
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons form cell-type-specific morphologies that are shaped by cell-surface molecules and their cellular events governing dendrite growth. One growth rule is dendrite self-avoidance, whereby dendrites distribute uniformly within a neuron\'s territory by avoiding sibling branches. In mammalian neurons, dendrite self-avoidance is regulated by a large family of cell-recognition molecules called the clustered protocadherins (cPcdhs). Genetic and molecular studies suggest that the cPcdhs mediate homophilic recognition and repulsion between self-dendrites. However, this model has not been tested through direct investigation of self-avoidance during development. Here, we performed live imaging and four-dimensional (4D) quantifications of dendrite morphogenesis to define the dynamics and cPcdh-dependent mechanisms of self-avoidance. We focused on the mouse retinal starburst amacrine cell (SAC), which requires the gamma-Pcdhs (Pcdhgs) and self/non-self-recognition to establish a stereotypic radial morphology while permitting dendritic interactions with neighboring SACs. Through morphogenesis, SACs extend dendritic protrusions that iteratively fill the growing arbor and contact and retract from nearby self-dendrites. Compared to non-self-contacting protrusions, self-contacting events have longer lifetimes, and a subset persists as loops. In the absence of the Pcdhgs, non-self-contacting dynamics are unaffected but self-contacting retractions are significantly diminished. Self-contacting bridges accumulate, leading to the bundling of dendritic processes and disruption to the arbor shape. By tracking dendrite self-avoidance in real time, our findings establish that the γ-Pcdhs mediate self-recognition and retraction between contacting sibling dendrites. Our results also illustrate how self-avoidance shapes stochastic and space-filling dendritic outgrowth for robust pattern formation in mammalian neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this protocol, we focused on analyzing internal branches of Drosophila class IV neurons. These neurons are characterized by their highly branched axons and dendrites and intricately tile the larval body. As Drosophila larvae progress through developmental stages, the dendritic arbors of Class IV neurons undergo notable transformations. As Drosophila larvae develop, their Class IV dendritic arbors grow. In the initial 24 h after egg laying (AEL), the dendrites are smaller than segments. During the subsequent 24 h of the first instar larval stage, dendritic arbors outpace segment growth, achieving tiling. After 48 h, arbors and segments grow concurrently. Epidermal cells near Class IV dendrites expand in proportion to segment growth. This observation suggested that Class IV cells might grow via branch dilation-uniformly elongating branches, akin to Class I cells [1,2]. To understand whether the class IV complex arbor structure is formed by dilation or simply from growing tips, we developed this protocol to introduce a systematic approach for quantitatively assessing the growth dynamics of internal branches. Key features • This protocol employs imaging the same neuron over different development times • Drosophila embryo and larvae genotype is ;;ppkCD4-tdGFP, which explicitly tags class IV neurons • This protocol for the preparation of agar pads to mount and image Drosophila larvae is adapted from Monica Driscoll\'s method • Neurons are imaged without the use of anesthetics and for a short duration of time • This technique involves the use of a spinning disk confocal microscope.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A compromised capacity to maintain NAD pools is recognized as a key underlying pathophysiological feature of neurodegenerative diseases. NAD acts as a substrate in major cell functions including mitochondrial homeostasis, cell signalling, axonal transport, axon/Wallerian degeneration, and neuronal energy supply. Dendritic degeneration is an early marker of neuronal stress and precedes cell loss. However, little is known about dendritic structural preservation in pathologic environments and remodelling in mature neurons. Retinal ganglion cell dendritic atrophy is an early pathological feature in animal models of the disease and has been demonstrated in port-mortem human glaucoma samples. Here we report that a nicotinamide (a precursor to NAD through the NAD salvage pathway) enriched diet provides robust retinal ganglion cell dendritic protection and preserves dendritic structure in a rat model of experimental glaucoma. Metabolomic analysis of optic nerve samples from the same animals demonstrates that nicotinamide provides robust metabolic neuroprotection in glaucoma. Advances in our understanding of retinal ganglion cell metabolic profiles shed light on the energetic shift that triggers early neuronal changes in neurodegenerative diseases. As nicotinamide can improve visual function short term in existing glaucoma patients, we hypothesize that a portion of this visual recovery may be due to dendritic preservation in stressed, but not yet fully degenerated, retinal ganglion cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mature neurons have stable dendritic architecture, which is essential for the nervous system to operate correctly. The ability to undergo structural plasticity, required to support adaptive processes like memory formation, is still present in mature neurons. It is unclear what molecular and cellular processes control this delicate balance between dendritic structural plasticity and stabilization. Failures in the preservation of optimal dendrite structure due to atrophy or maladaptive plasticity result in abnormal connectivity and are associated with various neurological diseases. Vascular endothelial growth factor D (VEGFD) is critical for the maintenance of mature dendritic trees. Here, we describe how VEGFD affects the neuronal cytoskeleton and demonstrate that VEGFD exerts its effects on dendrite stabilization by influencing the actin cortex and reducing microtubule dynamics. Further, we found that during synaptic activity-induced structural plasticity VEGFD is downregulated. Our findings revealed that VEGFD, acting on its cognate receptor VEGFR3, opposes structural changes by negatively regulating dendrite growth in cultured hippocampal neurons and in vivo in the adult mouse hippocampus with consequences on memory formation. A phosphoproteomic screening identified several regulatory proteins of the cytoskeleton modulated by VEGFD. Among the actin cortex-associated proteins, we found that VEGFD induces dephosphorylation of ezrin at tyrosine 478 via activation of the striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase (STEP). Activity-triggered structural plasticity of dendrites was impaired by expression of a phospho-deficient mutant ezrin in vitro and in vivo. Thus, VEGFD governs the equilibrium between stabilization and plasticity of dendrites by acting as a molecular brake of structural remodeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dendrite morphology and dendritic spines are key features of the neuronal networks in the brain. Abnormalities in these features have been observed in patients with psychiatric disorders and mouse models of these diseases. In utero electroporation is an easy and efficient gene transfer system for developing mouse embryos in the uterus. By combining with the Cre-loxP system, the morphology of individual neurons can be clearly and sparsely visualized. Here, we describe how this labeling system can be applied to visualize and evaluate the dendrites and dendritic spines of cortical neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dendrites of neurons receive synaptic or sensory inputs and are important sites of neuronal computation. The morphological features of dendrites not only are hallmarks of the neuronal type but also largely determine a neuron\'s function. Thus, dendrite morphogenesis has been a subject of intensive study in neuroscience. Quantification of dendritic morphology, which is required for accurate assessment of phenotypes, can often be a challenging task, especially for complex neurons. Because manual tracing of dendritic branches is labor-intensive and time-consuming, automated or semiautomated methods are required for efficient analysis of a large number of samples. A popular in vivo model system for studying the mechanisms of dendrite morphogenesis is dendritic arborization (da) neurons in the Drosophila larval peripheral nervous system. In this chapter, we introduce methods for visualizing and measuring the dendritic arbors of these neurons. We begin with an introduction of da neurons and an overview of the methods that have been used for measuring da neuron dendrites. We then discuss the techniques and detailed steps of neuron visualization and image acquisition. Finally, we provide example steps for dendrite tracing and measurement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vertebrate retina, individual neurons of the same type are distributed regularly across the tissue in a pattern known as a mosaic. Establishment of mosaics during development requires cell-cell repulsion among homotypic neurons, but the mechanisms underlying this repulsion remain unknown. Here, we show that two mouse retinal cell types, OFF and ON starburst amacrine cells, establish mosaic spacing by using their dendritic arbors to repel neighboring homotypic somata. Using transgenic tools and single-cell labeling, we identify a developmental period when starburst somata are contacted by neighboring starburst dendrites; these serve to exclude somata from settling within the neighbor\'s dendritic territory. Dendrite-soma exclusion is mediated by MEGF10, a cell-surface molecule required for starburst mosaic patterning. Our results implicate dendrite-soma exclusion as a key mechanism underlying starburst mosaic spacing and raise the possibility that this could be a general mechanism for mosaic patterning across many cell types and species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The branched architecture of neuronal dendrites is a key factor in how neurons form ordered networks and discoveries continue to be made identifying proteins and protein-protein interactions that direct or execute the branching and extension of dendrites. Our prior work showed that the molecular scaffold Pdlim5 and delta-catenin, in conjunction, are two proteins that help regulate the branching and elongation of dendrites in cultured hippocampal neurons and do so through a phosphorylation-dependent mechanism triggered by upstream glutamate signaling. In this report we have focused on Pdlim5\'s multiple scaffolding domains and how each contributes to dendrite branching. The three identified regions within Pdlim5 are the PDZ, DUF, and a trio of LIM domains; however, unresolved is the intra-molecular conformation of Pdlim5 as well as which domains are essential to regulate dendritic branching. We address Pdlim5\'s structure and function by examining the role of each of the domains individually and using deletion mutants in the context of the full-length protein. Results using primary hippocampal neurons reveal that the Pdlim5 DUF domain plays a dominant role in increasing dendritic branching. Neither the PDZ domain nor the LIM domains alone support increased branching. The central role of the DUF domain was confirmed using deletion mutants in the context of full-length Pdlim5. Guided by molecular modeling, additional domain mapping studies showed that the C-terminal LIM domain forms a stable interaction with the N-terminal PDZ domain, and we identified key amino acid residues at the interface of each domain that are needed for this interaction. We posit that the central DUF domain of Pdlim5 may be subject to modulation in the context of the full-length protein by the intra-molecular interaction between the N-terminal PDZ and C-terminal LIM domains. Overall, our studies reveal a novel mechanism for the regulation of Pdlim5\'s function in the regulation of neuronal branching and highlight the critical role of the DUF domain in mediating these effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complex systems are neither fully determined nor completely random. Biological complex systems, including single neurons, manifest intermediate regimes of randomness that recruit integration of specific combinations of functionally segregated subsystems. Such emergence of biological function provides the substrate for the expression of degeneracy, the ability of disparate combinations of subsystems to yield similar function. Here, we present evidence for the expression of degeneracy in morphologically realistic models of dentate gyrus granule cells (GC) through functional integration of disparate ion-channel combinations. We performed a 45-parameter randomized search spanning 16 active and passive ion channels, each biophysically constrained by their gating kinetics and localization profiles, to search for valid GC models. Valid models were those that satisfied 17 sub- and supra-threshold cellular-scale electrophysiological measurements from rat GCs. A vast majority (>99%) of the 15,000 random models were not electrophysiologically valid, demonstrating that arbitrarily random ion-channel combinations wouldn\'t yield GC functions. The 141 valid models (0.94% of 15,000) manifested heterogeneities in and cross-dependencies across local and propagating electrophysiological measurements, which matched with their respective biological counterparts. Importantly, these valid models were widespread throughout the parametric space and manifested weak cross-dependencies across different parameters. These observations together showed that GC physiology could neither be obtained by entirely random ion-channel combinations nor is there an entirely determined single parametric combination that satisfied all constraints. The complexity, the heterogeneities in measurement and parametric spaces, and degeneracy associated with GC physiology should be rigorously accounted for, while assessing GCs and their robustness under physiological and pathological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aqueous zinc-ion batteries (AZIBs) are poised to play a pivotal part in meeting the growing demands for energy storage and powering portable electronics for their superior security, affordability, and environmentally friendly characteristics. However, the detrimental side reactions occurring at the zinc anode and the dendrite caused by uneven zinc plating/stripping have greatly compromised the cycling life of AZIBs, thereby impeding their practical prospects. In this study, the interfacial comodulation strategy was employed by combining the \"electrostatic shielding\" effect of cations with the characteristic adsorption of anions. Two molar ZnSO4 served as the matrix, and sodium hydroxyethyl sulfonate (SHES) was selected as a low-cost, nontoxic additive. Experimental results confirm that SHES and zinc anode exhibit robust interactions that lead to the formation of an electrostatic shield and a dynamic adsorption layer at the interface, thereby suppressing hydrogen evolution and corrosion. The combined \"electrostatic shielding\" effect of sodium ions and the robust characteristic adsorption of hydroxyethyl sulfonate anions serve to guide the directed three-dimensional (3D) diffusion of Zn2+, facilitating rapid, stable, and uniform deposition of zinc. Due to these effects, incorporating 0.2 M SHES as an additive extends the cycle life beyond 3600 h and enables a highly reversible process of deposition and stripping in symmetric cells. Additionally, the Zn-Cu half-cell exhibits reliable cycling for over 1400 cycles, achieving an average Coulombic efficiency of 99.6%. Moreover, the introduction of this additive substantially enhances the performance of Zn-MnO2 and Zn-NH4V4O10 full cells. This study demonstrates the practical feasibility of achieving anodes with high reversibility in AZIBs through the implementation of a strategy that involves anion adsorption at the interface, which holds paramount significance for the practical application of AZIBs.





