Detection dog

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Enhancing detection of cryptic snakes is critical for the development of conservation and management strategies; yet, finding methods that provide adequate detection remains challenging. Issues with detecting snakes can be particularly problematic for some species, like the invasive Burmese python (Python bivittatus) in the Florida Everglades.
    UNASSIGNED: Using multiple survey methods, we predicted that our ability to detect pythons, larger snakes and all other snakes would be enhanced with the use of live mammalian lures (domesticated rabbits; Oryctolagus cuniculus). Specifically, we used visual surveys, python detection dogs, and time-lapse game cameras to determine if domesticated rabbits were an effective lure.
    UNASSIGNED: Time-lapse game cameras detected almost 40 times more snakes (n = 375, treatment = 245, control = 130) than visual surveys (n = 10). We recorded 21 independent detections of pythons at treatment pens (with lures) and one detection at a control pen (without lures). In addition, we found larger snakes, and all other snakes were 165% and 74% more likely to be detected at treatment pens compared to control pens, respectively. Time-lapse cameras detected almost 40 times more snakes than visual surveys; we did not detect any pythons with python detection dogs.
    UNASSIGNED: Our study presents compelling evidence that the detection of snakes is improved by coupling live mammalian lures with time-lapse game cameras. Although the identification of smaller snake species was limited, this was due to pixel resolution, which could be improved by changing the camera focal length. For larger snakes with individually distinctive patterns, this method could potentially be used to identify unique individuals and thus allow researchers to estimate population dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Susceptibility to and infection with SARS-CoV-2 in companion animals has been well-documented throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Surveillance for the virus in dogs has largely been focused on household pets; however, other canine populations may also be impacted. We partnered with a local veterinary hospital with a high working dog patient volume to conduct viral and neutralizing antibody testing in working dogs and identify potential risk factors in the dog\'s work and home environments. Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in law enforcement and security working dogs in Arizona found 24.81% (32/129) of dogs to be seropositive. Thirteen dogs presenting with clinical signs or with reported exposure to COVID-19 in the 30 days prior to sample collection were also tested by PCR; all samples were negative. 90.7% (n = 117) of dogs were reported to be asymptomatic or have no change in performance at the time of sampling. Two dogs (1.6%) had suspected anosmia as reported by their handlers; one of which was seropositive. Known exposure to the dog\'s COVID-19 positive handler or household member was identified as a significant risk factor. Demographics factors including sex, altered status, and type of work were not associated with canine seropositivity. Further work is warranted to understand the impact of SARS-CoV-2 and other infectious diseases in working dogs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have found that infrequent targets can reduce dogs\' vigilance. The purpose of this study was to develop a laboratory model to evaluate the effects of infrequent targets on dogs\' search behavior and performance. Dogs (n = 18) were trained to detect smokeless powder in an automated olfactometer in two distinct rooms (\"operational\" and \"training\"). During baseline, the dogs received five daily sessions at a high target odor frequency (90%) in both rooms. Subsequently, the frequency of the target odor was decreased to 10% only in the \"operational\" room but remained at 90% in the training room. Last, the odor prevalence was returned to 90% in both rooms. All dogs showed a significant decrement in detection performance in the operational room when the target odor frequency was decreased but simultaneusly mantained high performance in the training room. This decrement was largely due to decreases in adequate search behavior. All dogs recovered performance when the odor frequency was increased again to 90%. Trial accuracy was associated with tail position, search score, latency, and duration of environmentally directed behaviors. The data show that low target odor prevalence significantly reduced search behavior and performance and that there are behaviors that can be used by handlers to assess their dog\'s search state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sniffer dogs can diagnose lung cancer. However, the diagnostic yields of different samples and training methods for lung cancer remain undetermined.
    OBJECTIVE: Six dogs were trained in three stages with the aim of improving the diagnostic yield of lung cancer by comparing training methods and specimens.
    METHODS: The pathological tissues of 53 lung cancer patients and 6 non-lung cancer patients in the Department of Thoracic Surgery of Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital were collected, and the exhaled breath samples and urine samples were collected. Urine and exhaled breath samples were also collected from 20 healthy individuals. The specimens were sent to the Veterinary Department of Pingtung University of Science and Technology.
    RESULTS: The dogs had a very low response rate to urine target samples in the first and second stages of training. The experimental results at the second stage of training found that after lung cancer tissue training, dogs were less likely to recognize lung cancer and healthy controls than through breath target training: the response rate to exhaled breathing target samples was about 8-55%; for urine target samples, it was only about 5-30%. When using exhaled air samples for training, the diagnosis rate of these dogs in lung cancer patients was 71.3% to 97.6% (mean 83.9%), while the false positive rate of lung cancer in the healthy group was 0.5% to 27.6% (mean 7.6%). Compared with using breathing target samples for training, the diagnosis rate of dogs trained with lung cancer tissue lung cancer was significantly lower (p < 0.05). The sensitivity and specificity of lung cancer tissue training (50.4% and 50.1%) were lower than the exhaled breath target training (91.7% and 85.1%). There is no difference in lung cancer diagnostic rate by sniff dogs among lung cancer histological types, location, and staging.
    CONCLUSIONS: Training dogs using breathing target samples to train dogs then to recognize exhaled samples had a higher diagnostic rate than training using lung cancer tissue samples or urine samples. Dogs had a very low response rate to urine samples in our study. Six canines were trained on lung cancer tissues and breathing target samples of lung cancer patients, then the diagnostic rate of the recognition of exhaled breath of lung cancer and non-lung cancer patients were compared. When using exhaled air samples for training, the diagnosis rate of these dogs in lung cancer patients was 71.3% to 97.6% (mean 83.9%), while the false positive rate of lung cancer in the healthy group was 0.5% to 27.6% (mean 7.6%). There was a significant difference in the average diagnosis rate of individual dog and overall dogs between the lung cancer group and the healthy group (p < 0.05). When using lung cancer tissue samples for training, lung cancer diagnosis rate of these dogs among lung cancer patients was only 15.5% to 40.9% (mean 27.7%). Compared with using breathing target samples for training, the diagnosis rate of dogs trained with lung cancer tissue lung cancer was significantly lower (p < 0.05). The sensitivity and specificity of lung cancer tissue training (50.4% and 50.1%) were lower than the exhaled breath target training (91.7% and 85.1%). The diagnostic rate of lung cancer by sniffer dogs has nothing to do with the current stage of lung cancer, pathologic type, and the location of tumor mass. Even in stage IA lung cancer, well-trained dogs can have a diagnostic rate of 100%. Using sniffer dogs to screen early lung cancer may have good clinical and economic benefits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Odor generalization is essential for detection dogs. Regardless of its importance, limited research is available on detection dog odor generalization. The objectives of this study were (1) evaluate the use of an intermittent schedule of reinforcement to assess generalization in dogs and (2) evaluate olfactory generalization from a single exemplar of smokeless powder (SP). Dogs (N = 5) were trained to detect SP in an automated olfactometer under an intermittent schedule of reinforcement where only 60% of correct responses were reinforced. After training, eight non-reinforced probe trials were inserted within a session. A total of 15 testing odors were evaluated across 15 consecutive sessions (one odor/session). Six of the testing odors were control and the remaining testing odors were objects indirectly exposed to SP, objects that contained or were directly exposed to SP, single-base SP and diphenylamine (the main volatile present in the headspace of SP). Dogs\' response rate to all testing odors except for the cotton gauzes and t-shirt cloths exposed to the headspace of SP, the simulated IED, and Getxent tubes exposed to direct contact with SP were statistically lower than their response rate of actual SP. The response rate to SP was not different across all 15 testing sessions suggesting that the intermittent schedule of reinforcement, maintained dog motivation and performance. Data show that the outlined method is a good approach to study generalization in detection dogs. These results also highlight dog generalization to SP varieties and associated odors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The detection dogs are well-known for their excellent capabilities to sense different kinds of smells, which can play an important role in completing various searching and rescuing missions. The recent studies have demonstrated that the excellent olfactory function of detection dogs might be related with the gut microbes via the bidirectional communications between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. In this study, the gut microbial communities of three types of breeds of detection dogs (Springer Spaniel, Labrador Retriever, and German Shepherd) were studied and compared. The results revealed that the richness and the diversity of gut microbiome German Shepherd dogs were significantly higher than the Labrador Retriever dogs and the Springer Spaniel dogs. At the phylum level, the most predominant gut microbial communities of the detection dogs were comprised of Fusobacteriota, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Campilobacterota, and Actinobacteriota. At the genus level the most predominant gut microbial communities were comprised of Fusobacterium, Megamonas, Prevotella, Alloprevotella, Bacteroides, Haemophilus, Anaerobiospirillum, Helicobacter, Megasphaera, Peptoclostridium, Phascolarctobacterium, and Streptococcus. However, the gut microbial communities of the three dogs group were also obviously different. The mean relative abundance of Fusobacterium, Prevotella, Alloprevotella, Megamonas, Bacteroides, and Phascolarctobacterium presented significant differences in the three groups. According to the portraits and characteristics of the gut microbiome in young detection dogs, multiple kinds of nutritional interventions could be applied to manipulate the gut microbiota, with the aim of improving the health states and the olfactory performances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interdiction of restricted and hazardous biological agents presents challenges for any detection method due to the inherent complexity of sample type and accessibility. Detection capabilities for this category of agents are limited and restricted in their mobility, adaptability and efficiency. The potential for identifying biological agents through a volatile organic compound (VOC) signature presents an opportunity to use detection dogs in a real-time mobile capacity for surveillance and screening strategies. However, the safe handling and access to the materials needed for training detection dogs on restricted or hazardous biological agents prevents its broader application in this field. This study evaluated the use of a polymer-based training aid in a viral detection model using bovine viral diarrhea virus mimicking biosafety level 3+ agent conditions. After the biological agent-based odor was absorbed into the polymer, the aid was rendered safe for handling through a rigorous sterilization process. The viral culture-based training aid was then used to train a cohort of detection dogs (n = 6) to discriminate agent-based target odor in culture from relevant distractor odors including non-target biological agent-based odors. Following culture-based training, dogs were tested for generalization to aids with infected animal sample-based odors across five sample types (fecal, blood, nasal, saliva, and urine). Within the context of the polymer-based training aid system, dogs were successfully trained to detect and discriminate a representative biological viral agent-based odor from distractor odors with a 97.22% (±2.78) sensitivity and 97.11% (±1.94) specificity. Generalization from the agent-based odor to sample-based odors ranged from 65.40% (±8.98) to 91.90 % (±6.15) sensitivity and 88.61% (±1.46) to 96.00% (±0.89) specificity across the sample types. The restrictive nature for mimicking the access and handling of a BSL 3+ agent presented challenges that required a strict study design uncommon to standard detection dog training and odor presentation. This study demonstrates the need to further evaluate the utility and challenges of training detection dogs to alert to biological samples using safe and manageable training aids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is growing evidence that prey perceive the risk of predation and alter their behavior in response, resulting in changes in spatial distribution and potential fitness consequences. Previous approaches to mapping predation risk across a landscape quantify predator space use to estimate potential predator-prey encounters, yet this approach does not account for successful predator attack resulting in prey mortality. An exception is a prey kill site that reflects an encounter resulting in mortality, but obtaining information on kill sites is expensive and requires time to accumulate adequate sample sizes.We illustrate an alternative approach using predator scat locations and their contents to quantify spatial predation risk for elk (Cervus canadensis) from multiple predators in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada. We surveyed over 1300 km to detect scats of bears (Ursus arctos/U. americanus), cougars (Puma concolor), coyotes (Canis latrans), and wolves (C. lupus). To derive spatial predation risk, we combined predictions of scat-based resource selection functions (RSFs) weighted by predator abundance with predictions that a predator-specific scat in a location contained elk. We evaluated the scat-based predictions of predation risk by correlating them to predictions based on elk kill sites. We also compared scat-based predation risk on summer ranges of elk following three migratory tactics for consistency with telemetry-based metrics of predation risk and cause-specific mortality of elk.We found a strong correlation between the scat-based approach presented here and predation risk predicted by kill sites and (r = .98, p < .001). Elk migrating east of the Ya Ha Tinda winter range were exposed to the highest predation risk from cougars, resident elk summering on the Ya Ha Tinda winter range were exposed to the highest predation risk from wolves and coyotes, and elk migrating west to summer in Banff National Park were exposed to highest risk of encountering bears, but it was less likely to find elk in bear scats than in other areas. These patterns were consistent with previous estimates of spatial risk based on telemetry of collared predators and recent cause-specific mortality patterns in elk.A scat-based approach can provide a cost-efficient alternative to kill sites of quantifying broad-scale, spatial patterns in risk of predation for prey particularly in multiple predator species systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently, there is a need to develop technology that facilitates and improves detection dog research. The aim of this research was to develop an automated computer-driven olfactory line-up task. The apparatus consisted of three olfactometers. Each olfactometer was equipped with flow meters to regulate air flow and dilution and six solenoid valves connected to odor jars. Each olfactometer generated an odor which was carried to an odor port where the dogs sample it. The olfactometer\'s valves were activated by a microcontroller, and a Python program was built to control each olfactometer and randomize and balance the odor presentation. Dogs (N = 12) received one or two 40-trial training sessions in a day where they progressed through a series of training phases where they learned to detect and alert to double-base smokeless powder (SP). An \"alert\" consisted of a 4-s nose hold. This was measured by infrared sensors in the ports. For each trial, the apparatus recorded dogs\' search latency, sniff time, port entries, and response. All this information was automatically recorded in a csv file. A photoionization detector (PID) and solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS) were used to evaluate the odor dynamics and to instrumentally verify odor presence and clearance. A control test was conducted at the end of the training to ensure dogs were alerting exclusively to the odorant. All 12 dogs readily learned to operate the apparatus within 23 days, and all exceeded 85% accuracy. Control tests indicated dogs were leveraging only olfactory cues and not unintentional cues such as auditory cues from the apparatus. Analytical data showed that odor was detected in the port immediately after the activation of a valve and that odor clearance occurred immediately after the valve was closed. The apparatus developed was easy to operate by the dogs and allowed substantial data collection using double-blind testing procedures in a very short period at an affordable cost point for research equipment (~$5,000 USD). The apparatus may prove to be a useful research tool to provide optimal odor stimuli control, ensure double-blind conditions, reduce labor, and significantly increase the amount of data collected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The red imported fire ant (RIFA, Solenopsis invicta) is an exotic aggressive pest that is notorious for its ability to seriously harm humans and animals, cause economic loss to agriculture, and damage ecosystems. This is the first study to validate the capability of filter paper adsorption as a feasible odor bearer of RIFAs and evaluate its use in detection dog training. Two live RIFA-experienced detection dogs achieved a mean 92% positive indication rate (PIR) on RIFA-scented papers with a relatively low false response rate (0.8%). The similar accuracies in recognizing live RIFAs (96%) and scented papers (92%) suggest that a filter paper is an effective odor reservoir. After training with live RIFA and scented filter papers, both RIFA-experienced and inexperienced detection dogs successfully indicated filter papers that were scented with at least 10 RIFAs for 4 h with a high PIR (>93%) and low false response rate (2%). Detection dogs correctly recognized the filter papers scented by 10 RIFAs for 24 h with a 97.6% PIR. Even for scented samples stored at -20 °C and 4 °C for 13 weeks, the positive indication rates (PIRs) were as high as 90%. These results suggest that filter paper is an effective RIFA odor bearer, and the scent can be maintained at least 13 weeks for dog identification. After RIFA-scented paper training, detection dogs showed high (>95%) PIRs for both RIFA-scented paper and live RIFAs and also successfully performed field studies. Using filter paper as a RIFA odor bearer is an effective and economical method for detection dog training and RIFA identification.






