Developmental neuroimaging

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Noonan syndrome and neurofibromatosis type 1 are genetic conditions linked to pathogenic variants in genes of the Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling pathway. Both conditions hyper-activate signalling of the Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and exhibit a high prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders. Further, animal models of Noonan syndrome and neurofibromatosis type 1 and human imaging studies show white matter abnormalities in both conditions. While these findings suggest Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinas pathway hyper-activation effects on white matter, it is unknown whether these effects are syndrome-specific or pathway-specific. To characterize the effect of Noonan syndrome and neurofibromatosis type 1 on human white matter\'s microstructural integrity and discern potential syndrome-specific influences on microstructural integrity of individual tracts, we collected diffusion-weighted imaging data from children with Noonan syndrome (n = 24), neurofibromatosis type 1 (n = 28) and age- and sex-matched controls (n = 31). We contrasted the clinical groups (Noonan syndrome or neurofibromatosis type 1) and controls using voxel-wise, tract-based and along-tract analyses. Outcomes included voxel-wise, tract-based and along-tract fractional anisotropy, axial diffusivity, radial diffusivity and mean diffusivity. Noonan syndrome and neurofibromatosis type 1 showed similar patterns of reduced fractional anisotropy and increased axial diffusivity, radial diffusivity, and mean diffusivity on white matter relative to controls and different spatial patterns. Noonan syndrome presented a more extensive spatial effect than neurofibromatosis type 1 on white matter integrity as measured by fractional anisotropy. Tract-based analysis also demonstrated differences in effect magnitude with overall lower fractional anisotropy in Noonan syndrome compared to neurofibromatosis type 1 (d = 0.4). At the tract level, Noonan syndrome-specific effects on fractional anisotropy were detected in association tracts (superior longitudinal, uncinate and arcuate fasciculi; P < 0.012), and neurofibromatosis type 1-specific effects were detected in the corpus callosum (P < 0.037) compared to controls. Results from along-tract analyses aligned with results from tract-based analyses and indicated that effects are pervasive along the affected tracts. In conclusion, we find that pathogenic variants in the Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway are associated with white matter abnormalities as measured by diffusion in the developing brain. Overall, Noonan syndrome and neurofibromatosis type 1 show common effects on fractional anisotropy and diffusion scalars, as well as specific unique effects, namely, on temporoparietal-frontal tracts (intra-hemispheric) in Noonan syndrome and on the corpus callosum (inter-hemispheric) in neurofibromatosis type 1. The observed specific effects not only confirm prior observations from independent cohorts of Noonan syndrome and neurofibromatosis type 1 but also inform on syndrome-specific susceptibility of individual tracts. Thus, these findings suggest potential targets for precise, brain-focused outcome measures for existing medications, such as MEK inhibitors, that act on the Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overarching theories such as the interactive specialization and maturational frameworks have been proposed to describe human functional brain development. However, these frameworks have not yet been systematically examined across the fMRI literature. Visual processing is one of the most well-studied fields in neuroimaging, and research in this area has recently expanded to include naturalistic paradigms that facilitate study in younger age ranges, allowing for an in-depth critical appraisal of these frameworks across childhood. To this end, we conducted a scoping review of 94 developmental visual fMRI studies, including both traditional experimental task and naturalistic studies, across multiple sub-domains (early visual processing, category-specific higher order processing, naturalistic visual processing). We found that across domains, many studies reported progressive development, but few studies describe regressive or emergent changes necessary to fit the maturational or interactive specialization frameworks. Our findings suggest a need for the expansion of developmental frameworks and clearer reporting of both progressive and regressive changes, along with well-powered, longitudinal studies.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The characterization of individual functional brain organization with Precision Functional Mapping has provided important insights in recent years in adults. However, little is known about the ontogeny of inter-individual differences in brain functional organization during human development, but precise characterization of systems organization during periods of high plasticity might be most influential towards discoveries promoting lifelong health. Collecting and analyzing precision fMRI data during early development has unique challenges and emphasizes the importance of novel methods to improve data acquisition, processing, and analysis strategies in infant samples. Here, we investigate the applicability of two such methods from adult MRI research, multi-echo (ME) data acquisition and thermal noise removal with Noise reduction with distribution corrected principal component analysis (NORDIC), in precision fMRI data from three newborn infants. Compared to an adult example subject, T2* relaxation times calculated from ME data in infants were longer and more variable across the brain, pointing towards ME acquisition being a promising tool for optimizing developmental fMRI. The application of thermal denoising via NORDIC increased tSNR and the overall strength of functional connections as well as the split-half reliability of functional connectivity matrices in infant ME data. While our findings related to NORDIC denoising are coherent with the adult literature and ME data acquisition showed high promise, its application in developmental samples needs further investigation. The present work reveals gaps in our understanding of the best techniques for developmental brain imaging and highlights the need for further developmentally-specific methodological advances and optimizations, towards precision functional imaging in infants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maternal stress can shape long-term child neurodevelopment beginning in utero. One mechanism by which stress is transmitted from mothers to their offspring is via alterations in maternal cortisol, which can cross the placenta and bind to glucocorticoid receptor-rich regions in the fetal brain, such as the hippocampus. Although prior studies have demonstrated associations between maternal prenatal stress and cortisol levels with child brain development, we lack information about the extent to which these associations originate prior to birth and prior to confounding postnatal influences. Pregnant mothers (n = 77) completed questionnaires about current perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms, provided three to four salivary cortisol samples, and completed a fetal resting-state functional MRI scan during their second or third trimester of pregnancy (mean gestational age = 32.8 weeks). Voxelwise seed-based connectivity analyses revealed that higher prenatal self-reported distress and higher maternal cortisol levels corresponded to dissociable differences in fetal hippocampal functional connectivity. Specifically, self-reported distress was correlated with increased positive functional coupling between the hippocampus and right posterior parietal association cortex, while higher maternal cortisol was associated with stronger positive hippocampal coupling with the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and left medial prefrontal cortex. Moreover, the association between maternal distress, but not maternal cortisol, on fetal hippocampal connectivity was moderated by fetal sex. These results suggest that prenatal stress and peripheral cortisol levels may shape fetal hippocampal development through unique mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inattention and hyperactivity present on a spectrum and may influence the way children perceive and interact with the world. We investigated whether normative variation in inattentive and hyperactive traits was associated with differences in brain function, while children watched clips from an age-appropriate television program. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data and parent reports of inattention and hyperactivity traits were collected from 81 children 4-7 years of age with no parent-reported diagnoses. Data were analyzed using intersubject correlations (ISCs) in mixed effects models to determine if inattentive and hyperactive traits were associated with idiosyncrasy of fMRI response to the video. We hypothesized that pairs of children with higher average inattention and hyperactivity scores would show less interindividual brain synchrony to one another than pairs with lower average scores on these traits. Video watching engaged widespread visual, auditory, default mode and dorsal prefrontal regions. Inattention and hyperactivity were separably associated with ISC in many of these regions. Our findings suggest that the spectrum of inattention and hyperactivity traits in children without ADHD are differentially associated with neural processing of naturalistic video stimuli, which may have implications for understanding how children with different levels of these traits process audiovisual information in unconstrained conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obsessive-compulsive symptomatology (OCS) is common in adolescence but usually does not meet the diagnostic threshold for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Nevertheless, both obsessive-compulsive disorder and subthreshold OCS are associated with increased likelihood of experiencing other serious psychiatric conditions, including depression and suicidal ideation. Unfortunately, there is limited information on the neurobiology of OCS.
    Here, we undertook one of the first brain imaging studies of OCS in a large adolescent sample (analyzed n = 832) from the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort. We investigated resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging functional connectivity using complementary analytic approaches that focus on different neuroanatomical scales, from known functional systems to connectome-wide tests.
    We found a robust pattern of connectome-wide, OCS-related differences, as well as evidence of specific abnormalities involving known functional systems, including dorsal and ventral attention, frontoparietal, and default mode systems. Analysis of cerebral perfusion imaging and high-resolution structural imaging did not show OCS-related differences, consistent with domain specificity to functional connectivity.
    The brain connectomic associations with OCS reported here, together with early studies of its clinical relevance, support the potential for OCS as an early marker of psychiatric risk that may enhance our understanding of mechanisms underlying the onset of adolescent psychopathology.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insights into brain anatomy are important for the early detection of neurodevelopmental disorders, such as dyslexia. FreeSurfer is one of the most frequently applied automatized software tools to study brain morphology. However, quality control of the outcomes provided by FreeSurfer is often ignored and could lead to wrong statistical inferences. Additional manual editing of the data may be a solution, although not without a cost in time and resources. Past research in adults on comparing the automatized method of FreeSurfer with and without additional manual editing indicated that although editing may lead to significant differences in morphological measures between the methods in some regions, it does not substantially change the sensitivity to detect clinical differences. Given that automated approaches are more likely to fail in pediatric-and inherently more noisy-data, we investigated in the current study whether FreeSurfer can be applied fully automatically or additional manual edits of T1-images are needed in a pediatric sample. Specifically, cortical thickness and surface area measures with and without additional manual edits were compared in six regions of interest (ROIs) of the reading network in 5-to-6-year-old children with and without dyslexia. Results revealed that additional editing leads to statistical differences in the morphological measures, but that these differences are consistent across subjects and that the sensitivity to reveal statistical differences in the morphological measures between children with and without dyslexia is not affected, even though conclusions of marginally significant findings can differ depending on the method used. Thereby, our results indicate that additional manual editing of reading-related regions in FreeSurfer has limited gain for pediatric samples.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We studied developmental plasticity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a preterm infant with brain injury on structural MRI. fMRI showed preserved brain function and subsequent neurodevelopment was within the normal range. Multimodal neuroimaging including fMRI can improve understanding of neural plasticity after preterm birth and brain injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent resting-state functional MRI investigations have demonstrated that much of the large-scale functional network architecture supporting motor, sensory and cognitive functions in older pediatric and adult populations is present in term- and prematurely-born infants. Application of new analytical approaches can help translate the improved understanding of early functional connectivity provided through these studies into predictive models of neurodevelopmental outcome. One approach to achieving this goal is multivariate pattern analysis, a machine-learning, pattern classification approach well-suited for high-dimensional neuroimaging data. It has previously been adapted to predict brain maturity in children and adolescents using structural and resting state-functional MRI data. In this study, we evaluated resting state-functional MRI data from 50 preterm-born infants (born at 23-29weeks of gestation and without moderate-severe brain injury) scanned at term equivalent postmenstrual age compared with data from 50 term-born control infants studied within the first week of life. Using 214 regions of interest, binary support vector machines distinguished term from preterm infants with 84% accuracy (p<0.0001). Inter- and intra-hemispheric connections throughout the brain were important for group categorization, indicating that widespread changes in the brain\'s functional network architecture associated with preterm birth are detectable by term equivalent age. Support vector regression enabled quantitative estimation of birth gestational age in single subjects using only term equivalent resting state-functional MRI data, indicating that the present approach is sensitive to the degree of disruption of brain development associated with preterm birth (using gestational age as a surrogate for the extent of disruption). This suggests that support vector regression may provide a means for predicting neurodevelopmental outcome in individual infants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial and functional gradients of development have been described for the maturation of cerebral gray and white matter using histological and radiological approaches. We evaluated these patterns in very preterm (VPT) infants using diffusion tensor imaging. Data were obtained from 3 groups: 1) 22 VPT infants without white matter injury (WMI), of whom all had serial MRI studies during the neonatal period, 2) 19 VPT infants with WMI, of whom 3 had serial MRI studies and 3) 12 healthy, term-born infants. Regions of interest were placed in the cortical gray and adjacent white matter in primary motor, primary visual, visual association, and prefrontal regions. From the MRI data at term-equivalent postmenstrual age, differences in mean diffusivity were found in all areas between VPT infants with WMI and the other 2 groups. In contrast, minimal differences in fractional anisotropy were found between the 3 groups. These findings suggest that cortical maturation is delayed in VPT infants with WMI when compared with term control infants and VPT infants without WMI. From the serial MRI data from VPT infants, synchronous development between gray and white matter was evident in all areas and all groups, with maturation in primary motor and sensory regions preceding that of association areas. This finding highlights the regionally varying but locally synchronous nature of the development of cortical gray matter and its adjacent white matter.





