Diagnosis announcement

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is little consensus on how to make a diagnosis announcement of severe chronic disease in neurology. Other medical specialties, such as oncology, have developed assessment methods similar to the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) to address this issue. Here we report the implementation of an OSCE focused on the diagnosis announcement of chronic disease in neurology by residents.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate the acceptability, feasibility and validity in routine practice of an OSCE combined with a theoretical course focused on diagnosis announcement in neurology.
    METHODS: Eighteen neurology residents were prospectively included between 2019 and 2022. First, they answered a questionnaire on their previous level of training in diagnosis announcement. Second, in a practical session with a simulated patient, they made a 15-min diagnosis announcement and then had 5mins of immediate feedback with an expert observer, present in the room. The OSCE consisted of 4 different stations, with standardized scenarios dedicated to the announcement of multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson\'s disease (PD), Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Third, in a theory session, expert observers covered the essential theoretical points. All residents and expert observers completed an evaluation of the \"practical session\" and the \"theory session\".
    RESULTS: Residents estimated their previous level of diagnosis announcement training at 3.1/5. The most feared announcements were AD and ALS. The \"practical session\" was rated at a mean of 4.1/5 by the residents and 4.8/5 by the expert observers, and the \"theory session\" at a mean of 4.7/5 by the residents and 5/5 by the expert observers. After the OSCEs, 11 residents felt more confident about making an announcement.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown a benefit of using an OSCE to learn how to make a diagnosis announcement of severe chronic disease in neurology. OSCEs could be used in many departments in routine practice and seem adapted to residents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Diagnosis announcement of a chronic disease is a crucial moment for patients as well as for their families and an important step in the management of severe conditions such as rare endocrine diseases. Little is known of how diagnosis is communicated to patients and families. The FIRENDO network was created by the third French Plan for Rare Diseases, to promote autonomy, care and research on rare endocrine diseases.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to characterize, for the first time, the experience and needs of patients and/or their parents around the announcement of diagnosis to ensure optimal quality of care.
    METHODS: A quantitative self-administered survey on diagnosis announcement procedures in rare endocrine diseases was launched in April 2017 by the ad hoc FIRENDO thematic working group in collaboration with its 11 partnering patient associations and support groups. The questionnaire was designed and revised by patient support group representatives, adult and pediatric endocrinologists, psychologists and biologists, all expert in rare endocrine diseases. It was made available on the FIRENDO network website and distributed mainly by email with electronic links on their respective websites to members of all affiliated patient support groups.
    RESULTS: Questionnaires were filled out by 391 patients and 223 parents (median age of patients: 39 years). The following conditions were associated with at least 30 answers: Addison\'s disease, classical forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), Russell-Silver syndrome, Cushing\'s syndrome, acromegaly and craniopharyngioma. Overall, some announcement modalities were judged favorably by patients: physician\'s empathy, availability and use of clear terms, and presence of family at the time of announcement. However, a lack of psychological care and information documents was reported, as well as some inadequate procedures such as postal mail announcements.
    CONCLUSIONS: This work suggests that better knowledge of the patient\'s experience is useful for improving the diagnosis announcement of rare endocrine disorders. The main recommendations derived from the survey were the need for several announcement visits, information on patient support groups and reference centers, imperatively avoiding impersonal announcement, and the usefulness of a written accompanying document.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The way to disclose a cancer diagnosis has evolved, and psycho-oncology has developed a more prominent place in cancer care. The diagnosis disclosure process was established to improve the overall quality of patient care and the communication about a cancer diagnosis.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the implementation of the disclosure process in a neurosurgical unit.
    METHODS: This study was conducted prospectively during a one-year period. All patients were diagnosed with malignant brain tumors and received their diagnosis using the disclosure process. The communication between the provider and the patient during diagnosis disclosure was recorded for analysis, and patients completed a satisfaction survey.
    RESULTS: Ninety-one patients with a brain tumor diagnosis participated in the study. Twenty-six were unable to complete the satisfaction survey because they were either deceased or close to the end of their lives. In total, 65 questionnaires were sent to patients and their families, and 43 responded. Patients were satisfied with the quality of the disclosure process regarding information given, psychological support, and communication with all healthcare providers. This assessment allowed the authors to better characterize the impact of the disclosure process on the overall care of patients and to measure the effect of the components of the disclosure process on patient satisfaction.





