Dihydropyridine receptor

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expression excitation-contraction (EC) coupling in skeletal muscle was coined in 1952 (1). The term evolved narrowly to include only the processes at the triad that intervene between depolarization of the transverse tubular (T-tubular) membrane and Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). From 1970 to 1988, the foundation of EC coupling was elucidated. The channel through which Ca2+ was released during activation was located in the SR by its specific binding to the plant insecticide ryanodine. This channel was called the ryanodine receptor (RyR). The RyR contained four subunits that together constituted the \"SR foot\" structure that traversed the gap between the SR and the T-tubular membrane. Ca2+ channels, also called dihydropyridine receptors (DHPRs), were located in the T-tubular membrane at the triadic junction and shown to be essential for EC coupling. There was a precise relationship between the two channels. Four DHPRs, organized as tetrads, were superimposed on alternate RyRs. This structure was consistent with the proposal that EC coupling was mediated via a movement of intramembrane charge in the T-tubular system. The speculation was that the DHPR acted as a voltage sensor transferring information to the RyRs of the SR by protein-protein interaction causing the release of Ca2+ from the SR. A great deal of progress was made by 1988 toward understanding EC coupling. However, the ultimate question of how voltage-sensing is coupled to opening of the SR Ca2+ release channel remains unresolved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The discovery of gating currents and asymmetric charge movement in the early 1970s represented a remarkable leap forward in our understanding of the biophysical basis of voltage-dependent events that underlie electrical signalling that is vital for nerve and muscle function. Gating currents and charge movement reflect a fundamental process in which charged amino acid residues in an ion channel protein move in response to a change in the membrane electrical field and therefore activate the specific voltage-dependent response of that protein. The detection of gating currents and asymmetric charge movement over the past 50 years has been pivotal in unraveling the multiple molecular and intra-molecular processes which lead to action potentials in excitable tissues and excitation-contraction (EC) coupling in skeletal muscle. The recording of gating currents and asymmetric charge movement remains an essential component of investigations into the basic molecular mechanisms of neuronal conduction and muscle contraction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The X-linked inherited neuromuscular disorder Duchenne muscular dystrophy is characterised by primary abnormalities in the membrane cytoskeletal component dystrophin. The almost complete absence of the Dp427-M isoform of dystrophin in skeletal muscles renders contractile fibres more susceptible to progressive degeneration and a leaky sarcolemma membrane. This in turn results in abnormal calcium homeostasis, enhanced proteolysis and impaired excitation-contraction coupling. Biochemical and mass spectrometry-based proteomic studies of both patient biopsy specimens and genetic animal models of dystrophinopathy have demonstrated significant changes in the concentration and/or physiological function of essential calcium-regulatory proteins in dystrophin-lacking voluntary muscles. Abnormalities include dystrophinopathy-associated changes in voltage sensing receptors, calcium release channels, calcium pumps and calcium binding proteins. This review article provides an overview of the importance of the sarcolemmal dystrophin-glycoprotein complex and the wider dystrophin complexome in skeletal muscle and its linkage to depolarisation-induced calcium-release mechanisms and the excitation-contraction-relaxation cycle. Besides chronic inflammation, fat substitution and reactive myofibrosis, a major pathobiochemical hallmark of X-linked muscular dystrophy is represented by the chronic influx of calcium ions through the damaged plasmalemma in conjunction with abnormal intracellular calcium fluxes and buffering. Impaired calcium handling proteins should therefore be included in an improved biomarker signature of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to excitation of skeletal muscle fibers, trains of action potentials induce changes in the configuration of the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) anchored in the tubular membrane which opens the Ca2+ release channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. The DHPR also functions as a voltage-gated Ca2+ channel that conducts L-type Ca2+ currents routinely recorded in mammalian muscle fibers, which role was debated for more than four decades. Recently, to allow a closer look into the role of DHPR Ca2+ influx in mammalian muscle, a knock-in (ki) mouse model (ncDHPR) carrying mutation N617D (adjacent to domain II selectivity filter E) in the DHPRα1S subunit abolishing Ca2+ permeation through the channel was generated [Dayal et al., 2017]. In the present study, the Mn2+ quenching technique was initially intended to be used on voltage-clamped muscle fibers from this mouse to determine whether Ca2+ influx through a pathway distinct from DHPR may occur to compensate for the absence of DHPR Ca2+ influx. Surprisingly, while N617D DHPR muscle fibers of the ki mouse do not conduct Ca2+, Mn2+ entry and subsequent quenching did occur because Mn2+ was able to permeate and produce L-type currents through N617D DHPR. N617D DHPR was also found to conduct Ba2+ and Ba2+ currents were strongly blocked by external Ca2+. Ba2+ permeation was smaller, current kinetics slower and Ca2+ block more potent than in wild-type DHPR. These results indicate that residue N617 when replaced by the negatively charged residue D is suitably located at entrance of the pore to trap external Ca2+ impeding in this way permeation. Because Ba2+ binds with lower affinity to D, Ba2+ currents occur, but with reduced amplitudes as compared to Ba2+ currents through wild-type channels. We conclude that mutations located outside the selectivity filter influence channel permeation and possibly channel gating in a fully differentiated skeletal muscle environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endocannabinoids play important roles in regulating CNS synaptic function and peripheral metabolism, but cannabinoids can also act acutely to modulate contraction strength in skeletal muscle. Nerve terminals and the skeletal muscle sarcolemma express components of the cannabinoid signaling system. Endocannabinoids, N-arachidonylethanolamine (anandamide, AEA) and 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol (2-AG), are produced by skeletal muscle. They may be involved in the acute regulation of neuromuscular transmission, by adjusting the parameters for quantal acetylcholine release from the motor nerve terminal. Downstream of neuromuscular transmission, cannabinoids may also act to limit the efficiency of excitation-contraction coupling. Improved understanding of the distinct signaling actions of particular cannabinoid compounds and their receptor/transduction systems will help advance our understanding of the role of endocannabinoids in skeletal muscle physiology. Cannabinoids might also offer the potential to develop new pharmacotherapeutics to treat neuromuscular disorders that affect muscle strength.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of an enzymatic removal of glycogen on excitation-contraction coupling in mechanically skinned fibres of rat fast-twitch muscles, with a focus on the changes in the function of Na+-K+-pump and ryanodine receptor (RyR). Glycogen present in the skinned fibres and binding to microsomes was removed using glucoamylase (GA). Exposure of whole muscle to 20 U mL-1 GA for 6 min resulted in a 72% decrease in the glycogen content. Six minutes of GA treatment led to an 18 and a 22% reduction in depolarization- and action potential-induced forces in the skinned fibres, respectively. There was a minor but statistically significant increase in the repriming period, most likely because of an impairment of the Na+-K+-pump function. GA treatment exerted no effect on the maximum Ca2+ release rate from the RyR in the microsomes and the myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity in the skinned fibres. These results indicate that reduced glycogen per se can decrease muscle performance due to the impairment of SR Ca2+ release and suggest that although Na+-K+-pump function is adversely affected by reduced glycogen, the extent of the impairment is not sufficient to reduce Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This study provides direct evidence that glycogen above a certain amount is required for the preservation of the functional events preceding Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Close physical association of CaV1.1 L-type calcium channels (LTCCs) at the sarcolemmal junctional membrane (JM) with ryanodine receptors (RyRs) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is crucial for excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) in skeletal muscle. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the JM targeting of LTCCs is unexplored. Junctophilin 1 (JP1) and JP2 stabilize the JM by bridging the sarcolemmal and SR membranes. Here, we examined the roles of JPs in localization and function of LTCCs. Knockdown of JP1 or JP2 in cultured myotubes inhibited LTCC clustering at the JM and suppressed evoked Ca2+ transients without disrupting JM structure. Coimmunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays demonstrated that JPs physically interacted with 12-aa residues in the proximal C terminus of the CaV1.1. A JP1 mutant lacking the C terminus including the transmembrane domain (JP1ΔCT) interacted with the sarcolemmal/T-tubule membrane but not the SR membrane. Expression of this mutant in adult mouse muscles in vivo exerted a dominant-negative effect on endogenous JPs, impairing LTCC-RyR coupling at triads without disrupting JM morphology, and substantially reducing Ca2+ transients without affecting SR Ca2+ content. Moreover, the contractile force of the JP1ΔCT-expressed muscle was dramatically reduced compared with the control. Taken together, JPs recruit LTCCs to the JM through physical interaction and ensure robust ECC at triads in skeletal muscle.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skeletal muscle contractions are initiated by an increase in Ca2+ released during excitation-contraction (EC) coupling, and defects in EC coupling are associated with human myopathies. EC coupling requires communication between voltage-sensing dihydropyridine receptors (DHPRs) in transverse tubule membrane and Ca2+ release channel ryanodine receptor 1 (RyR1) in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Stac3 protein (SH3 and cysteine-rich domain 3) is an essential component of the EC coupling apparatus and a mutation in human STAC3 causes the debilitating Native American myopathy (NAM), but the nature of how Stac3 acts on the DHPR and/or RyR1 is unknown. Using electron microscopy, electrophysiology, and dynamic imaging of zebrafish muscle fibers, we find significantly reduced DHPR levels, functionality, and stability in stac3 mutants. Furthermore, stac3NAM myofibers exhibited increased caffeine-induced Ca2+ release across a wide range of concentrations in the absence of altered caffeine sensitivity as well as increased Ca2+ in internal stores, which is consistent with increased SR luminal Ca2+ These findings define critical roles for Stac3 in EC coupling and human disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The physiological process by which Ca2+ is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum is called excitation-contraction coupling; it is initiated by an action potential which travels deep into the muscle fiber where it is sensed by the dihydropyridine receptor, a voltage sensing L-type Ca2+channel localized on the transverse tubules. Voltage-induced conformational changes in the dihydropyridine receptor activate the ryanodine receptor Ca2+ release channel of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The released Ca2+ binds to troponin C, enabling contractile thick-thin filament interactions. The Ca2+ is subsequently transported back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by specialized Ca2+ pumps (SERCA), preparing the muscle for a new cycle of contraction. Although other proteins are involved in excitation-contraction coupling, the mechanism described above emphasizes the unique role played by the two Ca2+ channels (the dihydropyridine receptor and the ryanodine receptor), the SERCA Ca2+ pumps and the exquisite spatial organization of the membrane compartments endowed with the proteins responsible for this mechanism to function rapidly and efficiently. Research over the past two decades has uncovered the fine details of excitation-contraction coupling under normal conditions while advances in genomics have helped to identify mutations in novel genes in patients with neuromuscular disorders. While it is now clear that many patients with congenital muscle diseases carry mutations in genes encoding proteins directly involved in Ca2+ homeostasis, it has become apparent that mutations are also present in genes encoding for proteins not thought to be directly involved in Ca2+ regulation. Ongoing research in the field now focuses on understanding the functional effect of individual mutations, as well as understanding the role of proteins not specifically located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum which nevertheless are involved in Ca2+ regulation or excitation-contraction coupling. The principal challenge for the future is the identification of drug targets that can be pharmacologically manipulated by small molecules, with the ultimate aim to improve muscle function and quality of life of patients with congenital muscle disorders. The aim of this review is to give an overview of the most recent findings concerning Ca2+ dysregulation and its impact on muscle function in patients with congenital muscle disorders due to mutations in proteins involved in excitation-contraction coupling and more broadly on Ca2+ homeostasis.





