was administered to cardiologists and primary care physicians in the United States, presenting a series of treatment choices systematically varied across 8 treatment attributes: % LDL-C reduction, myalgias, other side effects, route and frequency of administration, time to prior authorization, patient monthly out-of-pocket cost (mOOP), and adherence. Data were analyzed using logistic regression to estimate preference weights for each attribute.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 200 cardiologists and 50 primary care physicians (PCPs) completed the survey. Both exhibited similar prescribing preferences, highly valuing efficacy in reducing LDL-C levels and minimization of patients OOP cost. Each additional 10 % reduction in LDL-C was associated with a 69 % relative increase in physician preference. By contrast, a 10 % relative decrease in preference was observed for each $10 additional monthly mOOP. Compared to PCPs, cardiologists tended to place more emphasis on LDL-C reduction, being more willing to accept higher mOOP or side effects. Although oral therapies were preferred, injectable therapies, like the PCSK9 siRNA-like drug, administered less frequently that allowed for greater LDL-C reduction were seen as having considerable utility, especially among patients with a history of medication nonadherence.
    UNASSIGNED: These results document considerable preference similarities among cardiologist and PCP prescribers of LDL-C lowering therapies for ASCVD. Broad availability of several therapies with varying administration frequencies and product profiles are likely of great value to prescribing physicians aiming to achieve target LDL-C concentrations. Considering all aspects of treatment, most participants preferred a PCSK9 siRNA-like drug.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Discrete choice experiment (DCE) and profile case (case 2) best-worst scaling (BWS) present uncertainties regarding the acceptability of quantifying individual healthcare preferences, which may adversely affect the validity of responses and impede the reflection of true healthcare preferences. This study aimed to assess the acceptability of these two methods from the perspective of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and examine their association with specific characteristics of the target population.
    UNASSIGNED: This cross-sectional study was based on a nationally representative survey; data were collected using a multistage stratified cluster-sampling procedure between September 2021 and January 2022. Eligible adults with confirmed T2DM voluntarily participated in this study. Participants completed both the DCE and case 2 BWS (BWS-2) choice tasks in random order and provided self-reported assessments of acceptability, including task completion difficulty, comprehension of task complexity, and response preference. Logistic regression and random forest models were used to identify variables associated with acceptability.
    UNASSIGNED: In total, 3286 patients with T2DM were included in the study. Respondents indicated there was no statistically significant difference in completion difficulty between the DCE and BWS-2, although the DCE scores were slightly higher (3.07 ± 0.68 vs 3.03 ± 0.67, P = 0.06). However, 1979 (60.2%) respondents found the DCE easier to comprehend. No significant preferences were observed between the two methods (1638 (49.8%) vs 1648 (50.2%)). Sociodemographic factors, such as residence, monthly out-of-pocket costs, and illness duration were significantly associated with comprehension complexity and response preference.
    UNASSIGNED: This study yielded contrasting results to most of previous studies, suggesting that DCE may be less cognitively demanding and more suitable for patients with T2DM from the perspective of self-reported acceptability of DCE and BWS. This study promotes a focus on patient acceptability in quantifying individual healthcare preferences to inform tailored optimal stated-preference method for a target population.
    Stated preference methodologies such as the discrete choice experiment (DCE) and case 2 best-worst scaling (BWS-2) are gaining popularity as methods for quantifying individual preferences in healthcare. However, the acceptability of the two methods to participants must be considered in practice to reduce cognitive burden and ensure the validity of preference elicitation.DCE was perceived to be less cognitively burdensome than BWS-2. In contrast to patients who thought that DCE was more acceptable, BWS-2 was more accepted by rural patients, patients who lived with the disease for a longer period, and those who had lower monthly out-of-pocket costs.These findings demonstrate potential differences in the acceptability of DCE and BWS-2 for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. To improve efficiency, it would be useful for researchers to consider the optimal stated preference method for identifying target populations according to sociodemographic and disease-related characteristics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In U.S. states that legalized and commercialized recreational cannabis, cannabis sales in illegal markets are still sizable or even larger than those in legal markets. This study aimed to assess cannabis consumers\' preferences for purchasing cannabis from legal and illegal markets and estimate the trade-offs under various policy scenarios.
    METHODS: 963 adults were recruited, who used cannabis in the past year and lived in a state with recreational cannabis legalization. In a discrete choice experiment, participants chose purchasing cannabis from a legal dispensary or an illegal dealer with varying levels in product attributes including quality, safety, accessibility, potency, and price. Mixed logit models were used to analyze preferences.
    RESULTS: The likelihood of choosing legal cannabis increased with a higher quality, the presence of lab test, a shorter distance to seller, a higher tetrahydrocannabinol level, and a lower price. The likelihood of choosing illegal cannabis increased with a higher quality, a shorter distance to seller, and a lower price. Among product attributes, quality and accessibility were perceived to be the most important for legal cannabis and price was perceived to be the most important for illegal cannabis. Policy simulations predicted that improving quality, ensuring safety, allowing delivery services, increasing dispensary density, and lowering prices/taxes of legal cannabis may reduce illegal cannabis market share.
    CONCLUSIONS: In the U.S., cannabis consumers\' preferences for illegal cannabis were associated with both legal and illegal cannabis product attributes. Policies regulating legal cannabis markets should consider potential spillover effects to illegal markets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conservation literature addresses a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary questions and benefits. Conservation science benefits most when a diverse range of authors are represented, particularly those from countries where much conservation work is focused. In other disciplines, it is well known that barriers and biases exist in the academic publishing sphere, which can affect research dissemination and an author\'s career development. We used a discrete choice experiment to determine how 7 journal attributes affect authors\' choices of where to publish in conservation. We targeted authors directly by contacting authors published in 18 target journals and indirectly via communication channels for conservation organizations. We only included respondents who had previously published in a conservation-related journal. We used a multinomial logit model and a latent class model to investigate preferences for all respondents and distinct subpopulations. We identified 3 demographic groups across 1038 respondents (older authors from predominantly middle-income countries, younger authors from predominantly middle-income countries, and younger authors from high-income countries) who had published in conservation journals. Each group exhibited different publishing preferences. Only 2 attributes showed a consistent response across groups: cost to publish negatively affected journal choice, including authors in high-income countries, and authors had a consistent preference for double-blind review. Authors from middle-income countries were willing to pay more for society-owned journals, unlike authors from high-income countries. Journals with a broad geographical scope that were open access and that had relatively high impact factors were preferred by 2 of the 3 demographic groups. However, journal scope and open access were more important in dictating journal choice than impact factor. Overall, different demographics had different preferences for journals and were limited in their selection based on attributes such as open access policy. However, the scarcity of respondents from low-income countries (2% of respondents) highlights the pervasive barriers to representation in conservation research. We recommend journals offer double-blind review, reduce or remove open access fees, investigate options for free editorial support, and better acknowledge the value of local-scale single-species studies. Academic societies in particular must reflect on how their journals support conservation and conservation professionals.
    Comprensión de las elecciones de los autores en el entorno actual de publicaciones sobre la conservación Resumen La bibliografía sobre conservación aborda un amplio espectro de preguntas y beneficios interdisciplinarios. La mayor parte de ella representa una gama diversa de autores, sobre todo de países en los que se centra gran parte del trabajo de conservación. Es bien sabido que en otras disciplinas existen barreras y sesgos en el ámbito de la publicación académica que pueden afectar a la difusión de la investigación y al desarrollo de la carrera de un autor. Usamos un experimento de elección discreta para determinar cómo afectan siete atributos de las revistas sobre conservación en la elección de los autores sobre en cuál publicar. Nos dirigimos directamente a los autores y nos pusimos en contacto con quienes publicaban en 18 revistas objetivo e indirectamente a través de los canales de comunicación de las organizaciones de conservación. Sólo incluimos a los encuestados que habían publicado anteriormente en una revista relacionada con la conservación. Usamos un modelo logit multinominal y un modelo de clases latentes para investigar las preferencias de todos los encuestados y de las distintas subpoblaciones. Identificamos tres grupos demográficos entre los 1038 encuestados (autores de más edad de países con predominancia de ingresos medios, autores más jóvenes de países con predominancia de ingresos medios y autores más jóvenes de países con ingresos altos) que habían publicado en revistas de conservación. Cada grupo mostraba preferencias editoriales diferentes. Sólo dos atributos mostraron una respuesta coherente en todos los grupos: el costo de la publicación afectaba negativamente a la elección de la revista, incluidos los autores de países con ingresos altos, y los autores tenían una preferencia coherente por la revisión doble ciego. Los autores de países con ingresos medios están dispuestos a pagar más por las revistas pertenecientes a la sociedad, a diferencia de los autores de países de ingresos altos. Dos de los tres grupos demográficos prefieren las revistas de ámbito geográfico amplio, de acceso abierto y con un factor de impacto relativamente alto. Sin embargo, el alcance de la revista y el acceso abierto fueron más importantes que el factor de impacto. En general, los distintos grupos demográficos tenían preferencias diferentes en cuanto a las revistas y su selección se veía limitada por atributos como la política de acceso abierto. No obstante, la falta de encuestados procedentes de países con bajos ingresos (2% de los encuestados) destaca las barreras generalizadas para la representación en la investigación sobre conservación. Recomendamos que las revistas ofrezcan revisiones doble ciego, reduzcan o eliminen las tarifas de acceso abierto, investiguen opciones de apoyo editorial gratuito y reconozcan mejor el valor de los estudios de una sola especie a escala local. Las sociedades académicas, en particular, deben reflexionar sobre la forma en que sus revistas apoyan la conservación y a los profesionales de la conservación.
    【摘要】 人类活动可能会改变猫科动物的群落结构, 促进对人类活动容忍度高的物种(通常是中型捕食者)续存, 排斥生态需求高的物种(顶级捕食者), 从而改变物种共存规则。本研究旨在确定人类活动如何影响顶级捕食者之间的群内关系及其对中型捕食者的级联影响。尽管已有证据表明顶级捕食者在减少, 但人们对这些影响仍知之甚少。我们在大陆尺度使用结构方程模型研究了栖息地质量和数量、家畜密度, 以及其他人类压力如何改变新热带地区处于食物链顶端的三个物种——美洲虎(Panthera onca)、美洲狮(Puma concolor)和豹猫(Leopardus pardalis)的群内关系。我们将来自系统研究的猫科动物存在‐不存在数据以0.0833º的分辨率整合到了Neocarnivores数据集中。研究发现, 人类干扰导致美洲虎出现概率降低了‐0.35个标准差。出乎意料的是, 绵羊(Ovis aries)或山羊(Capra aegargrus hircus)和美洲虎的出现概率与美洲狮出现概率呈正相关, 而美洲狮的出现则与豹猫的出现呈负相关。森林覆盖面积对美洲虎(β = 0.23)和豹猫(β = 0.12)的出现影响大于保护地面积, 而保护地面积没有显著影响。人类活动对美洲狮的出现没有影响, 而小型家畜的出现则有积极影响, 这支持美洲狮比美洲虎更能适应栖息地干扰的观点。我们的研究结果表明, 人类干扰有可能逆转大型猫科动物之间的等级竞争优势, 导致群落结构不平衡。这种变化使美洲虎处于不利地位, 并提高了美洲狮在群落等级中的地位, 还导致豹猫被排除在外, 尽管其对人为干扰的敏感性相对较低。以上结果表明, 保护工作应该从保护地扩展到周边景观, 因为这些地区的复杂性和潜在冲突更加明显。【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective. We aim to evaluate patients\' preferences for antiretroviral therapy (ART) to enhance shared decision making in clinical practice in Northwest Ethiopia. Methods. A discrete choice experiment approach was used among adult patients from 36 randomly selected public health facilities from February 6, 2023, to March 29, 2023. A literature review, qualitative work, ranking and rating surveys, and expert consultation were used to identify the attributes. Location, provider, frequency of visit, appointment modality, refill time, and cost of visit were the 6 ART service features chosen. Participants were given the option of choosing between 2 hypothetical differentiated ART delivery models. Mixed logit and latent class analysis were used. Results: Four hundred fifty-six patients completed the choice task. Respondents preferred to receive ART refills alone at health facilities by health care workers without having to have frequent visits and with reduced cost of visit. Overall, the participants valued the cost of the visit the most while they valued the timing of ART refill the least. Participants were willing to pay only for the attributes of frequency of visit and medication refill time. The latent class model with 3 classes provided the best model fit. Location, cost, and frequency were the most important attributes in class 1, class 2, and class 3, respectively. Income and marital status significantly predicted class membership. Conclusions. Respondents preferred to receive refills at health facilities, less frequent visits, individual appointments, service provision by health care workers, and reduced cost of visit. The cost attribute had the greatest impact on the choice of patients. Health care workers should consider the preferences of patients while providing ART services to meet patients\' expectations and choices.
    UNASSIGNED: A discrete choice experiment was used to elicit patient preferences.People living with HIV preferred receiving medication refills at health facilities, less frequent visits, individual appointments, service delivery by health care workers, and lower visit costs.Health care workers should consider the preferences of patients while providing ART service to meet their expectations and choices.Scaling up differentiated HIV treatment services is crucial for patient-centered care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Clostridioides difficile (C.diff) infection (CDI) causes significant morbidity and mortality among older adults. Vaccines to prevent CDI are in development; however, data on the target population\'s preferences are needed to inform vaccination recommendations in the United States (US). This study assessed US adults\' willingness to receive a C.diff vaccine and examined how vaccine attributes influence their choices.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional online survey with a discrete choice experiment (DCE) was conducted among US adults aged ≥50 years. DCE attributes included effectiveness, duration of protection, reduction in symptom severity, out-of-pocket (OOP) costs, number of doses, and side effects. The DCE included 11 choice tasks, each with two hypothetical vaccine profiles and an opt-out (i.e., no vaccine). Attribute-level preference weights were estimated using hierarchical Bayesian modeling. Attribute relative importance (RI) was compared between select subgroups.
    RESULTS: Of 1216 adults in the analyses, 29.9% reported they knew either \'a little\' (20.7%) or \'a lot\' (9.2%) about C.diff before the study. A C.diff vaccine was chosen 58.0% of the time (vs. opt-out) across choice tasks. It was estimated that up to 75.0% would choose a vaccine when OOP was $0. Those who were immunocompromised/high-risk for CDI (vs. not) more frequently chose a C.diff vaccine. Decreases in OOP costs (RI = 56.1), improvements in vaccine effectiveness (RI = 17.7), and reduction in symptom severity (RI = 10.3) were most important to vaccine choice. The rank ordering of attributes by importance was consistent across subgroups.
    CONCLUSIONS: OOP cost, improvements in vaccine effectiveness, and reduction in CDI severity were highly influential to vaccine selection. Most adults aged ≥50 years were receptive to a C.diff vaccine, especially with little-to-no OOP cost, suggesting that mandating insurance coverage of vaccination with no copayment may increase uptake. The limited awareness about C.diff among adults presents an opportunity for healthcare providers to educate their patients about CDI prevention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: As the therapeutic landscape for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) continues to expand, a need exists to understand how patients perceive and value different attributes associated with their disease as well as with current and emerging treatments. These insights can inform the development and regulation of effective interventions for IBD, benefiting various stakeholders including healthcare professionals, drug developers, regulators, Health Technology Assessment bodies, payers, and ultimately patients suffering from IBD. In response to this, the present patient preference study was developed with the aim to (1) determine the relative preference weights for IBD treatment and disease related attributes, and (2) explain how preferences may differ across patients with different characteristics (preference heterogeneity).
    UNASSIGNED: The patient preference study (PPS) was developed through an 8-step process, with each step being informed by an advisory board. This process included: (1) stated preference method selection, (2) attribute and level development (including a scoping literature review, focus group discussions, and advisory board meetings), (3) choice task construction, (4) sample size estimation, (5) survey implementation, (6) piloting, (7) translation, and (8) pre-testing. The resulting discrete choice experiment (DCE) survey comprises 14 attributes with between two and five varying levels. Participants will answer 15 DCE questions with a partial profile design, where each of the choice questions encompasses two hypothetical treatment profiles showing four attributes. Additionally, questions about patients\' socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as contextual factors are implemented. The survey is available in 15 different languages and aims to minimally recruit 700 patients globally.
    UNASSIGNED: This protocol gives valuable insights toward preference researchers and decision-makers on how PPS design can be transparently reported, demonstrating solutions to remaining gaps in preference research. Results of the PPS will provide evidence regarding the disease and treatment related characteristics that are most important for IBD patients, and how these may differ across patients with different characteristics. These findings will yield valuable insights applicable to preference research, drug development, regulatory approval, and reimbursement processes, enabling decision making across the medicinal product life cycle that is aligned with the true needs of IBD patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Despite being primary beneficiaries of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, female university students in China exhibit low vaccination rates. This study aimed to assess their preferences for HPV vaccination services and evaluate the relative importance of various factors to inform vaccination strategy development.
    METHODS: Through a literature review and expert consultations, we identified five key attributes for study: effectiveness, protection duration, waiting time, distance, and out-of-pocket (OOP) payment. A D-efficient design was used to create a discrete choice experiment (DCE) questionnaire. We collected data via face-to-face interviews and online surveys from female students across seven universities in China, employing mixed logit and latent class logit models to analyze the data. The predicted uptake and compensating variation (CV) were used to compare different vaccination service scenarios.
    RESULTS: From 1178 valid questionnaires, with an effective response rate of 92.9%, we found that effectiveness was the most significant factor influencing vaccination preference, followed by protection duration, OOP payment and waiting time, with less concern for distance. The preferred services included a 90% effective vaccine, lifetime protection, a waiting time of less than three months, a travel time of more than 60 min, and low OOP payment. Significant variability in preferences across different vaccination service scenarios was observed, affecting potential market shares. The CV analysis showed female students were willing to spend approximately CNY 5612.79 to include a hypothetical \'Service 5\' (a vaccine with higher valency than the nine-valent HPV vaccine) in their prevention options.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings underscore the need for personalized, need-based HPV vaccination services that cater specifically to the preferences of female university students to increase vaccination uptake and protect their health.





