
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dihydroorotase (DHOase) is the third enzyme in the six enzymatic reaction steps of the endogenous pyrimidine nucleotide de novo biosynthesis pathway, which is a metabolic pathway conserved in both bacteria and eukaryotes. However, research on the biological function of DHOase in plant pathogenic fungi is very limited. In this study, we identified and named MoPyr4, a homologous protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DHOase Ura4, in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae and investigated its ability to regulate fungal growth, pathogenicity, and autophagy. Deletion of MoPYR4 led to defects in growth, conidiation, appressorium formation, the transfer and degradation of glycogen and lipid droplets, appressorium turgor accumulation, and invasive hypha expansion in M. oryzae, which eventually resulted in weakened fungal pathogenicity. Long-term replenishment of exogenous uridine-5\'-phosphate (UMP) can effectively restore the phenotype and virulence of the ΔMopyr4 mutant. Further study revealed that MoPyr4 also participated in the regulation of the Pmk1-MAPK signaling pathway, co-localized with peroxisomes for the oxidative stress response, and was involved in the regulation of the Osm1-MAPK signaling pathway in response to hyperosmotic stress. In addition, MoPyr4 interacted with MoAtg5, the core protein involved in autophagy, and positively regulated autophagic degradation. Taken together, our results suggested that MoPyr4 for UMP biosynthesis was crucial for the development and pathogenicity of M. oryzae. We also revealed that MoPyr4 played an essential role in the external stress response and pathogenic mechanism through participation in the Pmk1-MAPK signaling pathway, peroxisome-related oxidative stress response mechanism, the Osm1-MAPK signaling pathway and the autophagy pathway.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: CAD (MIM*114010) encodes a large multifunctional protein with the enzymatic activity of the first three enzymes initiating and controlling the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway. Biallelic pathogenic variants in CAD cause the autosomal recessive developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 50 (MIM #616457) or CAD deficiency presenting with epilepsy, status epilepticus (SE), neurological deterioration and anemia with anisopoikilocytosis. Mortality is around 9% of patients, mainly related to the no use of its specific treatment with uridine. Majority of reported cases have an early onset during infancy, with some few starting later in childhood.
    METHODS: Here we report a deceased female patient with CAD deficiency whose epilepsy started at 14 years. She showed a rapid neurologic deterioration including cognitive decline, electroencephalographic background slowing which later evolved to a fatal refractory SE and supra and infratentorial atrophy on neuroimaging. Anemia developed after SE onset.
    RESULTS: her post-mortem whole exome sequencing identified biallelic missense variants in CAD (NM_004341.5): c.[2944G > A];[5366G > A] p.[(Asp982Asn)];[(Arg1789Gln)]. Our review of twenty-eight reported cases (2015-2023) revealed an epilepsy age onset from neonatal period to 7 years and the SE prevalence of 46 %.
    CONCLUSIONS: With our case, we highlight the relevance of suspecting this treatable condition in older patients and in SE with no evident etiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) stands as one of the most widely prescribed chemotherapeutics. Despite over 60 years of study, a systematic synopsis of how 5-FU binds to proteins has been lacking. Investigating the specific binding patterns of 5-FU to proteins is essential for identifying additional interacting proteins and comprehending their medical implications. In this review, an analysis of the 5-FU binding environment was conducted based on available complex structures. From the earliest complex structure in 2001 to the present, two groups of residues emerged upon 5-FU binding, classified as P- and R-type residues. These high-frequency interactive residues with 5-FU include positively charged residues Arg and Lys (P type) and ring residues Phe, Tyr, Trp, and His (R type). Due to their high occurrence, 5-FU binding modes were simplistically classified into three types, based on interactive residues (within <4 Å) with 5-FU: Type 1 (P-R type), Type 2 (P type), and Type 3 (R type). In summary, among 14 selected complex structures, 8 conform to Type 1, 2 conform to Type 2, and 4 conform to Type 3. Residues with high interaction frequencies involving the N1, N3, O4, and F5 atoms of 5-FU were also examined. Collectively, these interaction analyses offer a structural perspective on the specific binding patterns of 5-FU within protein pockets and contribute to the construction of a structural interactome delineating the associations of the anticancer drug 5-FU.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasma gondii relies heavily on the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway for fueling the high uridine-5\'-monophosphate (UMP) demand during parasite growth. The third step of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis is catalyzed by dihydroorotase (DHO), a metalloenzyme that catalyzes the reversible condensation of carbamoyl aspartate to dihydroorotate. Here, functional analyses of TgDHO reveal that tachyzoites lacking DHO are impaired in overall growth due to decreased levels of UMP, and the noticeably growth restriction could be partially rescued after supplementation with uracil or high concentrations of L-dihydroorotate in vitro. When pyrimidine salvage pathway is disrupted, both DHOH35A and DHOD284E mutant strains proliferated much slower than DHO-expressing parasites, suggesting an essential role of both TgDHO His35 and Asp284 residues in parasite growth. Additionally, DHO deletion causes the limitation of bradyzoite growth under the condition of uracil supplementation or uracil deprivation. During the infection in mice, the DHO-deficient parasites are avirulent, despite the generation of smaller tissue cysts. The results reveal that TgDHO contributes to parasite growth both in vitro and in vivo. The significantly differences between TgDHO and mammalian DHO reflect that DHO can be exploited to produce specific inhibitors targeting apicomplexan parasites. Moreover, potential DHO inhibitors exert beneficial effects on enzymatic activity of TgDHO and T. gondii growth in vitro. In conclusion, these data highlight the important role of TgDHO in parasite growth and reveal that it is a promising anti-parasitic target for future control of toxoplasmosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dihydropyrimidinase (DHPase) plays a crucial role in pyrimidine degradation, showcasing a broad substrate specificity that extends beyond pyrimidine catabolism, hinting at additional roles for this ancient enzyme. In this study, we solved the crystal structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa DHPase (PaDHPase) complexed with the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at a resolution of 1.97 Å (PDB ID 8WQ9). Our structural analysis revealed two GABA binding sites in each monomer of PaDHPase. Interactions between PaDHPase and GABA molecules, involving residues within a contact distance of <4 Å, were examined. In silico analyses via PISA and PLIP software revealed hydrogen bonds formed between the side chain of Cys318 and GABA 1, as well as the main chains of Ser333, Ile335, and Asn337 with GABA 2. Comparative structural analysis between GABA-bound and unbound states unveiled significant conformational changes at the active site, particularly within dynamic loop I, supporting the conclusion that PaDHPase binds GABA through the loop-out mechanism. Building upon this molecular evidence, we discuss and propose a working model. The study expands the GABA interactome by identifying DHPase as a novel GABA-interacting protein and provides structural insight into the interaction between a dimetal center in the protein\'s active site and GABA. Further investigations are warranted to explore potential interactions of GABA with other DHPase-like proteins and to understand whether DHPase may have additional regulatory and physiological roles in the cell, extending beyond pyrimidine catabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Cancer cells are characterized as the uncontrolled proliferation, which demands high levels of nucleotides that are building blocks for DNA synthesis and replication. CAD (carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase and dihydroorotase) is a trifunctional enzyme that initiates the de novo pyrimidine synthesis, which is normally enhanced in cancer cells to preserve the pyrimidine pool for cell division. Glioma, representing most brain cancer, is highly addicted to nucleotides like pyrimidine to sustain the abnormal growth and proliferation of cells. CAD is previously reported to be dysregulated in glioma, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear.
    METHODS: The expression of CAD and CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein) protein in normal brain cells and three glioblastoma (GBM) cell lines were measured by immunoblots. Lentiviruses-mediated expression of target proteins or shRNAs were used to specifically overexpress or knock down CAD and CHIP. Cell counting, colony formation, apoptosis and cell cycle assays were used to assess the roles of CAD and CHIP in GBM cell proliferation and survival. Co-immunoprecipitation and ubiquitination assays were used to examine the interaction of CHIP with CAD and the ubiquitination of CAD. The correlation of CAD and CHIP expression with GBM patients\' survival was obtained by analyzing the GlioVis database.
    RESULTS: In this study, we showed that the expression of CAD was upregulated in glioma, which was positively correlated with the tumor grade and survival of glioma patients. Knockdown of CAD robustly inhibited the cell proliferation and colony formation of GBM cells, indicating the essential role of CAD in the pathogenesis of GBM. Mechanistically, we firstly identified that CAD was modified by the K29-linked polyubiquitination, which was mediated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP. By interacting with and ubiquitinating CAD, CHIP enhanced its proteasomal and lysosomal degradation, which accounted for the anti-proliferative role of CHIP in GBM cells. To sustain the expression of CAD, CHIP is significantly downregulated, which is correlated with the poor prognosis and survival of GBM patients. Notably, the low level of CHIP and high level of CAD overall predict the short survival of GBM patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, these results illustrated the essential role of CAD in GBM and revealed a novel therapeutic strategy for CAD-positive and CHIP-negative cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CAD is a large, 2225 amino acid multienzymatic protein required for de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. Pathological CAD variants cause a developmental and epileptic encephalopathy which is highly responsive to uridine supplements. CAD deficiency is difficult to diagnose because symptoms are nonspecific, there is no biomarker, and the protein has over 1000 known variants. To improve diagnosis, we assessed the pathogenicity of 20 unreported missense CAD variants using a growth complementation assay that identified 11 pathogenic variants in seven affected individuals; they would benefit from uridine treatment. We also tested nine variants previously reported as pathogenic and confirmed the damaging effect of seven. However, we reclassified two variants as likely benign based on our assay, which is consistent with their long-term follow-up with uridine. We found that several computational methods are unreliable predictors of pathogenic CAD variants, so we extended the functional assay results by studying the impact of pathogenic variants at the protein level. We focused on CAD\'s dihydroorotase (DHO) domain because it accumulates the largest density of damaging missense changes. The atomic-resolution structures of eight DHO pathogenic variants, combined with functional and molecular dynamics analyses, provided a comprehensive structural and functional understanding of the activity, stability, and oligomerization of CAD\'s DHO domain. Combining our functional and protein structural analysis can help refine clinical diagnostic workflow for CAD variants in the genomics era.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CAD is a 1.5 MDa hexameric protein with four enzymatic domains responsible for initiating de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines nucleotides: glutaminase, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATC), and dihydroorotase. Despite its central metabolic role and implication in cancer and other diseases, our understanding of CAD is poor, and structural characterization has been frustrated by its large size and sensitivity to proteolytic cleavage. Recently, we succeeded in isolating intact CAD-like particles from the fungus Chaetomium thermophilum with high yield and purity, but their study by cryo-electron microscopy is hampered by the dissociation of the complex during sample grid preparation. Here we devised a specific crosslinking strategy to enhance the stability of this mega-enzyme. Based on the structure of the isolated C. thermophilum ATC domain, we inserted by site-directed mutagenesis two cysteines at specific locations that favored the formation of disulfide bridges and covalent oligomers. We further proved that this covalent linkage increases the stability of the ATC domain without damaging the structure or enzymatic activity. Thus, we propose that this cysteine crosslinking is a suitable strategy to strengthen the contacts between subunits in the CAD particle and facilitate its structural characterization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dihydroorotase (DHOase) is the third enzyme in the pathway used for the biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides. In mammals, DHOase is active in a trifunctional enzyme, CAD, which also carries out the activities of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase and aspartate transcarbamoylase. Prior to this study, it was unknown whether the FDA-approved clinical drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), which is used as an anticancer therapy, could bind to the DHOase domain of human CAD (huDHOase). Here, we identified huDHOase as a new 5-FU binding protein, thereby extending the 5-FU interactome to this human enzyme. In order to investigate where 5-FU binds to huDHOase, we solved the complexed crystal structure at 1.97 Å (PDB ID 8GVZ). The structure of huDHOase complexed with malate was also determined for the sake of comparison (PDB ID 8GW0). These two nonsubstrate ligands were bound at the active site of huDHOase. It was previously established that the substrate N-carbamoyl-L-aspartate is either bound to or moves away from the active site, but it is the loop that is extended towards (loop-in mode) or moved away (loop-out mode) from the active site. DHOase also binds to nonsubstrate ligands via the loop-out mode. In contrast to the Escherichia coli DHOase model, our complexed structures revealed that huDHOase binds to either 5-FU or malate via the loop-in mode. We further characterized the binding of 5-FU to huDHOase using site-directed mutagenesis and the fluorescence quenching method. Considering the loop-in mode, the dynamic loop in huDHOase should be a suitable drug-targeting site for further designing inhibitors and clinical chemotherapies to suppress pyrimidine biosynthesis in cancer cell lines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CTNNB1, encoding β-catenin protein, is the most frequently altered proto-oncogene in hepatic neoplasms. In this study, we studied the significance and pathological mechanism of CTNNB1 gain-of-function mutations in hepatocarcinogenesis. Activated β-catenin not only triggered hepatic tumorigenesis but also exacerbated Tp53 deletion or hepatitis B virus infection-mediated liver cancer development in mouse models. Using untargeted metabolomic profiling, we identified boosted de novo pyrimidine synthesis as the major metabolic aberration in β-catenin mutant cell lines and livers. Oncogenic β-catenin transcriptionally stimulated AKT2, which then phosphorylated the rate-limiting de novo pyrimidine synthesis enzyme CAD (carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamoylase, dihydroorotase) on S1406 and S1859 to potentiate nucleotide synthesis. Moreover, inhibition of β-catenin/AKT2-stimulated pyrimidine synthesis axis preferentially repressed β-catenin mutant cell proliferation and tumor formation. Therefore, β-catenin active mutations are oncogenic in various preclinical liver cancer models. Stimulation of β-catenin/AKT2/CAD signaling cascade on pyrimidine synthesis is an essential and druggable vulnerability for β-catenin mutant liver cancer.





