Diagonal Band of Broca

Broca 的对角带
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a promising approach for the treatment of epilepsy. However, the optimal target for DBS and underlying mechanisms are still not clear. Here, we compared the therapeutic effects of DBS on distinct septal subregions, aimed to find the precise targets of septal DBS and related mechanisms for the clinical treatment.
    METHODS: Assisted by behavioral test, electroencephalography (EEG) recording and analyzing, selectively neuronal manipulation and immunohistochemistry, we assessed the effects of DBS on the three septal subregions in kainic acid (KA)-induced mouse seizure model.
    RESULTS: DBS in the medial septum (MS) not only delayed generalized seizure (GS) development, but reduced the severity; DBS in the vertical diagonal band of Broca (VDB) only reduced the severity of GS, while DBS in the horizontal diagonal band of Broca (HDB) subregion showed no anti-seizure effect. Notably, DBS in the MS much more efficiently decreased abnormal activation of hippocampal neurons. EEG spectrum analysis indicated that DBS in the MS and VDB subregions mainly increased the basal hippocampal low-frequency (delta and theta) rhythm. Furthermore, ablation of cholinergic neurons in the MS and VDB subregions blocked the anti-seizure and EEG-modulating effects of septal DBS, suggesting the seizure-alleviating effect of DBS was dependent on local cholinergic neurons.
    CONCLUSIONS: DBS in the MS and VDB, rather than HDB, attenuates hippocampal seizure by activation of cholinergic neurons-augmented hippocampal delta/theta rhythm. This may be of great therapeutic significance for the clinical treatment of epilepsy with septal DBS.
    CONCLUSIONS: The optical target of deep brain stimulation in the septum is still not clear. This study demonstrated that stimulation in the medial septum and vertical diagonal band of Broca subregions, but not the horizontal diagonal band of Broca, could alleviate hippocampal seizure through cholinergic neurons-augmented hippocampal delta/theta rhythm. This study may shed light on the importance of precise regulation of deep brain stimulation therapy in treating epileptic seizures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV) infection of the brain induces HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). The set of molecular events employed by HIV to drive cognitive impairments in people living with HIV are diverse and remain not completely understood. We have shown that the HIV envelope protein gp120 promotes loss of synapses and decreases performance on cognitive tasks through the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR). This receptor is abundant on cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain and contributes to cognitive impairment in various neurological disorders. In this study, we examined cholinergic neurons of gp120 transgenic (gp120tg) mice for signs of degeneration. We observed that the number of choline acetyltransferase-expressing cells is decreased in old (12-14-month-old) gp120tg mice when compared to age matched wild type. In the same animals, we observed an increase in the levels of pro-nerve growth factor, a ligand of p75NTR, as well as a disruption of consolidation of extinction of conditioned fear, a behavior regulated by cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain. Both biochemical and behavioral outcomes of gp120tg mice were rescued by the deletion of the p75NTR gene, strongly supporting the role that this receptor plays in the neurotoxic effects of gp120. These data indicate that future p75NTR-directed pharmacotherapies could provide an adjunct therapy against synaptic simplification caused by HIV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since 2002, when we published our article about the anterior perforated substance (APS), the knowledge about the region has grown enormously.
    To make a better description of the anatomy of the zone with new dissection material added to the previous, to sustain the anatomical analysis of the MRI employing the SPACE sequence, interacting with our imagenology colleagues. Especially, we aim to identify and topographically localize by MRI the principal structures in APS-substantia innominata (SI).
    The presentation follows various steps: (1) location and boundaries of the zone and its neighboring areas; (2) schematic description of the region with simple outlines; (3) cursory revision of the SI and its three systems; (4) serial images of the dissections of the zone and its vessels, illustrated and completed when possible, by MRI images of a voluntary experimental subject (ES).
    With this method, we could expose most of the structures of the region anatomically and imagenologically.
    The zone can be approached for dissection with magnification and the habitual microsurgical instruments with satisfactory results. We think that fibers in this region should be followed by other anatomical methods in addition to tractography. The principal structures of ventral striopallidum and extended amygdala (EA) can be identified with the SPACE sequence. The amygdala and the basal ganglion of Meynert (BGM) are easily confused because of their similar signal. Anatomical clues can orient the clinician about the different clusters of the BGM in MRI.
    The dissection requires a previous knowledge of the zone and a good amount of patience. The APS is a little space where concentrate essential vessels for the telencephalon, \"en passage\" or perforating, and neural structures of relevant functional import. From anatomical and MRI points of view, both neural and vascular structures follow a harmonious and topographically describable plan. The SPACE MRI sequence has proved to be a useful tool for identifying different structures in this area as the striatopallidal and EA. Anatomical knowledge of the fibers helps in the search of clusters of the basal ganglion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increases in power and frequency of hippocampal theta activity have been related to efficient place learning and memory acquisition in hippocampal-dependent tests. The complex medial septum-diagonal band of Broca (MS/DBB) is the pacemaker of hippocampal theta activity, influenced by the ascending synchronizing system, and modulated by serotonergic raphe medial afferents, acting on cholinergic and GABAergic septal neurons. The suppression of hippocampal theta expression and the modulation of hippocampal learning and memory are attributed to serotonin. To simultaneously test these hypotheses, a daily local serotonin increase was induced by citalopram (CIT) infusion (100 µM, 0.88 µl, 0.2 µl/m) 15 min before training in the Morris water maze. The theta activity was recorded in the MS/DBB, dentate gyrus (DG) and CA1 of one group infused with artificial cerebrospinal liquid (ACL) and the other with CIT on Days 1-6 of training. After a probe trial (Day 7) and one resting day, the treatments were reversed (Days 8-11). The CIT MS/DBB infusion in the first 6 training days reduced the efficiency of spatial learning in association with reduced power in the DG, reduced MS/DBB-DG coherence, increased DG-CA1 coherence, and a lack of a negative correlation between MS/DBB power and swam distances. No effect of the CIT occurred once the information was acquired under ACL training. These results support a role of serotonin, in acting on the MS/DBB in the fine tuning of hippocampal learning and memory efficiency through the modulation of learning-related theta activity power and septohipocampal synchronization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acetylcholine (ACh), released in the hippocampus from fibers originating in the medial septum/diagonal band of Broca (MSDB) complex, is crucial for learning and memory. The CA2 region of the hippocampus has received increasing attention in the context of social memory. However, the contribution of ACh to this process remains unclear. Here, we show that in mice, ACh controls social memory. Specifically, MSDB cholinergic neurons inhibition impairs social novelty discrimination, meaning the propensity of a mouse to interact with a novel rather than a familiar conspecific. This effect is mimicked by a selective antagonist of nicotinic AChRs delivered in CA2. Ex vivo recordings from hippocampal slices provide insight into the underlying mechanism, as activation of nAChRs by nicotine increases the excitatory drive to CA2 principal cells via disinhibition. In line with this observation, optogenetic activation of cholinergic neurons in MSDB increases the firing of CA2 principal cells in vivo. These results point to nAChRs as essential players in social novelty discrimination by controlling inhibition in the CA2 region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is known that aging is frequently accompanied by a decline in cognition. Furthermore, aging is associated with lower serum IGF-I levels that may contribute to this deterioration. We studied the effect of IGF-I in neurons of the horizontal diagonal band of Broca (HDB) of young (≤6 months old) and old (≥20-month-old) mice to determine if changes in the response of these neurons to IGF-I occur along with aging. Local injection of IGF-I in the HDB nucleus increased their neuronal activity and induced fast oscillatory activity in the electrocorticogram (ECoG). Furthermore, IGF-I facilitated tactile responses in the primary somatosensory cortex elicited by air-puffs delivered in the whiskers. These excitatory effects decreased in old mice. Immunohistochemistry showed that cholinergic HDB neurons express IGF-I receptors and that IGF-I injection increased the expression of c-fos in young, but not in old animals. IGF-I increased the activity of optogenetically-identified cholinergic neurons in young animals, suggesting that most of the IGF-I-induced excitatory effects were mediated by activation of these neurons. Effects of aging were partially ameliorated by chronic IGF-I treatment in old mice. The present findings suggest that reduced IGF-I activity in old animals participates in age-associated changes in cortical activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Medial Septum and diagonal Band of Broca (MSDB) was initially studied for its role in locomotion. However, the last several decades were focussed on its intriguing function in theta rhythm generation. Early studies relied on electrical stimulation, lesions and pharmacological manipulation, and reported an inconclusive picture regarding the role of the MSDB circuits. Recent studies using more specific methodologies have started to elucidate the differential role of the MSDB\'s specific cell populations in controlling both theta rhythm and behaviour. In particular, a novel theory is emerging showing that different MSDB\'s cell populations project to different brain regions and control distinct aspects of behaviour. While the majority of these behaviours involve movement, increasing evidence suggests that MSDB-related networks govern the motivational aspect of actions, rather than locomotion per se. Here, we review the literature that links MSDB, theta activity, and locomotion and propose open questions, future directions, and methods that could be employed to elucidate the diverse roles of the MSDB-associated networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The diagonal band of Broca (DBB) contains the second largest cholinergic cell group in the human brain, known as the nucleus of the vertical limb of the DBB (nvlDBB). It has major projections to the hippocampus, but it is often underinvestigated, partly due to its ill-defined anatomical boundaries and hence the difficulty of reliable sampling. In this chapter, we have reviewed the historical literature to reestablish the anatomy of the nvlDBB, distinguishing it from neighboring basal forebrain cholinergic nuclei. Although varying degrees of neuronal loss in the nvlDBB have been reported in a range of neurological disorders, and in the aged brain, the significant nvlDBB cholinergic neuronal loss reported in Lewy body dementias is of particular interest. Retrograde tracer study in rodents has demonstrated reciprocal connections between the DBB and the hippocampal CA2 subfield, an area particularly susceptible to Lewy pathologies. Previous functional studies have demonstrated that the nvlDBB is particularly involved in memory retrieval, a cognitive domain severely affected in Lewy body disorders. Based on these observations, we propose an anatomical and functional connection between the cholinergic component of the nvlDBB (Ch2) and the hippocampal CA2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review focuses on the neuronal and circuit mechanisms involved in the generation of the theta (θ) rhythm and of its participation in behavior. Data have accumulated indicating that θ arises from interactions between medial septum-diagonal band of Broca (MS-DbB) and intra-hippocampal circuits. The intrinsic properties of MS-DbB and hippocampal neurons have also been shown to play a key role in θ generation. A growing number of studies suggest that θ may represent a timing mechanism to temporally organize movement sequences, memory encoding, or planned trajectories for spatial navigation. To accomplish those functions, θ and gamma (γ) oscillations interact during the awake state and REM sleep, which are considered to be critical for learning and memory processes. Further, we discuss that the loss of this interaction is at the base of various neurophatological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfactory bulb and higher processing areas are synaptically interconnected, providing rapid regulation of olfactory bulb circuit dynamics and sensory processing. Short-term plasticity changes at any of these synapses could modulate sensory processing and potentially short-term sensory memory. A key olfactory bulb circuit for mediating cortical feedback modulation is granule cells, which are targeted by multiple cortical regions including both glutamatergic excitatory inputs and GABAergic inhibitory inputs. There is robust endocannabinoid modulation of excitatory inputs to granule cells and here we explored whether there was also endocannabinoid modulation of the inhibitory cortical inputs to granule cells. We expressed light-gated cation channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in GABAergic neurons in the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (HDB) and their projections to granule cells in olfactory bulb. Selective optical activation of ChR2 positive axons/terminals generated strong, frequency-dependent short-term depression of GABA A -mediated-IPSC in granule cells. As cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor is heavily expressed in olfactory bulb granule cell layer (GCL) and there is endogenous endocannabinoid release in GCL, we investigated whether activation of CB1 receptor modulated the HDB IPSC and short-term depression at the HDB→granule cell synapse. Activation of the CB1 receptor by the exogenous agonist Win 55,212-2 significantly decreased the peak amplitude of individual IPSC and decreased short-term depression, while blockade of the CB1 receptor by AM 251 slightly increased individual IPSCs and increased short-term depression. Thus, we conclude that there is tonic endocannabinoid activation of the GABAergic projections of the HDB to granule cells, similar to the modulation observed with glutamatergic projections to granule cells. Modulation of inhibitory synaptic currents and frequency-dependent short-term depression could regulate the precise balance of cortical feedback excitation and inhibition of granule cells leading to changes in granule cell mediated inhibition of olfactory bulb output to higher processing areas.





