  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play crucial roles in physiological functions and disease, but the regulation of their nuclear biogenesis remains poorly understood. Here, BioID on Drosha, the catalytic subunit of the microprocessor complex, reveals its proximity to splicing factor proline- and glutamine (Q)-rich (SFPQ), a multifunctional RNA-binding protein (RBP) involved in forming paraspeckle nuclear condensates. SFPQ depletion impacts both primary and mature miRNA expression, while other paraspeckle proteins (PSPs) or the paraspeckle scaffolding RNA NEAT1 do not, indicating a paraspeckle-independent role. Comprehensive transcriptomic analyses show that SFPQ loss broadly affects RNAs and miRNA host gene (HG) expression, influencing both their transcription and the stability of their products. Notably, SFPQ protects the oncogenic miR-17∼92 polycistron from degradation by the nuclear exosome targeting (NEXT)-exosome complex and is tightly linked with its overexpression across a broad variety of cancers. Our findings reveal a dual role for SFPQ in regulating miRNA HG transcription and stability, as well as its significance in cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA demethylases TET2 and TET3 play a fundamental role in thymic invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cell differentiation by mediating DNA demethylation of genes encoding for lineage specifying factors. Paradoxically, differential gene expression analysis revealed that significant number of genes were upregulated upon TET2 and TET3 loss in iNKT cells. This unexpected finding could be potentially explained if loss of TET proteins was reducing the expression of proteins that suppress gene expression. In this study, we discover that TET2 and TET3 synergistically regulate Drosha expression, by generating 5hmC across the gene body and by impacting chromatin accessibility. As DROSHA is involved in microRNA biogenesis, we proceed to investigate the impact of TET2/3 loss on microRNAs in iNKT cells. We report that among the downregulated microRNAs are members of the Let-7 family that downregulate in vivo the expression of the iNKT cell lineage specifying factor PLZF. Our data link TET proteins with microRNA expression and reveal an additional layer of TET mediated regulation of gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mirtrons represent a subclass of microRNAs (miRNAs) that rely on the splicing machinery for their maturation. However, the molecular details of this Drosha-independent processing are still not fully understood; as an example, the Microprocessor complex cannot process the mirtronic pre-miRNA from the transcript even if splice site mutations are present. To investigate the influence of alternative splicing sites on mirtron formation, we generated Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) reporters containing artificial introns to compare the processing of canonical miRNAs and mirtrons. Although mutations of both splice sites generated a complex pattern of alternative transcripts, mirtron formation was always severely affected as opposed to the normal processing of the canonical hsa-mir-33b miRNA. However, we also detected that while its formation was also hindered, the mirtron-derived hsa-mir-877-3p miRNA was less affected by certain mutations than the hsa-mir-877-5p species. By knocking down Drosha, we showed that this phenomenon is not dependent on Microprocessor activity but rather points toward the potential stability difference between the miRNAs from the different arms. Our results indicate that when the major splice sites are mutated, mirtron formation cannot be rescued by nearby alternative splice sites, and stability differences between 5p and 3p species should also be considered for functional studies of mirtrons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural stem cells (NSCs) are multipotent and correct fate determination is crucial to guarantee brain formation and homeostasis. How NSCs are instructed to generate neuronal or glial progeny is not well understood. Here, we addressed how murine adult hippocampal NSC fate is regulated and described how scaffold attachment factor B (SAFB) blocks oligodendrocyte production to enable neuron generation. We found that SAFB prevents NSC expression of the transcription factor nuclear factor I/B (NFIB) by binding to sequences in the Nfib mRNA and enhancing Drosha-dependent cleavage of the transcripts. We show that increasing SAFB expression prevents oligodendrocyte production by multipotent adult NSCs, and conditional deletion of Safb increases NFIB expression and oligodendrocyte formation in the adult hippocampus. Our results provide novel insights into a mechanism that controls Drosha functions for selective regulation of NSC fate by modulating the post-transcriptional destabilization of Nfib mRNA in a lineage-specific manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In villous trophoblasts, DROSHA is a key ribonuclease III enzyme that processes pri-microRNAs (pri-miRNAs) into pre-miRNAs at the placenta-specific, chromosome 19 miRNA cluster (C19MC) locus. However, little is known of its other functions. We performed formaldehyde crosslinking, immunoprecipitation, and sequencing (fCLIP-seq) analysis of terminal chorionic villi to identify DROSHA-binding RNAs in villous trophoblasts. In villous trophoblasts, DROSHA predominantly generated placenta-specific C19MC pre-miRNAs, including antiviral C19MC pre-miRNAs. The fCLIP-seq analysis also identified non-miRNA transcripts with hairpin structures potentially capable of binding to DROSHA (e.g., SNORD100 and VTRNA1-1). Moreover, in vivo immunohistochemical analysis revealed DROSHA in the cytoplasm of villous trophoblasts. DROSHA was abundant in the cytoplasm of villous trophoblasts, particularly in the apical region of syncytiotrophoblast, in the full-term placenta. Furthermore, in BeWo trophoblasts infected with Sindbis virus (SINV), DROSHA translocated to the cytoplasm and recognized the genomic RNA of SINV. Therefore, in trophoblasts, DROSHA not only regulates RNA metabolism, including the biogenesis of placenta-specific miRNAs, but also recognizes viral RNAs. After SINV infection, BeWo DROSHA-binding VTRNA1-1 was significantly upregulated, and cellular VTRNA1-1 was significantly downregulated, suggesting that DROSHA soaks up VTRNA1-1 in response to viral infection. These results suggest that the DROSHA-mediated recognition of RNAs defends against viral infection in villous trophoblasts. Our data provide insight into the antiviral functions of DROSHA in villous trophoblasts of the human placenta.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Microprocessor complex (MP) is a vital component in the biogenesis of microRNAs (miRNAs) in animals. It plays a crucial role in the biogenesis of microRNAs (miRNAs) in mammals as it cleaves primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs) to initiate their production. The accurate enzymatic activity of MP is critical to ensuring proper sequencing and expression of miRNAs and their correct cellular functions. RNA elements in pri-miRNAs, including secondary structures and sequencing motifs, RNA editing and modifications, and cofactors, can impact MP cleavage and affect miRNA expression and sequence. To evaluate MP cleavage activity with various RNA substrates under different conditions, we set up an in vitro pri-miRNA cleavage assay. This involves purifying human MP from HEK293E cells, synthesizing pri-miRNAs using in vitro transcription, and performing pri-miRNA cleavage assays using basic laboratory equipment and reagents. These procedures can be performed in various labs and improved for high-throughput analysis of enzymatic activities with thousands of RNA substrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The typical function of Drosha is participating in cleaving pri-miRNA, the initial step of miRNA biogenesis, in the nucleus. Since Drosha has a double-stranded RNA-binding domain and two RNase III domains, when it binds and/or cleaves other RNA species other than pri-miRNA, Drosha is able to induce a variety of novel biological effects. Moreover, by interacting with other protein, Drosha is able to modify the function of other protein complexes. Recently, diverse non-classical functions of Drosha have been demonstrated, such as promoting DNA damage repair, transcriptional activation and inhibition, pre-mRNA splicing regulation, mRNA destabilization, and virus-host interaction. In this review, we describe these newly discovered functions of Drosha in order to present a panoramic picture of the novel biological processes that Drosha is involved in.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nuclear cleavage of a suboptimal primary miRNA hairpin by the Drosha/DGCR8 complex (\"Microprocessor\") can be enhanced by an optimal miRNA neighbor, a phenomenon termed cluster assistance. Several features and biological impacts of this new layer of miRNA regulation are not fully known. Here, we elucidate the parameters of cluster assistance of a suboptimal miRNA and also reveal competitive interactions amongst optimal miRNAs within a cluster. We exploit cluster assistance as a functional assay for suboptimal processing and use this to invalidate putative suboptimal substrates, as well as identify a \"solo\" suboptimal miRNA. Finally, we report complexity in how specific mutations might affect the biogenesis of clustered miRNAs in disease contexts. This includes how an operon context can buffer the effect of a deleterious processing variant, but reciprocally how a point mutation can have a nonautonomous effect to impair the biogenesis of a clustered, suboptimal, neighbor. These data expand our knowledge regarding regulated miRNA biogenesis in humans and represent a functional assay for empirical definition of suboptimal Microprocessor substrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polo-Like Kinase 1 (PLK1), a key mediator of cell-cycle progression, is associated with poor prognosis and is a therapeutic target in a number of malignancies. Putative phosphorylation sites for PLK1 have been identified on Drosha, the main catalytic component of the microprocessor responsible for miR biogenesis. Several kinases, including GSK3β, p70 S6 kinase, ABL, PAK5, p38 MAPK, CSNK1A1 and ANKRD52-PPP6C, have been shown to phosphorylate components of the miR biogenesis machinery, altering their activity and/or localisation, and therefore the biogenesis of distinct miR subsets. We hypothesised that PLK1 regulates miR biogenesis through Drosha phosphorylation. In vitro kinase assays confirmed PLK1 phosphorylation of Drosha at S300 and/or S302. PLK1 inhibition reduced serine-phosphorylated levels of Drosha and its RNA-dependent association with DGCR8. In contrast, a \"phospho-mimic\" Drosha mutant showed increased association with DGCR8. PLK1 phosphorylation of Drosha alters Drosha Microprocessor complex subcellular localisation, since PLK1 inhibition increased cytosolic protein levels of both DGCR8 and Drosha, whilst nuclear levels were decreased. Importantly, the above effects are independent of PLK1\'s cell cycle-regulatory role, since altered Drosha:DGCR8 localisation upon PLK1 inhibition occurred prior to significant accumulation of cells in M-phase, and PLK1-regulated miRs were not increased in M-phase-arrested cells. Small RNA sequencing and qPCR validation were used to assess downstream consequences of PLK1 activity on miR biogenesis, identifying a set of ten miRs (miR-1248, miR-1306-5p, miR-2277-5p, miR-29c-5p, miR-93-3p, miR-152-3p, miR-509-3-5p, miR-511-5p, miR-891a-5p and miR-892a) whose expression levels were statistically significantly downregulated by two pharmacological PLK1 kinase domain inhibitors, RO-5203280 and GSK461364. Opposingly, increased levels of these miRs were observed upon transfection of wild-type or constitutively active PLK1. Importantly, pre-miR levels were reduced upon PLK1 inhibition, and pri-miR levels decreased upon PLK1 activation, and hence, PLK1 Drosha phosphorylation regulates MiR biogenesis at the level of pri-miR-to-pre-miR processing. In combination with prior studies, this work identifies Drosha S300 and S302 as major integration points for signalling by several kinases, whose relative activities will determine the relative biogenesis efficiency of different miR subsets. Identified kinase-regulated miRs have potential for use as kinase inhibitor response-predictive biomarkers, in cancer and other diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessment of the functionality of individual microRNA/target sites is a crucial issue. Genome editing techniques should theoretically permit a fine functional exploration of such interactions, allowing the mutation of microRNAs or individual binding sites in a complete in vivo setting, therefore abrogating or restoring individual interactions on demand. A major limitation to this experimental strategy is the influence of microRNA sequence on its accumulation level, which introduces a confounding effect when assessing phenotypic rescue by compensatorily mutated microRNA and target site. Here we describe a simple assay to identify microRNA variants most likely to accumulate at wild-type levels even though their sequence has been mutated. In this assay, quantification of a reporter construct in cultured cells predicts the efficiency of an early biogenesis step, the Drosha-dependent cleavage of microRNA precursors, which appears to be a major determinant of microRNA accumulation in our variant collection. This system allowed the generation of a mutant Drosophila strain expressing a bantam microRNA variant at wild-type levels.





