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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cutaneous morbidities are not uncommon in correctional centres and environmental cleanliness and sanitation practices influence their prevalence and pattern. Overcrowding and poor living conditions are common in correctional facilities and may increase the prevalence of skin diseases amongst inmates. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and pattern of dermatoses in a correctional centre in southern Nigeria.
    METHODS: The study was an institutional-based cross-sectional descriptive study carried out during a health outreach to the facility involving inmates of a correctional centre in southern Nigeria. Using a purpose-designed questionnaire, sociodemographic data containing information on sex, age, prison status, and number of inmates per room was obtained from a total of 252 inmates who consented to the study. They were subsequently clinically examined for skin diseases. Dermatological tools like dermoscopes were used to boost diagnostic accuracy where expedient. All data collected were subsequently analysed using SPSS version 23.0.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of cutaneous morbidities amongst the inmates was 224(88.9%). A total of 332 skin morbidities were observed in 224 prison inmates with a ratio of 1.5:1 per affected inmate. The common dermatoses encountered in our study were scabies 181(71.8%), bedbugs 38(15.1%), dermatophytosis 24(9.5%), pityriasis versicolor 20(7.9%), and pediculosis 18(7.1%) in a decreasing order of frequency.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cutaneous morbidities are common among prison inmates in southern Nigeria. Scabies was the most common dermatoses observed.
    BACKGROUND: Les morbidités cutanées ne sont pas rares dans les centres pénitentiaires et les pratiques d\'hygiène et d\'assainissement de l\'environnement influencent leur prévalence et leur répartition. Le surpeuplement et les mauvaises conditions de vie sont courants dans les établissements pénitentiaires et peuvent augmenter la prévalence des maladies de la peau chez les détenus. Cette étude visait à déterminer la prévalence et la répartition des dermatoses dans un centre pénitentiaire nigérian du sud du.
    UNASSIGNED: Il s\'agissait d\'une étude descriptive transversale institutionnelle réalisée lors d\'une campagne de santé dans l\'établissement, impliquant des détenus d\'un centre pénitentiaire du sud du Nigeria. À l\'aide d\'un questionnaire spécialement conçu, des données sociodémographiques contenant des informations sur le sexe, l\'âge, le statut pénitentiaire et le nombre de détenus par cellule ont été recueillies auprès de 252 détenus ayant donné leur consentement à l\'étude. Ils ont ensuite été examinés cliniquement pour les maladies cutanées. Des outils dermatologiques comme les dermoscopes ont été utilisés pour améliorer la précision du diagnostic lorsque cela était nécessaire. Toutes les données collectées ont été analysées à l\'aide de SPSS version 23.0.
    UNASSIGNED: La prévalence des morbidités cutanées chez les détenus était de 224 (88,9 %). Un total de 332 morbidités cutanées ont été observées chez 224 détenus, soit un ratio de 1,5 : 1 par détenu atteint. Les dermatoses les plus fréquentes observées dans notre étude étaient la gale (181, 71,8 %), les punaises de lit (38, 15,1 %), la dermatophytose (24, 9,5 %), le pityriasis versicolor (20, 7,9 %) et la pédiculose (18, 7,1 %) dans l\'ordre décroissant de fréquence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Les morbidités cutanées sont fréquentes chez les détenus du sud du Nigeria. La gale était la dermatose la plus fréquente observée.
    UNASSIGNED: Dermatoses, Centre pénitentiaire, Gale.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the epidemiological profile of newborn dermatitis and to describe the different clinical aspects of the observed neonatal dermatitis.
    METHODS: The study took place at the University Hospital of Cocody (Abidjan). The study was cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical, carried out on the basis of prospective recruitment. The study included newborns who were seen in outpatient or inpatient settings by 4 april 2018 to 23 August 2018 and in whom the pediatrician had observed cutaneous and/or mucosal lesions. The diagnosis was made with the collaboration of a dermatologist.
    RESULTS: During the study period, 116 newborns were identified. The age of the patients seen in pediatrics with dermatitis varied from 1 to 28 days, with a mean of 16.86 ± 8.4 days. The median age was 19 days. The most representative age range (32.8%) was 24-28 days. The sex ratio (M/F) was 1. In almost 2/3 of the cases, the children were born at term, 29.3% were premature and 5.2% were born after term. In almost 2/3 of the cases (63.8%), the newborns had a birth weight of more than 2500 g. Only 3.4% of newborns seen in pediatric consultations were referred for a dermatitis. The age of the lesions at the time of consultation varied from 1 to 26 days, with a mean of 06.19 days ± 5.13. In more than half (53.5%) of the cases, the lesions had evolved for less than 5 days. Transient dermatitis was more frequent (51.7%), followed by infectious dermatitis (32.8%). Transient dermatitis of the newborn was dominated by sweaty miliaria (40%). Infectious dermatitis were mainly represented by mycotic (68.4%) and bacterial (31.9%) infections. Bacterial dermatitis were composed of neonatal impetigo (83.3%) and folliculitis (16.7%). In almost half of the cases (46.1%) the mycotic dermatitis were represented by candidosis intertrigo and in 38.5% of the cases there was oral candidiasis. The other neonatal dermatitis observed were dominated by diaper rash (64.3%) (Photo 2) and congenital nevi (21.5%). More than half (57.1%) of the cases of toxic erythema neonatorum occurred between days 6 and 10 of life. Nearly half (41.6%) of the cases of sudoral miliaria occurred between birth and day 5 of life. More than half (57.1%) of the cases of sebaceous hyperplasia occurred before the 5th day of life. All cases of neonatal scaling and mongoloid spots were already present between birth and day 5 of life. The mean age of patients with transient dermatitis was 14.31 days compared with 19.41 days for those with the other dermatitis. The difference in age was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The transient dermatitis predominated in male neonates while the other dermatitis predominated in females, however the difference observed at the level of sex was not statistically significant (p > 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of neonatal dermatitis is not always obvious, especially on black skin where few publications have been published.
    OBJECTIVE: Déterminer le profil épidémiologique des dermatoses du nouveau-né et de décrire les différents aspects cliniques des dermatoses néonatales observées.
    UNASSIGNED: L\'étude s\'est déroulée au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Cocody (Abidjan). L\'étude était transversale, à visée descriptive et analytique, réalisée sur la base d\'un recrutement prospectif. Ont été inclus, les nouveau-nés ayant été vus en consultation externe ou en hospitalisationdu 4 avril 2018 au 23 août 2018 chez qui le médecin pédiatre avait observé des lésions cutanées et/ou muqueuses.Ensuite,le diagnostic était posé par le dermatologue référant de l\'étude.
    UNASSIGNED: Pendant la période d\'étude, 116 nouveau-nés ont été recensés. La moyenne d\'âge était 16,86 ± 8,4 jours avec un âge médian de 19 jours. Lesex ratio (H/F) était de 1. Dans plus de la moitié (53,5%) des cas, les lésions évoluaient depuis moins de 5 jours. Une dermatose transitoire était diagnostiquée dans plus de la moitié des cas (51,7%) et dans près du tiers des cas (32,6%) une dermatose infectieuse. Les dermatoses transitoires du nouveau-né étaient dominées par la miliaire sudorale (40%), l\'érythème toxique (23%), la desquamation néonatale (10,7%) et l\'hyperplasie néonatale (10,7%).Les taches mongoloïdes représentaient3,3% des cas. Les dermatoses infectieuses étaient essentiellement représentées par des infections mycosiques (68,4%) et bactériennes (31,6%). Les autres dermatoses néonatales observées étaient dominées par dermite du siège (64,3%) et les nœvi congénitaux (21,5%). Plus de la moitié (57,1%) des cas d\'érythème toxique néonatal survenaient entre le 6e et le 10e jour de vie. L\'âge moyen des patients présentant une dermatose transitoire était de 14,31 jours contre 19,41 jours pour ceux présentant les autres dermatoses. La différence observée au niveau de l\'âge était statistiquement significative (p < 0,05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Les dermatoses néonatales sont multiples et variées. Certaines sont transitoires, ne nécessitant pas toujours de prise en charge thérapeutique. Leur diagnostic n\'est pas toujours évident pour le pédiatre d\'où la nécessité d\'une étroite collaboration entre pédiatres et dermatologues afin d\'améliorer la démarche diagnostique et parfois thérapeutique.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The genesis of subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) is multifactorial and includes idiopathic, drug-related and paraneoplastic etiologies. This article reports the case of a 70-year-old female patient with paraneoplastic SCLE in whom a lung adenocarcinoma was detected during the extended examination. A paraneoplastic SCLE should be considered when a patient with SCLE presents with lesions in regions of the skin not exposed to sunlight and beginning B symptoms.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Genese des subakut kutanen Lupus erythematodes (SCLE) ist multifaktoriell und umfasst idiopathische, medikamentöse oder paraneoplastische Ätiologien. Vorgestellt wird eine 70-jährigen Patientin mit paraneoplastischem SCLE, bei der im Rahmen der erweiterten Abklärung ein Adenokarzinom der Lunge festgestellt wurde. Bei Patienten/-innen mit SCLE mit einem Befall außerhalb der sonnenexponierten Areale und einer beginnenden B‑Symptomatik sollte an einen paraneoplastischen SCLE gedacht werden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive disease and has multiple clinical manifestations; when CKD reaches the end stage, at least one cutaneous manifestation appears due to some increased toxin levels or a constant proinflammatory state. Nonspecific manifestations include pruritus, xerosis, pigmentation disorders, acquired ichthyosis, purpuric spots, and nail disorders. Some specific manifestations are bullous dermatoses, acquired perforating dermatoses (APD), eruptive xanthoma, access site infections, calcifying disorders, and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF). All these cutaneous changes negatively impact patients; early recognition and diagnosis of these dermatoses will make a difference in their quality of treatment. Exploring a patient\'s skin is fundamental to suspect some diseases and increased toxin levels; pruritus occurs when uremic toxins are raised, and nail disorders are associated with hypoalbuminemia. This review provides the clinician with information on the clinical manifestations that occur in CKD, including epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, histopathology, treatment, and life impact of the dermatoses in CKD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Azelaic acid (AZA) is a naturally occurring saturated dicarboxylic acid whose topical application has found multiple uses in dermatology. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties against Propionibacterium acne are currently used in the treatment of various types of acne such as rosacea and acne vulgaris. AZA is an inhibitor of tyrosinase, mitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes and DNA synthesis, and is a scavenger of harmful free radicals and inhibits the production of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils. Interestingly, AZA also has anti-proliferative and cytotoxic effects on various cancer cells. To date, its inhibitory effect on melanocytes has been mainly used, making it widely used in the treatment of hyperpigmentation disorders such as melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Commercially available topical formulations with cosmetic and drug status contain 5% to 20% AZA in the form of gels and creams. The use of liposomal technology allows greater control over the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the formulations. When applied topically, AZA is well tolerated, and side effects are limited to generally mild and transient local skin irritation. Importantly, liposomal technology has enabled the drug to penetrate all layers of the skin while maintaining a very high accumulation of the active ingredient. This solution could be revolutionary for the treatment of skin cancer, where until now the main obstacle was poor absorption through the skin, making the treatment require multiple applications to maintain long-term activity levels. In this review, we will present the mechanism of action and pharmacokinetics of AZA. We will summarize its use in the treatment of dermatoses and its potential in skin cancer therapy. We will provide an overview of the preparations available on the market, taking into consideration technologies used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cutaneous manifestations of hematologic malignancy represent both a clinical challenge for the treating physician and a pathophysiological model for advancing the knowledge on individual neoplasms. Indeed, a growing body of evidence supports the concept of recurrent molecular defects associating with specific clinical features, as best exemplified by VEXAS. Herein neutrophilic and eosinophilic dermatoses of potential interest for both hematologists and dermatologists will be reviewed, including subcorneal pustular dermatosis-type IgA pemphigus, neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis, Sweet\'s syndrome as well as myelodysplasia cutis and VEXAS, pyoderma gangrenosum, eosinophilic annular erythema, eosinophilic dermatosis of hematological malignancy, Wells syndrome and cutaneous involvement in hypereosinophilic syndromes. Possible management approaches are discussed for each, emphasizing scenarios that require treatment of the underlying condition to achieve remission at the skin level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bullous diseases are a group of dermatoses primarily characterized by the presence of vesicles (0.1-0.9 cm) or bullae (>1 cm). There are various categories of bullous disease: allergic, autoimmune, infectious, mechanical, and metabolic. These diseases affect individuals in all decades of life, but older adults, age 65 and older, are particularly susceptible to bullous diseases of all etiologies. The incidence of these disorders is expected to increase given the advancing age of the general population. In this comprehensive review, we will outline the common bullous diseases affecting older individuals and provide an approach to evaluation and management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Fixed erythema pigmento (FPE) is an allergic drug reaction, the pathophysiology of which is not exactly known. It is more common in women with location on the face. Clinical presentation: round or oval red-purple macule, well defined, with swelling, pain, itching, and burning. Diagnosis is clinical, oral chal- lenge is contraindicated due to possible severe reaction. On withdrawal of the drug, residual violaceous hyperpigmentation remains.
    UNASSIGNED: 34-year-old female diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and asthma. She received treatment with ibuprofen and cephalexin 1 month ago due to dental infection. For the past 2 weeks, she has presented dermatological lesions characterized by hyperpigmentation under the lower eyelids, accompanied by pain, burning, and itching. On physical examination, well-defined red-purple pigmentation was observed in both periocular regions. The challenge test is not justified, the clinical history is the diagnostic pillar. The indication is to stop the medication immediately and continue monitoring.
    UNASSIGNED: EPF is a drug reaction related to drug use. It creates a challenge for diagnosis due to poor knowledge of the characteristics of the dermatosis and poor clinical and pharmacological questioning. The EPF approach requires knowing the clinical characteristics of this dermatosis, making a differential diagnosis with other lesions and indicating the suspension of the responsible medication.
    UNASSIGNED: El eritema pigmentado fijo (EPF) es una reacción alérgica medicamentosa, de la cual no se conoce con exactitud la fisiopatología. Es más frecuente en la mujer con localización en la cara. Presentación clínica: mácula redonda u oval de color rojo-violáceo, bien delimitada, con edema con dolor, prurito y ardor. El diagnóstico es clínico, contraindicado el reto oral por posible reacción grave. Al retirar el fármaco, queda una hiperpigmentación residual violácea.
    UNASSIGNED: Femenina de 34 años con diagnóstico de rinitis alérgica y asma, Recibió tratamiento con Ibuprofeno y cefalexina hace 1 mes debido a proceso infeccioso dental. Desde hace 2 semanas presenta lesiones dermatológicas caracterizadas por hiperpigmentación debajo de párpados inferiores, acompañado de dolor, ardor y prurito. A la exploración física en ambas regiones perioculares se observa pigmentación bien delimitada rojo-violáceo. La prueba de reto no se justifica, la historia clínica es el pilar diagnóstico. La indicación es suspender el medicamento de inmediato y vigilancia continua.
    UNASSIGNED: El EPF es una reacción a medicamentos relacionada con el consumo de fármacos. Genera un desafío para el diagnóstico debido al pobre conocimien- to de las características de la dermatosis y un deficiente interrogatorio clínico y farmacológico. El abordaje del EPF requiere conocer las características clínicas de esta dermatosis, realizar el diagnostico diferencial con otras lesiones e indicar la suspensión del medicamento responsable.





